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See the end of the work for notes

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Daenerys had her arms around the neck of the King in the North as she kissed him deeply, his tongue slipping inside her mouth to slide along his. She moaned loudly as her fingers slid through his curly black hair, Jon pressed her body against his, her firm breasts pressed against his strong torso.

With a deft movement, Jon untied the knot at the back of her gown, the straps fell forward, but the tight, thin fabric hugged her body and refused to fall completely. Daenerys gasped with shuddering breaths as he grabbed the ends and slowly pulled them down, revealing more and more of her soft, pale breasts. Just as the robe came loose, exposing her breast to his hungry gaze, she closed her eyes and swallowed.

"Beautiful, you're so fucking beautiful," Jon told her.

Daenerys' eyes widened with a gasp as she felt his large, calloused hand wrap around one of her breasts and caress it gently. Watching as his thumb brushed over her pale pink areola and stiff nipple, she bit her lip and raised her gaze to his face. Jon smiled at her as she stared into his beautiful deep grey eyes and slowly leaned forward. Daenerys closed her eyes as her lips met his again in a demanding, hungry kiss.

Daenerys whimpered when he broke the kiss, but her whimper turned to a moan when, Jon cupped both breasts and nuzzled her face between them. Giving her soft, perky nipple mounds a firm squeeze, he kissed his way down to her nipple before wrapping his lips around it and sucking lightly.

Daenerys gasped and ran her fingers through his long curly hair as she felt his teeth graze the sensitive nub, each of his touches sending fire through her skin. It was as if he knew her body better than she did, better than anyone else. His lips and teeth found erogenous points she didn't even know she had; no man she had lain with before had ever come close to making her feel like this.

And he was only playing with her breasts.

"Gods, Jon" Daenerys gasped as he scraped the underside of her breast with the back of his fingernail.

Chuckling against her skin, Jon straightened and kissed her briefly, he took her hand between his and led her towards the bed. With a slight push, he pushed her down onto the mattress with a smile and began to remove his shirt. Daenerys sat up on her elbows and stared as he lifted his shirt, revealing his chiselled abs and strong torso, but when Jon removed his shirt completely and threw it to the floor, her expression of hunger and desire turned to one of horror and disbelief as she saw the vivid red scars decorating his chest, too many questions forming in her mind, but before she could form any of them. She was abruptly snapped out of her confusion, when Jon reached out a hand and grabbing her ankles, pulled her forward, staring at her and knowing where her mind had gone, he told her.

"Later, not now."

Daenerys nodded and Jon knelt beside the bed, a slight blush colouring his cheeks as his hand reached down to tug at her small clothes. Placing his hands on her thighs, he slowly slid them up, lifting the tiny garment up her toned legs, until finally removing them. Daenerys gasped excitedly as her wet, naked pussy came into view.

"Have you ever been kissed here, Dany?" Jon asked her as he used his thumb to rub her drooling slit.

Daenerys shook her head.

"It's a shame, that the Queen hasn't been properly worshipped, but don't worry, love. I'm here now, I'm going to lick and kiss, every delicious nook of your body."

Daenerys felt a shiver run through her at his words as he grabbed her legs and threw them over his shoulders. Jon left a trail of kisses from her thigh to her core, just as he was about to reach her folds, he moved to the other, a playful glint in his eyes. Daenerys moaned in frustration as he did it again and again, moving closer, but not really touching where she wanted him to.

"Jon!" Daenerys moaned, her hands tugging at his curly hair, toward her throbbing cunt.

Chuckling, he nibbled on her thigh, eliciting a gasp from her lips, and then moved toward her glistening folds. Daenerys gasped as he pressed a kiss to her lips, his tongue slipping out and sliding between her folds, causing her hips to buck. A long, drawn-out moan escaped her lips as he licked her clit, sending a shiver through her body.

Moving his arm, Jon slid two fingers inside her as his lips wrapped around her clit and sucked lightly. Daenerys jerked, arched her back, and squeezed harder his hair.

"Gods, Jon! What are you doing to me" Daenerys moaned loudly.

With a smirk, Jon continued to push his fingers into her, eventually touching a spot inside her that made her whole body stiffen. It was a sensation unlike anything she could have ever felt before, an almost overwhelming pleasure that bordered on pain. As soon as his fingers began to move back and forth, she couldn't help but cry out and twitch her hips. Mouth open and eyes wide, Daenerys gasped as Jon expertly stimulated the two most sensitive parts of her body.

