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Greetings everyone!

We’ve been having a wonderful time planning out the items this month including a nice collab with some fantastic creators to wrap it up in the end, but for now we are doing something pretty exciting. We’ve created the first item that was suggested by one of our Kollaborators. Lets get into it!

Our patrons get early access to all of these items as well as additional formats that are easily usable in both physical and online play. Additionally they get high-res art exports, easy to use text exports, behind the scenes updates, and a lot more.

If that strikes your fancy, consider becoming a Patron 

Design notes from Matthew:
The initial idea from Chelsea on this was to be a circlet that gave you a foot on either side of good and evil so that you could strike a balance. A nice duality as it were and that’s where the name came from.
Setting this item up was reasonably simple. I had the idea for something that would grant Bane & Bless and give them some alternate properties. That was basically my point from the start. The most obvious bit came to me in that Bane & Bless are kind of two sides of the same coin, so the ability to dual cast them in a limited way felt pretty interesting and potentially very fun to pursue.
The design of this was pretty simple, limit bane a bit, limit bless a bit, and give you both at the same time with a little dollop of Detect Evil & Good on top for a fun bonus.
Illustration notes from Fernando:
STOP! Kollaborate and listen! It was fun to do our first Kollaborator item, that’s what that tier is for and I’ve been looking forward to it since we launched our Patreon.
The circlet went through a few iterations, nothing was quite grabbing me.  I had to do a few Pinterest searches for inspiration and even then it wasn’t clicking.  I leaned into the duality part by making it look like two circlets fused into one and it finally started taking shape.
One of the designs had the right side looking like a lush clump of leaves but it was too similar to the concept of “Growth & Rot” so we went with the more sun and thorns direction.  It’s a bit of a simple looking item, but not everything has to be grandiose and epic, I’m quite pleased with the final result.

It was great working with a suggestion from the community for this project and I hope to do these more in the future. If you want access to an item pitch channel where you can pitch us items to make, then consider becoming a Kollaborator! It’s pretty rad. I love creating items that have a dual purpose so this was right up my alley.

We highly encourage you to join our Discord server where you’ll get access to exclusive channels that have sneak peeks, behind the scenes chatter, and more.

Rewards for Patrons!

Kraken's Kohorts ($3 tier)

Kraken's Kompanions ($6 tier)

Kraken's Kollaborators ($10 Tier)

Stay blessed… or baned!

- Fernando & Matthew



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