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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy what I've created for you so far :) The events in Lin's latest event have been planned for a long time and I'm happy to finally realize them. I very much look forward to your feedback. Each story event in recent updates has taken a lot more time and effort to finish so I hope it's all worth it :)

As I mentioned in a previous Dev Diary, I will be taking the next week off for Christmas/New Years. It's my first time taking any holiday off, so I'm excited to finally spend the holidays with friends and family.

Oh and the farmable garden is making progress, so hopefully that will be done in time for v0.18 as well.

Newly added content since the last build is highlighted in BOLD



    1 Story Event (2 Scenes)


    1 Story Event
   Remade 4th event


    1 Story Event
   Remade 4th event

       1 Event


    Remade 1st event


    Added the other 5 outfits to her Lobby Hangouts
   Added 5 sex animations to her Lobby Hangouts in those outfits

Felicity and Emma:

    1 Story Event


    1 Story Event

Please provide feedback!


To gain access, you must be an active $10+ patron and have your Patreon and Discord accounts connected in your Patreon account settings, wait a minute, and enjoy! (The downloads are in the beta-downloads channel where link above will take you. If you need any help, please let me know!)


How to play on Android:

1. Download the PC version of the game.

2. Unpack the .zip using RAR or your desired unpacking tool.

3. Download Joiplay and the Ren'py plugin through the Google Play store.

4. Launch Joiplay, when your on the main menu click the "+" button on the bottom right. Enter game name, version and (optional) game icon.

5. On the "Executable File" click Choose and go to the location where you downloaded the game, when inside the unpacked game folder choose the .exe game file and click Choose. When all information looks correct, feel free to click on the "Add" button.

6. You're now done and good to go. Have fun! (You may also want to move saves around)

If you're having issues loading the game or a save, downloading Joiplay from their Patreon may solve the issue.



Awesome! Merry Christmas! Can you add Ms wren and the goth girl that you meet in the city to the expanding harem, please. Ms wren so that we can put her in the Sanctuary and save her from the system and also to reunite her with Ashley. The got from the city because she seems to have been the first most developed character in the game, so much so I was surprised she was not one of the original heroines.

John Haar

I don't see a channel called beta in discord

The Magical Gurl

Happy holidays, Runey. Hope all is well and 2024 treats you well, buddy.

General X

I deleted my Discord and have no desire to ever go back. Is that required to download the new update, and will a $10+ pledge be required to download the full update when it eventually releases?


Happy Holidays, Runey. Hope that you enjoy your time with your family and friends for Christmas and New Year's festivities.


Invite for discord has expiret


It doesn't load the messages on discord, I paid 1 dollar, but it doesn't let me see any of the discord content


Download link is in the body of the message above, so you don't need Discord. I've never seen a nitpickier and more arbitrary server, so you're better off without. $10 level gets you early access to beta versions for bugfinding, lower tiers (or even NO tier) will get you the full game eventually. I'm on my way out of this place, as soon as my prepaid Dedicatorship expires.

General X

I share the sentiment, my friend, thank you for your help! My time on Discord was literally “hey, when is this happening?” . No matter what I said, people found a reason to mock me and each other. It was one of the most toxic places I’ve ever been.


Sorry, patreon can't properly lock posts to the people they're meant to go to. As for our server, I do our best to make sure the community is kind. The person you responded to was very toxic and argued with everyone.


It appears to be working. Make sure you're following the instructions on this post


the invite link do not work when i go via this post to the chanel there is nothing on the server and yes i did connect discord to patreon


Are you a current $10+ patron? Try leaving the server, reconnecting your accounts. And rejoining. If nothing works I will make sure you get everything you need


i am and nothing seems to work tried the public discord link and that do not work either


Strange. I'm on vacation right now so I'm really busy but perhaps one of the moderators on the server will help if you provide proof of pledge

Timo P

HH chat and couple of other channels are very intolerant and trigger happy, but majority of the channels are OK. Help and bug hunting channels are OK if you settle for lurking and just occasional help for others.

General X

Sounds similar to Reddit lol! Great place for info, bad place for a conversation!

Timo P

That's my experience in there too. Server is most intolerant I have been part of.


I have gone through most of Beta 2 from the begining (and escaped a couple bugs). I like everything that has been added so far. Unfortunately the story line seems to have been scrambled in this Beta. Several story lines are way out of logical order. Some of the new content comes way before it should. I have tried to use more detail on discord (Beta bugs). I hope you understand.