Daenerys moaned shudderingly and heat quickly built up in her core, a flush ran from her face to her chest as the heat exploded outward, filling her entire body, and filling her mind with a euphoric haze. A loud, shuddering moan escaped her lips as her arousal drenched Jon's face, Daenerys arched her back, gasping as the pleasure kept coming. After several long seconds, the sensation became too much for her, if she let it go any longer, she felt she might go mad with pleasure.

She went from pulling Jon's hair to pushing him away as she curled into a protective ball, her body continuing to jerk and shudder.

"Are you okay?" Jon asked her, as he laid tender kisses on her shoulder and rubbed her thighs.

Daenerys turned so she could look at Jon and saw that his face was a mixture of smugness and amusement.

"I've never felt like this before. I didn't know that it could feel so good" Daenerys said between gasps.

Laughing, Jon crawled onto the bed and towered over her and said, "We're just getting started, love."

Daenerys didn't know if she could survive the night if Jon kept giving her such powerful orgasms, but she couldn't resist when he kissed her on the lips and being able to taste herself on his lips only excited her even more. But she was a Khaleesi, she would not let herself be dominated so easily, in a surprise move and with a strength not appropriate for her small body, Daenerys managed to turn them both around and she was on top of him. Sitting on his waist, Daenerys began to kiss his chest and abs as her hands worked on the strings of his pants. With practiced ease, she had his pants open in a few moments, grabbing them at the waist and pulling them down along with his small clothes, Daenerys pulled them down in one go, leaving him just as naked as she was.

Daenerys kissed her way back up his body until she claimed his lips once more, with his cock still pressed against her stomach, she straddled him, sitting up with her wet lips hugging his thick shaft. They both moaned into each other's mouths as she ground against him, rocking her hips back and forth. Pulling her lips away from Jon's, Daenerys lifted her hips and reached between their bodies to grab his cock and place it against her entrance, slowly, she lowered herself down. His hot, incredibly tight core stretched around his cock as she descended all the way down his length. Daenerys moaned and rested her hands on his shoulders once his entire cock was buried deep inside her, she settled down to accommodate his considerable size.

"So big" Daenerys gasped as she wiggled her hips, "It's fucking deep inside of me."

Daenerys began to move her hips on him, sliding his cock in and out of her tight pussy, Jon reached up and grabbed her swinging breasts, squeezing them hard as she sped up. Soon, she was bouncing up and down on his cock, the bed creaking beneath them each time she dropped down his length, releasing her tits, Jon grabbed her waist and lifted his hips, driving his cock deeper into her body as he watched her firm, perky breasts bounce in rhythm with his movements.

"Fuck, Dany. You feel so amazing, love. Your pussy wraps around me so fucking good," Jon told her as her tight, soft walls hugged the length of his cock tightly.

Smiling down at him, Daenerys buried his cock in her pussy and flexed her walls around him, making her pussy clench to a tighter as she rolled her hips.

"You are a stud Jon, my stud. And only a Khaleesi can ride her stallion so well" Daenerys purred at him.

Jon smiled at her words and stroked her cheek, running his thumb across her fleshy bottom lip, Daenerys circled her thumb with her lips and sucked on it with a moan as she jumped with more vigour. Planting his feet on the bed, Jon grabbed her by the hips and penetrated her from below, making Daenerys' breasts bounce beautifully as a light, rhythmic clapping erupted from between their bodies.

"Oh, gods" Daenerys gasped throwing her head back.

Gasping, she let out a desperate moan as his fingernails dug into her chest and her walls shook around him. Daenerys closed her eyes and gasped loudly with her lips parted and glistening; her movements lost coordination as she neared her climax, holding her by the hips, Jon began to ram into her at a devilish pace, his cock piercing her loins relentlessly.

Daenerys let out a loud shriek and her body stiffened on the brink, Jon grunted and fought against his own climax as her walls shuddered around his cock. Her arousal soaked his length as his body trembled and his arms gave way, collapsing onto his chest, Daenerys moaned in his ear as she rode out her orgasm. Jon's cock still throbbed desperately inside her, but he fought the desire to empty himself inside her, not yet.

When Daenerys' climax subsided, she leaned in and kissed him deeply, thrusting her tongue into his mouth as he caressed her back and ass. When she pulled away, Daenerys smiled brightly at him, still with a lustful gleam in her eyes.

