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(A collab story from several years ago, I recently re-found it and thought I would share! What do you think of putting tags in the thumbnail? ~Charn)

Elric was pleased. The massive elk might barely have been able to stand, but to the core, he was quite proud of himself. From about the cabin he could hear snoring, snoozing, napping and sleeping, all in various states of rapt exhausted pleasure. The Rutt was quite a success indeed!

He nearly stepped on a sprawled otter, the slinky mustelid naked with his head resting on a she-wolf’s stomach, who in turn was rather tangled with a lanky mountain lion, all three very much in the deep sated sleep of the carnally satisfied. Around the small cabin there were similar piles of exhausted bodies.

Elric had to duck, avoiding knocking his massive antlers on the light fixture, before managing to find the dark main room and sprawl on the miraculously empty couch. The smell of sex and pleasure was all around, filling the big stag’s nostrils.

The couch groaned and creaked in protest as the large ungulate flopped into place, springs compressing under so much naked venison. It was the perfect end to a perfect night, orchestrating such debauchery, and still being the ‘last man standing’ so to speak. No one could match his virility, no one had his stamina! Of course, nobody had his little gimmick, either. He gave that little secret a tweak, gruffing out a puff of air as that cockring shifted, slid, and soon was pulled free, leaving his massive tool to flop out stiff and purple across his thigh with a weighty, fleshy thwack!

Ahh, that felt good!

Well, even if he was rather intoxicated on hot cider and long nights of proving himself as ‘lord of the forest,’ he actually hadn’t gotten a chance to drain his own pleasures, those huge, red-pelted nuts draped over the couch cushion, still brimming with untamed lusts. He closed his eyes, laying back against the armrest, one hoof hiked high over the back as he gave himself such a firm, teasing squeeze.

There’s nothing more enjoyable than a lazy jerk, palming that thick venison meat soft and pliable in his hands, squeezing his dark fingers along its length like a clarinet. The broad-shouldered buck gruffed, tempted to rapidly stroke and pump and spill all that thick, broiling seed, but he wanted to savor the moment, besting all the others.

It was teasing, slow, thinking of all those twitching tails and spread thighs and upturned rears, causing surprised squeaks and bawdy barks and trembling twitters from all those around him!

That’s when he felt the fingers on his thigh.

The elk was too at ease to jump, to be surprised outright, though the feeling did make his large ears twitch. Perhaps someone was still awake, no matter. They would get to watch, watch the mighty stag empty those huge balls, drain all that sexuality! Heh, he could just imagine it. Perhaps some fawning todd fox, or a cute raccoon lass, or curious mouse!

It didn’t matter. He had an audience.

The elk bull inwardly grinned, keeping his eyes closed, thumbing his cockhead as he continued that slow, steady tease, rubbing at his shaft even as fingers slipped along his knee, his inner thigh, both thighs now, stroking as the couch shifted so lightly.

They were of course aware he was aware, there was no doubt of that, but they hadn’t said anything yet. Elric kept his eyes closed, preserving the mystery. He continued to stroke even as those fingers, tipped with trim claws it would seem, as they stroked slowly up each of those thighs, before oh-so-gently cupping his massive testicles. So weighty, so full, the stag couldn’t help but brim with pride as their full mass was hefted away from the couch, clutched and cupped and palmed in those alien hands.

He tilted his head backwards, soaking up that sensation, antlers pressed up against the wall as the thought of his balls so enjoyed, so revered!

He was close to cumming already!

Breath, he could feel breath on his nuts, curls of it warm and excited across the fuzz, across his crotch, and he was caught up in it. He could feel tongue start to rasp, to lick, to lap up, causing those great mangos to rise up, then fall back with a soft weighty slap. 

It wasn’t until he felt that first catch of teeth, a press of fangs, that would give him cause to pause his paws. Teeth, teeth that rasped across the bottom of that weighty scrotum, tongue that lapped and licked and nose that nudged that big pouch upwards, up, up up...until they fell into a fawning, gnawing abyss!

Warmth, he could feel warmth spreading, lips drawing, tongue fondly lapping. In his mind’s eye he could imagine it, a mighty predator of old, coming to devour him alive!

Elric practically bleated, only just stifling the noise. He dared not open his eyes, lest the vision be proved correct, or worse yet, be proved to be a figment of his imagination!

He continued stroking, a touch more fervently now, his mighty member thick and turgid, seeping as the rasping continued. The teeth followed upwards, scraping and sliding, catching the soft skin of his pouch, compressing his heavy, potent orbs! He could feel the precariousness, feel the worry welling up, feel the danger! 

