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It's that time again! Let me know why, I'd love to hear your feedback :)
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Vincent Aun

I really like Maria’s free spirit! And of course Kali! But yandere is not for me 😉

William Berk

Much as I love Kali -- brains, beauty, ambition, she's got everything! -- I'm sorry to say that her character development has stalled in a big way with these past few updates. It seems like Kali is only there to prop up the Android and introduce her hot classmates. I want to see Kali be the driving force in her own story for a change. I'm putting in my vote for Maria. She's another character who's got brains, beauty, guts, ambition, sex drive, the whole package deal. But more than that, she's got the more compelling story and it feels like she's really going somewhere interesting.


I fell for lin the moment I saw her two years ago. That hasn't changed between updates and probably never will (though I might be biased now cause my partner looks and acts quite similar) then it's really hard to choose someone to put at second place. Is used to be Ashley but I really can't choose


Maria is my fave with Felicity a close second. I'd love to see more content with them!


Lin, followed by Emma. Ashley would be fun if we could do me public secret play stuff with her.


Lin was my favorite until the "racism but elves" storyline got a little too heavy, her events are just not as interesting to me any more. Almost a tossup between Kali and Felicity + Emma.


Every character's story is sort of like a rollercoaster. If I tried to keep each arc at it's height, it would just end up being a boring train that only goes straight. For fun, you need twists and turns, ups and downs, etc.


Oh, dear Runey! I owe you so much feedback… You are asking two very hard questions ( and Im assuming you know that). Its so hard because most of the women have traits and quirks that make them adorable and let one imerse into the stories. You almost broke my heart when you let Maria get chaught for being unregistered. And Moon is just visually very appealing to me, even though sehe has a pretty cool background/ storyline.


That plotline has always existed, it was one of the foundations of this story back in v0. Are you referring to Lin not wanting to be a slave anymore? Now they're trying to change the world, to get rid of that.


Tie between Maria & Autumn. I think leaning Autumn

Olympic Spartan

I'm here for Kali, forever and always, Emma is a close second


I wish Kate would be a main character


Kali is definitely my favorite followed by Lin. Both are amazing. If Kali was a real person based on her personality you've built she would be the best person to marry and start a family with followed closely by Lin. All the characters are great.

Dr. Cal

Lin & Android have great stories going. Kali is my favorite "totally free-willed" character, but I find Maria's story pretty great as well. Autumn is the most "meh", and I've always found the clones' redemption arc a bit quick. Ashley would be a lot more fun for me if she wasn't so psycho early on, but it is what makes the character interesting and unique. I wish she reconciled earlier and more intensely with Juliet. I really feel like she doesn't deserve her good turn while still sort of "getting away with" treating her like shit.


Lin is my Favorite and Ashley is a very close second. I Like how Lin is cute, sweet and innocent but puts her foot down when needed, I also like how she tries to take a more diplomatic approach on things rather than an aggressive one similar to Nia.


This is a radio button poll, only one answer allowed, whereas poll title says "Characters" with an "S", inviting more than one answer. Which is it?

JD Robert

Lin, Kali, Autumn and the Android

Long Tran

Lin, Ashley, and F&E are my top picks. Everyone else but Kali for my second picks. Kali is my least favorite character tbh and I.... just don't understand her appeal, like at all.

Long Tran

....Personally, I just don't see Kali as a very attractive person personalitywise, least of all for marriage.... I just don't see the appeal. Lin is definitely top shelf though.


Lin is best girl, as always. Android's story has consistently been in the top 3 for me. Not sure if she could ever overtake Lin, but the recent developments in her arc have been a great contrast from the time she's introduced. Loved the visual updates to her as well. It's great to see Maria bouncing back, doing things her way, but still marching forward. And Ashley's been great, doing her best to overcome the difficulties of her past and building a new home for herself. Hopefully we get to invite Ms Ren at some point.

LOL Dog 1984

Autumn needs more love; such a pure hearted individual. & Lin finally standing up for what's right.


