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Greetings adventurers!

Well I’ll be the first to admit that the subterrain is not my preferred area to hang out. No disrespect meant to those that build entire civilizations down there, I just never saw the appeal. Between the lack of sun, stuffy environs, and now acid spitting monstrosities, I just don’t think it’s the place for me. That said, they do produce some FASCINATING items. I’m not sure who exactly decided that toying with an Acerbak’s acid gland was a great idea, but they managed to make the thing work somehow.

Our patrons get early access to all of these items as well as additional formats that are easily usable in both physical and online play for D&D and Pathfinder 2E. Additionally they get high-res art exports, easy to use text exports, behind the scenes updates, and a lot more.

If that strikes your fancy, consider becoming a Patron

Design notes from Matthew:
When we’re pairing an item with a creature that we’re developing, there’s always this sense of wanting to pull the coolest mechanic from the creature and bring it into the item. The problem with that comes that characters are much more durable than many of the creatures they fight, so you have to be cautious with what you pick and choose and how it applies. Often that comes in the form of daily limits. Thankfully in this case, it lended itself rather well.

For our 5E version here, I wanted to play on a combo mechanic that leans heavily toward a monk preference. Really the only folks getting up to that many unarmed attacks in a turn are monks with their flurry and even so hitting on each of them is an additionally difficult prospect. Locking the armor damage behind those two mechanics felt like it still gave a lot of power without pushing it over into the realm of overpowered insanity.

Insofar as Pathfinder 2E, there’s a lot of precedent for things damaging armor and equipment already. I think that’s a great little mechanic and it’s something I wanted to toy with more often. They have spiked gauntlets built in, so that was perfect for the base. Tie a little bit of armor destruction on top and you end up with the perfect set up for someone that wants to tear down an armor wearer easily.

Hopefully you enjoy these creature and item pairings we do! It’s one of our favorite things to develop even though they take a good amount of work. Later on today we’ll be releasing the Acerbak that goes with this item. I can’t wait to get that critter into your hands. It’s truly a little terror.

We highly encourage you to join our Discord server where you’ll get access to exclusive channels that have sneak peeks, behind the scenes chatter, and more.

Rewards for Patrons!

Kraken's Kohorts ($3 tier)

Kraken's Kompanions ($6 tier)

Kraken's Kollaborators ($10 Tier)

Don't let it burn a hole in your pocket,

- Fernando & Matthew



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