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See the end of the chapter for notes.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Jon cleaned the foggy mirror in his bathroom before he could look at his reflection in it, he had just gotten out of the shower, in less than an hour his guests would be arriving and he couldn't be more eager to receive them, he felt like a new man and even more energized than before. Fortunately for him, Val had agreed when he told her that he needed to take a few days off so he could get back to his best possible physical shape in order to give both girls a memorable night, as he was supposed to.

Fortunately, Val understood his situation and accepted his request, and in return for her understanding, Jon would make sure not to disappoint them. He had made the most of these days off, mostly relaxing, meditating and above all exercising, getting back to his usual routine, which he had been neglecting lately. Because these last weeks, had been very crazy and demanding for him, everything started from his visit to Dorne, meeting Myrcella, spending one of the most incredible nights of his life together with Ashara, meeting Cersei Lannister, dealing with Cersei Lannister and finally the last visit he received from Myrcella and dealing with her growing obsession towards him.

Obviously as the red-blooded man that he was, he couldn't complain about the constant female attention he had been receiving, especially if those women were some of the most beautiful and desirable on the entire continent. No doubt any average man would kill or sacrifice a limb to be in his position, but that didn't take away from the fact that the last few experiences he had had, as pleasurable and exciting as they had been, were also very demanding. No average man could have kept up with all those women, and he could only do it because he was in the best physical shape a man could be in, but everyone had their limits, even him. All those demanding nights had left him completely exhausted, literally all those sultry, alluring women had left him completely drained and worn out, especially his cock.

So, the wisest decision was to take a little rest and recover, so he could get back to his top condition, and he would do it in these few days he had been given, he would make sure to make the most of them. Not only had he returned to his old workout routine, in fact, he had increased his exercise schedule, pushing himself harder than he had ever done before. Practically the last few days had been based entirely on exercising his body, mostly cardio, weights, bench press, leg press and before bedtime, two hours of stretching. Also going back to his old and much stricter diet helped him a lot, ever since he had tasted Ashara's delicious homemade food, he had been very lenient with himself about his diet, and he had to change that.

With each passing day Jon felt more energetic and much stronger, he could almost feel his testosterone levels rising each day. Even every time he looked in the mirror, he saw himself getting bigger, obviously as someone who had been into working out for many years, he knew it was a bit ridiculous to think there would be a real change in such a short time. But on the other hand, he also always knew that he was someone who had been blessed with some incredible genetics.

As if he really did have magic in his blood. Jon thought, chuckling at the idea.

Now two weeks after receiving Val's message, he felt better than ever, but mostly he felt too eager to fuck both beautiful girls, in all these days he hadn't had any kind of release and he planned to use Val and Ros until he felt completely satisfied and satiated. His balls felt full and heavy from the large amount of semen he had accumulated over the past few days, his cock hadn't received any kind of stimulation and now he was twitching desperately as he couldn't wait to be wrapped in the warm, wet embrace of a woman again.

Fuck, he really had too much pent-up energy and he felt like he was about to explode.

He felt like a stallion who couldn't wait for the gates to open so he could bolt into the race as he imagined that at the end of it awaited him an eager, rutting mare, eager to be ridden by him, or rather two beautiful mares.

Fuck, he had to calm down.

There was still a while to go before Val and Ros arrived, so, adjusting the hard erection in his pants and with nothing better to do, Jon decided to relax and calm down for a while, sitting on his couch, he took out his phone and decided to check his social networks.

During all this time, he had been so busy that he hadn't even had time to check his phone, although he had found out about the most interesting things that had happened in the last weeks. For example, the video that he and Myrcella recorded had broken all possible records in terms of views and became the most viewed video on the platform, obviously before Myrcella, forced by her mother, deleted the video, along with her OF account. But before she deleted it, the video earned them both, mostly her, an incredible number of subscribers, enough for Myrcella to not only catch up to Daenerys Targaryen, but to actually surpass her, becoming the Queen of the platform, at least for a few hours before she was forced to close her OF account for good.

Although Jon was sure that the video of the two of them was still circulating on the internet, as they say once you upload something to the internet, never really disappear. Though that was something that didn't really bother him, and he hoped it wasn't something that would come to bother Myrcella too much, he had also taken to checking her Westergram account and at least he was glad to see that Cersei hadn't forced her to close that account as well, though he did see that she had the comments disabled and that she hadn't uploaded any pictures in some time.

