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Greetings Adventurers,

Some good news and some bad news. The good news, we have another oceanic themed creature for your games. The bad news is that we'll be moving away from the ocean theme for the creatures after this one. We'll keep you updated with what's next, but I'm so glad that we got to create a bunch of cool critters to terrorize your players on the ocean.

As with all of these One More Thing releases, it's exclusive to patrons. If you're not a patron and want this release, please consider supporting us here. For patrons, you'll have to grab the files from your master post (linked below) to see the stats. We hope you enjoy it.

Design notes from Matthew:

The start of this was pretty straightforward, I thought it would be rather cool to have a ship mimic. That was where the idea started, but over time it evolved quite a bit. I think it's important to recognize when an initial idea needs tweaking and this was one of those cases. The complexity of making a mimic ship would have absolutely pushed this into a messy design exercise. Instead, I decided to take it in a different direction with a chaotic melding of two things, that being shark and ship.

One of my priorities when designing for 5E is to make sure the creature can stand up to punishment if it is tossed into a fight alone against the players. There are a lot of tools for that, but one unexpected one is mobility and damage. I went for a fast moving variant here where it can come in and out of combat quickly, striking with high damage and retreating into the dark abyss. High defenses and resistances are nice, but damage and mobility are neglected defense measures at times.

In the PF2E version, I leaned a bit more into the defenses with its ability to stay put and soak damage with a higher AC. I think it's fascinating to offer defensive options like that to a creature as players usually won't see it coming. It's also a good way to start off combat if they suspect something is up. After that, the mobility and damage come into play again. Kind of a common theme.

We're moving on to a new theme next month, but with that we'll still be creating just like always. I just wanted to take a minute and truly thank those of you who remain with us month after month. It's wonderful to know that people enjoy our work enough to stick with us this long.

If you're not a patron and would like access to these exclusive releases, click this link and check out our tiers. Every patron gets full access to these "One More Thing" releases each month.

To get all of your rewards click the appropriate tier below to go right to your master post where you can download them all.

Rewards for Patrons!

Kraken's Kohorts ($3 tier)

Kraken's Kompanions ($6 tier)

Kraken's Kollaborators ($10 Tier)

You're going to need a bigger boat,

- Fernando & Matthew



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