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"Why do I need to keep with his fucking rules? I'm done with this shit; better be away from him," Jacob says as he leaves Mark's house. The plenty of problems and fights between them through the three-year relationship between them have led to this point. With Jacob jaded by Mark's possessive tendencies that started to appear through the last year, the former lovely man with whom he fell in love is gone away, his real persona coming to the surface, making Jacob's life into a living hell. "God, better be away from that fucking psycho," Jacob thinks as he drives back to his apartment. The toxic tendencies of Mark reached their peak when he stalked his social media accounts, imposing limits on his friendships and turning his life into a constant control of him.

But today, Jacob thinks he has had enough of this, and without thinking twice, he appears at Mark's house with the only purpose of breaking this toxic relationship, and that is what happened next. After ¿a few minutes, Jacob told him that he was enough of his possessive demeanor and better be alone than to be together with, and I quote, "A motherfucker psycho" like him, making Jacob completely free for the first time in years; he is free and with a bright future and the hope to find someone to understand him and with no toxic tendencies; in fact, Jacob knows it was his fault in a certain part; he could have seen the red flags about Mark tendencies, but the love he was so attracted to him that it was impossible to notice back then.

"Finally free, finally," Jacob says with a smile on his face once he enters his apartment and lets his body lie on the sofa, watching his phone for a couple of minutes before noticing there is a message from Mark, his now-former boyfriend; he didn't want to read it, so he deletes it and blocks him from all his social accounts. "Better be away from psychos like him," he thinks, noticing there is a lot of free time to spend in himself, and without the presence of some toxic persona controlling every aspect of his life, he starts for a shower. Maybe meeting some guy could be great considering he has been out of the dating game for a couple of years since his relationship with Mark began.

He is about to take a shower, but then someone opens the door. "What the.." He says to notice it is nobody else but Mark, who watches him with a serious tone on his face. "What the fuck are you doing here, you psycho?" Jacob says in shock. He knows Mark's tendencies very well; he is the kind of person who never accepts a "no" for an answer.

"I have my own key to enter your apartment, Jacob; don't be so silly." He says with a serious tone,Well, I think you said we broke, right? So I have no option, Jacob; I couldn't accept this sort of disrespect from you." Jacob tries to say something, but in the blink of an eye, Marik approaches him and grabs him by the arm, gripping him tight, making Jacob completely at his mercy. "I think it suits you better to be a submissive and mindless bitch." He grins out at Jacob, who just cannot comprehend what he is saying. Then, Mark proceeds to take something from his pocket, which seems to be a small bottle that contains a sticky, white liquid. He opens it and forces Jacob to drink its contents.

"Drink it, the wonderful seed of change." Mark grins out at him to notice the bottle is empty. Jacob drinks all the content of the bottle and lets him free from the grip, with Jacob lying on the floor.

Jacob's mind is in a sort of trance; the white sticky substance makes his body warm and tingly all over, his heart pumps faster, his body sweats all over, and Jacob feels a sudden pleasurable tension.

"What is... what is OOOOO?" His back arched, and a huge orgasm hit him. This is by far the most powerful orgasm he feels in all his life. His body spasmed, seeds spurted through his penis, making his pants a mess, his body squirmed, his hops rocking back and forth. The pleasure is magnificent.

"Sorry Jacob, but is it your fault? I couldn't accept this disrespectful conduct from you. I need someone to be submissive; without a hint of the brain, better accept your new fat, Joannie." Jacob smiles out at him, feeling his own bone through the fabric of his pants. He is waiting for this; watch his change; it's going to be the hottest thing ever.

And then it began with his face, morphing into a completely feminine version, a long mane of brunette hair growing full of life, his body mass shrinking, contoured into a more feminine and harmonic shape, his chest growing into a full pair of tits, his lips plumping, turning into cocksucker ones.

As his former memories turn into trash and new slutty ones appear inside his brain, more grunts of pleasure escape pout from his lips. As more changes occur, his height reduces, his dick spurts become the last remains of his masculinity before shrinking into nothing, and his clothes look ill-fitting on his changed frame.

"This has been a good one, Joannie." Mark looks at the new Joannie lying on the floor with the ill-fitting clothes. After a few seconds, she regains coherency and tries to get on her feet. The look of her weird clothes makes her giggle. "OOPS, I didn't know I was wearing my father's clothes." She giggles, discarded then, her hot body exposed. "You have a hungry audience waiting for you, honey," Mark says. Joannie's eyes got wide; in fact, her camwhore career has been a success; his lovely boyfriend Mark suggested her; and then the rest is history: thousands and thousands of followers hungry to see her tits on full display. "Right, baby, I almost forgot it," she giggles, looking for the camera. "You silly slut, better get ready for your new show," Mark says, and then Joannie starts recording, showing her tits on full display. Her followers are hungry for her massive tits.

"Better tits than brains," she giggles, taking a first glance at her tits. Mark smiles out at her, nodding at her statement.


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