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See the end of the work for notes

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Daenerys let out a moan of pleasure as Jon massaged the aching muscles of her arm while using an Essosi oil, which had been given to her by her good friend Missandei.

" You do remember I warned you that you didn't need to be too picky with yourself, right?" Jon told her with a certain amount of amusement.

These past few days she had been training under Arya's tutelage from practically sunrise until the sun went down in the dusk. It felt like torture, every training session Arya made sure to push her to her limits, until she practically couldn't even lift her sword again. She had also earned numerous bruises on her body, from the occasional blows she received, but despite all that, she didn't give up or ask him to lower the intensity of the training. In fact, she had never complained and simply continued with the training. Something that no doubt the younger Stark respected quite a bit, even though she didn't put it into words.

Also, by spending several hours of the day together, they had grown quite close and were able to talk during breaks. They had actually learned more about each other in these past few days than in all the previous weeks they had been at Kings Landing. Especially now that it was just the two of them, Arya showed her most curious side, her favourite topic of conversation being her dragons. The youngest Stark wasted no opportunity to ask her about them, from how she got them, how she managed to train them and above all how it feels to be able to fly on them.

Daenerys happily told him the story, "The eggs were given to me, as wedding gifts by a Magister of Pentos, he thought that the years had turned them to stone, making them completely useless, but I could feel life in them, from the first time I touched them. When Khal Drogo died, I put the eggs on his pyre, along with the witch who tricked me and finally I walked into the flames and when they were extinguished, I was completely unharmed, and my children came to life, they were born from the fire."

"Is that why they call you 'The Unburned'?" Arya asked her, to which she nodded. After that Arya didn't hesitate to ask her hundreds more questions, which she pleasantly answered. It was fun and refreshing to see the usually aloof and distrustful Stark girl act very familiar and friendly with her.

That was a good thing. She thought, since, if she planned to marry Jon, she hoped she could get along with his family, and what better than to start with her favourite sister.

Just as she told her about her life, Arya did the same for her, telling her what it was like to grow up in Winterfell, along with her siblings. Arya told him about the peaceful and happy days, such as when they would feast on the summer harvests, or she would also tell him about the pranks she played, which were usually aimed at her sister Sansa. Although in a moment of confidence, Arya confessed to her why, despite being sisters, they always ended up fighting.

"I was always jealous of her, Sansa was always the perfect daughter, from her pretty looks, that she had inherited Mother's features. But it wasn't just that, Sansa was always perfect for everything a proper Lady was 'supposed' to aspire to be. Unlike me, who Sansa and her friends always made fun of me for my appearance and my long face, or that I could never do the simplest of embroidery. Sansa was Mother's favourite and pride, she was beautiful, graceful, delicate and obedient, and I was just the opposite, I was ugly, clumsy, coarse and rebellious" Arya finished by saying heavily, but a sudden smile appeared on her face before adding, "That was one of the reasons why Jon and I became so close, somehow, it seemed like we were the only ones who didn't seem to fit in, Jon was discriminated against for being a bastard, he was a son of Ned Stark, but at the same time, it seemed like he wasn't. I could never do the things I wanted to do, because a Lady was not supposed to do such things. It was always the two of us against the world, no matter what people said or even when Mother tried to do the same thing she did with Sansa and tried to push me away from Jon, he's my brother, I didn't care what people said. Jon was also the only one who supported me when I confessed to him that my dream was to be a warrior, to dress in armour and ride into the battle, when I mentioned the same to others, they always laughed at me, but not Jon, he always supported me, he always whispered to me that I was his favourite. He was the one who gave me 'Needle', he is special to me" Arya finished by saying, while holding her sword with much affection.

"He's a great man, and I'm glad to hear he was even a better brother, I wish my brother had been like him. No doubt my life would have been easier, if I had Jon as a brother and I definitely wouldn't have been sold to a savage in exchange for an army" Daenerys said with an empty smile.

"Would you have fucked him just the same?" she heard Arya ask her, with a teasing smile. "Would you have fucked him, if he were your brother?"

To which Daenerys showed not a sign of embarrassment as she said, "Of course I would have, in fact, I think I would have made it much hotter" she didn't hesitate to add to the Stark's amusement.

