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Greetings everyone!

It's the start of a new year and we decided to come out swinging with some lower level items just to change things up and help fill out our offering across the board. We were excited to be able to do something a little new this month in the form of our first ancestry ever, expanding the release of our Springfoot creature from December into a full playable ancestry for 5E and PF2E this month. We hope to do some more things like this in the future where we offer some interesting extras to you all. If you have some ideas, we're all ears (just like the Springfoot)! Now, lets get on to the releases this month!

Our new magic item releases for November:


The light of the moon is just enough to cast a shadow and you're just the person to use that to your advantage. This sickle will reap more than hay in the right hands and will make you a nightmare to track in the dark.

Release Post

Brawler's Brew

In the mood for a scrap but in the totally wrong place for it? Well now you don't have to worry as you can bring the fight to anywhere you want with this convenient brawler's brew. Just don't open it in a crowded market please.

Release Post

Vexing Cube

I'm not sure what goes on in the mind of puzzle makers, I have to assume it's just the desire to cause pain upon someone else. This little box is sure to make someone want to rip their hair out while you take care of whatever nefarious deeds you're working towards.

Release Post


The most dangerous one in any ring is the one who is there of their own free will. Tap in to your animal instincts with this helm made for combat. Go ahead, let out a shout. We wouldn't fault you for it.

Release Post

One More Thing:

We're so excited to fly out the Springfoot from last month into full playable ancestries for 5E and PF2E including all of the bells and whistles one could hope for in a player option. As we mentioned before, we want to look at other options for things like this so let us know if there's something you want to see.

One More Thing: Springfoot Ancestry

The Springfoot are an ancient culture living far away from the reaches of more modern societies and preferring to live their lives as simply as possible. Some may choose a life of journeying out from their communities. Now you can play as one.

Release Post


AB is now on Moulinette

With the launch of Moulinette compendiums, we're excited to announce that we're now on the Moulinette platform offering our items in another convenient way within the Foundry environment. We announced it earlier this month as we were the first creator to take advantage of this new feature. 

Learn More About it in Our Release Post 

Creator We Love:

The Fluffy Folio

Fluffy was one of our first collaborators and someone that we have a ton of respect for. Fluffy creates creepy-cute critters for your 5E games and offers them in convenient formats that you can run at your table. I've loved their art style since I first came across them and I hope you'll give them a look as well!

Join The Fluffy Folio Patreon  

As always, we package everything into convenient "Monthly Wrap Up" files for you. You can find them in your master posts where you can download everything from this month in one file.

Wrap Ups for Patrons!

Kraken's Kohorts ($3 tier)

Kraken's Kompanions ($6 tier)

Kraken's Kollaborators ($10 Tier)

Thanks for your continued support!

- Fernando & Matthew



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