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felicity cuz i like cats


Lin always




I don't get why nobody seems to like the android as much as everyone else


I wasn’t much of a fan of felicity before this update so I’ve got to go with her


Lin will always be a favorite.


Kali she is my kind of kinky


Everyone but especially Felicity (cause the cat thing), Ashley(for the story Element) and Lin (basically everything)


Lin. Ashley and Kali. I just find them really interesting and love their stories

Brian St. Clair

Going to have to agree with everyone saying Lin, best girl. Also starting to like Felicity quite a bit. Can't wait for more content with her. Edit: Just got to the new content withe Android's new look and HOLY SHIT I LOVE IT.


Maria ftw


Kali is my favourite, top gal. Maria is close second because she fine af. Emma third because she's kinda sweet

Dart Dart

I love autumn, like the whole deceiving her into a slut this is pretty fucking hilarious and awesome


Maria will always be my favorite. Everything she says and does... She's just great.


Lin as always. Felicity and Emma are No.2.


I know she's not a main character, but Nia's my favourite hands down


Autumn. Red heads are my favorite. I just wish she had more story...


Lin hands down my favorite, she is perfect. But also like Ashley and Felicity. I like smaller breasts and cute faces(they all have the cute faces).


Android, Kali, Lin in that order. I cannot wait to see what trouble our favorite AI gets up to when her story continues! ❤️


Felicity and Emma because of how they compete to be the MC's favorite. And Autumn because she's so innocent, I just want to corrupt her. Can't wait until we take Autumn her sister's cafe for training


Autumn, felicity, lin love red heads and how she is so pure and I like how felicity is maturing into a better person and lin is just too cute that I overload lol


All well developed characters with stories that draw you in.


Lin, because she is the best waifu


Lin is #1 always and forever. Maria/Emma are tied up with Fel a bit behind now. But I'm very disappointed at the lack of Hana on here. Oh, and Juliet *evil cackle*

daniel lucy

Android because you can customize, buy her upgrades and change her look


Felicity's character has really grown since the start and I love that about her. Need more content from her, #1 girl for me. Lin is #2 and Maria is #3

Keen Dilemma

Lin and Kali I feel are the most attractive of the bunch. Kali is totally the girl I'd go for IRL. Then Maria.. Maria fucks. I like that.


Kali is number 1


They all have their own good characteristic, but to me, Kali and Ashley are my two favorites. Kali just because she is awesome, absolutely perfect, and Ashley because of her amazing story that creates a wonderful characteristic. Besides these two, Lin, Maria, Emma and Android are also great, I like them. Lin is just cute nobody can change my mind, Maria is basically the girl who knows how to act, but not in a slutty, more like in a free will style, and Emma because of the development of her characteristic. Android is just a fun character that's for sure.


Felicity and Emma have an extremely compelling story and I for one would love to see more of them! Especially Emma


Lin, Shes just adorable and should be number 1. Felicity and Emma as they are so competitive to be number 1 for MC and personally I love them both. Kali due to her trying to become her own person and her smarts makes her a very attractive charactor


Autumn is the newest character so her content lags behind the others. I'm honestly just happy I'm able to juggle everyone I currently am so I'm also happy with the speed of which her story is developing :) Since she's the newest, I try to add extra content in when I can.


All of them ...


All but Maria and her wild side/finding herself was sexy!! plus she is the slut of the group as she jokes but is also serious about


Lin & Kali share the #1 spot for me, always have. Innocent & Quirky are traits that I love. Maria holds an easy #2 because of her playfulness, open nature & welcoming attitude. Emma & Felicity hold #3. While I get annoyed at times with Emma be cause of her lack of understanding I still have a soft spot for her. With Felicity she's grown on me so much, showing who she really is instead of who she thinks she has to be. I like the softer side of her more as time goes on. And while I didn't choose the Android I like where her story is going because now she's becoming a character of substance rather than something that's just there with random pieces of story here & there.


It would totally be Ashley if she was a bit older and a bit less emotionally damaged. Sex scenes with her really started making me feel predatory and gross after learning about her past.


Im shocked at how low maria is for now. Out of this poll shes my favourite. Her whole "succubus" attitude is just amazing and shes also quite funny. I also really like the android and his story. The tsun twins are also really interesting, hope to see more of them

Walkiria Elizarowa

I like everything! but I do not like girls with glasses! can I make a gadget in the store to take points from girls? and a breast reduction gadget! I do not like girls with big breasts !! the cyborg has a too fat figure and a wide basin! I love thin girls and tall! and in appearance all the girls are beautiful! for me number one is felicity in appearance and emma! and Maria! I just want a gadget or device for breast reduction for girls and long hair and blue eyes!


