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Greetings everyone!

It's gonna be May!... Well, alright it already is. I just have to start every May with that and if I don't I feel like I'm letting my inner 90s kid down. We said April was going to be a big month as we moved into creating in a new system and a big month it was. It was filled with lots of content, questions, and learning experiences for me. Certainly I wasn't expecting the expansion to go as smoothly as it did, but I certainly can't complain. 

Now, the new items for the month:

Runerite's Chisel

The tinks and pings of the runerite's chisel is a negotiation in the language of the stones. A telling of tales and embedding of magics within. How you want to use that is up to you.

Release Post


While some events may be locked away for exclusive access, luckily you've got this golden little ticket. Just don't make too much of a scene. Even magic can't save you from yourself.

Release Post


While you may not control the winds, you can seek to form a bond with them. With the right reverence, you may even ask them to come to your aid with with beautifully painted hand fan.

Release Post


Legend foretold that one day a worthy heir to the throne would arrive to a small hamlet and be the first to prove true of heart enough to pull the sword from the stone. Well, that isn't you, but you took the sword and stone anyways.

Release Post

We love doing our One More Thing releases for the month as they're usually a chance for us to explore some other kinds of content creation. That said, since we were already taking on a new system, we decided to keep it simple and make something to celebrate it a bit with the Trailblazer's Tome. We'll get back to larger One More Thing releases this month hopefully! 

One More Thing: Trailblazer's Tome

Charting the way and finding new things to explore is part of the nature of adventure. Just because you're a book loving wizard, doesn't mean you can't understand the importance of discovery.

Release Post

Join us as PaizoCon Online 2023!

We'd like to say thank you to Paizo as they've invited us to participate at PaizoCon Online 2023. We'll be running a channel in the event Discord as well as some panels. We're excited to be a part of the event and meet more of the community there. It will be taking place May 26th through May 29th.

Learn more and grab your tickets here. 

Digital Katalogue In Development.

We've begun development on a digital catalogue of all of our items where patrons will be able to browse what we've made, filter items by rarity, levels, types, and more. We're going to be working on this for a bit but we hope to have this ready some time in summer. It's a big lift for us, but we want to give patrons an easier way to browse your benefits without having to dig through Patreon itself. We'll be posting more about it going forward.

Thank you all so much for the continued support. Without all of you, it wouldn't be possible to keep this going. Keep an eye out for other benefits coming this month like a Pathfinder Foundry module and Kompendium as well as the beginning of our backlog conversions. We also have some exciting collaborations coming up with some new creators and old friends as well that we can't wait to share with you.

As always, we package everything into convenient "Monthly Wrap Up" files for you. You can find them in your master posts where you can download everything from this month in one file.

Wrap Ups for Patrons!

Kraken's Kohorts ($3 tier)

Kraken's Kompanions ($6 tier)

Kraken's Kollaborators ($10 Tier)

Thanks for your continued support!

- Fernando & Matthew



Perry Anderson

Awesome! Is there a set release date for the foundry module each month?


I always say "Around the 15th" as that gives me some wiggle room if a lot is going on. We try to get them out before that. This month might take a little extra work on the Kompendium front as I'm going to include some general QoL updates for the 5E one while laying out the PF2E version. Still aiming for "around the 15th" though.