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Top 3? Top 5? Let me know why :)

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Hana! Can't wait to see that shy little hentai loving perv come out of her shell ❤️


Kate, Nia and Moon. Really looking forward to more content for these 3 girls


Lucia for main character! Gogogo! xxx


Oh, since I don't know most of the names yet, it gets interesting in the game.


how about the new confident android dating pixel


Hana,moon,nia I love shy girls break there shells and would like her to be a main or at least have repeat stuff at the hotel like other girls, moon because of how much shes a secret masochistic and nia is just secretly submissive and would like her to embrace that more and open up more to the mc

Arther Thompson

All I can say is I love your work this game has become amazing the last time I played you had just introduced the bar wow just wow thank you so much for all your hard work I am looking forward to the next update . For me I would love to see the 3 fairies help put the high elf queen in her place 😁


Orientals prefer styles like Kate and Nia


All of them ....


Lucia is GOAT


I'd love to have some reoccurring content with Ellen. Also been hoping for some dungeon time with Juliet. But honestly this story has been great and I'm sure whatever content is next will be fantastic regardless of who the characters are.


I adore Kate. On a pure surface level because of her athletic build (very hot) but also because I've always loved socially inept "outsider" and/or kuudere style characters. The fact that she doesn't understand people is very relatable for me (though I'm not to her extreme haha)\


Honestly thought the story was leading towards Hana taking that last room on the 2nd floor, would love to see more content with her.


Ellen, she is just sexy as hell, Lucia, she is so much more fun that boring Kali, Nia is just hot and those eyes, Ann is hot big ass big boobs cant fail, Kate is cute, and that ass, Hana is so cute and so sweet I love me a sweet cute girl.


Definetly agree, Hana would make a good addition to the hotell.


Moon, Moon, Moon, Moon, Moon ah before i forget... Moon ! Moon is my favourite ingame girl. Shes so pure and cute. I really want to go out with her and give her her own room, or atleast a place in my bed ;). Lucia would be second. Her teasing side is just amazing. I would like to know more about Ellen and the elves Nia and sylvia

Walkiria Elizarowa

I started a new game as the rune advised, until I know who I like!


I like Ellen the best as a character, but my votes are mainly for the sisters. The H world needs more of that. OK, and I threw it a vote for Hana, because the whole "the third arm is for choking!" thing was so hilarious and out of the blue, I loved it. Gotta respect a character with a line that good.


Hana and Moon 'cause they're cute, Ellen is sexy so I went with her too. Serni because I find it so sad she's the only one of the elves (from that one Lin story event, you know what I mean ;) ) I can't rescue. I can buy Jin, Sylvia, NIa and Ann but not her :( It breaks my heart to see her used like she is.

Jesster Gold

Juliet has been around so long and no one but the MC remembers her name. I know it's a running joke but I'd love to see her get a little spotlight. After her it's Ellen because we know there's a lot more to her story and it would be nice to have a change from all the young (yes the elves are old but still young inside) girls. Lastly Ann just has a great attitude, she still has a sense of humor and some optimism unlike Jin.


I've found that the more content about characters, the more I like them. Honestly I like them all, and would love to follow more of all of their stories. Until you get to know them, you file them under whatever stereotype that fits your mind. I mean, Ashley is the perfect example of what can happen to any character with good writing, we've uncovered tons of stuff about her that explained so much about her and why she was the way she was. So write for whoever you want, I'll gladly keep reading. :)

Doc Odd

Kate's my favorite, though for her fascinating ideas, not her somewhat irritating riddles. I also love Hana, the inexperienced pervert; I guess with Kate this is a symptom of my fondness for geek girls. And I also love really dedicated sluts, so I put in a vote for Lucia as well.


Lucia, because of the naughty aspect of filling around with someone's sister behind their back. (Really would love more content from her though) Kate, simply because she really is completely different than all the other girls. She sees sex as a purely pleasurable experience and doesn't get emotionally attached. Hana, because I love sheltered girls who turn out to be freaks. I enjoy the fact that she draws hentai and would not mind seeing like a tentacle scenario on the vr


Common.. Anne is HOT! and I cant wait for some steamy content with her !!