Hey guys, can I transfer my old save file to this new version?


You wouldn't by chance have any idea when the next patch is coming? I'm on my first playthrough and I've already run into the end of some of the stories which left me wanting more. One of the worst phrases I saw growing up when watching a series is "to be continued..." And you've done that lol. I am very excited to see what happens to Ashley!


If I had to guess, v0.18 may be done in 6 weeks, but certainly when it's done.


I hope You're well. That's it.


I see. I'm very interested in seeing how things go. I've almost run out of story for all the girls, including the side ones. I will admit you do a very good job on story for sure. One small favor though, I'd like to see more options with Ashley's brunette look. Its just too cute

Tony Padgett

There is no download link anywhere. Nothing here and I get an error message on Discord. Please provide link. I will wait one day before reporting it to Paypal and getting a refund.


You must be an active $10 patron to gain access to this content, as the post says. You pledged $1 then immediately unsubscribed.


The community is very welcoming generally speaking, and I make sure to get rid of any assholes. I'd be very curious to see your chat logs so I can investigate what happened. The only thing we don't tolerate on there is intolerance.

General X

Wish I still had them, I permanently deleted my Discord account. You can only tolerate getting mocked and insulted for so long when it was literally every time you logged in. The last time I was in yours, I was having trouble getting the game running on my laptop. Was a very simple fix but I had to go to Reddit to get it. Your group made fun of me for being poor and said I needed to get a job and buy a better laptop, called me stupid, asked if I knew the alphabet and how to type, and so on. The sad part was it was five or six abusers and no one else even told them to stop, they just ignored it. Nothing against you personally, but I won’t ever be back after that.

Tony Padgett

Because it was a bait and switch! I am sure Patreon would love to know you are doing this to people!


Sorry, I wasn't referring to you here. But I think you may have my discord confused with someone elses, that never happened according to our logs. It doesn't sound right either, because they're the last people to make fun of anyone for being poor as well. I am quick to ban people who do that.

General X

Ah, so we just deny my reality. I’m not going to argue with you and I know what I went through. Glad to know you went through years of the entire Discord chat log without actually knowing my Discord name and still somehow managed to prove me wrong. Good luck with your game.


?? What is with the hostility? I looked through the logs to find what happened and couldn't


hiiiiiii, how do I update to this version without losing my progress?


When I click the link it takes me to discord but nothing happens. I'm a 10$ sub. Edit: Got it


Thats exactly what I had to do. I appreciate you 🙏😊


more humiliation for maria or other characters would be nice :)


I have now tried several times removing discord and reading discord still cant join server

Minya Kinar

It's ALWAYS been a $10 tier thing. You're just making stuff up with saying "dur, it's bait and switch." Read the tiers before subscribing.

Minya Kinar

By pledging $1 you show you have interest in this game and want to see it grow and succeed. I will ask you and everyone else who pledges any amount of money for their feedback on updates. You also gain: Access to the Discord with the Follower rank. Access to previews of upcoming content. (This does NOT say to the access to the game, it means previews)

Minya Kinar

By pledging $1 you show you have interest in this game and want to see it grow and succeed. I will ask you and everyone else who pledges any amount of money for their feedback on updates. You also gain: Access to the Discord with the Follower rank. Access to previews of upcoming content. (This does NOT say to the access to the game, it means previews)

Samuel Delgado

discord link not working :(


Hy guys i need a little help the discord link

Erőss Tibor

Schon erledigt oder immer noch probleme


please help. i'm on Current Tier Dedicator AU$16.50 per month, but when I click on the download link to go to discord it says error, message failed to load. I have had a account for some time on Patreon and discord, I just upgraded my membership for Harem Hotel on Patreon. If it's a problem on Patreon I can always subscribe to you on Subsccribestar instead ?

Matt Thurman

ive tryed everything to download this and it still brings me to a blank discord on windows can anyone help me please

Chipmunk the Savage

Try going into Discord > Settings > Privacy & Safety > verify your age (birthdate) > also make sure all of the "Allow access to age-restricted" options are still enabled. Using actual Chrome browser also seems to help it work, other chromium browsers like Brave have a hard time for some reason. I had to do this twice to get it to finally work. If it doesn't help, I can try to troubleshoot some more with you.


me too