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Damsels in Distress Ch 1 (My Hero Academia)

  • U.A. Graduate 47
  • Veteran Heroine 116
  • Civilian 21
  • 2024-05-26
  • 184 votes
{'title': 'Damsels in Distress Ch 1 (My Hero Academia)', 'choices': [{'text': 'U.A. Graduate', 'votes': 47}, {'text': 'Veteran Heroine', 'votes': 116}, {'text': 'Civilian', 'votes': 21}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 26, 21, 16, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 184}


Summary: R-Rated Hero Midnight gets rescued by a surprisingly strong, handsome young man... and knows just the PERFECT reward for him.

Chapter One: After Midnight

The 18+ Hero Midnight was well known despite her low Rankings.

Obviously, it was because of her... ‘Personality’.

Despite the reputation Midnight had developed, there were quite a few who knew her to be rather dependable. She was quick-witted and surprisingly intelligent. Combining her sharp mind with a powerful Quirk that can bring down most Villains without a fight.

Somnambulist made her into a successful Hero. A Quirk that exuded a powerful sleep-inducing aroma from her skin.

However, on rare occasions, she found herself in an unfavorable matchup.

On one of her night patrols in one of the lower-wealth sections of the city, she caught a local Villain red-handed.

But to her surprise, he started running wild. As she ripped her Ultra Thin Fabric Suit and activated Somnambulist, he grew several sizes, taking on a vile appearance.

A man with a monstrous Quirk that must’ve changed his physiology... because her aroma-based Quirk Somnambulist had no effect.

She wasn’t a Pro Hero for nothing and didn’t let that slow her down... But unfortunately, this man had unbelievable physical ability. While she was working out a plan in her head, his armored fist broke down the walls of the building she’d taken cover in.

She remembered seeing a limb the size of a tree trunk swinging toward her and feeling like she had been run over by a train. She flew back limply and felt an impact on her back that jarred her senses.

Barely clinging to consciousness, she saw this reptilian monster stalking toward her. Her vision blurred.

And then...


The monster’s face ate concrete as it was bludgeoned into the ground.

A flash of green rushed over to her.

“Oh shit oh shit..! Are you okay?! Hey~! Stay with me..!”

“W-who..?” She wondered as her blurry eyes fluttered closed.


“Ugh..! Ow...” Her brilliant blue eyes suddenly slipped open as she reached up to clutch her throbbing head, “Oooh... What hit me..?” She groaned, feeling a dull pain still reverberating through her body.

She felt phantom pains of a great impact, like getting ran over by a train... but they quickly faded again, and she realized that her body wasn’t injured. It was a strange, familiar feeling, but one she’d felt before. When healed by a recovery Quirk.

“Ah.” Her eyes snapped open as she remembered what happened. She’d been taken out by a Villain with a monstrous Quirk, one that didn’t seem to need to breathe and, therefore, couldn’t be put to sleep by a Somnambulist. She’d been swatted away like a buzzing fly, and then...


All Might? There was no way. He’d long since retired, and there were rumors that he’d never wear a suit again. She recalled a figure, though she didn’t catch any details with her blurry, concussed vision. But from her foggy memory, all she knew was that her assumed savior was... quite small. And quite green.

As her eyes adjusted to the dim light of the room, Midnight, or rather Nemuri, found herself dressed in unfamiliar clothes, resting in an unfamiliar bed.

She pulled simple blue sheets off her body and looked down. Any other girl might’ve been freaked, waking up in an unfamiliar room, dressed in strange clothes and with no memory of the previous night... but well... this wouldn’t be the FIRST time for Midnight.

But looking down, she was dressed in an oversized green hoodie. Curious, she pulled the collar back and peeked down, “Aaah.” She saw beneath her dress the tattered remnants of her Heroine Uniform, with one of her round, full breasts hanging out from the rips in the Ultra-thin material.

‘Hmm...’ Despite the kind of first impressions the ‘18+ Hero’ Midnight tended to leave, one of her strongest tools was her intellect. She started piecing together a profile of this mysterious stranger, assuming that she was indeed at her rescuer's home.

‘They covered me... Either my would-be hero is a woman, and didn’t have anything that’d fit over my boobs other than a frumpy hoodie... or its a guy...’ She pondered, ‘A guy who was trying to be respectful... or hide the fact that he’d perved on me while sleeping by dressing me for when I awoke...’

She suddenly giggled to herself with a gleam in her eye, ‘Or maybe... Its a handsome young VIRGIN who was too embarrassed by his first look at a real woman’s tits... heheh, like that’d ever happen ❤’ Though that little fun thought sent a tingle up her spine.

She rose out of the bed, finding his nearby lamp and flicking it on, ‘Oh...’

As she did... she revealed that one wall of this small bedroom was COVERED in Hero profile pictures, newspaper articles, and one giant-sized map of the city. Pins and lines were drawn on the maps, with hand-written notes of crime rates, uncaptured Villians, and predicted Hero patrol routes.

‘Oh my god...’ Nemuri thought to herself as she analyzed this conspiracy board. It looked completely hand-made and amateurish, but it was incredibly accurate when she compared the data she read with what she had access to from her own Hero Agency.

‘So this guy is either super obsessed with Heroes... or...’ Her mind quickly reached the correct conclusion. Only one type of person did this much research on Villian activity that DIDN’T work through the government-sanctioned Hero Agencies.

‘A Vigilante...’

Then her eyes landed on a familiar slice of the city, ‘Wait a second... isn’t that..?’ Her eyes were drawn to a picture of herself. Looking closely at the section of the map, she saw a picture of the Villian in question marked ‘Uncaptured’ with little pins connecting several circled spots of the city. She knew these locations well, because she’d received the same information from a Professional Hero Agency. They were the Villian’s sighted locations.

And then... an X drawn on the city block where she’d fought with him.

Predicted Next Attack - Most Likely Hero to Encounter; Midnight

‘He knew it was going to happen..!’ Midnight thought to herself in quiet amazement, ‘What incredible analysis!’


Peering out from his bedroom, Midnight saw an empty corridor. She felt strangely excited snooping around this mysterious Vigilante’s home, but she wanted to gather some information before encountering him herself.

She didn’t feel threatened by this guy anymore. If he were a Villian or something, she doubted very much that he would’ve healed her wounds, tucked her into bed, and let her get a good night's sleep.