When the laughter died down and they fell back into a comfortable silence, Daenerys took that opportunity to tell her, "You know, I don't think you're any of those things." When she heard her say that Arya turned to her, raising an eyebrow at her in doubt. Forcing her to elaborate, "All those things you said about yourself, I don't think you're any of those things. You look quite a bit like your brother, only smaller, skinnier and with tits. So, I don't think you're ugly at all, much less clumsy. Did you even see the way you moved in your fight with Jon? I've never seen anyone move so nimbly and gracefully in a fight, even your brother had a hard time keeping up with you. You were never rude to me, and I can bet you've never been rude to anyone who didn't deserve it. And about being rebellious, I personally think all girls should be, at least a little. Because if we're not, they'll never take us seriously.

After hearing her words, Arya seemed to look at her with different eyes, before turning her gaze back to the sunset and saying. "I've never seen him smile like that before."

Confused by the sudden change of topic, Daenerys narrowed her eyebrows and couldn't help but ask, "At who?"

"Jon" Arya replied, "I've never seen him so happy; I could never make him smile like that, not the way you do."

The sudden statement from the little Stark, caught her off guard and she couldn't hide the slight blush that coloured her cheeks, "Thank you... I guess. He makes me quite happy too" she said rather tentatively.

"I like you Targaryen, I really do, but if you ever hurt my brother, I will slit your throat" with that warning, Arya finally stood up, "Tomorrow, same time. I'll be waiting for you." That was the last thing she said to him before she left.


"Did she really threaten you?" Jon asked her as he finished massaging her arm.

"I guess she was telling the truth, when she mentioned that you really were special to her. She cares quite a bit about her big brother" Daenerys said amusedly.

Earning a speculative glance from Jon, before he said, "I don't know what's going through your little mind Targaryen, but you would do well to remember that we are Stark’s, not Targaryen’s."

"You two would make great Targaryen’s, I think there hasn't been a woman in three hundred years who resembles Visenya Targaryen more than your sister, though she could also make a very good Rhaenys, given how much she's excited by the idea of flying. Ever since I promised her, I'd take her for a ride on Drogon she's been more lenient with me in sparring."

A slight smile appeared on Jon's mostly serious face at the words, knowing full well how much of a fan his sister was of the conqueror's sisters, especially Visenya, she was always her favourite. But curious about what Daenerys said, he couldn't help but ask her. "And which Targaryen would I resemble, perhaps one of the Eggs?"

Moving closer to his face and resting a palm against his beard, Daenerys confessed, "I really don't think there ever was a Targaryen like you Jon Snow, you don't need to be a conqueror for people to follow you. You are one of the best warriors I have ever seen, but I have never seen you brag about it, you are not a King who rules using fear, but just like me, you understand that sometimes you need to make a show of power. But more important than all that, I'm sure you would make a great Targaryen, it's because you are a great dragon rider" Daenerys said with a mischievous smile, before giving him a peck on the lips and adding, "The best I've ever had."

Jon rolled his eyes at her teasing, before telling her, "Very funny, now lie down Targaryen, I want to massage the rest of your body."

Daenerys' smile only seemed to grow as she heard that, as she lay on her stomach and let Jon soothe her aching muscles using his wonderful hands. Jon poured more of the Essosi oil on his hands and rubbed them together, Daenerys moaned noisily as he began the massage from her left foot and calf. Relaxing, she closed her eyes and rested her head on the mattress, for the next few minutes, Jon shifted from one leg to the other, slowly working his way up to her back. Daenerys felt like she was melting under his skilled hands as she moaned, the sensation was so pleasant and relaxing, that at some point Daenerys fell completely asleep.


It took them nearly two weeks to finally reach the north and three more days on horseback to reach the outskirts of Winterfell, their armies marched towards the great Stark stronghold. Their Unsullied marched at a martial pace, reflecting all the discipline that preceded them. Her Dothraki rode atop their stallions, though these were the ones most affected by the cold northern weather, even she had serious trouble leading in the harsh northern climate. All her life she had been used to a warm, summer environment, she thought she had experienced the cold when she arrived on the shores of Dragonstone, having to replace her beautiful Essosi silk dresses with thicker furs, but the climate of Dragonstone was nothing compared to the north.

She remembers how with each day spent on the boat and each day they got closer and closer to the north, the weather grew colder and colder, so much so that she did not wish to leave her warm chambers, preferring to stay in bed with Jon, who made sure to keep her warm. She remembers how she shuddered when Jon mentioned to her that this was nothing compared to Winterfell, later mentioning to her that Winterfell was quite warm compared to the Wall.

"How did you survive up there?" Daenerys asked him in disbelief.

With a serious, subdued tone, Jon answered her. "Because I had to."

It was at that moment where she vowed that she would never let her beloved feel cold again, as long as they were together, Daenerys would make sure to always keep his bed warm.