Kali and Lin are my "type", Hate having her stats be "obedience" waiting for the day that changes to the "regular stats"....that being said, I gotta thing for Emma, not sure why, but just somethin' that makes me crave her, lol.


autumn, hard to say why, probably because she has the furthest to go character wise an isn't quite as far along as some of the others. its probably that slow burn that exists. Next is Emma, living in her sisters shadow to trying to be her own person. After that Android, Maria, Lin, Ashley. though honestly, all of the characters stories are close enough that it really just depends on what note Runey leaves us on in each of their stories for ranks.


Android and Kali are my fave, its so hard to pick between the two

Jack Edwards

I surprised myself by voting Maria here. I just really like where her story is going and embracing her inner Femme Fatale is doing wonders for her character. I feel like Autumn is going to surpass her eventually, but for now, Maria takes the win.


Android was my favorite but once she got obsessed with cyberspace it kinda tapered off the story for me personally.


Yeah you're kinda right. Android is still my favorite (quickly followed by Maria and Kali) - but the current obsession isn't a really deep story anymore. I hope something cool awaits us in her story arch.

Timo P

I don't really have favorite, could just as well roll a 8-sided dice for these. However Android AI development is more interesting than others. So Android it is.


With the voting this close. One has to think that all the characters in the game so far are incredibly well written! If that was not the case then the voting would be more uneven. Then again, it might also indicate that all the writing is equally bad! ^^


Kali- she was an early favorite anyway but there's nothing the other girls can do at this point that will ever top getting called "honeybear."


When Autumn Was first introduced I was worried she was going to be used to bash religion and the intro to elf religion/history only added to that fear (Even if I myself am Atheist). Instead we saw her change from a very conservative view of her religion to a more fluid and growing view which reminded me so much of my self when I was still a believer. I hope she stays religious and we get to see her reform the Church. Maybe one day the Sisters will wake up with a list of complains on the Church door lol.


Android = Wife


Every single girl in this game is exceptionally well written which really surprised me (damn you for getting me emotionally invested in an H VN). I absolutely loved all the girls' character development especially Lin & Maria's & since Maria's not gettin enough love in the polls gotta throw some love her way. Don't get me wrong love the cheerleader twins too. Of the unlisted though: ELLEN, Sylvia & Hana 100% with Ann following close behind with her dark elf Gyaru look.


Felicity and lin for me. Hehe

Austin Rios

started a few days ago and wasnt expecting so much... character building, went from ok id hit that to dam she crazy to being in tears from the backstory


***POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR ASHLEY*** Ashley by a long mile. I was indifferent towards her until her later supports going into her past when I really started feeling a connection with her and her struggles to belong and fit in or be liked by her peers. The support where she became best girl and I fell in love with her was her dream. I've never played a VN before that has made me sink into my chair with tears streaking down my cheeks until that event. The music. The setting. The dialog she speaks. That shit broke me.

Long Tran

It's honestly really, REALLY hard for me to pick any one character as my 'favorite', so I really struggle with this.... ... That said, I just can't understand Kali's popularity. She's just... not a very likable character for me. I just don't see the appeal to her... Oh well.


There are three, Andra (Android), Maria, and Lin, that have an ability to drift from Hot Squeeze, to perfect Wingman, and everywhere in between, that appeal to me, even though others have the appeal of their own particular kinks.


Lin! Lin is so cute! She trusts us with all her heart, and that makes the adventures we go on 1,000,000 times better 😍🥰

dark zeratul

Hi I know this is several months later but I voted Lin. She is my favorite, though of course I wanted to vote for several of my other favorites. My other favorites besides Lin are Felicity, Ashley, Maria and Kali.


To be honest it's impossible to pick a favorite. Each character has a great story I want to complete, each one has personality sides that I love and some I can hate, but any of them is beautiful and emotionally empathizable, so it's hard to choose for one. Each one made me drop tears in part of his history, so it's hard to choose one over the other. If it's just for physical appearance, it's a side character the one I like the most, Peni...