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Here's a sequence featuring Stark from Frieren. The idea was suggested by Devonxy.

"Stark from Frieren fighting perhaps a dragon or a demon of sort. Being scared, he hides inside a cave that is full of junk collected by the monster. He then searches for something useful through the pile and eventually gets a boost from an ancient artifact he touched, growing as long as he holds on to it. Then a sequence of growing until he outgrows the enemy."

During an expedition for treasure, Stark stumbled into a massive cave which just looked like it HAD to have a bunch of treasure in it...

What he was not prepared for tho, is that the moment he got into the inner chambers, he found a HUGE dragon sleeping in its den...but right past it, a shiny treasure hoard was in sight! He could try fighting the dragon...but that treasure hoard might have something that could help him out!

And so, he sneaked his way up to the treasure hoard and started looking for anything that looked like a magical artifact...and he did! The moment he held it in his hands, his eyes fixated into it, unable to focus on anything else...and POOF. The artifact dissappeared...and a powerful kind of energy started flowing through his body!

Not only he was starting to feel more powerful, but his body was changing along that power! His body became taller and bulkier, his oversized clothes soon got tight enough to not leave anything to the imagination...until they all ripped to shreds! And his body only got bigger from then on...

He was too focused in the great feeling ofr growing, but didn't realize that he was making a ruckus as his expanding body was shifting and pushing his surroundings, making the dragon wake a bit more little by little...until his head bumped into the ceiling of the cave, and his massive ass started pushing into the wasll that was hiding him from the sight of the dragon...


His massive body finally destroyed the wall, leaving him at full display fromt he dragon's point of view, who woke up from the shock of the booming sounds of the destroyed structures. Having just woken up, the dragon could barely tell what it was looking at...all it saw was a flesh colored mass expanding its way towards the giant scaly...Until it was pinned into the wall by this same expanding flesh...which was Stark's growing butt! Stark was already filling the whole cave with his size...


Stark's ass finally bursted out of the confines of the cave, the dragon helplessly trapped between the expanding cheeks! Followed by Stark falling on his back on the field outside the cave...

The growth finally seemed to slow down to a stop, and the young man finally was able to look down at the changes on his body...He was powerful alright...but he doesn't know how to feel about the fact that he'll have some trouble finding new clothes...meanwhile, a dizzy dragon was trying its best to get out of the heavy prison that was Stark's gigantic body.

Hope you like it!




ok you really outdid yourself on this one not gonna lie

Haphazard Perry

I wish I was that dragon... Fantastic work~ It's great to see Stark getting some more buff attention.