It was honestly a shame that she had been forced to close her account, he would have loved to be able to see how the Dragon Queen would have reacted to being bested for the first time in a long time. He would certainly pay to be able to see the look on her face when she saw that she had lost the throne of the platform, if only for a few hours.

But maybe I won't have to wait long, he thought, watching as Arianne came perilously close to the Dragon Queen, now the difference between them was less than three hundred thousand subscribers, though it might seem like quite a lot, at these levels, it wasn't much anymore.

As for him, the subscribers he had gained were enough to push him into the top six in Westeros, impressive indeed, for a male content creator. He was now only behind Daenerys Targaryen, Arianne Martell, Rhaenys Targaryen, Ashara Dayne and the other person besides him who had made a jump in the rankings, Catelyn Tully. Who had snatched the position from Margaery Tyrell, feeling curious about this, Jon decided to check the contents of the exuberant redhead and when he saw it, he understood why she had been able to overcome one of the most beautiful women in Westeros.

Catelyn Tully was a much older woman than Margaery, but that was not at all a disadvantage, quite the contrary, her mature beauty made her stand out just as in the case of Ashara, in fact, they had a very similar physique, with a large bust, wide hips and a round butt. And although Catelyn may not be as stunningly beautiful as Ashara, with her olive skin and purple eyes, she wasn't ugly at all, in fact, quite the opposite, she was very beautiful, with her pale skin and piercing blue eyes, and besides that, unlike Ashara who was very reserved in the kind of content she uploaded to her OF, Catelyn seemed to have no problem in showing off her beauty, letting herself be seen in very sexy and erotic clothes, for the incredible enjoyment of her subscribers.

No doubt her content was much more racy and eye-catching than Margaery's, who like Myrcella before deciding to make that video with him, the kind of content she uploaded was very reserved, only depending on her beauty which was definitely way above average, was not enough to compete against such a stunning and voluptuous beauty as Catelyn Tully, who was much more willing to show enough skin to climb the rankings, although exploring more of her content, he saw that she didn't have any kind of explicit video with any man or woman, although she did have full nudity.

Definitely quality content.

Leaving his page, but not before subscribing and adding the beautiful redhead in his favourites, Jon continued exploring. Those who completed the rest of the Top Ten were Margaery Tyrell, Alayaya, Nymeria Martell who was one of Arianne's cousins and, last but definitely not least, Sansa Stark. No doubt things had changed a lot since he had started in this industry and he had come a long way, not even in his wildest dreams had he imagined himself getting this far, let alone being able to sleep with the most beautiful and popular women on the continent.

Apart from catching up with the latest changes, he also started to check his inbox, finding a lot of messages and invitations he had received to collaborate with different women. Most of them were not really interesting, but there were certainly some that deserved his attention, but the ones that stood out the most were the messages he had received from Alayaya and Nymeria Martell, both women were in the top ten and he would certainly have to respond to their very tempting invitation, but before he could do that, he heard the sound of the doorbell and Jon putting his phone aside, got up quickly to receive his guests.

Jon opened the door and was greeted by the vision that was Val and Ros, both girls also greeted him giving him bright and eager smiles the moment they saw him, and Jon couldn't help but smile back, especially when he saw their outfits. They were both wearing similar dresses, both were tight and tiny one-piece dresses that clung all too well to their curvaceous figures and showed a good amount of cleavage and left the delicious skin of their backs almost completely bare, they finished the look with matching handbags and high heels, practically the only difference was that Val's was white and the one Ros was wearing was black.

Jon stepped back and opened the door further as he said to them, "Ladies, welcome. Come on in" Jon indicated as he extended a hand towards his house in invitation.

Val was the first to enter, greeting him with a, " Hello Jon, it's been a while" she said as she leaned toward him and planted a tantalizing, but brief kiss on his lips.

Jon put an arm around her waist, pressing her delicious body against him, "Sorry, love. I've been busy" he told her.

"So, I've heard," she replied, before a mischievous, knowing smile formed on her face and adding, "I saw it too."

Jon could help but chuckle at that as he took one of her hands and brought it to his lips and deposited a tender kiss on the back of it before telling her, "Always a pleasure to meet with you, Val."

"Likewise," Val said before withdrawing her hand and walking further into his apartment.

Jon followed her walk with his gaze, unable to tear his eyes away from the hypnotic sway of her hips, only looking away when he was accosted by an eager redhead who practically wrapped herself around him. A smile formed on his face as he saw Ros in front of him.

"Hello, love" Jon greeted her as he reached a hand down to squeeze that wonderful ass of hers.