Though that was a bit hard to do now, since they had been unable to be together since they had landed in White Harbor, for as they guessed, rumours that the King had spent every night of the journey in the Queen's chambers had spread quickly, as soon as they had disembarked. So, they both decided that they had better keep their distance at least at first, but she quickly got tired of that and besides it was too bloody cold. So as soon as they entered the castle, she would make him stay in his rooms and demand that he does his duty as a good host and keep his Queen warm.

Coming out of those pleasant thoughts and refocusing on the present, she noticed that another thing about the north that didn't agree with her apart from the weather was its people. That despite being aware that she would not be greeted with happiness or appreciation, she expected at least indifference or curiosity, but was only greeted with looks of hatred and distrust, despite the fact that she was riding in the midst of Jon and Arya, it seems that was not enough to dissuade the people from showing their displeasure towards her.

"Any last words of advice on how to address the Lords of the North, Lord Snow?" she asked Jon.

"The Northern Lords are proud and hard-headed men-" Jon began only to be interrupted by his sister, "More like stubborn old goats, who value their pride more, than their own lives" Arya said to Daenerys' amusement.

Jon decided to ignore his sister and continue with his speech, "They will not like you; they will most likely hate and distrust you, they will think you are here to conquer them and subjugate them under a new Targaryen reign. Many lost their lives in the war against your father and Lyanna Stark was someone much loved in the North, both by the people and the Lords" before Daenerys could say anything in her defence, Jon beat her to it. "I know none of that is your fault, you weren't even born when all that happened, but they won't care, they won't be able to see you as anything more than the daughter of the Mad King and the sister of the man who kidnapped and raped Lyanna Stark."

"Then I have come to save a country that hates me for no reason and will never accept my Reign" Daenerys said with annoyance.

"You have come to save Westeros and its people, all of its people, that includes the north. And if there's one thing about the North, it's that we remember. When the people see you and your armies fight alongside them, risk their lives for theirs, bleed alongside them. I promise you they will not forget. Father always said we find our best friends on the battlefield, and when the war is won and we have survived, they will no longer see you as the Mad King's daughter, they will see you as the Queen who came to save the North."

Daenerys really wanted to trust Jon, to believe his words, but it was hard to believe that these stubborn, spiteful men who hated practically everything south of their borders would begin to love and respect her, so she tentatively asked Jon. "And what if they don't?"

"The north will not survive as an independent kingdom; we need the support of the southern Kingdoms. One way or another, the north will end up joining the other kingdoms, I give you my word" Jon assured her, giving way for the idea of marriage to resurface in her mind, this being the most effective way to unify the Kingdoms that each one had under their control.

That idea had been swirling around in her head since they shared their first night together, but she was still nervous to suggest it to Jon. For one of her biggest worries was that she could not give him any heirs due to her curse. It was one of her greatest sorrows to know that she could never form the family she so desired, especially when she had found the perfect man to form such a family, but if she married Jon, her condition would no longer be something that affected only her, for Jon was a King and every King needs an heir, providing an heir was the most important duty of a Queen, and according to Westerosi thinking, if a Queen could not give the King an heir, she was an unfit woman to be Queen.

"We are here, your Grace" Jon's deep voice brought her out of those dark thoughts, they had finally arrived at the great gates of Winterfell. Daenerys dismounted her mare with all the grace of a Khaleesi, and from there, they proceeded on foot.


As they passed the great gates of Winterfell, Daenerys noticed the two people waiting for them, in the middle of the courtyard. One of them was a beautiful redhead who was dressed in fine leather and fur garments, the woman was incredibly beautiful, despite the serious expression on her face and the coldness that seemed to be in her eyes when they were directed at her. There seemed to be no hatred in them, but certainly a high level of distrust and dislike, the other person was a young man, who was sitting in some sort of wheeled chair, this one did not seem to look at her with rancour or distrust, in fact, Daenerys felt a little uncomfortable by his gaze, as if he could see deep inside her, so she could not help but look away.

Given his description Daenerys quickly assumed that they were Jon and Arya's siblings, the redhead could be none other than Sansa Stark and the boy was Brandon Stark. Jon and Arya were the first to approach their siblings, Daenerys watched as the redhead greeted Jon with a deep embrace, who he did not hesitate to respond and place a tender kiss on her forehead when they broke apart, before turning to his brother. Jon leaned over to the boy in the wheelchair, sharing a few words with him before giving him a warm hug.

