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Hello everyone! v0.10 is now officially in development. There have been a lot of bumps in my personal life between v0.9 and v0.10, but I now feel like I can finally get back to developing, and announcing v0.10, so here it is!

What will be in v0.10?

The goal as always is at least 1 story event for each main character. However, a few of the main characters in v0.10 will definitely have at least 2. Felicity & Emma will have 2.

Lin's arc will be continued, and possibly finished in v0.10, although it may extend into v0.11 depending on how big it ends up being. (This is not the end of her story)

Kali has made a huge decision, and she will be entering a new story arc as well, with a new look to accompany it. New people will enter yours and her lives.

I would also like to turn my focus to developing side characters, specifically Lucia and Kate.

Ashley and Maria are next on the list of Lust events. These are really open ended, so please suggest ideas!

Here is a preview

 When will v0.10 release?

It's too hard to give a solid release date, but I would say v0.10 will be finished in June, maybe July. Alpha and Beta builds will be released often between then and now to keep you company during Coronaween :)

As always, thank you so much for playing and supporting! Expect updates!



I almost thought this was 0.10 release post, almost got a heart attack.


Take all the time you need, but keep the quality


I really liked Kali's short, messy (curly?) hair. Her new look is great, but now she's another character with long, straight hair, This obviously just a nitpick, because everything else mentioned sounds great. Keep up the good work Runey.

Allen Lewis

Is our favorite red head going to be developed more and is she going to get more sex scenes?


I would really like to do an Ashley impreg scene.


This I an amazing game with so much potential and I'm glad your taking your time on it because in order to succeed in making a game is to take your time a fix bugs or anything that is making the game glitch so take your time I'm not a patreon but all I can say is that keep up your amazing work and game thank you for being the best developer out there at least in my opinion


Ashley and Maria have a very interesting dynamic with one another. I'd like to see an event where Ashley gets jealous of Maria (perhaps triggered after the MC picks Maria for a sleepover). Ashley is drunk in the bar, Maria starts her shift, there is a confrontation. Maria calls MC and warns him there will be a scene; he advises her to take the rest of the evening off and get Ashley out of there. The girls then have an argument + reconciliation + sex back in Maria's room. At the end of the Maria/Ashley sex, the point-of-view pulls back and MC is sitting and watching the whole thing on his computer via the security cams. He then makes a comment about how he is glad this worked out, and then the POV pulls back further and we see that Lin is kneeling obediently at his feet, giving him oral sex during the whole scene.


As lust suggestions: Ashley: impreg scene, she tries to litteraly bars your bedroom door, maybe asks you to come with her to school and do something there. Maria: she seems to enjoy watersports so maybe something woth that, a notification pops up on your computer and she is streaming begging you to join her, maybe she barges into your room and sits on your face and begs for more. Just some suggestions to help.


I like the idea of having multiple end results from the Lust events. Since it's a build up mechanic, it'd be cool to see it ending differently each time (well, within reason). Maybe they start dragging other people with them when then come to the MC, multiple different places, new outfits they get to convince you that you have to unlock this way, etc. Surprises are fun, so changing it multiple ways each time gives you a lot more end results. Regardless, awesome job, still my favorite game.


Can you make Kali's original look available In the outfits menu? I love the way she looks now, btw your amazing as always Runey, love the game.


Can't wait to see all that. 😁 I'd recommend some impregnation for the lust scenes myself, particularly with the gorgeous Kali and sweet Lin. 😊


I feel like if Ashley isn’t satisfied by the end of her lust event, she would just handcuff or tie the MC to the bed until she’s gotten enough. I could see her involving another girl if her relationship level is above a certain level (Lin or Kali, most likely) or, perhaps if Maria has a high enough level, she would catch her in the act and take advantage of the situation.


Friggin pumped. Love Kali's new hair


Fabulous! I love big updates. One question though. So I started Lin's story arc, going to the island, and it ended up cutting me back to the Hotel after the finished story content was complete. How will that be continued once the update arrives?


Thanks for the news, Runey! Glad to know the game is back on track and that you have solved at least some of the real world issues which were impacting you.


Yes more lore and possibly more lewd


Glad you're doing okay, I just recently discovered this game and have enjoy it immensely. Would definitely be worth the wait for this next update, till then please don't strain yourself and stay healthy.