"I'm mad at you Jon" she told him, trying to put on a serious expression, but it ended up making her look only even cuter and the fact that she's practically rubbing up against him and has her arms wrapped around his neck didn't help either, but just the same Jon tried to play along.

"And why is that love?" Jon asked her and when she simply pouted exaggeratedly and tried to look angry, Jon leaned over and whispering in her ear asked her again as he gave the soft flesh of her ass a firm squeeze, making her let out a slight moan "What have I done to be able to earn your anger?"

"You're a big meanie, Jon. You make me watch you fuck all those women while you ignore me all this time" she moaned, before adding in the same way he did, whispering seductively in his ear as she lowered her hands so she could rub his crotch over his pants, "You know how hot it was to watch, as you fucked that uptight Lannister, forcing her refined pussy to take your thick cock, until you reduced her into a mere common whore."

Jon also let out a slight grunt at her teasing, "I wasn't ignoring you, love," she told her, but not looking so convinced, he added, "I've missed you too, love. Believe me if I could have invited you on any of my little adventures, I would have."

"Hmm, I've missed your perfect tits" Jon told her as he created some distance between them, so he could run his hands up her seductive body, slowly moving them up until he gave her round orbs a good squeeze, "I've missed your lips" Jon told her as he leaned towards her, to give her a hungry, demanding kiss, making her moan into his mouth, when he pulled away from her, he finished by saying, "And most of all, I've missed that tight wet pussy of yours, you have no idea how hard I intend to fuck you tonight" Jon told her hoarsely, making her let out a mewl at his promise, but most of all he put a huge smile on her face.

But the moment was cut short when they both heard the other person present in the room say, "Unless you are planning to fuck at the door, I recommend that we head towards the bedroom." When she finished speaking, the blonde began to walk up the stairs.

Jon and Ros looked at each other with amused expressions and began to follow Val towards his room, this time having Ros practically in front of him, and her deliberate wiggling of her hips, Jon couldn't help but raise a hand and give her a firm spank, making her jump and squeal amusedly, before she began to pick up the pace trying to escape from him, of course Jon began to chase her amusedly amidst laughter.

The three of them entered his room and Jon closed the door behind him, of course he had already prepared everything beforehand, the cameras were in place and ready to record every sinful act that was about to take place within these four walls.

"Come on girls, you know the drill" Jon told them as he approached the main camera, which was located right in front of the large bed, the girls took that moment to start undressing until they were only in their sexy lingerie sets while he took the main camera and took it out of its tripod and turned it so it was pointed directly at a close up of their face, he was too eager to jump into the fun part, so this time he would rush things a bit.

"Ready?" he asked the girls, who were now sitting on the edge of the bed, they both nodded, and Jon pressed the button to start recording.

" Hey everyone, it's been a while, I know. But if you're followers of mine, you've probably seen me doing collaborations with other girls, but now I'm back on my own channel and what better way to come back than with a new episode of the 'Wolf's Lair' and this time, we don't just have a guest, no this time two cute little bunnies have decided to play with the big bad wolf and we will have lots of fun together" Jon said with a wolfish smile directed to the redhead and the blonde who were sitting on his bed, of course they both smiled back, "Well without making you wait any longer, why don't you see for yourselves today's guests, come on girls, say hi" Jon finished, turning the camera again, now pointing it towards the beautiful women.

"Hi guys" both women greeted at the same time with flirtatious smiles on their faces and hugging the other with one arm while waving the other towards the camera.

"They're fucking beautiful aren't they" Jon asked no one specific, but loud enough for the camera to register, "I know my older audience will already know them, but why don't you introduce yourselves for the new subscribers" Jon pointed out to the women.

Val was the first to do so, "Hi everyone, my name is Val and I'm from the North just like Jon and my friend, Ros here. I enjoy singing, archery and traveling, and if you wish to follow me on my little adventures or my more private and erotic moments, you can find me on either Westergram or Only Followers like, /WildPrincessVal.com, I'll be waiting for you" Val finished by sending a blown kiss to the camera and a wink.

"Hello loves, my name is Ros, I used to work as an exotic dancer at a very exclusive club in Kings Landing, now I am a full-time model in OF. As you can guess I love to dance, have fun and especially fuck, mostly if it's with Jon" she said amused, winking at him, "And if you want to know more about me and get to know me in more depth, I recommend you visit my page on OF, you can find me as, /RedheadRos.com, hope to see you there, honey"

Jon had thought about stripping as well before joining them, but decided against it, always enjoying it when girls stripped him of his garments with desperation and hunger, especially if they were two girls hungry for him. So still in his shirt and pants, Jon joined the girls, who quickly made a space for him to sit in the middle of them. Jon wrapped an arm around each girl's waist and his hands didn't hesitate to start roaming their delicious bodies.

