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Hello everyone! I hope you're well :) 

It's been a while so I wanted post a quick update and let everyone know v0.10 is in the planning stages, and the alpha/beta builds should start coming out soon!

v0.10 is still in the early planning stages, so I wont tease too much yet. I wanted to leave you guys with something though, so here's the concept for Vanessa, a character that will likely be showing up in Kali's story soon \o/



Brilliant news! 😁


Best news I've heard all month 😭. Update + new girl! Thanks Runey!


Sounds like the is gonna be a great build. Can't wait to hear more. Keep up the fantastic work


Some bright news during a dark time




Made my day hearing this! So excited!


Thank you so so much Runey!


Very nice!




Ayyy that's awesome ! Also, I want to take a second to just mention how I appreciate you and the work you are putting into the game :) You got my support !


My favorite erotic game. Can't wait for more! :D


Yes Yes Yes!!!


Will she move into the last empty room?

Destineey &Konaka

Yeah who do you plan for the last room? This is good news to hear next chapter is gonna start thanks


pwp I have a question ... I can not update the game ( on Android ) .. it says that there is an error soo .. do I have delete the whole app & download it again? My progess will be deleted from that too, wouldn't it? :'<


You should make backup of your saves, in my case saves are located in internal memory/android/data/harem.hotel just copy it and paste anywhere, delete game, install new one, open it and paste the saves


wow vanessa is beautiful, i hope she joins the hotel!


Could use a tiny wee bit more "meat" on her arms, otherwise i give her a pass. ^^) Also hope you're well, too.


Maybe do more with existing cast before adding yet more characters? Emma is underdeveloped compared to her clone-sister. Does answering all those damn trivia questions lead anywhere, or is that still a dead end?


I'm with you, Runey's character designs are still top-notch but there's already so many characters that development for some of their storylines is glacial.


When you release v0.10, is it going to be a patch to our current game or should we consider backing up our saves before we get the new version? Great game btw, I really enjoyed it, wasn't expecting the story to be that in depth! I'm using the PC version btw.


No need to backup anything, the way renpy works is: The saves are located elsewhere, not in the same folder as the game. So when an update is available you just delete the old folder with the outdated game and replace it with the new one you just downloaded. The saves will be available to you anyway. Thing is, sometimes the new updates may simply be incompatible with the old saves, in which case there is nothing to be done other than starting a new game.


Awesome can't wait. also, its good to hear from you again.


can't wait.love from China


Can't wait, always my favorite!


A smart girl,it is sad that I have no money to be a patron to see her quicklier.


Can't wait to see what you have planned!


Runey thank you for updating im going to be honest you game was the first adult game i ever played and i cant wait to play update V0.10


anyone can tell me where can i find cheat codes for this game?


I'm from China, because Ashley I fell in love with this game. If I could, I would like to see more about Ashley. Thank you very much for making this game and creating such a character that I like. I can't wait to play the next version


Hi guys i have one question because im new to the game and play on android when you update the game does save will stay or will be gone pls reply


Just a question! Is there gonna be more scenes about the slave??


Can't wait! It's a shame that I don't have enough money to become a patron, but I'll always support u no matter what! Btw I don't know if u care about my ideas but I hope u can add more character with glasses, cause I love what u r doing with Kali and her sis <3


This should clarify: https://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtopic.php?t=39176


I imagine you mean the sanctuary elves? If so obviously yes.


Yeah, it's not like Ellen is wearing them literally all the time as well, right? :P I think 3 ladies with glasses is more than sufficient.


Thank you! Ashley will definitely be getting content in v0.10. In fact, she'll have new story in v0.10's alpha :)


Oh? Looking forward to that. Her story is rather fun. I like the feels you produce with her.


Thanks! Hopefully I've successfully implemented a few more feels in her update :)


I only have 2 questions 1>) In future can it add pregnancy? 2>) became pregnant gives birth


Keep in mind it takes ~270 days (that would most likely have to be played out) for that to come to pass, or more if more than one girl is pregnant at the same time, but with different conception Days. Unless Runey goes the S*L route and has all the girls that are going to be pregnant all that way at the same time as a plot point, and skipping over most of the days inbetween. Also, with Lin being an elf, her gestation time may well be different.


What is an elf's menstrual cycle, anyway? A classic approach is to say they are fertile 1/year, on Midsummer's Day. Maybe 4/year, at the equinoxes and solstices? Being long-lived, they shouldn't be fertile as often as humans.