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Greetings adventurers!

A maker of misfit children’s toys is not the place I expected to be pointed to when looking for a magical artifact. I checked the address three times as I was certain I was in the wrong place. Inside I found a jolly woman who informed me she was so glad that I had came. She showed me her stuffed animals, block puzzles, and spinning tops but finally brought me to the largest item in the shop. An entire suit made to resemble an owlbear. She made it on commission from a wizarding type, but after collecting it, he returned it unceremoniously a week later claiming that his friend thought it was too silly. Silly or not, I saw nothing but potential.

Our patrons get early access to all of these items as well as additional formats that are easily usable in both physical and online play. Additionally they get high-res art exports, easy to use text exports, behind the scenes updates, and a lot more.

If that strikes your fancy, consider becoming a Patron 

Design notes from Matthew:
Yes this did in fact kick off from the scene in the trailer for a certain new movie that is coming out and then delayed and now maybe coming out later, I guess we’ll have to see what happens with it. It’s almost like a game in itself that way. While the inspiration was there, I know I didn’t want to make this something simple. My idea was to maybe make it a bit silly with a cloak or something like that, but the second the phrase “Hoot Suit” popped into my head, it was over.
I wanted this to give people the ability to be an owlbear, I know that from the start, but that’s a bit more complicated than just saying that you can now wildshape into an owlbear. I knew I wanted some regular benefits as well and the owlbear statblock had the perfect ones with keen senses. That’s an easy enough pickup for druids that I knew they would love it.
When it came to balancing out the owlbear form, well that was a bit trickier. You can try telling people to tone down the statblock or take away multiattack or something like that, but it all felt a bit lame. It felt like you weren’t truly becoming an owlbear then, just some lesser form. I went with a time gate instead that will limit uses per day and I think that was the best way to make it be used tactically.

It’s fun to try to find magic item ways to solve problems that some folks see in lore or functionality of media. There’s usually some way you can bend the game to your will with a magic item. They’re like keys that unlock alternate playstyles, or at least that’s how I like to look at items.

We highly encourage you to join our Discord server where you’ll get access to exclusive channels that have sneak peeks, behind the scenes chatter, and more.

Rewards for Patrons!

Kraken's Kohorts ($3 tier)

Kraken's Kompanions ($6 tier)

Kraken's Kollaborators ($10 Tier)

Have a hoot,

- Fernando & Matthew



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