Holding her hips, Jon rolled them both over so that he was on top of her.

Daenerys moaned as he spread her legs and placed the swollen head of his cock at her entrance, before he could ask if she was ready to continue, she wrapped her muscular legs around his waist and drew him in, her thick head stretching his tight lips. Leaning over her, Jon kissed her fiercely as inch by inch of his long length sank back into her tight heat.

As he kissed her, Jon pulled his hips back slowly until only the head of his cock rested between her tight lips. He paused there for a moment as Daenerys writhed beneath him, bucking her hips upward, desperate for his cock. Suddenly, he slammed her hips forward, pushing his entire length into her all the way down. She pulled her lips away from his, tilting her head back to cry out in pleasure as her walls contracted around his shaft. Again and again, he slowly pulled back and then thrust his cock into her. Sometimes he would pause to rub her clit and sometimes he would pound her several times quickly before returning to what he was doing.

Daenerys writhed beneath him, her purple eyes practically glowing with lust, her nails digging into his back, no doubt leaving a long red mark along his skin. Sitting up on his knees, Jon grabbed her ankles and spread her legs, allowing him to watch her tight lips stretch around his wide shaft as he fucked her. Releasing one hand, he pressed his thumb just above her clit and rubbed it rapidly back and forth as he thrust his cock in and out of her tight lips, Daenerys' breathing became rapid and heavy as she writhed on the mattress, arms flailing at the sudden overwhelming pleasure. He could tell she was coming by the sounds she was making and the way her pussy clenched and fluttered around his length.

Suddenly, she threw her head back and let out a loud scream and felt her pussy spasm wildly around his cock. Feeling pressure building in her pussy, Jon pulled back and Daenerys squeezed hard, sending a squirt of her arousal against his stomach. Surprising him at first, Jon smiled as he moved to the side and furiously stimulated her clit, causing three more spurts of her juices to shoot out of her spasming pussy to land almost at the edge of the bed. In the end, it became too much for her and she had to slap his hand away, cupping her pussy protectively again as she shuddered and jerked.

"I-I've never done that before" she murmured with a cute blush, as she looked at how her juices had soaked the bed.

Jon this time was not so considerate, not after witnessing such an erotic sight, backing up between her legs, Jon moved her hands out of the way and plunged his cock back into her, making her gasp and shudder beneath him. He put her legs over his shoulders and leaning over her, he bent her in half and stood on his tiptoes. From this position, Jon slammed his throbbing, aching cock against her flooded pussy. A loud wet slap filled the room as their bodies collided. Daenerys' eyes practically rolled as Jon brutally pounded her overly sensitive pussy. He could feel his own climax building, but doing everything he could to hold it back, hoping to see her cum spectacularly once more before it was over.

He slammed his cock into her again and again with such force that her body bounced against the mattress and made her pale tits jiggle wildly. Daenerys closed her eyes, and a high-pitched moan came from her throat as Jon struggled not to cum. Holding her weight with one hand, he reached the other between their bodies and rubbed her clit furiously as he fought his orgasm. Pitifully, it wasn't enough, and Jon couldn't help but cum in her, flooding her pussy with a huge amount of his seed. Though as he continued to cum, he forced himself to keep thrusting, shuddering as her walls stimulated his hypersensitive head.

Finally, he felt her reach another climax again and pulled his cock out of her, spreading her legs and moving to the side, he rubbed her sensitive clit mercilessly as she cummed. Daenerys screamed again as spurts of cum, both of his and hers, shot out of her spasming cunt. Finally, she could take no more and pulled out of him, curling into a ball as she moaned and shuddered from her intense orgasm.

A few moments later Daenerys also turned around and crawled over to him, laying half her body on top of his, her breasts pressed against his chest and arm as one of her legs entwined with his.

When her sweat-soaked body gave a shiver a few moments later, she moved closer to him for warmth, Jon smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head lovingly. Daenerys, gave a sigh of contentment, relaxing completely against him.


Daenerys had not expected him to have come to her on the first night of leaving, though she was certainly more than happy that he had. She still couldn't believe that he had made her have multiple orgasms, she didn't even know what that was possible and what he had done to her just using his fingers and tongue. Her womanhood trembled at the very memory of it, when she first met Jon, she never believed they would end up like this, cuddling in her bed, with her lying against his strong chest, with his seed still spilling out of her.