No, it was clear that this person, at the very least, was TRYING to be good.

Sneaking down the corridor, Midnight was surprised to find a rather incredible personal gym. Not quite the level of equipment U.A. would have, but with weights that were too impossibly heavy to be lifted by anything less than a high-power Strength-enhancing Quirk.

Peaking around a corner into a dimly-lit living space, she nearly fell over in surprise.

“Hmm~ Hmm~ Hmm~”

She was expecting to find a statuesque, strength-obsessed muscle freak—someone more like Death Arms in terms of physique.

She did NOT expect a rather short, wholesome-looking man who looked young enough to be fresh out of U.A. With mossy green hair and a cute freckled face, he definitely didn’t seem the type to yell ‘smash’ and punch a monstrous, building-sized supervillain down to the ground.

Especially because he was humming a tune, she recognized as the theme song for a popular new Wild, Wild Pussycats cartoon while cooking something that smelled delicious over his stove.

As he turned her way, grabbing some ingredients from the kitchen cabinets, she caught a glimpse of what he was wearing. Wrapped around his torso was a ‘Mirko’ themed apron, complete with cutesy chibi bunnies decorating it, while his fluffy white slippers had big poofy bunny ears.

‘Oh my god..!’ Midnight caught herself drooling, ‘Well hello, cutie~ I expected some burly beefcake... not this adorable little homebody... Oh, I could eat you up❤’

But it wasn’t like he was lacking any masculine appeal. She could see those cleanly defined arms even across the room, and based on the sheer size of the weights in his personal gym, she reckoned he was hiding abs like chiseled marble under that cutesy apron.

Midnight’s eyes filled with mischievous desire, her tongue sliding across her ruby-red lips, ‘Hmm...’ Midnight had a strong feeling as she watched this handsome young man wear a wholesome smile and absorb himself in cooking—the desire to tease this young man.

She wore a cat’s grin as she slipped back down the corridor.


Izuku Midoriya smiled to himself as he set a perfect tray for a traditional Japanese breakfast.

Cooking was one of his hobbies, which helped him relax. After long days of obsessing over Villian's weaknesses and narrowing down the city's hot spots for crime, he needed to escape from his obsessive thoughts and unwind.

Cooking was one way.

He paid careful attention to the arrangement of the food, layering each piece in a way that was appealing to the eye and appetizing. Presentation was one of the most important parts of cooking... or so he thought to himself.

In reality he was just buying time. Nervously wasting time in the kitchen so he didn’t have to think about his ‘guest’.

Izuku couldn’t believe his own actions. What was he thinking, bringing a WOMAN into his secret hideout? But he couldn’t stop himself. When she was lying in his arms, costume torn to pieces and heavily injured, he only wanted to see her healed. Then, when the crowds of civilians started to gather at the scene of the Villian attack, taking photos of the monstrous Villian, Izuku panicked.

His pure heart couldn’t just leave a heavily injured, unconscious, and wardrobe-malfunctioning woman helpless in the ruins of the crumbled building. And while he would absolutely have no shame in giving this woman the clothes off his back, that would only solve one problem and create a whole lot more.

If HE was discovered at the scene it’d cause a big problem. He wasn’t exactly a licensed Hero, after all.

He didn’t have much time to think, and before he knew it, he was carrying her through the city's back alleys and secret passageways. He cradled her in his arms, with the jacket of his suit thrown over her body while calling in a favor from a friend at the same time.

He got her fixed up, and before he knew it, he was sitting on the edge of his bed, sweating at the realization that MIDNIGHT, the R-rated hero, was sleeping in his bed.

In retrospect, he realized that maybe this was all a bit too much. Surely, the Heroes would get her the proper treatment required. That was why he was sweating nervously in his kitchen, fussing over food.

He put on a plastic smile, lifted a tray of freshly cooked breakfast, and prepared to wake his new guest. Hoping that a disarming smile and breakfast in bed would stop her from thinking she was kidnapped or something when she wakes up in some unknown guy’s bedroom.

While fretting nervously in his mind, Izuku heard something strange as he neared the bedroom.


It was the sound of the shower. His face froze as he creaked the door open and peered inside. His bed covers were thrown off to one side... and Midnight was nowhere to be seen.

‘Shit..! I-Is she already awake?’ He thought worriedly but then looked toward the bathroom where the door was lightly cracked, and he could see steam from the shower flowing out.

‘S-she’s quite bold...’ Izuku swallowed nervously, ‘T-to wake up in an unfamiliar bedroom and just jump right in their shower..? W-well she IS Midnight after all... She probably... N-no I shouldn’t think bad about her... I don’t really know her after all... Maybe she’s...’

As his thoughts started to spiral out of control, he looked around subtly, feeling like somehow he was invading HER privacy, despite it being HIS bedroom, ‘I-I’ll just sit this down... on the desk... Then when she’s done... we can talk about-’




Izuku Midoriya, still dressed in his Chibi Mirko bunny apron & slippers, froze like a deer in the headlights.

In front of him, Midnight held a towel to her head, looking at him with a blank face as she rubbed her damp hair.

Completely naked.

His eyes grew huge, looking down at her milky, supple skin, fresh from the hot shower. Her huge, milky white breasts, while usually teased by her skin-tight bodysuit, were out in all their naked glory, hanging heavily from her chest, bobbing slightly as she dried her hair. Below that, her tight trim abdomen, fit from a Hero’s lifestyle, led his eyes down to a tuft of trimmed black hair, styled in a heart just above her naked pale pussy lips and the little pink folds within.

“Ahhh... Ah...” He croaked nonsensically, frozen completely on his feet.

“Oooh, hey. Is that breakfast for me?”

Midnight casually strutted over, uncaring with how her breasts bounced freely on her chest, or how her naked feet slapped against the wooden floorboards. She reached over and grabbed a slice of toast, nibbling on it as she looked into Izuku’s eyes, “Thanks, cutie~” She sent him a wink.

“Wah-wah-wah...” He babbled, eyes swirling in pure embarrassment as his face flared red.

“I’M SORRY~!” He shouted and dashed out of the bedroom.

...or tried to.

Midnight, showing her incredible reflexes, caught the breakfast tray with one hand, and grabbed his wrist with the other, “Now hold it hot stuff. I wanted to thank you...”

“T-t-thank me..?!” Izuku squeaked. His eyes kept darting to the door, like a cornered mouse looking for an escape, “Y-you’re naked..!”