Difficult for me to choose, but Hana takes my number 1 spot. Hopefully she moves in next, cause who wouldn't want a pervy cutey that loves tentacle porn to be your neighbor. 2nd was tied with Lucia and Ellen. I love the very adult relationship building between MC, Kali, and Lucia. Ellen needs more love, maybe in the dungeon. You know she is a closet pervert and probably likes tentacles too (please let that be true). 4th is Nia, mainly for the naughty route (still looking forward to more love route), and 5th is Sylvia, because a hot noble high elf being brought down to depravity brings me joy. I hope she is a closet exhibitionist. All in all though I am enjoying and love all the side characters. My one wish would be to have Jin move into the dungeon and helps in breaking the new elves in. She could even earn her keep by cleaning and maintaining the dungeon.


It's hard to chose just one. I hope all girl will have contents


Difficult to go off on, simply because not everyone has equal amounts of content, regardless of category: Be it story, lewd stuffs or general interactivity/role inside the game. Some side characters are just straight-up more fleshed out and more important than others, so I feel voting is going to be skewed regardless. At that rate, judgement will most predominately boil down to the looks moreso than their character and story progression, which is why my votes - for the most part - squarely lie with those that actually have some story to them.

Ryan Serquina

I Would like to see Nidra's story too even though she's a side character I really love her looks and attitude. Haha I wanna see her story in the future updates.


I need to see more of Kate peeing. Would be hot if we could get some of the girls to pee on MC


Lucia for more shimaidon.


More curious than anything, but I think my favorite to see updated would be Juliet. I love shy girls and honestly the fact that no one recognizes her but she is there so often makes me curious about what she is thinking. Also love Kate, being such a good representation of looking at the world differently. Would love to explore her mind more and see how she can connect with others. And Hana is so cute and loves to hang out with my main girl Maria, so she is probably third. Honestly though I would like to see all of them grow.

Shawn Jackson

Well first I am one of the few small breast guys so may have been part of my decisions. Loved wild girl moon, as I like tomboy types in games and she has both a innocence and lived a little vibe. I liked the Drow during the tourney but sadly was sad about not being able to have kids as bad things happened with that. (thought maybe have Sylvia teach you language) Of all the fairies I liked Zoia the most but again like tomboy types. Juliet was favorite schoolgirl, Like the shy type as well plus she just seems so nice helping everyone and has some good options (maybe cosplay) as she is at the clothing store. And of the freed ish slaves I like Nia and her ninja like ways.


Moon, Thats my type. Then both Nia and Sylvia.

Fictional Themepark

Juliet, i mean she is a goth girl 😍 i can't not love her


Personally really want to see more fairy content.


I would really like some 'love' route content for my three sanctuary slaves


After around 6k votes it, it seems there are several characters which don't get much love (I mean, everyone expected Hana, Kate, Moon, Ellen and Lucia to get the highest number of votes by far), imho because they don't have (much) content yet. Characters like the fairies, Serni, Hazel, Vanessa, Kim and Jia just aren't encountered much/don't have much content, thus people usually don't choose them. Personally i'd love to see content for each and every one of them, but are probably the most exited for Elf content (Jin, Nia, Sylvia, Ann, and most definitely Serni).


Jin,Ann, and Nidra , Jin and Ann for the sexiness they exude linked with attitudes strike my heart dead center, Nidra for reviving memories of my own food service time .

William Vaughan

I dig Juliet, but otherwise votes would be for the sanctuary elves and more work on the love route.


Ellen, because there are hints plenty about her and she really does make the place run well. And what lewd scenes I've seen with her make me want more. Lucia is just fun and I love the way she interacts with Kali and forces Kali to grow. Hana is just adorable and I see her growing more. I'm also interested in more with Kate.


As characters get content, you'll likely see the polls change over the years. That's really the point of these polls, to see the popularity of each character. Not necessarily to determine who gets more content


Yeah, I wouldn't expect characters with no content to get much votes. You will likely see these polls change over the years as other characters get content. It's nice to keep track of everyones opinions :)


On a different note I don't care at all about the faeries, but Moon, Lucia, Hana, and Juliet are my current favorites. They could vanish and I don't think I'd notice.

Teh Pron

Would love to see more with the drow!


My favs are definitely Hana and The Elves but they are all amazing


Ellen because I have a thing for MILF what can I say. She really holds everything together at the Hotel Moon because even against insane challenges growing up poor is in college studying Biochemistry. Lucy mostly because she is Kali sister and makes her do kinky things lol


Also because all of their scenes are hot AF. Especially spanking Moon........damn


I haven't met the High Elf Queen yet so can't say. Only got as far as the incomplete boat trip in previous versions, then had to restart from scratch (also doing it with truestory in effect to catch all scenes). I'm not even back up to that point in current playthrough.


