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Part Two of the Portal Peril series, which is a YCH serial story that can be signed up for the low low price of $35 a month. There are currently three members, but that number fluctuates of course. Would you pay $35 a month to be tormented in a story like this? There are still slots open. :)

In this story (spoilers!) we are introduced to the rest of the captive audience at Charn's house. We get a peek into the setup and the hygeine that Charn enforces on all his floppy sloppy cocks and balls. Then, he puts on a live show, and, well, things kind of spiral out of control. Who knew hot sauce was water soluble?!

Kink warning: This goes PRETTY HEAVY into sounding and urethra torture, of various forms. :)

It was kind of exciting to write about Charn again, which is why this is late (it should have been done yesterday). I couldn't help it, I just kept having more and more to add to the story.




This was a fun one. Charn sure knows how to take care of his Portaled junks.