"So, you know guys, if you want to see a lot more content from these beautiful women, be sure to stop by their pages, because we'll be recording a lot tonight" Jon said, turning his attention from the camera to the women he had on each arm before finally leaning over to Val and capturing her lips in a deep kiss, sliding his tongue inside her mouth. When he pulled away, he turned to Ros and kissed her as well, his hand sliding down her back to grab a handful of her round, full ass, she moaned into his mouth as he firmly squeezed the soft flesh.

Pulling away, he guided Val and Ros closer to each other, a playful, expectant look on his face as he told them, "Your turn." The girls looked at each other amusedly as they didn't hesitate to move closer to each other until their lips touched.

There were not many things that could match in eroticism, then watching two beautiful women sensually kissing, their tongues visibly duelling, so that the camera could capture the moment. As they kissed, Jon ran his hands down each of their backs until he touched and squeezed their butts. It was an incredibly erotic sight to watch them kiss with abandon, their bodies pressed together as their hands roamed freely, and Jon couldn't help but bring his face close to theirs, joining in the kiss. The three of them took turns kissing, and at times, they all kissed at the same time. His hands ran down their backs to their butts and he marvelled at the differences between the two. While Val was athletic with firm, round curves, especially her breasts which were what stood out the most from her slender figure, Ros on the other side was thick and smooth, her large globe of flesh yielding under his grip.

After a couple of minutes, Jon felt Ros grab his shirt and pull it up over his head quickly, she and Val looked greedily at his muscular chest and marked abs. Ros's hands seemed to move of their own accord, slowly moving up from his stomach to his chest, her fingers tracing the contours of his muscles and causing them to contract under her touch.

No longer able to contain himself, Jon pushed them both back against the pillows, drawing an amused squeal from both of them and leaving them face up, then began kissing and sucking on Ros's neck. Meanwhile, his hands slid down the soft skin of her stomach until they reached and squeezed her turgid breasts.

Ros let out a low, lewd moan and ran her hands down his muscular back, moving her hands to the front of his hips, she reached out so she could pull down his pants along with his boxers and grab his rigid length. Jon gasped and then moaned as she began to stroke him with slow, teasing movements.

A second gasp, this time from Ros, drew his attention. Sitting up enough to look down, he could see how Val had her hand between the redhead's legs, two of her fingers slowly moving in and out of her taut folds.

"She's already so wet," Val said amusedly, "You really are just a slut hungry for his cock, aren't you?"

"Oh fuck!" Ros gasped as Val plunged a third finger into her drooling depths.

"Go on, say it" Val growled, "Tell him how much you want his cock."

"Oh, gods" Ros gasped, "Please, Jon."

Jon loved hearing the desperate, pleading tone in her voice, it made his cock throb with need, Val wiggled her fingers in a way that made Ros let out one of the most sensual, depraved moans he had ever heard. Jon was now ready to fuck her on the spot, but Val stopped her, signalling him to wait before saying aloud.

"Please what?" Val asked him in a deep, lustful tone, "Tell him exactly what you want. Let everyone know that you're willing to be a dirty, needy little slut for him."

Ros jerked her hips and let out a moan of need, before loudly declaring, "Please, Jon. Fuck me, I need it. I need you to fuck my needy, horny pussy with your big hard cock."

"Good girl" Val complimented her with a pleased smile.

Ros shuddered, her eyes heavily closed and glazed over as she looked at him with lust, letting out a disappointed moan as Val released her fingers from his lips, leaving them, glistening, and dripping in her arousal.

Gripping Ros's thighs, Val spread her legs and kissed the side of her neck.

"Take her, Jon" Val told him heatedly, "Fuck her dumb, make her yours."

As Jon sank into Ros's wet, tight depths, Val removed her panties and stood in front of Ros's face. Allowing her to have a perfect view as she watched Ros stick her tongue out and lick the blonde's slit, giving her an erotic show for him to enjoy.

As Jon began to thrust in and out of Ros, Val reached over to pinch her stiff pink nipples, lifting, and stretching her breasts. Ros moaned and arched her back as her walls tightened around his thrusting length.

"You love that, don't you, little slut?" Val asked her.

"Mhhmmm" was Ros's humming reply.

