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Here's a picture featuring Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender. The idea was suggested by Chartias. I forgot about the "loose hair" detail, sorry about that. I just feel like his regular haircut looks cute on him, and is more iconic for him.

"Sokka (from avatar, the young man) but with his hair untied... so everything big, that being himbo looked great"

Sokka and the gang ended up stumbling upon a seemingly abandoned colosseum. Sokka, not helping himself, wandered in first out of curiosity...but the gates behind him closed! Leaving him locked in the arena. Aang and the others tried to open the gates, but no power was able to break the gates.

Sokka was panicking, until a deep, threatening voice started echoing throughout the whole colosseum. A bunch of ghostly figures appearing as some kind of "audience" on the surrounding seats. "Show us that you deserve your freedom. Defeat your opponents, and show us your might..." 

Once the voice disappeared, a ghostly, scrawny knight appeared before Sokka. It didn't take too long for Sokka to figure out what to do, so he prepared for battle. He embraced for battle, and rushed towards the knight.

Surprisingly enough, with his already earned experience, it wasn't too hard to defeat this knight, who fell down after being defeated, the crowd cheering for him. Sokka smiled and gave a thumbs up to the gang, confident that things should go smoothly. But then he noticed that the body before him lost the ghostly aura it had, which flew out of its body...and the energy flew right into Sokka's body! 

Sokka was admiring the pretty lights, too much to even attempt dodging it. He felt a sudden rush of energy from the ghostly particles, his heart beating faster. He looked down at his body to see what was going on...and he saw his muscles expand! He was decently fit, more in the scrawny side, but now he had some athletic muscles to show off!

He didn't question anything, this was just a definitive boost to him, so he decided to flex a bit to admire his gains...but was interrupted by yet another soldier! This one seeming more of a threat, since it looked bulkier than the last one, but Sokka didn't get intimidated by the knight, if anything, something in him kindled his passion for fighting, making him look forward to fight more! So he went ahead and rushed to battle once again.

And again, it didnt take to long to beat the knight, finishing him off with a punch on his face the cheers of the crowd feeding his ego even further. Sokka looked down at the fallen knight, and could see the ghostly energy flying off the body once again. Now, knowing what was going on, he opened his arms, preparing for the energy to fall in, and boost him up even further. And that's what the spirit did...and the gains were much more notable this time! His uniform ripping on his torso with how wide and bulky it became, his pants becoming skin tight, almost about to rip into shreds. He went ahead and took his footwear off, making a loud thud once bringing his feet back in the ground.

He admired himself once again, rubbing his hands against his abs...enjoying the feeling quite a bit. Another knight appeared, and Sokka was surprised, he was just looking forward to keep on fighting. The rest of the gang looking at the "show" were worried if the fights will finish anytime soon...and if Sokka was feeling alright.

And much alright he was, if anything, he was having the time of his life! The same cycle kept on repeating, defeating opponent after another, growing from each "reward" he got, more of his body was revealed with his clothes ripping into shreds, until he ended in an obscenely tight piece of underwear. The cheers of the ghostly crowd filling him with pride, him roaring with each defeat, stepping on the defeated opponent, while giving the crowd what they wanted to see, flexing his massive, growing body! He already forgot about escaping, he just wanted to keep on fighting, and become stronger...to become the strongest warrior of the world!

How much longer will the fight go on?...

Hope you like it!




You know... I can't help but want him BIGGER~