“Heheh~ Consider all this as part of my thanks. You can look honey, I don’t mind!”

“B-b-but..!” Izuku babbled and kept his eyes averted.

“Relax. You’re a Vigilante, aren’t you?”

“Ah.” Suddenly, he calmed down. The blushing, embarrassed young man vanished like a facade, and a new kind of concern appeared on his face. His eyes narrowed, meeting hers straight-on.

She snickered at him, “Relax, I said! I’m not gonna report you or anything. That’s too much work for me, and from what I can gather, you seem like one of the good ones anyway.”

“Really..?” Izuku let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a bit, accidentally lowering his gaze... only to immediately flush red a bit and flick his gaze back up to her face, keeping his eyes firmly locked on hers.

“Hehe, you’re cute.” She said as she let go of his wrist and nibbled on toast, “But man~ I’m really surprised.” She suddenly looked down at her own naked form, shifting her waist to inspect her legs and sides, “My body was pretty banged up but... I feel good as new! You must have some crazy recovery Quirk, huh..?”

“N-no...” He said quickly, “It was a friend of mine... I just called in a favor...”

“Aw.” Midnight suddenly pouted her lips.


“And here I thought you were the one...” She grinned like a devil, sensually licking her lips, “Who tenderly nursed my body back to health. Getting intimate with each and every detail while I was sleeping alone and vulnerable in your bed... completely unaware...”

“H-huh..?!” Izuku squeaked, “I-I-I would NEVER do something like that..! I-I m-mean I’d never take advantage of anyone, especially a H-hero..!”

“Tsk.” She clicked her tongue, pouting again, “Darn.”

“W-wha..?” Izuku couldn’t keep up with this woman’s pace.

“Anyway. Let’s chat. This looks delicious!”

“O-oh... o-okay sure. I-I’ll just let you get dressed and..!”

“Heheh, don’t be such a prude💓”


‘How did things turn out like this.?!’ He screamed in his mind.

The R-Rated Hero Midnight was still totally nude, sitting on his couch. When she’d suggested he sit down for a chat, he never expected her to drag him out of the bedroom butt naked and slide in next to him on the couch.

Now she was smiling at him, seemingly unaware of how her large breasts were squished up against his arm as she cozied into his side. She was eyeing him up like a cut of meat, tracing little lines in his forearms with her finger.

Izuku Midoriya had mostly outgrown his shy, insecure self upon becoming his own man, buying his own place, and coming to terms with his Quirk… but that didn’t mean he had much experience with women. Sure, he was calm and confident enough now to hold a conversation… but here he was alone in his secret hideout with flippin’ MIDNIGHT naked on his couch. It was understandable he’d be so flustered.

“U-uhm..! M-Midnight, m-maybe we should-!”

“Nemuri.” She silenced him with a searing gaze, smiling beautifully, “I’m not in costume, cutie… Call me Nemuri.”

“I-I couldn’t p-possibly..!”

“Oh?” She grinned wider, pinning him with a look downright sinful, “So you’d rather me be Midnight then, the R-Rated Heroine… here naked and defenseless on your couch? You perv…”

“W-w-w-w-wha…” Her teasing nearly broke him, while she pressed her naked tits firmly into the strong muscle of his arm, ‘T-they’re so soft!’ He could only think.

“Heheh, you really are cute… yet somehow masculine too. You might just be my type~” Midnight licked her lips, “Tell you what…” She breathed in his ear, “Call me by name… and I’ll stop teasing you, promise~!”

“N-Nemuri…” He choked out.

“Good boy~” She breathed in his ear, “Now, what’s your name..?”

“I-Izuku..!” He stammered, “Izuku Midoriya..!”

Nemuri grinned to herself, licking her lips one more time, “Izuku, huh~? I like it💕”

Izuku felt a slender, delicate finger reach up to cup his chin, and then his face was jerked to the side.

And then…


“Mwuah~! Mmm…” Midnight’s soft, delectable lips were suddenly devouring his in a hot, heated kiss. Izuku’s brain short-circuited as before he knew it, Midnight had wriggled her tongue into his mouth and sucked him into the hottest, wettest tongue kiss he’d ever experienced.

She moaned erotically, grinding the soft, warm flesh of her expansive breasts against his chest as she treated his tongue like a toy. Her kiss was searing. Erotic and passionate, sucking the life out of him like a Succubus.

“Mwuah~!” She let him go with a wet smooch, giggling to herself as she licked her glistening lips, “Mmm, you taste just as sweet as you look. Mmnngh... This is dangerous. I’m falling bad for you, cutie💕”

“W-what…” Izuku swallowed, the sweet taste of this woman still lingered in his mouth, overpowering his senses. But somehow the sudden advances of this woman made things clearer for him, he dropped his stutter as he asked plainly, “Why did you..?”

“Heheh~ Is it really that hard to understand?” Nemuri grinned at him, “Then let me make things clear for you. It’s not often a Heroine like me gets treated like some hapless Damsel in Distress, whisked off my feet by some big, strong, handsome Hero like you~!”

Izuku’s eyes went wide. His heart pounded as he heard her speak so… genuinely.

“And for me to find out that my little knight in shining armor is not just cute and chivalrous, but he’s intelligent, strong, good-hearted… with a sweet, homebody side to him, that would make a total stranger breakfast in bed..?”

She grinned at him like a Succubus, “Let me make things plain for you.” Izuku’s breath hitched in his throat as her hand came down on his crotch. She started massaging his bulge, feeling out just how stiff that hot kiss had made him. She stared hotly into his eyes, “I want you 💗”

Izuku swallowed thickly. With the gaze the ‘R-rated’ Hero was giving him, Izuku felt like he was about to be devoured by a predator.

Then the woman slipped down to her knees, “Let me show you how grateful I am Hero~!”

Izuku gasped as she started fishing his cock out of his pants with dexterous fingers, and before he could even stop her, it sprang out full mast.

“Oh my god…” Nemuri’s eyes glazed over, slightly drooling, “And you’re hung..? What the hell…”

“Nemuri…” Izuku gasped, looking down at the most erotic expression he’d ever seen on a woman. She was looking at his tall, twitching prick like it was the most impressive thing she’d ever seen. That sight alone nearly made him lose control.

