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Greetings everyone!

A happy April to you all. We hope that those of you in the northern hemisphere are enjoying a smooth start to your spring and that those in the southern hemisphere can start getting their fall activities in order. This March was a busy one for us as we are on the road to making an announcement later this week that we are extremely excited for. For now though, we're happy to bring you your monthly wrap up where you can find all of the month's files in one place.

Now, the new items for the month:

Boldin's Beard Oil

If you ask a dwarf what their most prized possession is, many will tell you it's their hammer or their axe, but the wisest will tell you it's their luxurious beard. Boldin knew that when he formulated this special oil.

Release Post


Sacrifice is one of the most noble acts that one could take. Are you willing to push yourself to save someone you care about? This little trinket has much to offer for those who care greatly.

Release Post


The echoing hymn of this victorious horn blares forth rallying all to a glorious victory. With this handy little instrument, you'll have a way to help your friends and also a way to show off just how important you are.

Release Post

Stitch in Time

While some toil with the nature of time and debate its linearity, others understand that the weave of time itself is much more complex than conventional thinking would allow, and furthermore that weave can be altered.

Release Post


There are those that frown upon magics used to bind souls together, but those who are sticklers for rules are often scared of what they don't understand. There is great power to be found in magics like these.

Release Post

Also we'd like to give you something a little fun. We didn't export all the formats for this as it was just a little April Fool's joke that we put together. We kind of love turning mundane things into magic items so we decided that Duct Tape was the next candidate for that. We hope it brings you a laugh.

April is going to be a big month for us. Expect some more value coming to your tiers this month. I can't wait to show you what we're making!

As always, we package everything into convenient "Monthly Wrap Up" files for you. You can find them in your master posts where you can download everything from this month in one file.

Wrap Ups for Patrons!

Kraken's Kohorts ($3 tier)

Kraken's Kompanions ($6 tier)

Kraken's Kollaborators ($10 Tier)

Thanks for your continued support!

- Fernando & Matthew



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