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See the end of the work for notes

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Daenerys had kept the same huge, bright smile on her face since she woke up in Jon's arms, until now she was with Missandei who was finishing her braids for the day. Her dear friend and confident being as perceptive as she always was had waited smartly until Jon had left her chambers, so she could finally enter them and help her get ready for her day.

Her close friend was giving her a knowing look throughout the process of putting her braids together, and every time their gazes met through her dressing table mirror, both women couldn't help but contain their amusement and share a giggle. After a couple of minutes of amused silence, Missandei finally spoke.

"You seem to be in a very good mood today, your Grace" Missandei pointed out, before asking tantalizingly. "Perhaps you had a really good night's sleep?"

"Quite the opposite in fact, Missy. I could barely sleep last night, the King of the North was quite persuasive and resilient enough to manage to keep me up all night" Daenerys replied to her friend, with a bright smile on her face.

"All night, your Grace?" Missandei asked equally amused and a bit surprised.

To which Daenerys again reiterated with satisfaction and a bit of smugness as she raised her eyebrows at her friend and said, "All night."

Happy for her friend and Queen Missandei said to her, "It seems the King of the North is a man of many talents."

"He is" Daenerys replied happily.

"I never thought a man could bring a woman to feel that level of pleasure, especially to make a woman scream like that. You were never that vocal when you were with Daario in Meereen" Missandei pointed out.

"Daario was never as good as he bragged, he was" Daenerys quickly replied to her friend, before her brain could fully grasp her words and she rushed to ask. "Wait, you said you could hear us?"

For a second Missandei paused halfway through putting her braid back together before recomposing herself and continuing on her task as she answered her Queen, this time more cautiously. "Well, your Grace. I'm sure practically the entire ship could hear you last night, you two were quite vocal...especially you, your Grace."

The amused chatter between the women ended as Daenerys fell silent and was deep in thought, thinking about how she should proceed in the face of this. No doubt people would talk, they always do, and she wasn't sure how Jon would feel about their relationship being public knowledge. Personally, it didn't bother her much, even though she was sure she would be the one who would be judged, she always is. She could easily imagine the things they would say about her.

'The Dragon whore spread her legs for the King' 'The foreign slut seduced the King' 'The King of the North made the Dragon Queen scream like a common whore'.

She could easily do the same thing Cersei did and silence any rumours about her, but she wasn't Cersei, she wouldn't use fear or threats to silence the people. She would let them say whatever they wanted, after all she still trusted the words, Jon told her.

They all will come to see you, for what you really are.

So, when she would go outside and see their judgmental stares and see them whispering amongst themselves, she would look back at them with her head held high, she would not be ashamed of her actions or of having bedded Jon. She wanted to do it and enjoyed doing it, the only fear that fell upon her was that Jon would walk away from her for fear of what his people would think of him, but she was almost certain he would not. Like her, Jon didn't seem like the sort of man to duck his head at the prospect of being judged, he had already proven that when he presented himself to her at Dragonstone, both as a bastard and as King.

A smile formed on her face again as she imagined the two of them arriving at Winterfell, side by side, a King and Queen in their own right. Daenerys still remembered Tyrion's words and how marriage was always a possibility she should keep in mind in order to form alliances when she arrived in Westeros. Until now she had had no need to marry anyone, but if she thought about it, there was no better suitor for her than Jon, he was not only a King of one great Kingdom, but of three. Their marriage would not only unify the continent again, but it would also appease the animosity that the North felt towards her and her House, if she knew anything about the North, it was that they loved Jon and if she was his wife, they would have no other choice but to accept her and her reign. Besides, if they were husband and wife, they could fuck and be as loud as they wanted, and no one could say anything about it.

When Missandei noticed that her Queen's smile lit up her face again, she took that opportunity to ask her, "What dress do you wish to wear today, Your Grace?"

Now in a better mood she replied to her friend, "No dresses today Missandei, get out my breeches and riding boots, and a simple matching shirt would suffice" Missandei did not question her Queen and headed off to get the garments out of her trunk.

