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Thank you so much! By signing up for the Kompanion tier, you've chosen to go above and beyond to get access to all of our formats for our items.

We are blown away by each new patron we get and love that people enjoy our items enough to want them for their games. You'll get access to transparent PNGs of the item art, one and two-sided item card formats, printable templates, and a lot of other good stuff along the way.

Additionally, you'll get access to patron only Discord channels to connect with us and see all of the latest AB information. We encourage you to check out the Welcome Post, a post we set up to help you get orientated and find easy access to all of your new benefits as a Patron.

Again we can't thank you enough and we hope that we can keep putting out things that you'll love long into the future.

- Fernando & Matthew

Added: 2024-04