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It's that time again! Let me know why, I'd love to hear your feedback :) (Results will have no impact on future content)

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Zara, is it her name? That super cute brown girl, friend with Lucy?


Why does no one like Nia 😢


Nia would definitely be my second or third choice. First choice has to go with Hana though 🤣


Kate's abs 😩 but Moon is up there with her


Moon and Hana. No question about it

William Berk

I'm always looking for the character who's beautiful, intelligent, and self-motivated, with a compelling story of her own and the potential to affect the greater plot. All of that fits Moon to a T, if only she ever got the chance to actually deliver on that potential and really shake things up. I'm putting in my vote for Vanessa. She's a beautiful force of nature, I love the wild sexy side she's been hinting at, and she's opened up whole new dimensions of sociopolitical commentary that deepen the story by countless layers.


I really like Hana. I look forward to getting close to Nia. I wish I could do something with Jin after completing that arc. Maybe Lin and Jin. I also really wish I could get with Hazel.


Vanessa for me. Love the principled force that she is becoming and would love to see more of her.


Lucia can be a little much, but her scenes with Kali are great.


Really enjoy a lot of the side character content, one particular scene that was fantastic is the treehouse with moon, especially when she says she wasn’t on bc. Would like to see more content for Lucia, Ellen & Hana


These polls are always skewed, because it may be the case that Nia is everyone's #2, but that would never reflect in this poll.

Olympic Spartan

I love the Lucy content. Hana, Sylvia, and Vanessa are all contenders but I love seeing Kali and Lucy's scenes


Lucia. I wish kate and Lucia have a very Good threesome ore soweit pregnant part i guess 😍❤️

Dr. Cal

Impossible to choose only one. Each of the really good ones are equally good for very different reasons. I had to go with Nia because I feel for her. Plus she has an antihero vibe I totally dig. Moon, Ellen & Kate are all so incomparable as to be equal. The rest are fun and/or interesting. I guess if I had to pick, Jin and Sylvia are my bottom rings, but not because they are bad stories, just not my favorites in comparison. Sylvia still has a lot of story potential, so credit is due for future events

JD Robert

Nia, Slyvia , Hana and Vanessa




Poor Jin has no content so gets no love


Hana, Nia, Sylvia, Jin. I think I have a thing for freckles. XD Still, always on the lookout for developments with these ladies. Jin could use more love and there's clearly enough for everyone. ;)


Very tough choice here. Vanessa edges out as her story has really come a long way, but a few chapters ago it would have been Moon or Kate, and I'd love to see more of them too. Still waiting for Juliett to get promoted to full side character as well.

Long Tran

Moon and Kate for sure. Moon is prolly gonna top the charts here, but I just find how adorkable Kate is to be very cute.


Is it bad that I wanna make Kate "need what MC's bringin'" and melt that "indifferent" thought process?!


hard choice, but i would go with Moon. I feel that her or Kate would make a great "main girl" at some point. those to aside I like Ellen, i sort of wish that she had more interactions with the girls and MC. i think she attracts attention by not doing so, She is the oldest human of the main and side characters but gets the least amount of story screen time, yet is always present and observing.


I am all aboard the Moon train. Though, I have no hope of explaining why. Maybe I just have a kink for the "bar" scenes that I have been unaware of? However, the nonsensical slave liberation whilst being a slaver plot also interests me greatly. So I might transfer to the Nia and Sylvia express if things look to be getting a bit more intimate. Still sort of feels like a surface level relationship with them.

Paul Baxter

Moon, then Kate, then Hana

Callahan Darc (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-18 04:44:13 The lack of Juliet content saddens me >.>
2023-07-18 01:17:35 The lack of Juliet content saddens me >.>

The lack of Juliet content saddens me >.>


Please let Kate move in.. please add a gym to the hotel, maybe? Kate in the dungeon would be PERFECT!!!