Before leaving her chambers, Jon had asked her to wear breeches today and meet him at the back of the ship. When she questioned him about this, he replied that he planned to teach her how to defend herself and how to properly use a sword, having told her that he took his leave giving her one last kiss on the lips and telling her he would be waiting for her. Honestly, she had never thought or had any interest about learning how to fight, more to a with a sword, but she was also sure that it would have come in handy on many occasions and having Jon be the one to teach her would certainly make it an interesting activity.


Jon was waiting for Daenerys at the stern of the ship, they had plenty of room and he had made sure to tell the other men not to interrupt them. Despite having spent the entire night in the Queen's warm bed, Jon had never been able to forget the cold threat they were heading for and above all how dangerous it would be for everyone. If it were up to him, he would not hesitate to send all his loved ones on a boat as far away as possible to safety but knowing that he could not even convince Sansa to escape, he doubted he would have any chance of convincing Dany, not only because of how temperamental and proud she was, but because of the fact that they needed her. She was the only one who could control the dragons, and they would be an essential asset to the war against the dead.

He was also sure that one of the safest places to be was on the back of a dragon, but like the good general he was, he also knew that anything could happen on a battlefield, and one always had to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. And the worst-case scenario was that somehow Daenerys would find herself in the middle of the battlefield on her feet, with no knowledge of how to defend herself, leaving her completely vulnerable and defenceless. And he wouldn't let that happen, he would do everything he could to protect his Silver Queen.

But knowing that he couldn't be by her side all the time or if in case she found herself without any of her guards, the best solution for that would be to teach her how to defend herself on her own. While he highly doubted, he could make her into a great warrior in the short time they had, he at least hoped he could teach her enough to survive all by herself.

"Did I keep you waiting long?" Daenerys' sweet voice brought him out of his thoughts and when he turned and looked at her in her attire, he thought that perhaps it had not been the best of ideas to suggest that she come in breeches.

Daenerys had chosen to wear a pair of very tight breeches made of black leather, which clung beautifully to her strong thighs and round, firm ass. Jon was sure he could bounce a gold coin over those firm cheeks. Daenerys finished the look with tall boots that reached almost to her knees, and she had also donned a light breastplate as protection over her wool shirt, she had also opted for a simpler, looser style of braids.

"No, I just got here" Jon answered Daenerys as he finished examining her attire. Who had noticed how he'd been running his eyes over her figure for longer than necessary and slowly approaching towards him, she asked him in a seductive voice.

"And what exactly are you planning to teach me today, Lord Snow?"

Trying not to fall for her play, Jon turned away from her and went to the weapon rack, where he had left the weapon, he had already chosen for her, it was a medium sized sword and much lighter than normal, much more appropriate for a woman. Taking the sword, she walked back over to Daenerys who had a slight pout on her lips.

"You need to learn how to stand up for yourself, there may come a time when you have no guards around you, either your dragons or me" Jon told her, handing her the sword.

Daenerys held the sword awkwardly, so Jon put his hands over hers and was teaching her how to hold it properly, "You need to use both hands" Jon told her.

Which brought an amused and flirtatious smile to Daenerys' face before she said as she raised an eyebrow at him, "It seems I always have to use both hands with you, Lord Snow."

Jon did his best to keep a serious expression and not fall for her teasing, so holding his hands firmly over hers around the pommel of the sword he said, "It has to be a firm grip, but not too strong, not too soft either. It has to feel natural, like the sword is an extension of your arm" Jon instructed as he let her hold the sword on her own, and satisfied with her grip, he moved on to the next step.

"Now, another important detail in sword fighting is your stance" Jon said as he moved to her side and knelt down, "Many believe that the force with which you swing comes only from your arms, well, it does not. The strength you hit with has to come from your whole body and it all starts from your feet" Jon spoke as he used his hands to settle her feet into the proper stance, "Your feet will not only give you the strength to hit harder, but also having the proper stance is important so you don't lose your balance in a fight or get knocked down with one blow, and fortunately for you, your Grace. You were blessed with very strong thighs and legs" Jon finished saying, finally getting back to his feet.

"Do you always grope and compliment every woman you teach, my Lord?" Daenerys asked him, raising an eyebrow in doubt. But only this time, Jon was not silent and answered her.