Val smiled at that and released Ros's hard, reddened nipples before slapping her hand hard on one of her breasts. Ros squealed against her slit, eliciting a moan from Val.

"Fuck, that's so fucking hot" Jon murmured.

Val heard him and looked up at him with a sultry smile.

"Do you like watching the little slut lick my pussy?" she asked him.

Jon nodded, causing a smile to grow on the beautiful blonde's face, before she said, "Fuck her harder, Jon. It feels so good every time she moans."

Jon obediently picked up the pace, slamming his cock relentlessly against Ros's centre, his thrusts were so powerful that the bed beneath them began to shake with each impact, forcing Jon to grip her hips tightly to hold her in place. Ros moaned noisily as her breasts jiggled on her chest, Val held the back of her head with one hand and pressed her slit against Ros's mouth, smearing her face with her arousal.

"You love this, don't you, slut?" Val asked as she began to pant.

"Uh huh" was Ros's reply, shaking her head from side to side and eliciting another moan from Val.

"Oh, you're such a good slut Ros" Val breathed before letting out a long low moan.

Jon knew Val well enough to recognize that she was approaching her peak, and he wasn't far behind her. Looking down, he watched his thick length thrust into Ros's tight slit again and again, her pink lips clinging to his shaft. Suddenly, Val squealed and clutched the bedclothes tightly as she endured her orgasm and struggled to stand. Watching the busty blonde reach her climax was enough to push him over the edge. With a loud groan, Jon buried his length deep into Ros's depths as he let out his first load of the night. Jon released large amounts of cum, enough to make Ros's little pussy overflow and let a stream of white semen seep around the base of his shaft.

As he floated in a euphoric haze, Ros squealed and shuddered beneath him, after a few moments, Jon pulled his deflated shaft out as Val collapsed onto the mattress. Reaching out a hand, he pulled Val to him and immediately pulled her close for a slow, sensual kiss. Despite his recent climax, Jon felt himself quickly getting hard again as he kissed Val, her lush breasts rubbing against his torso.

When they broke apart, Jon saw that Ros was still lying face up on the mattress, so he decided to lay Val on top of her, the blonde not hesitating for a second to kiss the redhead passionately. Ros ran her hands down Val's back and grabbing her cheeks, pulled them apart. Showing her taut lips and a glimpse of her pink depths, Jon wasted no time in moving behind her, running his hands up and down her legs and ass.

His aroused length rubbed against her wet slit, holding his cock by the base, he moved his head up and down between her lips provocatively, Val's only reaction was to rise up on her knees and elbows, and push herself even harder against him. Smiling, Jon inserted the swollen tip into her tight lips and slowly sank into her depths. Val let out a long moan into Ros's mouth as he thrust into her tight, hot pussy, her girth stretching her walls to accommodate him. Pulling away from Ros's lips, Val gasped erotically with her eyes closed, savouring the sensation of being filled.

"Does it feel good, blondie?" Ros asked with a knowing smile.

"It's so big" Val moaned, "Oh, how I've missed your cock, Snow."

Ros chuckled and stroked her cheek gently, "Wait till it starts moving," Ros told her, kissing the thin, delicate skin of her throat.

Jon did just that, pulling his hips back slowly, his swollen head dragging along her walls, making Val gasp and shudder, her depths flexed around him. As he re-entered, he leaned over her, cupping her huge tits and squeezing the soft mounds firmly, her pale flesh oozing between his fingers and around his hand.

As Val continued to gasp and moan, her eyes closed as she lost herself in her own world, Jon leaned over her shoulder and kissed Ros passionately. A few seconds later, he felt lips against his cheek and pulled away to kiss Val, soon the lips and tongues of the three lovers, met again in a pleasurable three-way kiss, their tongues meeting and twisting in the middle.

As he continued to move in and out of Val, he gradually felt her loosen and lubricate around him, giving him freedom to move faster and deeper. Picking up the pace, Jon straightened up and grabbed Val's hips as he rammed her from behind, Ros grabbed her breasts and took them into her mouth so she could suck on her swollen nipple her soft wide areolas smooth.

"Oh Fuck!" Val cried, "Now I understand why you turn any woman you fuck into your slut, is that what you want Snow, you want to make me one of your sluts?"

Jon and Ros couldn't help but laugh and he gave her ass a light, playful slap, taking a decent rhythm, he managed to hit a spot inside her that made her stiffen and gasp sharply. With an almost wicked grin, he adjusted his thrusts to continue hitting that same spot over and over again. Soon, he had Val moaning and panting as wildly, as Ros had. Her voluptuous body quivering as she was pushed closer to the edge with each thrust.