Kali is a very likable character and her family has an interesting story. The added scene with Lucia was excellent and I'm hoping for more in that vein. I also have to vote for the tsundere clones, simply because they are the most attractive and I have hopes for their future content. The elves are less fun for me now that they are becoming less submissive. Lin is adorable and still a runner up, though. Maybe with some more teamwork with Jin she'd be back on by Best Girl list.


Can't speak for others, but it's basically the whole "machine" thing for me. She's a great character, but the segmented skin plates she wears in most scenes are a huge turn off, as is any other physical reminder of her not-living state. I'm starting to like her better as she's coming less mechanical.

Doc Odd

Ashley, Lin, and Felicity are the cutest (I don't like oversized breasts). I like Ashley's aggressive sluttiness, and Felicity's bad attitude makes it fun to dominate her. Lin has the most stuff to do, and training her for the competition is fun, but I'm not as fond of the terrible cooking plotline or really the elf plotlines. And I still like Kate better than any of the main characters.


Android and Lin are my favorites. I'm a sucker for maids.


Kali, because she has a pretty interesting story and I love nerdy girls with glasses. Felicity, because I like the story of her becoming less bitchy and more accepting of herself and others. Emma, because I like the shy girl aspect and finding her own way independently from her sister


I love Lin, Kali, and Ashley, but I’d like to see more content for Felicity, Emma, and Autumn so they can become characters I love.


Lin and Maria. Lin is absolutely the greatest for me as personality, and I love how she grows more confident and daring along the story. Maria is a girl who is incredibly well written, her personality and struggles, how she expresses it, etc. I just love her story so far.


Lin is always number 1; she is just amazing. 2nd is Kali for dominating Lucia in the best ways possible. I hope she succeeds in turning Lucia into her and the MC's personal toy. 3rd is Autumn, due to opening up more sexually, even though she has to lie to herself why she is doing it. Just a little more and she'll be in the dungeon to "purge her sins". Emma and Felicity tie for 4th. They finally got over their relationship issues (sort of). I love that Felicity is way more open now to the harem relationship, and hopefully in time Emma will accept it fully (or mostly). Honorable mention is Maria, for bringing in Hana! I would also like to point out that I enjoyed every character in version 10, none were disappointing. I am curious to what kind of "attachments" we'll be able to put on our Hotbot (android). Something shaft like hopefully, roughly 9 inches long, 2-3 inches diameter. Maybe she'll use it on a submissive Maria... please!


Like the other Android from the woman you encounter at the beach during the Android's storyline. Yeah that could be a great addition to use on some of the girls :D

Ryan Serquina

Autumn is teasing me. Seriously! such a teaser especially the outfit she got at the end of the story. I hope to see more of her in the future updates.


Maria is definitely my favorite. She is sexy and open and has an interesting relationship with every other girl. In fact she is the only girl I feel who is taking full advantage of the harem concept, and treating the others as her own harem. I also am super curious to see where her story goes, since I assume something about her parentage will come up (bad parent? Half Elf? What could be in it?) 2nd would be Lin, who is sweet, caring, has started letting out a strong, sometimes snarkier side (ie. Her interactions with felicity and emma) and I think has grown so much. Plus I love girls who take care of flowers. No idea why but it immediately endears me to you). Third place would go to Kali and Autumn. Kali is great to see come out of her shell, and I love seeing the growth of her kinkiermore confident side. Autumn because I have grown up in a religious community and love seeing the judgement fall away to lust. Plus I like redheads. And fifth would go to Android. Seeing her accept her mortality and humanity and grow through it was just awesome, and as a plus I love her new outfit. Sexy and cute.


Kali totally hot, Maria will do anything, and Emma is a mysterious promise

Fictional Themepark

Ashley because she is a very cute character, felicity is very beautifull and i think her personality is like hard at the outside but actually soft and sweet when you know her better, i like that idea, and Emma is a bit of a mix of the personality of ashley & felicity


Kali because she's smart and awesome. Ashley because I wrote her off as crazy at the start, never saw her backstory coming. Broke my hear and won it over.

Les Perdants

All of them are amazing ;-;


Lin, Kali, and Maria. Lins so cute and I want to give her the best I can. Kali is so smart but she can be a bit tsun, which I find adorable, and I love when she comes out of her shell a bit more as you get to know her. Maria is a beautiful women who I might also be self projecting on lol but I love her story line a lot


I feel like im the only one that Kali is close to my least favorite. Not saying she is a bad character but like everyone else more


I've waited so long for the public one cuz i don't have my own card to support you but every time u update i just love to go through the whole game over agian i enjoy it very much (time well spent)


I like 4; Lin, Kali, Maria, and the android. I could only choose 1. I like their how you build them up as characters. Lin is just so cute and sweet. At the same time when pressed she doesn't take any crap. The android is pretty much the same. Kali is intelligent and Maria is a survivor. I would love to see all of their story lines fleshed out more. I also like Jin though I don't know much about her.