“Fuck… Just look at this thick thing... Geez, I almost feel bad for calling you ‘cutie’... No offense, but a guy with a face like yours has no right packing this kind of HEAT~!” She said slowly, admiring the throbbing veins and thick girth, wrapping her fingers around the thickness and slowly starting to stroke it.

“Looks delicious 💓” She muttered, mouth watering for a taste. She bit her lip.

‘Getting knocked out by that Villain might just be the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me… this handsome young stud is too good to be true…’

Nemuri looked up at Izuku, piercing him with lustful blue eyes as she smiled, “Hows this, fanboy..? Are you happy to see R-Rated Midnight unmasked, kneeling between your legs…”

“Oh fuck…” Izuku swore, his cock twitching in Nemuri’s playful hands.

Then she slapped her own face with it, planting wet kisses on the root, “God, you can drape this thing over my forehead… I can’t wait to feel it stretching out my throat…” She gasped.

‘And that overwhelmed look on his face… fufufu, I bet he’s never had a woman before. That’s so cute… It’s starting to bring out the sadist in me 💞

“Get ready, my Hero💞~!” She said with a low purr, “I’m going to blow your mind…” Then she brought out her slender pink tongue and started teasing him with long, sensual licks up the lengthy shaft of his cock. She teased him with gentle kisses and licks, keeping her steamy blue eyes locked on his as he groaned on the couch.

Then she brought her lips up to the tip, sucking it into her mouth to begin swirling her tongue around the top, taking great pleasure in every groan and moan he released from her technique.

She stared straight up at his overwhelmed expression, watching him squeeze his eyes shut and clench his teeth... but with his hands clenched into fists at his side, passively, ‘You’re pretty cute so I’ll give you a treat, but if you want more you’ll have to EARN IT 💓!’

She slurped noisily on his cockhead, pumping the thick length of his member with dexterous hands. With her other, she gently cupped his large balls in her palm, ready to milk their creamy load.

But first, she sucked strongly on his tip, popping her lips off to look at him while her fist pumped his length, “Do you like that, Hero~!? The feeling of my lips on your hard, THROBBING cock 💓? The pleasure of having the R-Rated Hero Midnight down on her knees, sucking your dick💓?”

“Oh shit..!” Izuku looked down at her teasing expression. Seeing a predatory look in her eyes, he clenched his fists.

“Do you want more..?” She grinned at him, sensually licking her lips, “I’ll be happy to take this thick cock deep in my throat, and empty these heavy, pent-up balls right in my stomach..! But wouldn’t it feel better..? To shoot your load in my pussy instead..?” She said with a voice like an aphrodisiac, “Well, if you want it so bad... you’ll have to earn it, stud 💓! Fufufu 💓”

Then Izuku watched as she swallowed his cock back into her hot, wet mouth, slurping the bottom side of his shaft with an eager tongue. She worked her head down, sucking noisily as she took more and more, inch after inch deeper into her mouth.

Soon, Izuku was groaning in pleasure as he felt the tight, constricting vice of Midnight’s throat wrapped around his cock, and felt her plush red lips kissing the root of his dick.

“Glllrrruck..! Glllrrrck! Gllllrrrcck!”

She seemed completely drunk on his cock, face-fucking herself in a sloppy wet blowjob. Her perfect red lips stretched around his girth as she sank her head down again and again, slurping noisily on his shaft as she tried her best to make him bust inside her mouth.

‘Oh fuck..! I haven’t enjoyed it this much in how long..?’ Midnight thought to herself as she popped her lips off his wet cock and started kissing and sucking along the side. Instead of just keeping at her pace, and making him cum right away, she teased his shaft with peppering kisses and tenderly massaged his balls.

She realized she wasn’t quite done with him yet. She wanted to tease him more, ‘This guy’s cock is better than I expected... Fuck, maybe I’ll keep him as a boy-toy for a while..? I certainly wouldn’t mind playing with this-!!’ Her own lust-driven monologue was interrupted just as she sealed her lips around his cocktip once again.

She was interrupted by a feeling. A pair of strong hands gripping her hair dangerously tight.

Her big blue eyes looked up just in time to see the cute young man staring down at her. His face flushed red, his eyes half-lidded with pure desire, and an expression just like hers. One that wanted MORE.

She inwardly felt her heart leap in her chest, ‘Oh fuck yes..! Finally~!’

“Glllrrruck..! Glllrrrck! Gllllrrrcck!”

Before she could even think, he’d shoved her head down roughly, plunging his stiff cock deep inside her throat so far that her nose was buried in his tuft of green pubes. Her eyes rolled back in pure erotic excitement, head spinning with desire. Between her naked legs, her tight, pink pussy lips started drooling onto his carpet.

“Oh fuck..! Oh fuck..!” He said with a gasping breath, “I-I’m sorry, Midnight..! I-I mean Nemuri..! I just couldn’t take it anymore..! Seeing you down on your knees like that was just too much..! You’re so sexy~!”

Even when he was apologizing, this cute young man didn’t have any mercy on her poor, stretched throat. He kept jerking her head back and forth roughly, pounding every thick, throbbing inch of his impressive cock down her gullet. He fucked her face without regard, seemingly uncaring if she could breathe or if she choked.

But Midnight took it like a real Pro Heroine should. With pure lust shining in her blue eyes and spit slathering his cock as she sucked him off as best she could while he drove his cock down her throat again and again.

Between her spread-wide legs, Midnight’s fingers started pumping through her slippery pussy walls, making a mess of his carpet as she got herself off to the brutal face-fucking, ‘Yeees~! That’s it you hot young stud~! This is what I’ve been teasing you for..! Wreck my throat as hard as you can..! Then if you haven’t had enough, throw me down on that couch and treat my pussy just as bad..!’

Her switch had been flipped entirely, and now the R-Rated Hero was just as bad of an M as she was an S.

“Nngh..!” Izuku groaned one last time, jerking her head down roughly on his cock. With her lips kissing his groin and her nose buried in his pubes, his cock twitched eagerly in her throat, pumping the biggest, fattest cumload he’d ever let loose down her throat and into her stomach.

Midnight’s eyes rolled back in pure ecstasy, her tight pussy walls clenched so hard down on her fingers that she couldn’t pull them free.

Izuku heaved out a breath as his powerful climax finally tapered off. As his body slackened into the couch, he looked down.

“Oh shit..!” He cursed, realizing how HARD he’d been gripping her hair and holding her down on his cock. He let her go at once, “Are you okay?! Oh god, I’m so sorry!”