A moan like that of a wounded animal escaped her throat as her body trembled violently and her muscles tensed like coils. Suddenly, she threw her head back with a high-pitched scream as her body tensed completely, Val climaxed explosively, her depths spasming around his shaft as her arousal spurted from her lips, soaking his pelvis and the mattress. Jon was also approaching a new climax just as she moved forward and pulled away from him, too sensitive to continue.

Val relaxed and sketched a satisfied smile as she lay down next to Ros, Jon gave his cock a couple of strokes and before he could say anything, Ros was already crawling towards him. Taking his cock in her mouth, she bobbed slowly on top of his head, her tongue rubbing the underside, with a moan, Jon grabbed a handful of her auburn hair and pushed her down, causing her to gag as he hit the back of her throat. Thick rivulets of saliva ran down his shaft as he moved his head up and down roughly.

Ros had one hand buried between her legs, fiddling with her dripping folds as she looked up at him, with a smile Jon thought.

She's such a slut, but she’s, my slut.

"Val, spank her ass" Jon ordered, knowing full well that the little slut would enjoy it, and his hunch was confirmed as Ros moaned around his cock.

Val now recovered from her orgasm, smiled brightly at his command, and kneeling behind Ros, reached up and lightly slapped one of her pale cheeks. Ros gave a little squeal around his shaft, but Jon was not happy with the weak slap.

"Come on, Val, you can do better than that" Jon told her, "Remember the little whore is going to enjoy it like you have no idea."

This time Val raised her hand with much more determination and smacked Ros on the ass with a sound like thunder. Causing the redhead to open her mouth and scream around his cock, but that didn't stop the blonde. For she began to deliver powerful blows on her ass, reddening the pale skin quickly, though none were as hard as the first. Jon didn't give Ros a chance to complain and returned to his task of feeding her his throbbing cock. The room was filled with loud, wet gagging and coughing, combined with the constant pounding of flesh against flesh.

Since he was so close to his climax, it was no surprise that only moments later, Jon finally peaked. Ros cried out around his shaft as he cummed, moving his hips frantically as his body trembled. Moving her head forward, he forced her to swallow his cock whole, moaning wildly along his length, the vibrations, the sight of the redhead touching herself and reaching a new climax as she choked on his cock and took hard spanks from Val, the feel of her hot, tight throat engulfing his shaft, all drove him over the edge. Despite still being in the midst of her own climax, Ros recognized his orgasm and came out of it at the perfect moment.

As soon as she pulled away from him, she grabbed the back of Val's neck and pulled her forward as she turned her head completely to the side, pressed her lips to the blondes in a searing kiss while continuing to stroke his cock with her free hand. In just a few strokes, Jon reached his climax, several jets of hot cum shooting out from his pulsing tip to splatter her lips with amazing precision. The girls continued to kiss heatedly as spurt after spurt of sticky, salty cum landed on her cheeks, chin and lips.

It was several moments after he stopped that the girls finally broke the kiss, as a trickle of semen and saliva connected their lips for a couple of inches before breaking. Looking up at Val with a smile, Ros leaned forward and ran her tongue along her cheek, licking the semen that coated her skin, Jon's cock had barely softened before it began to harden again as he watched the blonde and redhead lick the seed off each other.

Once they were cleaned up, they kissed again, their tongues visibly dancing together between their lips, when they broke apart again, they both began to giggle with wide smiles and even more so when they saw his renewed erection. But before they could continue Jon had to take care of something first, getting up out of bed, he picked up the main camera again and pointing it so he could record himself, he began to say.

"I hope you enjoyed, although this is only part one, as promised we will continue to 'create content' all night" Jon said with a smile as he pointed the camera towards the girls, "So make sure you visit Val and Ros's channel, there you can see the rest. And don't worry, I'll see you soon with new special guests and lots more content, until then" Jon finished speaking, covering the camera with his hand before setting it back down on the tripod.

Turning to the girls, Jon walked over to them and said with a wolfish grin, "So, ready for round two?"

To which both girls nodded with excited smiles.


Here is the new chapter, I hope you enjoyed it, the next update will be Happy Accidents. After that I will make another poll so you can choose which will be the next update, until then I will see you soon.


Gian carlos Navea meza

Jon tiene a las perras haciendo fila 😎😎😎 (Aunque sabía que no iba a funcionar... hice clic en el link de Ros 😅😅😅)