Lin, Kali, Maria, and the clonetwins. Lin is just adorable, and I really love how she's shaping up to be subtlely snarky. Kali I wasn't sure about at first, but I grew to like her. Maria is just fun, and I love her interactions with the others. And I'm really beginning to like how Felicity and Emma are growing


I'm a fan of the original 5 in this order: Lin, Ashley (unpopular opinion, I know.), Android, Maria, Kali. I think that focusing on the original characters is important to the scope of the game, as it allows Runey to make more concentrated, high quality content and less spread out, low quality content. Still waiting on that Ashley pregnancy route. She talks about it constantly (one for Lin would be cute, too).


Autumn is my girl. I like corrupting pure girls.


Kali, Maria, and Felicity for me though Autumn is close as well. Kali because of all of them she seems to have her shit together the most. She also pushes you later on to better yourself for the future. Maria because she seems to be someone that when you win her over would do anything for you. Felicity for similar reasons as Maria ,though she was a harder nut to crack, she is willing to do anything for those she loves


I love me some Maria. She's adventurous and always up for a good time. I like Kali, too, and looking forward to adding Lucy to the harem. :-)


Kali and Emma (after you give her a personality) are tied for my 1st, with Lin following closely behind. I honestly didn't like Ashley's almost immediate descent into psychopath GF mode, once she mellows out a bit I came around to liking her. Maria was alright but all that really sticks in my mind from her is the girl who was willing to take it up the butt first (for me and my playthrough anyway). Android I felt almost always fades to the background (I also felt she gets introduced too late, for me anyway, I'm really bad at stockpiling loads of cash to finish upgrading the rooms, and tend to spend it on other things first, leading to a late android introduction, but that's prolly just me). While Felicity is a slightly toned down Ashley, I didn't really care for her much until the bondage stuff came into play (then I started to liker her more as her stuck up attitude mellowed out), I was much more interested in trying to get Emma to step out of her sisters shadow and be her own person. In all honesty every time I play the game I completely forget Autumn exists and run through the whole game playing everyone's storylines to the furthest they can go and once everything is done sometimes I remember there's this girl named Autumn living in the hotel and I haven't spoken to her since her initial introduction, but it's usually 4am in the morning and I'm getting tired so I go to sleep and then forget Autumn exists in the game and instead just go and spend time with all of the other girls.


Kali & Lin are the ones I spend the most time with (highest sluttiness ratings). Ashley's growth out of being psycho GF is one of the best story arcs in the game, but Emma seems to have taken over that role with no improvement in sight. She got shortchanged during the winter retreat, MC banged Felicity and Ashley. Punishing her for being a bitch? But in a sense, that is also fueling her insecurity! In the "identical but different" way of twins, each should offer something unique to MC. Felicity has cat elements and ragefucking in dungeon, Emma is past due for something more. Break her out of this negative spiral she's in. Maria was once the keystone to unlocking other scenes, but has settled in and lost a bit of her shine in this release. I really really want to see how Autumn's religion is fleshed out, and how she breaks free of her inhibitions related to it. Android gets the lowest priority from me, haven't finished her existing story yet. Her meditations on mortality have been touching, but that's about it.


Ew, Kali is in first?! Lin is sad now!

Walkiria Elizarowa

I really like Sylvia High Elf! she is a super elf! You will continue her storyline! I really like her long and fair hair and her eyes! She's very beautiful! and slender she is my very favorite elf!

Walkiria Elizarowa

will there be a plot? to develop a relationship with Sylvia? affection and friendship and love ??


Seeing Emma become more independent of her sister is amazing and the Android (Who I've named Aria) becoming assertive is adorable thing to see. Meanwhile, helping Autumn to become more debauched, is hot.


Emma's improvement in v0.10 was her moving towards feeling comfortable with Felicity and others being with MC. She's less territorial now. While Emma didn't get a penis put inside her, everyone there had enjoyed themselves with MC. Sex is way more than just penetration. Maria had an event this update where she brought her old friend to a lingerie store and they do some naughty things. She very much still has her shine.


I agree, I hope that RUNEY gives us more time with Autumn.


My Top 3 are Lin, Ashley,& Felicity but 4 is Maria and 5 is Emma