Though a part of her had definitely wished it had.

From the beginning she had had mixed feelings about the King of the North, ever since he had introduced himself to her, not feeling intimidated by her presence or her dragons or needing to flatter her or try to win her favour, no he did none of that, he presented himself to her as an equal, as a King.

At first that bothered her, ever since her brother forced her to marry the Khal and have to be at his mercy, until she learned how to control him, so he wouldn't hurt her every time he forced himself on her. She hadn't had to answer to anyone, she was the Queen and if anyone disagreed with that, they automatically became her enemy. But Jon was not an enemy, neither was he a subordinate whom she could command, least of all now that she had invited him into her bed. And she was sure that this was not like with Daario, she had used the mercenary, at first maybe it was fun and refreshing, but quickly that feeling disappeared, besides that, Daario knew his place, he did everything she asked, she never gave up her control over him, always being the one on top. And when she got bored of him, she dismissed him with a simple wave of her hand and in the end, she felt no sorrow or sadness when she left him behind, just impatience to be done with the matter.

She didn't think she could do the same with Jon, she couldn't see herself throwing him out of her bed in such a way, but more importantly she didn't want to, she didn't want him to leave her bed, not after the way he made her feel, the way he fit so perfectly inside her, the way it felt to kiss him or just lay next to him, everything felt so perfect, like she belonged here, right beside him, and she didn't want to lose that.

That thought brought her mind back to the horrible scars that decorated his very well-built torso, she had only been able to forget about them in the fog of her passion, but now the cloud of lust had dissipated. She couldn't have been more fascinated and horrified, every time she saw the scars that marked his beautiful body, they even looked like they were still fresh, and one was right above his heart.

How had he been able to survive that?

"I can hear you think" Jon's husky, deep voice, brought her out of her thoughts.

A slight smile formed on her face and kissing his torso and resting her chin on him, she said, "I'm sorry. Did I disturb your sleep?"

Jon let out a deep grunt as he rubbed his face with his hands and opened his eyes before telling her, "It's alright, I'm just a light sleeper. One of the many perks of having been a member of the Night's Watch," he told her as he ran a calloused hand down her smooth back.

Daenerys again rested her head on his chest and this time not being able to resist asking him, "Is that when it happened?"

Knowing exactly what she meant, Jon replied, "Yes, I was always very popular since I joined the Watch, for better and for worse. It was that which led me to become Lord Commander and also led my own sworn brothers to drive their daggers into me when I decided to let the wildlings cross The Wall."

"How did you survive?" was her next question, her voice coming out with uncertainty and wonder.

Jon was silent for several seconds, long enough to make her think he didn't want to share the rest of the story until he heard her short answer, "I didn't," he told her dryly, before elaborating, "It was Stannis' red witch that brought me back."

"How was that possible?" she asked in amazement.

"Magic, I suppose. Actually, she was trying to bring back Stannis, who had fallen in the battle for Winterfell against the Boltons, but the one who returned it was me, not Stannis."

He has magic in him, just as I do. We have both been reborn.

"What happened to those who did it" she asked, this time her voice coming out angry, as she thought of the men who dared to raise their weapons against a man as wonderful as her Jon, where they planned to seek a better King to lead them.

"'I killed them'" was his reply.

"Good" she told him, the very thought that those men might have deprived her of ever getting to know Jon made the fire in her veins burn again. Jon could feel that and held her face in his hands as he made her look up at him.

"Hey, I'm still here. We're both here, many have tried to defeat or kill us, but they didn't succeed, we survived and will continue to do so, and now we'll do it together."

She nodded at his comforting words, but this time they were not enough, fear had settled in her, the fear of losing him, it terrified her. She never wanted to live in a world without Jon Snow again, a world where she felt she was the only one of her kind.

Who could ever love a dragon? Maybe a wolf could.

A King needed a Queen, just as a Queen needed a King, and she had found, hers. And right now, she needed to feel him, listening to the palpitations of her heart wasn't enough, she needed to feel him pulsing deep inside her, where he belonged.

Leaning forward, Daenerys kissed him hard as she stretched out one hand to hold his spent cock and began rubbing him rapidly, trying to bring him back to life, but when that didn't work, she tried other methods. Parting her lips, she began to descend on Jon, leaving a trail of kisses along the way, over his neck and collarbone, all the way down to his chest where she kissed each of his scars, especially the one over his heart and finally reaching her target.

