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Wendy is your average middle-aged housewife, a happy mother of three, and in her forties, her life has been under the company of her husband for 19 years. She is proud of her family, and without a doubt, she feels very fortunate to feel in love with the right man in the right moment of her life. Unlike plenty of women who used to waste their youth between drugs and sex, Wendy has been under the conservative ways of her fathers, who built their family under a protective conservative house, of which she feels totally lucky and fortunate to be part.

The morals learned in her childhood days were her motor and way of living into her young adult days. She despises the lack of morality in the girls and the way women objectify themselves; lust and sex are not in her mind by any means, and she finds these lack of morality in this shallow world, but thankfully she finds the right man with the same beliefs. The moment she met Ryan, she knew this was the person she fell in love with instantly. With his kindness and respect for the world, she fell in love with him instantly. After nineteen years of marriage and three kids, Wendy feels like an accomplished woman, respected in the neighborhood for her impeccable image. Her image has been better days. Raising three children, her overweight body is the proof of her raising and taking care of her family. She feels proud of the stretch marks, the signs of age, and the wrinkles, which are evidence of her experience.

After a long, comfortable day as the housewife and head of the house, Wendy is reading a book, one of her hobbies after a long day. She loves to spend the night on her bed, reading an enjoyable novel, before going to sleep in the company of her husband.

"Hey," Wendy calls her husband, who looks tired after his hard day at work and seems like Ryan needs to sleep. "Hey Wendy, are you reading?" He asks her with a tired look on his face, looking at his wife. "This book is amazing; you'll love it." Wendy looks at her husband with a bit of empathy about his tired look; he works almost 14 hours per day, and he needs a rest.

"Yeah, I think this is going to be a good reading, but I think I have something more than you could enjoy this time," Ryan says with a smile on his face. He has something in his hands that makes Wendy suspicious about what it could be, and then it shows her a chocolate bar. He knows really well her love for chocolate, and a wide smile adorns Wendy's face. She loves how lovely and kind Ryan is, always pampering her in everything; this is one of the things she loves most about him and why they are together to this day.

"Awww, thank you; you deserve the world," Wendy says, looking at the bar, and without a single doubt, she eats it, enjoying the delicious, intense flavor of the chocolate. "I'll do everything for you, my love," Ryan says with a warm smile, watching Wendy enjoy his gift. Wendy's eyes got wide; the flavor and texture of the chocolate bar were like nothing she had tasted before. A lot of sensations came around her body, devouring the bar in mere seconds before her senses got obnubilated by the intense flavors of her husband's gift.

"Wow, this was amazing; it's like nothing I've eaten before; this feels...oh my god." Wendy interrupts her words with a sudden shudder around her body, making her senses overcome by a sudden rush of excitement. A sensation that seems to have been lost for the last couple of years seems to be returning between her legs. Wendy rubs them, and her face gets flushed by the sudden sensation coming through her entire self.

"Oh my, I don't know what these sensations are coming from in my body; they are growing stronger, and...and OH GOD." She let out a moan before another electric shot of pleasure came between her legs. Her womanhood, dormant from these last years of inactivity, resurfaced by a sudden foreign rush of hormones flooding through her system. The intensity is so overwhelming and enjoyable to deny.

Her hips bucking involuntarily, her body rocking—she is on the verge of something she hasn't experienced in a long time. "Ryan, what is this? I don't feel okay. I think I'm going." Her mouth got shut by Ryan's hands, which looked at her eyes, the tired look in his eyes gone, replaced by a serious, deep, and devious look. "Shut up, bitch. Bitch don't talk but moan like mindless animals," Ryan says in a sinister tone. His expression changed completely from a tired and kind look to a devious one. Wendy has no idea what is happening. For some reason, the changing tone and expression of her husband make her hornier than ever; he lets out her mouth free, and then a new moan comes out from her lips, which turns a plump and kissable one, her hips bucking, and then even makes the arousal grow—the contractions from the walls of her womanhood, sending her more waves of pleasure and assaulting her body. "This is not right; what is this? This is not..." Her thoughts are wiped away by a new moan, and then her former dormant pussy squirts a load of juices, forming a puddle on the bed. She has experienced her first orgasm in almost five years. "This is the beginning of your new life, my love," he whispered to her year, noticing her facial features changing, her wrinkles smoothed, years vanished from her face, her eyes got a vapid look from the sultry vixens of the lust life, her fat evaporates little by little, Wendy got blurred by the overcoming pleasure, as a new orgasm hits her, stronger than the previous one, obnubilating her senses once again, Ryan takes her nightie, letting her mature, overweight body free, "I would love to see your gruesome, chubby body changing; finally, I waste my time with a stupid, boring hell of a wife like you. Now, this is going to change my love," Ryan says, looking at her wife bucking, trashing in constant pleasure, climaxing over and over again. Her fat disappears, leaving her with a tight body with the right amount of fat at the right paces as her butt, and most especially, her tits. Two big gloves of flesh stood proudly on her new slim torso, making a huge contrast; the stretch marks, cellulite gone for good, replaced by nothing but tight and pure perfection; the pasty skin replaced by a healthy tan; and her aging womanhood turns into a tight and shaven slit. In just a few minutes, the old middle-aged wife and mother of three turns into a hottie no older than 20 years old.

"Finally, welcome to your new life, Wendy," Ryan says to her, admiring her new form. Wendy lying on the bed, merged with her juices, the squirt show of her climaxes leads the bed completely soaked. She takes a glimpse of her transformed form, watching in horror to find her old, boring, mature body got transformed into this sort of fuckdoll. "What....what..." She barely articulates a few words; her shock merged with her increased horniness makes her in a dilemma. By far, her beliefs and morals, which she has been living through her life, seem to be weakening by the rush of pleasure and the sudden youth of her body. Her mind feels the change too; as shocked, she finds this increasingly aroused.

"Enjoy your new life as one of my slut harem, Wendy." He says as he reveals his manhood, growing at every second, and then a big ten-inch cock comes to life, making Wendy squirm in pleasure as she notices her slit wet instantly. "No, Wendy, you're not like this; fight it; fight these gruesome, disgusting urges," she thinks, but her pleasure is too overwhelming, making her moan like a bitch in heat. Maybe it was the pleasure, or whatever the reason, she puts her legs wide open, revealing her wet slit, preparing herself for the unavoidable as her mind fights a losing battle.

"You such a slut, remember that," he says, thrusting her first two inches inside her slit, making her grunt in pleasure, her pupils dilated, and her pussy release a hot shot of liquid. She just orgasmed instantly. Wendy got totally disgusted; her very little rational mind made her think this was wrong, but the raw, pure pleasure made this a losing battle. She found herself a prisoner by her new body urges, screaming in raw joy.

"Finally, these years of stupid, boring life have come to an end, finally, and all of this thanks to that freak who gave me this wonderful gift," Ryan thinks between thrusts. As her wife of almost twenty years turns into his dream fantasy slut, his life of sexual frustration has come to an end, and a new life awaits him with the company of his personal slut.

"And all thanks to that freak."


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