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Greetings adventurers!

The skies are a magical and terrifying place filled with all manner of possibilities as well as things that want to eat you. Isn’t that just the most exciting thing? As we expand our reach of knowledge into the unknown corners and frontiers of these lands, so too are airships extending our reach into the heavens. There are always challenges though, for example balloon bursting Spiking Spear Sparrows. While their name is quite a mouthful, they certainly have proven themselves as a threat to air commerce. It seems that some have viewed that threat as an opportunity though.

One of the most exciting things AB has afforded us is the opportunity to work with a number of talented creators in the space and this week we’ve pulled together two of our favorite repeat collaborators to put together a package of content that we hope you’ll love.

The Fluffy Folio created a wonderful statblock with easy to implement lore for the Spiking Spear Sparrow which is the genesis for the tip on the Spearrow. Not being happy with just one additional piece of content, we also worked with James’ RPG Art to bring you a wonderfully detailed and animated airship scene where you could set the encounter with this creature. We hope you love the additional content and highly encounter you to check out Fluffy and James on their Patreons. They make amazing things and we’re proud to support them.

James' RPG Art makes animated scenes to help players visualise environments and add immersion and tone to your games.

He has created over 300 scenes from official WotC adventures and many unique locations that are often found in a D&D adventure.

He releases 4 new locations each month for his patrons.

Visit his Website and Patreon for more information!

From the sunniest meadows to the densest forests, in winding caverns and on icy
mountain tops: the world is swarming with magical critters and fantastic beings
waiting to be discovered. By becoming a patron of The Fluffy Folio you gain
access to an ever-growing collection of quirky 5e monsters, items & potions to fill
up even the most peculiar places of your adventurous worlds.

Visit Fluffy’s Patreon for more information!

Our patrons get early access to all of these items as well as additional formats that are easily usable in both physical and online play for D&D and Pathfinder 2E. Additionally they get high-res art exports, easy to use text exports, behind the scenes updates, and a lot more.

If that strikes your fancy, consider becoming a Patron

Design notes from Matthew:

There needs to be more incentive for throwing your weapons. That’s where this all started for me. I get a bit annoyed that versatile thrown weapons like spears are mostly just melee relevant or people only used them in a melee setting. I want to see more magic items that really incentivize chucking these things at your enemy then pulling a sword or something else as you charge in. I think there’s a cinematic quality to that which I love in my games.

For the D&D version, I wanted to make it something that you could use without limitation to really get people utilizing that thrown feature. As you only get one action per turn in 5E, it was very important to incentivize this being something you could use on the regular. Limiting it to a number of times per day makes it feel like a resource you’re using rather than a weapon. Steering clear of limitations like that allowed me to explore an interesting mechanic where it can pierce through multiple targets as long as it keeps hitting. I think that’s a fun implementation and a relatively unique mechanic.

For the PF2E version, there’s less of an issue with action economy considering you have three to play with each round. I needed another way to somewhat pace the item, thus the once per hour limit on this version. Also I gave the PF2E version a bit of something different in that it’s more based on saves in a line over rolling attacks. In PF2E there is much more of an emphasis on doing multiple things per round so clogging it up with even more attack rolls just felt sloppy. This item really got to the core of why I design each item differently for each system rather than treating them homogeneously.

That’s another wonderful collab in the books. It’s so fun to create things with others who really have a passion for making something special. We love working with others when we get the chance and I’m happy to report we’ll have another big collab like this next month, but with even more content for you all.

We highly encourage you to join our Discord server where you’ll get access to exclusive channels that have sneak peeks, behind the scenes chatter, and more.

Rewards for Patrons!

Kraken's Kohorts ($3 tier)

Kraken's Kompanions ($6 tier)

Kraken's Kollaborators ($10 Tier)

Fly true!

- Fernando & Matthew



Curtis Arnold

This is a really good one. I'm a patron of Fluffy too and I love the collab.


Thanks so much Curtis! We have worked with Fluffy a number of times and absolutely will again in the future. One of our favorite folks to work with!