Daenerys also saw the reunion of the Stark sisters, who also shared a little chat before finally sharing a hug, although this was not as meaningful as the one, she shared when she reunited with Jon. Though Arya definitely hugged her brother more joyfully, when the emotional reunion between the siblings was over, Jon turned to her and motioned for her to come closer to them. Daenerys heeded him and began to walk towards Ned Stark's surviving children, until she was in front of the redhead. Who, besides being a beautiful woman, Sansa was significantly tall, with skin as pale as snow and bright blue eyes.

"Sansa this is Queen Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen. Your Grace, this is my sister Sansa Stark, The Lady of Winterfell" Jon said, making the introductions.

The redhead gave a slight bow before saying, "Welcome to Winterfell, your Grace. We are grateful that you have brought your armies and dragons, to aid our country in the coming war."

Daenerys nodded at the woman's words, even though they did not feel so sincere or grateful. Daenerys was already getting tired of this situation, she did not know what else she could do to show these people, that she was not their enemy and that she was here, endangering her own people, to save them, and so far, all she had received were looks of contempt and distrust, so feeling a little petty she said. "Of course, your brother was very convincing and when he showed me the threat coming for us, I simply couldn't help but come to his aid" When she finished saying that she gave a meaningful look to Jon, who did his best to seem indifferent to her words, but the icing on the cake was hearing Arya stifle her laughter.

Her words certainly seemed to annoy the redhead who decided to ignore her, and turn to her brother saying, "The lords are waiting for us in the Great Hall."

Jon nodded at her words and quickly said, "We should join them." Sansa didn't wait for another signal to turn around and quickly head inside, before following her Jon turned to give her and her sister a not at all impressed look, Daenerys only replied with a smile, before saying, "Lead the way, Lord Snow." Letting out a defeated snort, Jon headed inside, with her and his brothers following close behind.


"My Lords," Jon said in a loud voice, standing in the middle of the great hall, having left his seat at the high table so that he could address the Lords of the North head on. "When I told you of my wishes to meet with Queen Daenerys Targaryen, it was because we needed her help, we needed her armies, we needed her resources, and we needed her dragons. And now, she has come to our aid, providing all of that and more, with our combined armies we have possibly assembled one of the greatest armies that Westeros has ever seen. With their help, we have a real chance to defeat the white walkers, a chance to survive the great night as our ancestors did over eight thousand years ago."

The vast majority of lords pounded the tables in elation and gave shouts of approval upon hearing his speech, but one voice rose above the rest interrupting the hubbub, "And what happens next?" Lord Glover spoke, standing up as well and looking at him with a mixture of anger and disappointment, "Once the war is won, with the help of the Targaryen girl, with the help of her wildlings and eunuchs" he said giving Daenerys a look of complete disgust, but she showed a completely indifferent expression to the Lord's insults, "What happens to the north? Will you give up your crown? Your brother's crown, and will we go back to being ruled by a Targaryen?"

When he finished speaking, many Lords turned their gaze to him so they could see his reaction and hear his response, "Our greatest concern now should be winning the Great War, Lord Glover. Then afterwards, we can worry about who rules whom" was Jon's response.

"But who rules whom now, your Grace? If you still are." This time it was little Lyanna Mormont who questioned him. " Are you still our King? or is she?" she said giving Daenerys a speculative glance.

"I am still King of the North, I have knelt to no one" Jon said, but again being interrupted by another Lord, this time it was one of Lord Manderly's sons who came with them from White Harbor.

"And you don't plan to do that? Will we be able to maintain our independence from the rest of the Southern Kingdoms?"

Growing tired of being questioned, Jon thought his next words through for several seconds, before finally answering, "My brother King Robb, it was he who fought and died for an independent North. As much as I would like to honour his memory, he was a different King, and it was a different North. Even if we defeat the White Walkers, without suffering many losses, we will still be left to endure possibly one of the longest and most brutal winters we have seen in many years. We cannot survive if we remain an independent Kingdom, we need the support of the south and the other Kingdoms."

As soon as he said those words numerous Lords present showed their disagreement and indignation at his words, but the most irate was undoubtedly Lord Glover, not hesitating to reproach him. "You are spitting on the memory of your brother and all those who died alongside him. After all we have suffered and lost because of her family" he said pointing accusingly at Daenerys, "You are going to give up your crown, our independence and hand it over to the foreign whore." The atmosphere in the great hall changed drastically after Lord Glover made such an accusation, all those who previously showed their support towards him, this time decided to remain silent.

