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Greetings Adventurers,

The seas don't always have to be a dangerous place. In fact, there may be many a friend to be found above and below the waves. With this in mind, we set out to create an agricultural community of possible friends and allies for your adventurers. We hope you'll find a good home for these little guys in your campaigns.

As with all of these One More Thing releases, it's exclusive to patrons. If you're not a patron and want this release, please consider supporting us here. For patrons, you'll have to grab the files from your master post (linked below) to see the stats. We hope you enjoy it.

Design notes from Matthew:

First and foremost, we knew we had to make them cute. Axolotls are just the goofiest little guys and getting them into a sentient culture was an absolute blast to develop. One of the things that I knew we had to do from the start, and I think Fernando made sure of this, was to make it obvious that they will fight back if push, but that first and foremost these are a friendly species that is looking to form a relationship. I think we managed to make that pretty obvious.

I have long since made it my mission to design good creatures/items for each system rather than making them completely the same across both. One of the cores that we have for both was the inclusion of regeneration. I think that makes enough sense to have a core functional mechanic, but from there on out I branch into things that would be more useful for each system.

On the 5E side, I made these guys a bit more focused on their charisma abilities and potential to affect mental changes on those around them. This is a bit more easily done with charm mechanics in 5E. For PF2E, I wanted to focus more on their ability to speak change into being and also give them some stealth capabilities. It's interesting what you can develop when you stop focusing on making things 1:1 and just make decent creations.

We'll be continuing in the sea theme for quite awhile so don't worry, we've got a lot more coming to add to the shores and oceans of your worlds. We love creating these extras each month and can't wait to show you what we're working on next.

If you're not a patron and would like access to these exclusive releases, click this link and check out our tiers. Every patron gets full access to these "One More Thing" releases each month.

To get all of your rewards click the appropriate tier below to go right to your master post where you can download them all.

Rewards for Patrons!

Kraken's Kohorts ($3 tier)

Kraken's Kompanions ($6 tier)

Kraken's Kollaborators ($10 Tier)

Chillin out maxolotling and relaxolotling all cool,

- Fernando & Matthew



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