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Here's a picture featuring Gray from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. The idea was suggested by PipthePuffin.

"As far as Fire Emblems go, Shadows of Valentia doesn't seem as popular but I really like Gray's design. The game has a fatigue mechanic where you need to keep your soldiers fed. Maybe Gray feels really hungry and underfed on the battlefield and starts nomming and growing on the other side?"

The battle was being pretty tough for Gray's side, most of his comrades have fallen behind, defeated from the enemy's onslaught. In a matter of minutes, Gray was the only one representing his team.

Not only he was in an overwhelming situation, but he was starving...he tried to sneak behind some remains of a nearby building to see what he had in his inventory. Desperate for sustenance, he started drinking and gobbling any edible looking thing he had, bread, cooked food, potions...even magic potions! The mixture of nutrients acting up inside his stomach, but he was satisfied enough...but his stomach wouldn't calm down!

All the rumbling ended up with a big amount of air raising from his stomach to his mouth, letting out a loud belch that called the attention of the opposing army! Not only that, but the moment he burped, his body surged in both height and muscle! Ripping his clothes almost instantly, leaving his tanned body discovered...which was comparable to the physique to the sturdiest and bulkiest knights in his army!

THe sudden surge os size made him destroy the wall that he was using to hide, leaving him completely visible for the enemy, who were rushing towards him. He was panicking at the situation...until his stomach started rumbling again...but this time, the opposing soldiers were looking mighty tasty...

Letting his instincts loose, he also rushed towards the enemy, them surprised by how different and big he was compared to how small he was moments ago. Before they could react with an attack, Gray grabbed some soldiers and shoved them up his mouth! All the opposing army being terrified and disgusted by the sight, Gray enjoyed every single second he got to taste the small soldiers. The moment they landed in his stomach, made hhis belly bloat bigger, forming a formidable muscle gut that would repel any arrow or lance! But not only that, his muscles surged bigger once more! one arm easily able to pin down a whole squad of soldiers.

Seeing the effects of his new eating habits, he licked his lips, and kept going with his all-you-can-eat buffet. Not even focusing on attacking, most opposing attacks repelled by his ever growing muscles, he just kept on grabbing and gobbling up more soldiers, growing even bigger with each morsel. Seems like he'll have no trouble dealing with the rest of the soldiers, as he is an army of one now!...THough hopefully his comrades know how to deal with his huge, growing hunger...

Hope you like it!




"Who doesn't love a strong man?" Mmm, delicious! Great stuff <3

Robin Hafner

Honestly, I'm really enjoying all of these bits of big guys eating small ones, not gonna lie! It's definitely a fun 'theme' this month.