With a loud, lewd pop, Midnight sucked the last drops of cum from his pipe and popped her lips off the shaft. She looked up at him with lewd eyes, and started wiping the cum dripping down her chin with a finger, “Thanks for the meal~!” She said sinfully and sucked her finger clean while she lazily pumped his twitching shaft with her other hand.

Despite his expectations she didn’t look angry or upset with him at all, in fact she looked even hornier than before!

“Geez...” She looked at him with smokey, fluttering eyelashes, “You really know how to treat a girl, don’t you stud? If I were one of the bright-eyed freshies from U.A. I would’ve fucking drowned in all that cum...”

“S-sorry..!” He exclaimed, but couldn’t really scoot away from her. Not with the iron grip she had on his cock.

Sorry? For what? I fucking loved that 💓!” She said lewdly, licking her lips once again, “It’s got me all worked up now~! I hope you’re ready to take responsibility~!”

“W-what..?” Izuku stammered.

“Aw don’t tell me all that shyness came back AFTER you blasted a whole liter of cum down my throat! I WAS just going to treat you to the best blowjob you’ll ever have as thanks for rescuing me... but now...”

Midnight squeezed his twitching cock in her hands, looking at him like fresh prey as she slowly licked her lips.



Izuku stared wide-eyed as he fell back on the bed.

Midnight wore a lustful, hungry expression as she crawled up on the bed after him. Izuku’s eyes were glued to her swaying breasts and as she rose to straddle his waist, the view of naked pussy lips between her thighs.

As he tried to rise up on his elbows, he was roughly pushed back down by a hand on his chest.

Midnight lowered herself down until her slippery pussy lips were sliding across the length of his cock. She rolled her hips erotically, teasing his stiff prick with the warmth of her soaking-wet pussy. She moaned to herself, pinning him down with her hand on his chest and the hungry look in her eye.

“Damn..! Feel how slippery my hot pussy lips are Izu~ku💞?” Midnight teased him with a horny voice, “That’s how worked up you made me... grabbing my hair like that and treating my throat like it’s your own little toy~!”

Izuku lied there helplessly as Midnight started rocking her hips back and forth, sliding her wet cunt on his shaft. Her voice came out in exaggerated moans, “You’re so hard, stud~! It’s like this big, beefy cock can’t wait to slip inside me... Be honest, stud... are you a virgin..?”

Izuku’s face flushed red.

“Heheh~!” Midnight’s eyes looked hungry as she watched him squirm beneath her, she leaned down, bringing her hot breath to his face and licked his cheek. Dragging her hot tongue up the side of his face, she whispered in his hear, “C’mon, handsome~! Be honest with me now... and I’ll give you a treat~!”

“Y-yes..!” He whimpered, completely at this woman’s mercy.

“How lucky can I get💞?” Midnight moaned in his ear, nibbling on his earlobe.

Then she raised her hips, keeping her eyes locked on his as she smoothly raised her hips and brought the twitching cockhead of his hard prick to her lower lips. She toyed with him for a bit, giving his shaft a few strokes and sliding the tip through her slippery lips. Then she primed his cock for the main event, lining it up with her hot, quivering hole.

“Thank you for the meal~!”

Midnight wore a smile like a succubus as she smoothly sank down on his cock. Her tight, welcoming walls swallowed up his length with eagerness. As her snug pussy enveloped his rock-hard cock, both let out a groan of pleasure. Midnight threw her head back, giving a lewd cry of delight, while Izuku squeezed his eyes shut and grabbed fistfuls of the bedsheets.

“Yes💕~!” Midnight cried, looking down with pure lust in her eyes, “Your virginity is mine, Hero~! How’s your first taste of a real pussy feel? Better than just your hand, right💓?”

“Oh god..!” Izuku groaned, feeling the hot clenching warmth of Midnight’s pussy. He felt like his cock was getting devoured, her walls squeezing even more than her throat was. He had to bite his lips to stop himself from grabbing her hips and driving his cock up as deep as he could in her snatch.

“Yes~!” Midnight grinned at him carnally and leaned down to cup his cheeks, “I love that look on your face, Hero~! I makes me just want to eat... you... up 💞~!”

“Mmgh..!” Izuku found his lips stolen by a searing hot kiss, feeling Midnight’s tongue forcing its way into his mouth.

Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~!

Midnight started fucking him forcefully, slamming her hips down to swallow up every inch of his cock so hard that her firm, round ass slapped against his thighs loudly.

Izuku could hardly think with her cunt gripping so hard on his cock, and her tongue giving him such a lewd, mind-melting kiss. All he could do was lie there and take it.

“Mwuah 💋! Haaaah... Haaaah 💞~!” Midnight broke off their erotic, wet kiss, staring down at him as she rolled her hips, “Yes~! God you have such a good cock stud~! How did I get so lucky, getting rescued by such a cute, big-dicked hunk..?”

Then she reached down and grabbed his hands, wrenching them away from the bedsheets and bringing them up to her hips, “That’s where the go stud 💕~!” She said with a moan, “So you can fuck me like you mean it..!”

Izuku dug his fingers into the soft, supple skin of her waist, groaning with bliss. His cock had never felt so good, buried in the tight, clenching pussy of a fit, hot Heroine. Despite the urge to buck his hips and bury his cock to the hilt in her cunt, he was still holding himself back.

It was feeling so good that he just wanted to grab her, pin her down, and hammer her pussy with all his might... but with the pleasure of sex clouding his senses, he didn’t know if he could control his strength. He’d break her.

Midnight seemed to pick up on this as she stared at him lustfully, holding her palms on his chest as she rolled her hips on his cock, “Oh, come now... Where was the man who held my hair down and CHOKED me on his fat cock 💕~? Don’t be afraid darling~! I’m not made of glass, you know... I promise this tight pussy can take a REAL pounding💕!”

Izuku’s teeth clenched as she kept bouncing her firm ass on his cock, squeezing her inner walls with incredible control. It was like her pussy was milking his cock, sucking him deeper and deeper inside.

“Mmm~!” Midnight’s eyes bore into him, wearing a frenzied, lustful expression, “Fine then~ If you want to be such a BORE~ Lying there and letting my pussy do all the work, then fine..!” She huffed and started to REALLY work her hips.

“Oh shit..!” Midoriya cursed as suddenly he felt her walls SQUEEZE his cock forcefully like they were trying to wring him dry.

Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~!

Her hips clapped like thunder against his as she let her voice come out in high-pitched, loud cries. Again and again, her firm, sculpted ass came down to collide with his muscular thighs. Her tight walls raised until his cock nearly slipped from her molten core, before she slammed them down once again, ramming his dick as deep as she could in her cunt.

“That’s it, stud..!” Nemuri’s eyes fluttered back as a look of ecstasy showed through her red face, “Your hard COCK is reaching just deep enough to hit that spot that makes me go crazy 💞~! Fuck me..! You might even make me cum..!”

Izuku groaned to himself, overwhelmed by the whole experience. He looked up, watching her pale white breasts bounce and jump on her chest while her cunt squeezed his cock so snugly.

As he watched her breasts bounce mesmerizingly, his nose twitched. The room felt so hot, with their naked, sweaty skin coming together on the bed, and there was an unfamiliar scent in the air. Something delicious and tempting. The scent of a desperate, fuckable woman.

Izuku blushed as he felt a crazy desire grow like a fire inside his heart. He wanted to pin this busty, horny Heroine under him and fuck her all night long.

“C’mon cutie..! I can feel your cock twitching happily in my tight little pussy..!” Midnight said lustfully, panting as she looked down at him, “Those fat, pent-up balls of yours must be aching. Go ahead and let it all out. Pump your first pussy full of cum~! Don’t worry about the consequences, just blast all that delicious, hot SPUNK deep in my womb~!”

“Oh god, oh god~!” Izuku cried, feeling his cock swell even larger. He couldn’t stop himself from raising his hips, trying to bury more of his aching cock into her pussy. He was ready to let it all go inside this incredible woman. That feeling rose in his balls, like a volcano ready to erupt.

And then..!


“Heheh~!” Midnight smirked down at him with a crazed look in her eyes.

“H-huh..?!” Izuku suddenly felt his hips pinned down as she put her full weight down on him, squeezing her cunt so tight it nearly felt like it was crushing his cock. She grabbed his hands and pinned them over his head.

No matter how much he tried to buck and roll his hips against hers, he couldn’t finish himself off. She had him pinned completely, and he felt a terrible ache in his balls as his climax was ruined.

Midnight wore a vicious smile, “Heheh, what’s wrong sweetie..? You’re making a pained expression...” Her eyes were pure sin, “Oh sorry~! Were you close to cumming..? Heheh, my bad my bad... My legs just got a little tired you see... It’s hard for a woman to do all the work...”

Then she leaned down close. So close he could feel her hot breath on his face. There was a thick, intoxicating scent wafting from her naked skin. The smell, like a potent pheromone, made his head fog with lust. He wanted to grab her and fuck her, to drive his cock home and cum deep inside her... but she had him pinned. He couldn’t move.

“Are you... unsatisfied?” She chuckled maliciously, smirking at him, “Not happy with the way I ride your cock... Maybe I ruined your orgasm..? Heheh~ Whoopsies... Too bad~ You see, I can’t cum that easily with my partner just lying there all meek and shy... So forgive me sweetie, but I can’t let you empty those heavy balls of yours until I’ve had MY fun first~!”

She smirked viciously, “So lie there and try to hold it in... or...” She leaned down, squishing her soft pale breasts against his muscular chest, “My big~ STRONG~ Hero~ Could probably overpower a dainty little Heroine like me💕! You could probably just throw my slender little body like a ragdoll with these thick, delicious muscles and pin me to this bed💞 Take this tight little pussy like a REAL MAN and pound it so hard I pass out from cumming~!”

She licked his cheek, her voice hot in his ear, “That’s what a REAL man would do to a hot, sexy Heroine like me... Just take my sexy body as a PRIZE for saving a cute helpless little damsel like me💓”

Izuku felt his muscles all tense, and then heard her squeal. Before he even knew what was happening, he had her flipped over and dragged his cock out of her clenching pussy.

He looked down at the thick cheeks of her pale white ass as he pinned her head to the bed. Between those magnificent orbs was the warm, welcoming tunnel of her pink pussy. His cock ached and twitched, desperate to be buried once again in that heavenly vice.

“OH FUUUUCK~!” Midnight’s eyes rolled back as he grunted like a beast, driving his hips home. Every long, thick inch of his girthy cock disappeared within her walls, stretching her tight pussy to its limits as his cockhead hammered at the entrance to her womb.

His teeth clenched as he let out a huge groan of relief. But it wasn’t enough. He NEEDED to cum.

Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~!

His hips pistoned into her doughy white ass like a jackhammer. He could feel every loud, fleshy WHAP as his muscular hips pounded into the firm fat of her absurd ass. He watched those cheeks ripple and quake from every powerful thrust and heard her cries come out loudly.

“OH FUCK~! SHHOOO DEEEEP💞!” Midnight’s voice came out in ecstatic glee, eyes rolling back, “FUCK ME, STUD~! BREAK MY TIGHT LITTLE CUNT💕!”

His muscles flexed tight, pinning her so hard to the bed he could hear the wooden frame creaking in protest. He didn’t care at all, nor could he relax the tense grip he had on her hair, he just kept her face buried in the pillow as he hammered her cunt for all its worth. The deep, desperate need to cum took over his rational mind.

“Mmpghh..! Mmmggmh!” Her muffled cries came from the pillow as he fucked her hard into the mattress.

His brain was overwhelmed by the sensations. All he could think about was the wonderful, blissful relief provided by her tight, clenching cunt, and the burning desire to blast her pussy full of spunk.

But somewhere deep inside there was one little lingering part of his mind left turning the gears. Something clicked.

His muscles flexed as he balled a fist of her raven-dark hair and roughly jerked her head up.

“Yeeeeess~!” Her voice squealed, and he got a look of her ecstatic, fuck-drunk expression, eyes rolling back and tongue hanging out, “Pull my hair~! Pound my ass so hard it turns red! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck-! Clnngghhh~!”

Her voice gurgled to a halt as his hand tightened around her throat. She choked and coughed, unable to speak. He hadn’t even realized when he grabbed her throat and didn’t care how hard he was squeezing. He just kept smacking their hips together like a beast and growled in her ear.

Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~!

“Y-you..!” He ground out through clenched teeth, and her blue eyes turned to look at him, full of pure desire, “You... did something to me..! W-with your Quirk... didn’t you..?”

