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This is a wild one! PLEASE read the tags before you read this story!

At Phatbuldge University, an intelligent but morally-dubious wolf decides that peer-reviewed studies are boring and unprofitable. He needs someone to check this 'masculinizing serum' NOW. That's about the time his ram dorm-mate enters the picture. 

Things do not go well for him. This story is a commission, and also ties in to other stories in the Phatbuldge University Universe as well as a group YCH Story by ChoaWaWa which I will link to later. 

The link is to an alternate ending and not necessary to click.


The Compound - Alternate Ending

Thursday, June 1st Kevin slammed his head into the door to his dorm room, swinging it open. He was carrying a big orange cooler with both hands, leaning slightly backwards to keep his center of balance as he waddled into the room. The ram's biceps flexed and shifted under his brown pelt, a sweat...


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