"Only those with fine legs, your Grace," he said, with an amused smile as he watched her expression change.

"In which step did I get to hit you?" Daenerys asked as she glared at him.

This time Jon decided to answer her by giving her a hard spank that made her jump slightly and let out a loud shriek, Daenerys looked at him looking indignant, surprised, but also looking slightly amused. To which Jon leaned over to her and whispering in her ear, said. "You're not ready for that, your Grace."

Making that clear, Jon moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her, placing his hands on hers again, he said. "First, you need to learn how to handle a sword properly."

With an amused, vengeful smile on her face, Daenerys leaned her head back over his shoulder so she could look up at him and say, "I think I know how to handle a sword properly, my Lord. Just last night I handled a very long and thick sword very nicely" she told him teasingly as she pushed her round ass against his crotch, and begin to rub against him, making him let out a deep growl.

"Dany stop playing, this is serious" Jon warned her, but she didn't seem to back down.

"Hmm, yes I think you are right, my Lord. You seem to have a hard and serious problem in your pants, would you like me to take care of that for you?" Daenerys told him seductively as she fluttered her long eyelashes at him and caught his now raging erection between her luscious cheeks.

"Fuck, Dany" Jon moaned before he lowered his head to the side and was beginning to kiss and bite the side of her neck before moving up and warning her one last time. "I'm warning you Dany, don't start something you can't finish. I swear I'm going to bend you over that shelf and spank that thick ass of yours until it's as red as the symbol of your House and from there I'm going to fuck you, where anyone can hear you moan like a whore."

Daenerys moaned as she heard such a sinful promise and said, "That's supposed to be a threat, my Lord?" before reaching a hand behind her and grabbing the back of his neck, so she could pull him to her lips for a desperate, hungry kiss.

Jon kissed her back as he wrapped his arm around her slender waist and pressed her even tighter against him, practically dry humping her as the sword lay forgotten on the floor. Jon knew he was a man who would not lose his head over a woman, he had loved Ygritte, but he had no problem or hesitation in abandoning her in favour of his duty to the watch. He turned down Stannis' offer to marry Val and become Lord of Winterfell in favour of keeping his loyalty to the Watch, but this woman. Being with Daenerys simply felt different than everything else, he had had her countless times last night, he had fucked her more like she was a common whore than the Queen she truly was. But it still wasn't enough, he couldn't get enough of her, and he wondered if the time came when he would have to choose duty over love, he wasn't so sure of his answer anymore.

His hands began to move down on her, already knowing all her weak points very well, his lips never leaving hers as he began to untie her pants, eager to sink his fingers into her tight warmth, but just as he was about to do so, he was interrupted by an annoyed female voice.

"It's annoying enough that I've had to listen to you two fuck all night, now I'm supposed to also have to watch you fuck?" Jon abruptly broke away from Daenerys at the sound of his sister's voice.

Both monarchs began to arrange their messy appearance as Jon began to speak awkwardly to his sister, "Arya, we- I, was just teaching Dany-, the Queen how to defend herself, for the war ahead" To his side Daenerys was nodding at his words as she bent down to quickly pick up the training sword.

"Huh, Northern training must have changed quite a bit, as I don't recall it being necessary to have your tongue down your opponent's throat, or to be practically dry humping" Arya pointed out accusingly.

Both monarchs looked distinctly uncomfortable as they tried to avoid the judging gaze of Ned Stark's daughter. It seemed Jon had run out of excuses, so Daenerys decided to intervene. "Is there a reason you are here Lady Stark? This was supposed to be private training."

"Was it?" Arya asked with exaggerated surprise, "Because Jon told me over breakfast about his plans about teaching you how to fight, and when I asked if I could also come and watch, he replied saying it would be no problem" She said giving her older brother a pointed look, before finally adding, "I didn't think by 'training' he meant this."

Daenerys turned to Jon and gave him a stern look, this time not a hint of amusement on her face, Jon scratched the back of his head uncomfortably before saying, "Sorry, I forgot about that."

