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Greetings everyone!

It's the end of June and the start of July. That means it's time for our monthly wrap up where we put all of the benefits you received this month in one convenient post. We're moving into the hottest months of the year here in the northern hemisphere so I hope you're staying cool and safe out there. Here's what we got up to this month. First, the new items for the month.

Earthember (Night Owl Odysseys Collab)

An artifact for the ages, this spear holds within it the power of a magma elemental. An imposing weapon, it truly brings the heat. With this release you also get a fully adventure centered around the Earthember by the amazing crew at Night Owl Odysseys.

Release Post

Pellar's Purse

When you're a busy wizard on the go, you don't have time for all of the hum-drum of copying spells into your spellbook. You've got much bigger dragons to fry! That's why you need the Pellar's Purse!

Release Post

Timeflux Contraption

No one is really sure where this device came from or who invented it, but we know that it seems to allow a window back in time. What secrets could the past hold? Well that's anyone's guess.

Release Post


An old king of ostentatious taste and a temper unrivaled commissioned this axe to show his loyal subjects he was in charge. All were in awe of its gaudy glory and certainly swore fealty to him without an eye roll.

Release Post

Clean Slate

No matter how much we try, we can't seem to dirty these gleaming white robes, but it seems to have the ability to absorb terrible things, keeping you safe from them until you unleash them on others. What an odd piece.

Release Post

We also continued on the path of rereleasing our pre-patreon backlog in all of our new formats. These are available in all of their formats to all tiers of patrons. You helped put us over our goal to make this a reality and we're so thankful for that.  Here's the rereleases this month:

Ash & Dust

This brutal scythe culls those whose time has arrived, some of them in one fell swoop. The fates decide with each swing whether your enemy lives or dies, and as they get closer to the end, the scythe gets more brutal.

Release Post

Mortal Hold

While the outward appearance looks completely awesome, it's probably obvious that this armor has something a little wrong with it. You can gain great strength from it, but is it worth the cost of your life?

Release Post

Beast's Bludgeon

The writhing tentacle of a monstrous creature hardly seems ripe for a weapon, but some artificer just didn't know when to leave well enough alone and so this is the outcome. Well, good luck with it...

Release Post

Also, every month we produce something a little extra with our One More Thing releases. They rotate and change monthly so you never know what you'll get. What is for sure is that they are exclusive to Patreon!

One More Thing: Path of the Scarbearer

Learning from your mistakes is one of the most important traits an adventurer can have. Scarbearers embrace their injuries and know that each of them has honed their skills and readied them for combat.

Release Post

We're so thankful for your support and in fact, we even were able to continue our work on the Foundry VTT module and release that! We're so happy to finally be available in another convenient place for patrons and we hope it will serve you well in your Foundry games. We can't wait to bring you what's next! 

As always, we package everything into convenient "Monthly Wrap Up" files for you. You can find them in your master posts where you can download everything from this month in one file.

Wrap Ups for Patrons!

Kraken's Kohorts ($3 tier)

Kraken's Kompanions ($6 tier)

Kraken's Kollaborators ($10 Tier)

Thanks for another fantastic month!

- Fernando & Matthew



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