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In this episode I'll show you a quick hack to turn an object into a mirrored version of its own self. It'll work great to add variety to background objects, but may cause issues when you look too closely. I was discussing this principle with a viewer recently (Lamont), tried it out and thought this is a tip worth sharing with y'all. 

I'm using a building from Stonemason's Urban Sprawl 3 set, turn it inside out and upside down, then tweak a texture map to fix the writing. Technically we'd have to go in and invert the bump strength as well, and flip the normals on the whole object. There's a script by mcasual that does this (thanks for Pillowbutton for bringing this to my attention). 

While it's not a one-click solution, it's certainly an interesting option. Enjoy!


How to make mirror copies of objects in DAZ Studio (quick hack)

In this episode I'll show you a quick hack to turn an object into a mirrored version of its own self. It'll work great to add variety to background objects,...


Andy Tubbesing

Jay, Thanks for this tip, as for all of 'em. Question: If you changed only the X scale to -100%, would this flip the object as desired, while still keeping the in-out bump/displacement correct? Thanks again. Andy

Dreamlab Studio

Very cool tip Jay. I expected the image texture map being backwards but never even thought about the bump map being reversed as well. LOL Great info!

Jay Versluis

Sadly not, inverting the scale on any axis will invert the maps. It's easy to invert the bumps though, perhaps I should have explained how to do that: on the bump channel, hit the gear icon and change the min setting to -1, then enter the value on the slider. This would be an idea job for a script (sadly I don't know how to write them). 😄