In v0.10, when the content is available, you will jump back into it.


How do you get lust events?


Coronaween, ha I'm dead.

The Polish

Anytime they engage in sexual activities they gain lust. After they gain a certain amount the event triggers in the morning.


Say, any thoughts on getting voice acting, at least for the lewd scenes? You should definitely try snagging Lady Lustria. She'd probably be able to do a few, especially Ashley.


All very nice, keep it up! If you can, among the repeatable events, add others in public (Hazel Bar, Beach, Hotel Bar, Lobby). Thanks for everything


we still can use old save file?


Hey...not to be a jerk...but isnt .9 + .1 = 1.0. Your versioning makes it seem like its starting over?


Yeah mathematically it looks a little weird, but it's actually a common versioning tactic. In versions there are typically 2 to 3 fields, each with their own meaning. They are in the format Major.minor[.micro]. (It is actually usually a bit more complicated for dev versions, but public versions seldom get more complicated so we'll leave it simple for now.) Micros are minor updates like bug fixes. Minors are for content updates between major releases. Majors are typically only updated when there is a very significant change. And for pre-release programs, the major version should be 0. So yeah, it looks a bit strange but he's really just saying "this is the 10th prerelease version of the game" by labeling it 0.10, and the majority of software devs would understand that from just the label. It's not appropriate to update the major version just because there were a certain count of minor versions. So what is 0.9+0.1? A 5th grade math teacher would say 1.0, a mathematician would ask for a radix, an engineer would say 1.1 for added conservatism, and a software dev would say 0.10. Not everything fits neatly into a single paradigm.


This has been and remains one of my favorite games. Thanks for making it and I cannot wait for 0.10. I hope things are coming, together for you in the real world; I have no way of understanding your situation but I understand what it's like when things turn south for a bit. So it's good to hear things are starting to improve for you. Hang in there, man.


I wouldn't mind an option to have cum stay on the character's body throughout the day.


Yes that would be great. But also improve the cum visibility its hard to see

Andre Jackson

Will Jin, Sylvia, Ann, & Nia be getting a story arc soon? I have been looking forward to more scenes with them and would be awesome to see them eventually move into the hotel on the third floor.


That's great new! I've played a couple of similar games but this is by far my favorite because of the graphics, animations, and the quantity of scenes and great dialogue. Keep up the great work and BTW when is the alpha/beta build coming out for v.10?


.... U get it on a whole new lvl, keep it up yoa and hope kate get some new events bc he is the best.


Well. Ima huge fan of the "Kuudere" Kate. So I been patiently waiting for some more stuff with her. 2nd... well I've loved the Drow since she was in introduced in Lins story. Shes freaking tall too... love it. Feel like she could be put on the market when her master runs out of patience trying to communicate with her. Which I think after buying her, I think leaning to communicate and understand each other would be a good part of her development and story between us (High elf Should help out too being the only one who can understand her right now) /shrug. But I can understand that might be awhile away, since not even the current slaves(Lin being exception) have got that much development yet. Just my 2nd cents tho.


I love this game ! And I love MOON so much, plz make more story about her. (or even promote her to a main character XD)


"I would also like to turn my focus to developing side characters, specifically Lucia and Kate." This is good, you shouldn't play favorites. :P It's the iron rule. "Ashley and Maria are next on the list of Lust events. These are really open ended, so please suggest ideas!" Personally, i enjoy playing in the dungeon... a lot. The options you have in the dungeon could be vastly expanded, there are SOO many toys and contraptions for bdsm out there, just try a search engine and i'm sure you will come upon a number of some that will give you plenty of ideas... indeed. ^^) If that is not sufficient we could rekindle your idea-engine with this maybe: https://hitomi.la/tag/female:bondage-all-1.html Only enter this site with ad-blocker in full swing. ;) Also it's rather big, i'm pretty sure even your entire life spent browsing it would not be sufficient to clear it. In other words, JUST the thing for when you're in a slump. You can find all manner of perversions you can and can't imagine there so be careful what you click on, you won't be able to un-see it once you do. ^^)


Hey what about Autumn I liked her most. You didn't wrote anything about her !


