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Here's a picture featuring Barry from Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. The idea was suggested by Lasciua-Diaboli.

"The other one in mind is that Barry gets defeated at the lake and ya can't help but feel bad for the guy. His determination doesn't waver though and he wants to train even harder. It's pretty close to before you take down galactic and head up to spear pillar as well. So it might be cute if Barry trained so hard after his defeat that he got as big as Spear Pillar and Mount Coronet to help save the day as well with the big climactic fight and situation."

Seems like all that training after that defeat was worth the weight! As both Dialga and Palkia clashed together, the world's order being at risk, Lucas seemed a little overwhelmed trying to apeace the Legendary pokemon...

Until a big shadow covered everything, including the massive Legendary Pokebois! Everyone looked up at the source, and they found themselves being towered over by an even huger, and overly enthusiastic Barry! Barry was ecstatic to do his part at saving the world from this conflict.

Lucas, feeling much more at ease seeing Barry, knew that things were going to be back to normal thanks to Barry. meanwhile, the Legendary Pokebois already snapped out of their conflict just from the sheer shock from seeing such a huge human...much bigger than themselves even!

Hope you like it!




Man Lucas should find the same training~ nice!


Looks like Dialga and Palkia is gonna work together to beat Barry the Titan

Haphazard Perry

Yay, Palkia and Dialga are back~ ... I'll just catch them while they're distracted. Thanks, Barry!