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Hello everyone!

If you've been following my posts, you may know that I took my first holiday vacation around New Years. I returned home recently but caught some sort of sickness on my vacation so I've been recovering from that as well. I'm not quite sure what it is, it feels weaker than a cold, with coughing and a runny nose, but with added depression and mental fatigue for no apparent reason. I could do nothing for about a week but lay in bed and rot, even watching a video on youtube or playing a game was too exhausting for me. Could be covid, but I'm getting better so it's no cause for concern. This being creative work, it heavily depends on my state of mind. Sometimes I wish I could just be told what I should do so I could mindlessly work and not have to use 110% of my brainpower, but truthfully I love being creative and building worlds. I wouldn't trade it for anything! So from the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much for being supportive even through the tough times.

Now for news regarding v0.18!
I still need to develop and plan the events for Android and Maria, as I decided v0.18 was taking too long to start development so I entered the development phase before the update was fully planned. This should not be an issue as I'm used to improvising but it is some added stress. Android's event is planned to be a threesome with MC and Kali, and I'm open to suggestions on what you would like to see! Since it's a sex event (and will be turned into a repeatable) I'm interested to know what will make you all happy. As for Maria's story event, this is something I'll handle. The farm behind the garden is making progress as well, but much of it had to be redesigned recently. Still hoping to get that in v0.18.

And a question, are you happy with the quality and content of recent updates? If you've played v0.18, I would especially like to hear from you. Recent events have taken much longer to develop due to the added complexity and detail of the latest events, especially now that I'm using a lot of main characters for each event and making new ones all the time. I could decrease the quality to speed things up, but I'm happy with how the game and story is progressing, so I hope you are too.

In other news, I am taking steps to offering 3 - 5 inch 3D printed and hand painted figures of the main characters! I think these figures may be good additions to those who collect. People have asked about merch, but I am not too interested in selling cheap t-shirts and stickers. These figures can theoretically be of any pose and with any outfits, but I'll be starting with Lin in her maid outfit.  If this project goes well I can offer more characters and outfits, both lewd and SFW. Is this something you would be interested in? And if so, what do you think is a fair price? I see a lot of figures selling for over $100-$200 but that cost too high in my opinion. Keep in mind that the cost on my end includes a 3D modeler, printer, painter, and shipping costs.

As always, thank you all so much for supporting me and playing Harem Hotel!

If you would like more, you can follow my Twitter and join Discord




I loved Kate's new addition. Not being pushy in any way but is there more of her to come in 0.18? I wish she could join the hotel

William McCoy

My only issue with the Beta 2 was having all the events back to back trigger the first time I went to the lobby. Lin's event triggered first, which then made it out of sync since she showed up in the other girls events. Otherwise I love the update so far. I'm a little sad I can't do anything with the clones, but love where that story is headed.


Any sort of blowjob content is A+. Also love a lin figure


I've been a quiet supporter for a while now and I have to say that one thing that has made HH so special is the complexity with which characters are written and integrated. I understand the Idea of wanting regular, even monthly, content added to the game I think this game is at it's best when you have the time to makes things truly special. As for the figures, that sounds like a great Idea, as hard as it will be to explain this figure to my friends, Lin is great and this game has earned it. I hope you don't take on too much of the cost yourself, though.


I would love for a repeatable threesome with Felicity and Emma where they also kiss/lick/caress eachother and more Kali and Lucia.

William McCoy

I would be all for purchasing some mini's. I would gladly pay cost+shipping for a few of them. Especially both sfw and nsfw of Lin.

Hans-Olav Tangen Bråtun

don't recall too closely, but I think an option to deselect certain things that can happen in a sex-scene would be nice. as the MC doing something or having an interest you never would is always disruptive. Understand if this is ridiculously impossible at this point. just a thought for your next game, possibly :)


My only real feedback is to ask for Eris to still exist. I honestly don't feel like she needs added to the "romp-roster", but she was so unique and then just vanishes suddenly and completely (unless I missed/forgot something). Even if we can only randomly bump into her on the street, or she turns up at your bar sometimes just for a chat, or she just happens to be at any of the public venues at random, that would be great. Guess I have a soft spot for the black haired, pale, freckled girl with the violet eyes. I genuinely trust you'll more-than-impress with whatever you do otherwise. I'll just wait here and wish for a b-day update (1 week, woo)!; hehe.


I've been enjoying the story updates a lot. And I'd definitely throw some money at minis of Ashley and Emma.

Christopher Poudevigne

I really enjoyed the emotional moment regarding Android's story and I'm looking forward to seeing a little more with Autumn (sex scene). I'm waiting for v0.18 thank you for your work. (Im french and i use Google Translate sorry :D)

Paul Baxter

Love the game. o.18 beta 2 left some story twists, with Felicity being captured and Lin's storyline. Looking forward to 0.18 beta 3 when your ready to release it. Hopefully i'm upto date with the game. Your work is amazing.