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Here's a picture featuring Howzer from Seven Deadly Sins. The idea was suggested by JT's Channel.

"Howzer from Seven Deadly Sins grows massive from exposure to a magic relic... He starts eating a lot too. ;) Or same thing with Bruno Bangnyfe from Burn the Witch. Your choice!"

After beating a giant, foul beast in a quest by himself, Howzer took the loot all for himself, which was mainly gold and one particular looking jewel. Proud of his work, he put the jewel on as a necklace, to show off that he was able to beat that quest before anyone else.

But before reporting himself to the guild, he headed to the closest bar, since he got really hungry all of a sudden. Being well known in town, and knowing how successful he was in his last mission, all the bartenders received him with open arms, offering him a huge feast for him to indulge, and even offering him more in case that wasn't enough.

He gladly accepted the offer, sat down in front of the table...and started to gobble up the food! The bartenders surprised at the lack of table manners of the knight. But what they didn't know, is that he was mainly eating like that because he was too hungry to mind manners.

He kept on gobbling up and up, the front of his armor protesting against hhis expanding belly. But then,the rest of his armor started to tighten up. His changes became more blatant until the belts that supported his armor finally gave away, snapping and letting all the armor plates fly away, revealing his increddibly tight undershirt, leaving his herculean physique quite exposed even undder that shirt. The bartenders tried to bring the armor back together, but Howzer ordered "No matter that, bring me more food and beer!" Slamming his fist into the table, making the whole place shake, and the bartenders obeying inmediatedly, bringing more food and beer.

He kept eating...his undershirt finally exploding from his growing physique, the bartenders to afraid to question what was going on, they just kept on bringing more sustenance to the growing knight. With his growing size, his mouth was able to gobble up even more food, increasing his growth rate exponentially, and making his increase in size scale up even more, his head crashing into the ceiling in a matter of minutes, shoulders and rest of the torso following. "MORE!" He kept on ordering, the bartenders having to step up their game even more since the plates disappeared the moment they arrived to their growing customer...even some bartenders disappearing into his mouth...

"Hahah! Now THIS is a feast worth for a hero like me!" He gloated while slapping his bloated belly, while he kept on drinking his beer, and growing bigger each second, the exhausted bartenders wondering when was this glorious nightmare going to end...

Hope you like it!



JT’s Channel

Wow!!! I love it! Howzer looks great! Story is great too! ;D