Her grin stretched across her face.

Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~!

“Y-yeeeesssh~! Fuck me💞~! C-choke me..! S-slap my ass..! P-pull my hair..! F-fuck me stupid, you big dicked STUD~!”

“Fuck, fuck fuck..!” He cursed as he pounded her tight, gushing cunt. Midnight’s eyes rolled back as her cries turned to gurgles, and her pussy sprayed a line of clear liquid across his bedsheets.

He didn’t know what it felt like when a girl cums around his cock. All he knew was Midnight’s incredible vaginal muscles squeezed down on his cock like nothing else. He grunted, feeling his own Quirk pulsing through his veins as he tightened his grip on her body and kept fucking her through her unbelievable climax.

He brought his lips down on her neck, sucking on her sweaty skin as he watched her fat titties bounce like crazy on her chest. Every time he slammed into her tight, round ass, those magnificent boobs bounced hypnotically. He couldn’t resist them and seized them with both hands.

He groaned as he felt the most heavenly softness between his fingers, digging them deep into the doughy fat of her boobs. Unlike her tight, firm ass, these boobs were pure womanly softness and felt incredible as he mauled them with his hands, squeezing them just as rough and hard as her cunt squeezed his cock.

Her pretty pink nipples were like diamonds as he pinched them between his fingers and tugged.

“Oh fuck~!” Midnight cried out, “M-my nipples..! I-I’m still cumming, you b-brute💓! F-fuck it..! It feels too good💓! Tug on my nipples💞! Harder~! Fuck me ‘till I can’t think~!”

He left a red mark on her neck and shoved her back on the bed. He wanted to reach even DEEPER in her tight walls and withdrew his cock. Before she could get her bearings again, she was flipped over on her back, and her legs were jerked up in the air.

Izuku’s powerful hands grabbed her slender calves and pushed them all the way back. Her flexible body folded in half easily until her calves were pinned down by her ears.

Her mouth was open in hot pants, eyes fixed on the thick, throbbing cock looming dangerously above her tight little pussy, “Y-yes 💞~!” She begged eagerly.

Once he got her pinned in a tight piledriver, he plunged his cock deep into her cunt, driving it all the way to the root and banging harshly on her poor cervix.

“YEEEEESSS 💞~!” Midnight’s eyes rolled back as her pussy clenched up in another messy climax. Her juices squirted out in an arc, splattering all over her own face and tits but she didn’t care, “S-SHO DEEEEEP~!” All she cared about was the thick cock hammering her womb.

Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~!

“Y-you... y-you...” Izuku stammered over his words as he started fucking her full force. His head was swirling with filthy, derogatory, demeaning words to call this woman. Slut. Skank. Whore.

But even in his lust-driven state... he couldn’t bring those words to his lips.

“Y-you promiscuous woman..!” He grunted out weakly. Midnight would’ve normally laughed at how cute that sounded if she wasn’t getting her guts re-arranged by his shockingly large cock.

“I-I’ve always wondered if your Quirk could be used for other things..!” Izuku grunted as he plunged his cock so deep in her cunt that she was left squealing, “B-but an aphrodisiac..!? I can’t believe you..! I always respected you..! Despite what they say about you..!”

He huffed with heavy breaths, sweating like he was in a difficult fight while obsessing over the incredible feeling of Midnight’s tightly-clenching hole squeezed around his cock.

“But..! But..!” He stammered, “N-now you pull this kind of thing..! F-FINE! I-if you want to have sex that badly..! THEN TAKE IT MIDNIGHT!”

Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~!

“YEEEES~!” Midnight’s voice started to crack from how loud she shrieked, yet somehow she found coherent words, “N-Now you’re getting into it! I told you my pussy can take it, stud~! Put your back into it! Fuck me so hard I’ll never forget what a BIG DICK YOU HAVE~!”

“Nnngh..!” Izuku hammered her juicy, squelching pussy with everything he had, holding onto her calves so hard she’d have marks for days. Her fat, delectable tits bounced on her chest, following every meaty WHAP from their colliding hips.

The room was filled with the sound of impassioned moans and erotic cries as the two lost themselves in their sex, one loving the feeling of being pinned down and fucked so hard while the other desperate to empty his aching balls.

Soon Izuku hit his limit, seeing the erotic, sexual look on Midnight’s face as she came herself silly, he finally got his release. He grunted with pure euphoria, burying his cock at the entrance to her womb as he started shooting his thick, messy load into her thirsty womb.

“Y-yeeesh~!” Midnight said deliriously, her eyes rolled back in her skull, “C-cum💞! C-cum in me, Izuku~! Empty those fat nuts in my slutty little pussy💞!”

“Nnngh..” Izuku grunted, rolling his hips tightly against hers as he felt her walls greedily squeeze down on his cock. They clamped so tightly, pulsing like her pussy was wringing every last drop out of his balls. His muscles locked up, immobile, until he’d shot all he could into her welcoming twat.

Then he collapsed.

Ungracefully, he went limp and fell face-first into the sweaty, sticky cleavage of the naked R-Rated Hero Midnight.



“Heheheh~! Wow~! You really did a number on me..! God, it’s still gushing out..!” Midnight giggled drunkenly as she spread her pussy lips with two fingers, watching globs of creamy semen gushing out.

“And look at these..! Holy shit..!” Midnight eyed up her naked body in the mirror. There were red thumbprints on her neck, alongside a fresh hickey. Matching marks were on her wrists and calves from how hard he’d pinned her down.


“Heheh~! Sorry?!” Midnight looked down at him like he was crazy, grinning ear-to-ear, “That was the best sex of my life! Holy shit, you choked me so fucking good💞~!”

The look Midnight was giving him seemed dangerous. Her eyelashes fluttered as she held a hand to her own sore throat.

Izuku blushed ear to ear, remembering the look of bliss on her face as he squeezed her throat. He tried not to remember how good it had felt to choke her, while fucking her like she was some kind of cheap-!

He shook his head to banish those cruel thoughts.

Suddenly, he felt an eager hand groping his crotch lecherously. He flinched and looked up at the sensual look Midnight was giving him.

“Heheh, after having a taste of this thing... no other man will make me cum like that. You better take responsibility stud💗!”



A few hours later, and somehow Izuku’s day got even more peculiar.


