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Welcome to the third episode of Queen of the Month, the space where we cover the most popular girls of the show! Because conquering Hell is as important as conquering our hearts!

The winner of this edition is not other than... A common aspirant? We don't even film aspirants! How did people even vote for this girl?! What's going on this year?!

Q: Okay, so... Suzume, right?

A: KYAAAAH! I'M SO. TOTALLY. DELIGHTED. TO BE ON THIS INTERVIEW! A big thank you kiss to all my fans. Nyah!

Q: Uh... Yeah, right. Okay, let's get on with the photoshoot, shall we? What about you sit on that chair over there and...

A: (Uh... Are you kidding? That's not gonna generate any engagement at all.)

Q: Excuse me?

A: Look, I'm pretty sure you want to get a good viewer spike with this. You're not gonna achieve that with generic, dull poses, no matter how cute I may be. We need to tell a story. A sexy story.

Q: I thought I was the one conducting this interview?

A: Yeah, well, you'll thank me later. Hmm, a schoolgirl uniform... Yeah, that may work. Get that green screen over here, you. Aaand let me have this drink. Okay guys, this is the situation: high school is over for today, and this sexy student (me) has decided to go for a quick burger with her friends. Then, she leaves, with a drink still in her hand, when an unexpected breeze lifts her skirt and... BAHM! Everything set?

Q: Guys, why are you even paying her any attention at all?! I'm your boss here! Ah, dammit...

A: Hm, not bad. Now this is a picture that will sell you some magazines. Okay, shall we start with the interview then?

Q: Ha, you wish! This interview is over. See you next time!


Now that was overwhelming. Hope I don't ever cross paths with that annoying girl again. This sure is being a year full of surprises. I wonder what's awaiting us next month!

Angel Channel Events Staff