"You should choose your next words very carefully, my Lord" Jon carefully warned the elated Lord, his voice coming out quietly dangerous. "You would do well to remember that I am your King, despite the fact that you did not support us in retaking Winterfell from the Boltons. And you are accusing me of betraying the North and my brother's memory" Jon made sure to approach the old Lord until he stood in front of him, his face a few inches from his, before adding, "And you dare to insult my guest, in my castle and in front of me!"

But his warnings seemed to have no effect on the stubborn and stupid Lord, as with a pretentious smile on his face Lord Glover said, "Your guest? or your whore? Are you going to give up your crown just because the Targaryen girl spread her legs for you? You're as dumb as your brother, do you really think you're the first one the bitch has spread her legs for-" Lord Glover was abruptly interrupted as Jon threw himself at him, creating a commotion in the Great Hall. The majority of Lords and Ladies stood up, pushing their chairs back and watched the moment his fist connected against the face of the Lord of Deepwood Motte, of course no one dared to come to his aid. Jon connected several more punches, leaving his face bloody and bruised, before grabbing him by the neck and pulling him up so that he was level with his face, "You are nothing but a coward and an oath breaker Lord Glover, and if you insult the Queen or the memory of my brother again, I will send you to the wall on a catapult" Jon said before throwing the beaten Lord to the ground and ordering the guards, "Take him to his chambers and make sure he stays there, we will deal with him later. " The guards obeyed his orders and helped the beaten Lord to his feet before dragging him away.

Jon looked down at his bloody knuckles before looking up and seeing the reactions of the other Lords, which didn't seem to be very beneficial to the point he wanted to make.

Fuck, he had made a mistake reacting that way, but when he heard him talk about Daenerys like that, he simply couldn't contain himself.

Fortunately, a voice came to his rescue and caught the attention of everyone in the room. "My Lords," it was Daenerys who spoke, standing up and giving Jon a look before addressing everyone. "I did not come here, as a conqueror and I will not demand anything in return for my help. When your King came to me at Dragonstone, it was because he needed my help, and I needed his. It was because of him that I could know of the danger that is coming for all of us, and that is why I came. I am here to fight, to defend the North and its people.

"Forgive me, your Grace. But I find it hard to believe that you expect nothing from us in return for your help" Lyanna Mormont was the one to speak again. "You have brought the entirety of your armies, your dragons and resources, to aid a Kingdom that has not submitted to you, without expecting anything in return?"

Daenerys gave the young Lady a slight smile, before answering. "I do not seek to subjugate the North, I understand it has been a Kingdom that has suffered and lost enough from the last Kings that sat on the Iron Throne, I understand that you find it difficult to trust me. That is why I do not wish to demand anything from them, I have come with a proposition. I will not ask your King to give up his crown, I want Jon Snow to be King and rule by my side."

Several murmurs erupted in the great hall as soon as she mentioned those words, even Jon turned to her looking at her with a surprised expression, the same way his hand and some of her advisors did.

"You are going to surrender all your power in favour of marrying our King?" Little Lyanna asked, even sounding a bit indignant as a woman at her decision.

"I never said that my Lady. I do not plan to give up my power or my own crown, nor do I plan to make Jon a mere consort King, I want us both to rule together, with the same level of power and weight in important decisions. Our union will not only re-unify the continent, but I am confident that we can bring a new era of peace and prosperity to all the Kingdoms of Westeros."

Never in the history of Westeros, had a King and Queen ruled as equals, so many Lords looked thoughtful and cautious at her unexpected proposition, but they certainly didn't mind the idea of seeing their King sitting on the Iron Throne. Though many wondered how that would work.

Would a new throne be created? Would the Queen sit on the King's lap?

"We will deal with the policies once the war is won" Jon said bringing everyone's attention back and snapping them out of their thoughts, "There will be another meeting where we will discuss war plans to defend Winterfell from the dead, everyone is dismissed." The lords rose and began to vacate the Great Hall bringing the meeting to a close.


Transition chapter, nothing very interesting, but things will get very interesting in the next one, with the revelation of Jon's true identity and the Great War. There was also a lack of Smut, but I promise I will make up in the next update, which will be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the latest.



Glover deserve this for insulting his future queen in front of the king and it's nice to see Arya and Dany getting close


When are we getting smut ??

Timothy Sinon-Allas

Still waiting for that update you promised in you notes lol jk take your time, as long as it’s a long chapter


I think I misunderstood, the next chapter I was talking about was the OF update, where obviously there would be Smut. I apologize if there was a misunderstanding, I will try to explain myself better in the future.