Rolling her eyes at her brother, the youngest Stark began to approach them, so far Daenerys didn't know what to think about Jon's sister. Though they also hadn't had much time to interact, and her impressions so far were that she was as direct as she was savage. Though it seemed Arya had some thoughts about her as well, as she was watching her intently until she was in front of them, her gaze lingered on her for a couple more seconds before finally turning to her brother and saying.

"You can go now; I think it would be best for everyone if I took over the Queen's training."

"What?" asked a confused Jon.

" It's obvious that you can't train her, when you mentioned this to me, I wanted to come to supervise you guys because I thought the worst-case scenario would be you going easy on her, but apparently, I was wrong. The worst-case scenario is that you guys end up fucking in the middle of the ship" Arya said sharply.

"We-" Jon spoke abruptly raising his tone before interrupting himself, taking a calming breath he continued, "We weren't going to fuck in the middle of the ship Arya" He finished by saying, but not sounding all that convinced of his own words and obviously his sister didn't believe him either.

Daenerys on the other hand looked amused by the whole situation, she really wouldn't have minded if his sister could have walked in on them in the middle of their passion. She didn't mind a bit of an audience, in fact, she liked the idea of Jon taking her outdoors, right under the stars. A smile appeared on her face as she imagined the shocked faces of the Lords of the North, if they could watch her mount their King, no doubt a very amusing and exciting image.

"Arya" Jon began, as if about to explain himself again to his sister, but he seemed to regret this quickly and went on to say, "I assure you that what happened before will not happen again, but I think we will move on sooner if I am the one to teach her Grace. You can still join us if you wish-"

"If I defeat you in single combat, I get to teach the Dragon Queen," Arya said, interrupting her brother. Jon raised his eyebrows in confusion at his sister's words so Arya continued, "It seems you are not convinced of my abilities, so I will demonstrate them to you."

In the same manner as Jon did, Arya approached the weapon rack, where she began to search for a weapon more appropriate for her. Daenerys thought she would choose a sword, but instead she chose what appeared to be a staff, it was made of wood and was almost as long as Arya herself. Unexpectedly this one began to twirl and juggle the staff very skilfully, to finally end up slamming this one against the floor, before finally coming back in front of them.

"So, is it a deal?" Arya asked her brother.

"Arya I'm not going to fight you-"

Daenerys instinctively recoiled backwards as she widened her eyes and covered her mouth with her hands in surprise when unexpectedly Arya struck Jon in the face using one side of the staff, interrupting him mid-sentence. Though the blow was not hard enough to cause any real damage, Daenerys was sure it must have hurt, and that was confirmed when Jon slowly turned his face forward again and glared at his little sister and said, “That hurt.”

Arya's only response was to give him a smug smile and say, “That was for underestimating me. Now, fight me”.

"Arya, I'm really starting to lose my patience" Jon said, his voice coming out deeply dangerous, his accent thickening due to his anger.

But his sister didn't seem to shrink from his warning, in fact quite the opposite, somehow, she seemed more excited, as if she was about to get what she wanted.

"Oh, my big brother is finally going to have the balls to teach me a lesson?" Arya asked teasingly, before insisting again. "Then face me" Arya wanted to hit Jon again with the staff, but this time Jon parried the attack with his hand before it could reach his face. Arya tried to retrieve the weapon, but Jon's grip was so strong that he wouldn't let her move an inch, despite Arya's attempts.

Watching his sister struggle against his grip, Jon let out a tired sigh and asked Arya, "Do you really want to do this?"

"You know I've always wanted to spar with you and Robb, show everyone that I can fight and even kick your smug asses too, despite the fact that I don't have a cock dangling between my legs" Arya answered him.

Hearing his little sister's response, Jon dropped the staff and allowed Arya to retrieve her weapon as he walked over to the weapons rack and picked up a training sword. A much more fitting one for him, though it was not as large and felt much lighter to the weight he was used to his own sword, Jon thought it would be more than enough, he gave it a couple of turns, testing its weight and shape one last time, before finally turning back towards where Arya and Daenerys stood, asking the latter to step back a few paces before turning to his sister and asking.