Wait a minute, what is there to worry about!? It’s not like he was some stag of old, about to be eaten up like out of a fairy tale!

But it was still intoxicating to imagine. Certainly there was no real danger, but the potential had his cock throbbing, his muscles tense, and his breath snorting! More than simply pounding some eager doe or slender dog, he was enjoying it!

The big elk bull couldn’t help himself, hooves spreading all the wider, exposed and vulnerable his pouch became. At any moment he could easily have kicked off the rasper of tongue, the pincher of teeth, but they were no serious danger in the first place!

The fantasy was perverse and alluring.

Elric gruffed, broad muscular chest heaving as he leaned back, poking holes in the sheetrock with his mighty antlers as he continued his jerk, eyes shut as that unseen maw was allowed to continue. He could feel one huge nut start to sag, to dip, totally taken up by that warm and fawning mouth.

No, the thought was silly, the idea humorous at best. No mortal creature could handle him, no mere cat or dog or other predator could hope to swallow such meat! They would choke in the attempt, would sputter and admit defeat!

That too got his cock throbbing, precum seeping, lubricating his tense, but casual masturbation. He slipped those fingers up and down, rapping his slow, but accelerating rhythm. The idea was silly.

He let them play their game, their little fun, waiting to hear them cough and admit there was no larger! Ha! The idea that they would attempt was laughable! He even laughed aloud, a snorting grunt that caused his stomach to tense, and those balls to tighten, but still he felt teeth and lips around them, squeezing, stretching them back down! He hadn’t noticed that, how that mouth had been.. tugging on them, almost like it WAS trying to swallow them!

And then he felt teeth where he didn’t expect, felt sharp, clever incisors worry and close at his root. No, that was impossible, that was silly! But he felt it, that pull, dragging his big balls downward, stretching them taut, squeezing around their fat, unused girth!

That was silly to think of! Ridiculous! Nothing could take those massive orbs, nobody could ever manage to get their entire mouth around them!

Yet he was jerking faster, rapping, pumping, his split-hooves wide apart, his tail twitching and head tilting back!

He was sooo close, but he needed reassurance, needed to know it was all in his head, his imagination! He reached, his free hand sliding down, palming across his thigh before...fur. He felt fur, and chin and lips and bulging, purring throat! He felt teeth and lips and cheeks and broad nose pressed firmly up against his crotch! He felt soft ears and wide snout and, most worrying of all, felt muscles clench and throat distend! He felt his own balls within, twin lumps stretched low beyond reason, all that heavy potency trapped!

And he felt a very broad, cheshire-like grin...before he felt those sharp, clever, worrying teeth snick!

The elk never did open his eyes, he only screwed them all the tighter! Clenching and gasping and only just managing not to bellow he spilt all that he could, thick ropes of cervine seed across his belly...one...two...three...before suddenly the surging flood ceased! There was a tug, such a deep tug, deep into the recesses of his being, a jerking tug like no other!

Then there was only an afterglow. The elk panted, finally daring to open his eyes to the gloom, the barely visible room. He could barely see his own nose in such a state, only could just see his own sticky fingers as they were raised.

But saw no tiger between his legs.

He puffed out, nearly chuckling aloud in the exhausted relief of masturbation. Ha, that was one rather wild fantasy! Whew, almost seemed real!

The huge stag laid back, his softening dick draped weightily over one thigh, one arm soon tucked behind his head. Yes, one heck of a party! Time to sleep it off.


Terrel gruffed, managing to peek over the furpile. The broad, forest-brown wolf scowled at the noise, grumbling at the profile of the huge elk stag. Huff, cocky deer. He could smell the bull’s thick spunk in the air.  Why did he have to rub it in that he was largest?

The wolf gruffed, even if it was just a light gruff. One of his pack mates was tangled around him, a nearby fox caught between. Well, the elk didn’t have everything. Sure, maybe that handsome coyote from the midwest HAD snagged that sexy vixen with the riding crop, but he doubted the yote was as warm and comfy as he was mixed in with his pack! The wolf decided to return to napping and be happy with what he had. Mmm...and it seemed someone was still awake, he could find a warm body to snuggle in, burrowing, seeking. He played asleep, even as a whiskered nose pressed up between the bodies to press against the root of his sheath and fat canine baubles.

Nope, the elk didn’t have it all!




Target sighted!