Whuuuuut? I like the old Kali's hair better though the new hair made her look like her sister.. She's been my fav all through out the game. Please don't change her hair T_T ..


yeeeee... I too, like Kali's curly hair.. Idk, but for me that makes her sexier. I find her the hottest girl in game.


Kali's new hair is so beautiful and is the moon likely to enter the third floor of the hotel?I'm looking forward to seeing more of the moon


Sylvia, and Nia are getting quite a lot of story with Lin in v0.9 and v0.10. As for their own personal stuff, maybe, maybe not. I would like to. I have some ideas for Jin but they will take more time to flesh out


This is not a permanent change, just her College look.


I like the Idea of another floor! As for Ash and Maria well how about some fun time with both of them since they are both kinky?


Like some Cosplay and some out doors showing off the goodies?


And also you have to pound them both! Just to show off that they are your and your's only.


how do i get the Lucia-events? i am still at 0/2 and i have finished all the mainstorys :s


When you buy from Nia, where can I buy the things on the list? or is it seen in the next update?


Would love to see Emma join the dungeon after all I do believe she wanted whatever her sister got. I would like to see lust events for more characters also


I agree, and for some reason I think she is the sort that might benefit from anal training there!


I only just found this game, but it is great. There are a few things I'd love to see added at some point. I'm surprised you can invite all these hotties into your bed each night and not have a lewd option, either something new or one of their existing ones. Also, perhaps if their submission gets high enough a chance to add them to the wake-up alarm options? It would also be nice to have an option to have android wake you in her alternate form. Kali's red dress for sex and Lin in the schoolgirl outfit that gets teased would be amazing too, especially for visits to the cafe (similar to Ashley's outfit options) There are loads of other things on the wishlist but I know it all takes time.


I personnally want more foot fetish (with nylon) stuff ;)


This is probably a dumb question you can't answer but which update will impregnating characters be fully implemented do you think?


I agree with every one of these suggestions. I would love to see all of these be implemented at some point.


Yah I really hope it's soon I've also been wondering that as well, whenever it is I'll be patient


I know this may sound stupid, but could there be a scene between the two experienced sex Elves Ann and Jia, about who's better. Just like the elf sex competition. Only this time in house and other girls may be part of it. Like who could satisfy a women better and Ashley and Maria may be on the recieving end of it.


Was forced away by my debit card getting stolen, but I'm back! It just took this long for the bank to put everything back the way it was.


I NEVER post on message boards like ever but I got to say this story hits the feels sooo hard! The sex is cool and all but the story is EPIC! thanks Runey for a great story!


Hello how long in public it


Hello how long will release it in public


Still waiting

Allen Lewis

When will it be released to the $5.00 patrons?


I want to call attention to perhaps a faulty choice for Kali's Lust scenes, namely the Walk of Shame. Don't get me wrong, I love the scene, it's just that I don't think she's the right character for it. Remember, you do have it previously established that Kali (and Lucia) are potential TARGETS, most likely for kidnapping, because of their father. Kali is certainly immodest and submissive enough to to The Walk, BUT I don't think she would be able to set that threat to herself (and by association, her father) aside quite so easily. While her father might be cool with the open secret that she'd getting boned by the MC, having a papparazzi snap her photo while she's Walking might force him to disown her for public relations damage control. What might be more apropos would be a scene where she tackles you, somewhere public but "safe" (the lobby or the hot spring, maybe?), without recourse to chemical enhancement. It's a small step up from her bracing you in your bedroom, and indicative of greater desperation.


Something I would like to see: Girls with well developed Submission (maybe level 15+) adding one selected piece of BDSM furniture to their own rooms (pommel horse, Spanish Donkey, rings bolted to their wall, ceiling, and/or beds for tying-down, padded stocks, etc.), allowing for play outside of the dungeon.


Scene idea for Dungeon: put girl in stocks face up (backbend position) and deep-throat her (with attendant risk of making her pass out and lose skill, as with Kali's throating). Maybe for Autumn?

Walkiria Elizarowa

I do not like girls with glasses! can I add an item to the store to remove points from the girl? and you can add a purchase in the store long hair, and outfit: tights, without a skirt! and add the subject of breast reduction to all the girls to a small breast size, like Ashley!

Walkiria Elizarowa

I like girls with long hair and small breasts! it’s possible, as in a store, to add a breast change item for all girls to small breasts like Ashley!