Arya flashed an excited smile on her face as she got into position and nodded. Both siblings slowly circled around each other for a few seconds, but Jon had always been much more patient than his little sister, being this one who charged first. Arya attacked with surprising speed and precision, moving her whole body to strike with as much force as possible. But Jon was not far behind, he dodged and covered every attack his sister threw at him, but Daenerys also noticed that so far, he had not tried to hit her even once. Obviously, this did not go unnoticed by Arya, who in the middle of the battle decided to reproach him.

"Scared to hit a woman, Jon? Or is it because I'm your little sister?" Arya asked him mockingly, without stopping attacking for a second. "Everyone always underestimates me, but I didn't expect the same from you. I'm not as fragile as everyone thinks, I can take you, I won't break" Arya finished her statement making an agile movement and taking advantage of the length of her weapon to attack Jon's legs, making him stumble and taking advantage of his unbalance to land a strong blow on his ribs, which made him stumble a little and move his hand over the place where he had been hit.

Arya rested her staff against the ground and flashed a smug smile at her brother, but it quickly disappeared as Jon recovered from the blow and this time went on the offensive. Arya had a lot of difficulty trying to block her brother's much stronger attacks and opted to dodge or deflect them, despite her tall and sturdy frame, Jon could move very nimbly, being almost as fast as his slender little sister. And what he lacked in speed, he made up for with precision, each of his attacks was meant to bring down his opponent with a single blow, if Arya lost her focus for a single second she would be finished.

They were certainly not exaggerating when they said that Jon was the best swordsman in all the kingdoms, and she was sure that he was still holding back. And that was demonstrated when he made a feint that Arya did not see coming, allowing Jon to land a blow strong enough to disarm her, but this time Jon seemed to have no mercy towards his little sister, since, despite being unarmed, he continued with his attack. Arya was backing away as she tried to dodge her brother's attacks, until she had enough time to unsheathe the sword she had in her belt, Daenerys noticed that she had seen that kind of sword somewhere. And that's when she remembered that they were a type of sword that was mostly used in Braavos.

Sword in hand Arya could go on the offensive, she waited for the right moment to dodge a powerful attack from Jon and spun nimbly around, so she could point the tip of her sword just below Jon's jugular, but Jon had his sword on her as well, the duel had ended in a draw, or at least that's how it seemed to her.

Both brothers looked at each other with amused smiles before finally stepping back and lowering their weapons.

"Nice move" Jon complimented her before asking. "The faceless men taught you that?"

To which Arya replied with a proud smile, "I learned it myself."

Jon nodded at her answer, giving his sister a proud smile, before resting the tip of his sword on the ground, thinking about what decision to make. Arya had certainly proven herself skilled enough to be able to teach Daenerys. And he also felt that she was right, though they would most likely no longer fool around with each other while training, perhaps he could be too permissive or go too easy on her. And that was the last thing they needed when war was so close to them, so, looking at both women, he said to them.

"From now on, Arya will be taking over your training, your Grace."

Daenerys did not look so pleased by his decision, but neither did she reject it, and before he left so he could leave them alone, he turned to his sister and warned her. "Remember she is still a Queen and will be our guest at Winterfell, don't go too hard on her."

To which his sister replied with a smile, which he did not trust at all. So, as he was leaving, he walked past Daenerys and said, "Good luck, remember you are still a beginner, and you shouldn't push yourself so hard."

Daenerys nodded at his words and watched him leave, when she returned her gaze to Jon's little sister, she was surprised when she saw her standing right in front of her, making her take a couple of steps back due to the sudden fright.

In what moment did she move?

Arya flashed her a wolfish grin before saying, "Shall we get started?"


This was going to be a much bigger chapter, but I decided to split it in two, as I didn't want to leave you without a chapter this week. I will be posting part 'two' in a few days, along with a new OF chapter, featuring Alayaya. So I will be posting two chapters this coming week. After that, I'll make a poll for you to choose the next update, see you soon. 



Thank for the chapter it was hot, Jon is right Arya is better to teach Dany how to fight but in the future he train both of them in he nude. But please don't tell me that the witch curse is real because Dany deserve to have children. Take care