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Ever since I've discovered DAZ Studio about 15 years ago, I thought "wouldn't it be cool to make a comic with this?". I was never serious about the idea, and other things always came up, but the principle has stayed with me for all these years. 

Over the last few weeks that idea kept popping back up, and a vague idea has formed in my head that became more and more interesting with each passing day. I'd like to follow this story and see where it takes me. Since Monday I've been working on a first test for the project, I'm super excited to share it with you today 😃

I've had literally more ideas for characters and scenes than would comfortably fit into one storyline, so I've decided to have them play out in parallel in the same "universe" if you will. It's all happening in a town called Trundlewood, and before I begin to play with the the meat and potatoes of the story, I thought a test project would be in order. This will allow me to get into the workflow, figure out the technical aspects of what's working and what isn't, without getting stuck on the real story.

Said test project is called Backstage Beats. It features Felton (the blue puppet) as he takes the "actors" who play parts in the main stories through the sets and scenes I'm using, as if we're making a TV show. In this first episode, Felton takes Jeff on a tour of what will become his place of business. 

You can read the full story on Webtoon and Tapas, two comic sharing websites that operate a bit like YouTube. Take a look here:

No account is required for viewing, only for liking and commenting (which is of course always appreciated). If you decide to sign up, Tapas gave me a code that will give both you and me 500 Ink, and in-app currency to unlock premium episodes. Here it is: VERS861H (Webtoon don't have such a feature I think). 

Let me know what you think, particularly about technical aspects such as

  • text size/readability
  • line thickness on balloons
  • graphic design
  • page texture
  • the idea in general
  • and all that other jazz we 3D people deal with every day

Oh, you all get a credit at the end of course - let me know if your name is spelled correctly. I'll talk more about Trundlewood and its other storylines in another post.

For now: Happy Reading 😍



Brian Cramer

It looks like you are getting things figured out, Jay. It looks good. The only thing I find a bit jarring is the mix of character types - a human and a Muppet type guy. I know it is supposed to be cartoony, but something about the mix of the two freaks me out a little.

Jay Versluis

😂 Thanks for the feedback! I promise he'll be the only one, except for maybe a love interest I may introduce later.