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Here's a picture featuring Hajime Hinata from Danganronpa. The idea was suggested by adamony. Also, thank you to TPoN for helping with the idea. ^^

"Hajime also from danganronpa. I’d just love to see your interpretation of Hajime beefed up. Perhaps outgrowing the island, or fighting a monobeast"

Hajime was finally able to reach the final floor of the Funhouse, winning the the game that was involved as the final challenge. He found himself in front of a bunch of different rewards he could pick up: weapons, items etc...but a tasty, glowing drink was what caught his attention the most.

With all the running and physical effort that involved getting here, he was feeling quite thirsty...So he went ahead and chugged the drink up! In only a few gulps, all the liquid was already gone into Hajime's stomach. He didn't know that that liquid wasn't even supposed to be there, Monokuma leaving it there by accident...

He let out a small burp, and patted his belly in satisfaction...but he could feel his stomach rumbling loudly. He looked down, and was surprised to see his stomach bloating up! Not only that, but soon after, his muscles started to expand and fill up his shirt little by little! Hajime started to wonder what kind of drink it was, but his thoughts were interrupted by the ceiling, which crashed into his head! Not only he was getting more buff, but taller as well!

Hajime didn't know what to do as he kept on filling up the room more and more...until he got a sudden idea! He started to punch into the floor, easily denting it with his growing strength, until he crashed his way to the lower floors! He stopped by each floor to snatch all other players to save them from this hellish torture labyrinth...the more time that passed, the easier it got to hold more people as he kept growing bigger...and it also got easier to crash into lower floors! He kept on growing bigger and heavier, to the point that him doing nothing was enough for the floor to collapse under his sheer mass and weight!

The whole proccess sped up the more he grew, until his feet slammed into the lower floor. Making sure that he saved everyone, keeping them in his big, meaty hands, he started flexing his muscles, hoping that that would accelerate his growth...and it did! Easily surging through each floor that he crashed down, destroying the shole building from inside...until his expanding mass outgrew the whole tower! Finally letting himself and the rest free from that maze!

Now that they were free...Hajime was wondering if he should look into some way to go back to normal...or stay that way, since the more he checked himself out, the more he liked it...

Hope you like it!




I’ve seen a lot of him but none as good as this~ great work!