A cute young woman was cuddling with him. With her fuzzy black hair still unbrushed from all the rough sex, she looked a little sloppy. She found the biggest sweatshirt in his closet to slip on, leaving her soft thighs peeking out the bottom.

Somehow, they’d ended up on the couch, right where Midnight had sucked him off... but instead of continuing their wild, hot sex, it seemed the Midnight had satiated her desires. Now she was just humming happily to herself, cuddling up to him as she laid on her legs.

In front of them, the news was playing, featuring an article on ‘Midnight’s’ disappearance from a notorious Villain's crime scene.

“U-uhm... Isn’t that bad..? They’ve got a search party out for you..!”

“Oh don’t worry...” Midnight, or rather Nemuri, said with a careless shrug, “I texted the girls at my Agency and let them know I’m all good. The news is just gonna run with it until I make another appearance.”

Seeing her like this was jarring to Izuku.

‘She seems... totally normal..!’ He said in his mind, staring at the way she lazily relaxed on his couch, ‘It’s kind of... cute...’ He swallowed that thought.

“D-don’t take this the wrong way...” Izuku stammered a bit, before getting control of himself, “But I never would’ve imagined you had this side... Nemuri...”

“What? A normal side?” She chuckled and rolled her eyes, “You think I’m some wanton slut 24 hours a day? Nah, that’s mainly just a character...”

“H-huh..?” Izuku couldn’t believe his ears.

“Oh don’t get me wrong.” She giggled, “I’m a kinky bitch at heart💓~ I wouldn’t have built up a reputation as the ‘R-Rated’ Hero otherwise... It’s true I’ve got more of a libido than most, and some extreme preferences... but even I have my limits. I save the kinky fun for the costume or the bedroom...”

“Uh...huh...” Izuku just nodded, “I see... I’m surprised.”

She looked up at him, surprisingly cute without makeup or her mask. She pouted her plush lips, “Do you dislike this side of me..?”

“N-no..! I-I mean, I think its...” His words caught in his throat as he saw the gleam in her eye. Realizing he was being teased again, he let the tension in his body out with a laugh. Then he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close, “I think it’s cute.”

She grinned brightly, “Good. You better get used to it.”


“Heheh, don’t tell me you don’t want to do this again? You’ll break my heart.”

“E-eh..?! A-again..!” Izuku’s face turned red, imagining Nemuri’s face warped with pleasure sprawled out on his bed.

“Heheh, this part’s honest at least...” Nemuri’s hand rested on his groin, feeling his cock swell with excitement. She purred in his ear, “I wasn’t kidding when I said that was the best I’ve had. I never would’ve expected it looking at you... but you’ve got some talent in the sheets...”

Izuku’s face burned bright.

“And that was just your first time...” Nemuri said in a low, carnal voice, “Once we get some practice under your belt... Mmm~!”

She pierced him with smoldering eyes, bringing her face in close, lips just inches away, “What do you say..? Would you mind me dropping in every once in a while for a... Midnight rendezvous?”

“S-so...” Izuku resisted the urge to kiss her, “W-what..? You want to be my... girlfriend..?”

She rolled her eyes, “Oh let’s not tag such a boring name on it...” She pouted her lips, “Unfortunately... The ‘R-Rated’ Hero Midnight can’t be seen going on romantic dates, holding hands, and all that flowery bullshit... She’s not the kind of woman to be tied down by one man...”

“M-Midnight can’t...” Izuku followed her meaning, “But what about Nemuri..?”

“Heheh, you’re cute~” She pecked his lips, “Let’s just call it fuck buddies. I’ll give you my number and you can text me for a Booty Call anytime 💞” She said with a flirtatious wink.

Even as he typed her number into his phone, he had a frustrated pout on his lips.

She cupped his cheeks, “What’s that look for? Don’t worry. I wasn’t kidding when I said other guys probably can’t satisfy me anymore. I’ll be back next time I get the itch...”

Then she curled her lips up in a smirk and climbed onto his lap, “But as for you... Don’t be shy now. I wouldn’t mind if you found yourself a few more cute sluts to fuck around with in the meantime...”

“W-what..?!” His eyes bulged in surprise, “M-me?! W-with other girls..? I would never cheat on you-!”

“Oh don’t be such a prude.” She poked his nose, “It’s not cheating if I tell you to do it. The way I see it, the more experience with sex you get, the better it’ll feel when I sneak into your bed for a nice~ long~ fuck~!”

Izuku’s face burned red. He couldn’t believe his ears. Just yesterday he was a virgin who was proud he could even talk to a girl face-to-face, now he was ‘fuckbuddies’ with R-Rated Midnight and she was telling him to sleep around..? It was unbelievable.

“Fufufu... I hope you’re considering it... It would be pretty hot to see you nail some other sexy Heroines... You know...” She giggled and leaned up to whisper in his ear, “I’m not opposed to threesomes💕

“Ooh..! Somebody liked that 💗” Nemuri purred, feeling his cock swelling in his pants beneath her.

“B-but..! T-there’s no way that’s gonna happen. I’m a total mess with girls..! Y-you’re the only one I’ve ever... I’ve ever... well, done anything with actually...” He admitted with a shy look on his face.

“Not a problem...” Nemuri said nonplussed, “We’ll fix that quick. It’s amazing what a few rounds of hot, steamy sex can do to a man’s confidence! With your cute face and charm, girls’ll be swooning over you before you know it.”

“Plus...” Nemuri purred, “You might have an easier time than you expect... assuming ‘Deku’ keeps up the good fight... and rescues some cute, very thankful Damsels💞”


End of Chapter

A/N: How do we feel about Midnight? She’s practically a Smut character by default, but do you guys prefer her over other MHA characters?

I felt like Midnight was the best option for a shy character like Izuku. Assume she’ll be ‘corrupting’ him between now and the next chapter so we can have a more active role on his part.

Who should we go with next? A younger Heroine (U.A. Graduates), or an older one (Veteran Heroine), or maybe a Civilian (Probably Mama Bakugo)? Haven’t decided who for who, but I’m open to suggestions in the comments.

*Also, is the Story Name Damsels in Distress taken by someone in MHA Fanfic already? Seems likely but haven't seen it myself.


big dog

any update on hogwarts ledger?


It'll be included in this month's poll. I'm gonna try and get that up Monday afternoon. (Even if it doesn't win, it'll get an update sometime. I'm enjoying that one.)

El Pirato

Mirko. would love to see a rabbit season joke