Of course, characters with less development are going to be less interesting.


Haven't seen all of the scenes teased in the v0.9.x start screen yet. FINALLY just got the winter retreat!

Andre Jackson

Makes me sad to see no one loves Ann like I do :’(


There's only one person that's the best, That's Lin.


went with Moon as she feels the most fleshed out would like to see more of Juilet and Kate though, especially since how many times can poor Juliet show up with us not noticing her. Lucia was a close second again largely cause we have seen some more of her.


Is it just me, or did Kali's "Walk of Shame" disappear in 10.1? Working her up into Lustfulness seems a little more monotonous with only the "red pill" scene seemingly available. As I said before, I liked the scene, I just had story concerns about her being the one doing it. Is the scene being revamped?


Android breaking her arm was an unpleasant surprise in the game. I was in the process of saving up to buy Sylvia (Day 188) so I had $6800 on hand. Despite being able to pay that unexpected $4K expense out of pocket, the game warned me that I was going into debt!!! But then I had to make that 4 grand back, plus the 700 more to get Sylvia. Now, let's do some math: 7 paying tenants = 7x5=35 per day, $245/wk. $1K/week advertising usually profits about $100, plus a bit more if the RNG likes you. Let's round that up to $16/day on average. Over 5-6 weeks, that's about half of the 4K. The only other income source is pinup selling, and it gets REALLY FUCKING MONOTONOUS doing the same old same old shoots (aiming for $20+ payouts) 3x per day, for game-weeks on end! With a little bit of distraction in the form of Moon's training (and to keep me from getting completely bored with this horrid grind!) it took me 35 DAYS. Averaging 2-and-a-fraction photoshoots per day, that amounted to 27 SHOOTS EACH with my four most viable models. One scene repeated on average 27 fucking times for each girl, 108 photoshoots in total! (Average payout $22/shoot) I >never< want to look at those stills again, even as wallpapers on the MC's computer! HOURS spent doing NOTHING but running thru the same few scenes, skipping as much as possible. This really took the shine off of what has been otherwise been an extremely enjoyable game. I'm glad I'm past it, but some kind of fix needs to be done to not hammer future players. Or if a game update forces starting over from scratch!


A little bit of pre-planning is needed. Or maybe another income stream? How about automating the picture selling? It's the same damn pictures every time, after all. Put it up on the "RuneyMart" site behind a paywall, with some lower-resolution samples to draw buyers in. Make it a random daily/weekly event with a specified chance of happening? The more costumes you buy, and photograph a girl in, the more likely you are to make a sale? Have buyers discover a new favorite girl and buy ALL of her sets in one shot (multiplying the one-time take). So you really only >have< to go through the photoshoot motions ONCE, for goal-accomplishment.


Just finished this version, it was Amazing i loved it very much.


Please do way more stuff with Moon. She is the best in the game


hey guys where is the cheat codes located for patron $5 at


I enjoy the conversations with Kate & Hanna, seeing them stumble at long as they come out of their shells. However, the elves Ann, Nia & Sylvia are special cases, as I would especially like to see a little more with Ann and believe that maybe something could be done with them in the hotspring.


dont see any buttons or whatever text in v10, some kind of error


excellent game runey, just a quick question, how far apart are your updates? Seems like 10.2 was dropped around june 27th, any ball park on the next one?


Hey! Wonna have a shout out with you ;)


Hey how's it going and all that so I worndering if you could do a little more with Jin have her do more or be around doing something you know. Also really loving the game best I've played for sure thank you for an excellent and interesting game!!


“...who?” (Pardon my arrest development joke. I’ll go sit in the corner now)


i would like more scenes with Kate. She may be a blank personality but she grown on me, also Nia.


i'd love to see more interaction/scenes with Ellen. there's untapped potential there. Lucy is great because she is the polar opposite of Kali in terms of personality, but they share a common interest (the player). Lucy genuinely cares for her sister and her pushy methods irritate Kali, but have her best interests in mind. and third, Juliet would be a great addition to the hotel. poor girl is always overlooked. lol. she deserves some (a lot) of love.


i dont know if ive missed something, but i have 0/4 missions done with lucia and i dont know how to start those


you have to use a cheat code (which is kind of an open secret at this point) to unlock those interactions -- enter "truestory" (no quotes) at MC's PC.