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Here's a picture featuring Siegfried from Fate. The idea was suggested by Robin Hafner.

"Sieg, from Fate, attempts to transform into his Fafnir Dragon self during a farming session with Ritsuka, but instead grows macro and muscular. With Fafnir's wings, horns, tail, and chest marking making him a hybrid, and him being very cute and panicking.  Considering Sieg's method of fighting is charging up lightning in his body to expel it, you could also have him with a big stomach full of energy that he built up."

After getting some new accessories, Ritsuka wanted to put them in practice fighting alongside his trusty ally, Siegfried. And what better way to try new equipment than with a farming session!

The accessories he bought were mainly strength and lightning magic boosters, being some of the main elements Sieg uses to fight. In order  to use them, Ritsuka had to keep them on his off hand in battle. The effects could be seen easily, no matter how many hordes of monsters came their way, Sieg easily defeated them with his enhanced strenght. The session was going quite smoothly! ...Until the monsters became more numerous with each horde.

Sure, Sieg could handle himself easily, but he was having a hard time protecting Ritsuka from bain sneak attacked from behind, so it was becoming quite overwhelming. Ritsuka was trying his best to defend himself, but since he had to sacrifice a possible shield on his off hand thanks to the new accessories, he had a hard time defending himself. A bunch of ghost enemies started surrounding him, until one of them lunged at him attempting to attack. By reflex, Ritsuka raised his off hand with the accessories, which received the ghost's attack. The accessories started shaking and shining brightly, noticeable shattering, until they bursted into pieces.

Meanwhile, Sieg was about to transform into his Fafnir form to cover more area and protect Ritsuka. But he didn't notice that the accessory pieces were absorbed into his body, leaving magic ripples the moment the pieces got into his body.

Sieg was getting ready with his Fafnir form, horns, tails and wings spreading out of his body, giving him and intimidating look that made the monsters startle from the sight...but...it felt like the transformation kept going. The energy he feels while he usually transorms didn't let up when his form was complete, but instead, it kept building up inside him! He thought his magic power was enhanced by the accessories, but that left his mind when his body started to balloon up..and up...and UP! His armor chattering off his bulging muslces, leaving his torso discovered, his chest mark shining brightly from the power building upinside him. His arms and legs grew big enough to the point that they looked that they could pulverize the sturdiest Golem between those  muscles. His dragon features grew along his body, making him look like a dragon overlord...no...a dragon GOD! His figure kept on getting bigger, his growing shadow looming over the enemies, which some were paralyzed by fear, or some already fled from the intimidating, colossal dragon hybrid in front of them.

Sieg had no idea what was going on! He was so confused from the situation...and embarrassed with how he was almost naked in front of his ally AND enemies! Meanwhile, Ritsuka was surprised by the effects of the accessories being absorbed by him, and didn't know what to do to even attempt to stop Sieg's growth...one thing's for sure...seeing his ally grow so big right above him was weirdly enjoyable...also, Sieg's huge, dangling bulge hovering over Ritsuka's head didn't help him feeling more flustered...

Hope you like it!



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