Holding his soft but still impressively sized cock, Daenerys parted her lips and took his entire length into her mouth, sucking and bobbing her head as he began to harden. It wasn't long before she was forced to pull back slightly as his shaft became completely rigid. But she didn't stop there, she continued to bob her head rapidly up and down the top half of his shaft, her tongue lashing wildly at the head as she reached the top. As she sucked his cock, she felt Jon let out pleasurable grunts before grabbing her head and forcing his thick shaft down her throat, causing her to gag on his length. He held her there for several seconds, until he finally released her, and Daenerys shot off his cock, taking deep, needy breaths, only for moments later to lean back down and begin licking and kissing his cock again.

Her plump lips stretched around his girth, Jon ran his fingers through her silky, platinum hair, pulling it aside so he could watch her head move along its length as she sucked hard and swirling her tongue around the head. Jon lifted his hips, trying to push more of his shaft into her hot, sucking mouth. Jon was disappointed when she pulled away from him, but only for a moment as she kissed her way down his body to claim his lips once more.

When Daenerys pulled away from his lips, but still keeping one hand on his cock, she said, "I need you to fuck me Jon, hard. I need to feel you deep inside me."

Unable to refuse such a request, Jon asked her with a smile, " How my Queen wishes me to take her."

Daenerys moved to the empty side of the bed and lay belly down, grabbing one of the pillows she would use to rest her face, she turned her face so she could look at Jon from the side, keeping eye contact with him. She arched her slender back as she lifted her ass towards him while slowly swaying her hips sideways, bringing out her round firm ass, like a female in heat trying to attract the attention of the virile male. And she certainly succeeded, as Jon couldn't take his eyes off her hypnotic swaying hips, until she spoke.

"Come here, love. Ride me, make me yours," she told him in a seductive, needy voice.

Jon needed no more stimulation than that, he quickly moved towards her, positioning himself on top of her. Daenerys couldn't help but feel a little nervous, she hadn't been in such a vulnerable position in bed, not since the early days of marriage to the savage Khal, where the man had forced himself on her and taken her without any qualms or consideration about her pain or feeling. But unlike then, when she felt Jon's large presence cover her, she didn't feel the fear she had felt then, especially when Jon laid tender kisses on her neck and shoulders. Running his hand up and down her glowing skin, he touched every inch of her sinful figure he could reach. Starting at her shoulder, his hand slid down to her breast, his fingers tracing the side of her perky chest, compressed from being pressed against the mattress. From there, he continued to her slender waist, his hand following the delicious curve as he reached down to her wide hips and full, heart-shaped bottom.

That was what she loved most about Jon, any other man if he'd had her in this position would have just buried himself in her, not caring about her pleasure or comfort. Jon was different, that was why she had chosen him as the one man to whom she would give herself completely. She would replace those horrible memories of her past; with the man she had chosen.

Daenerys turned her head and looked at him with an affectionate smile on her lips, reaching back, she grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for a slow, sensual kiss, their tongues and lips moving languidly against each other, slowly caressing, and exploring. Parting her lips, Daenerys encouraged him again over her shoulder.

"Fuck me, Jon. Please don't make me wait. Fuck me, hard! As hard as you can!" she begged him desperately.

"Are you sure?" he asked her.

"Yes please, I need it, I need it so badly" she begged him.

Jon grunted against her ear before lunging forward and burying his entire length in her depths with a single brutal thrust. Daenerys squealed and at first, he panicked thinking it was from the pain, but the shower of arousal that splashed his groin, along with the desperate moans that followed, told him otherwise.

"This was what you wanted, huh? You wanted me to take you like a wolf takes his bitch?" Jon asked her demandingly as he continued to pound her roughly.

"Yes, please. Make me take it, make me take that cock, please Jon. It feels so fucking good!" Daenerys exclaimed, urging Jon to fuck her as hard as he could.

Daenerys lifted her feet making them point upwards, as Jon rose up, pulling most of his cock out of her, before slamming back down on her. Jon's hips slammed hard into her ass, creating a wet, smacking sound coming from her soaking wet core each time his thick cock hit her depths. As she came down from her thundering climax, Daenerys began to grunt with each thrust, her body twitching from the force of his thrusts.

As Jon penetrated her repeatedly, she let herself fall completely, burying her face in the pillow where she began to let out choked cries of ecstasy, but Jon didn't like any of that, he wanted to hear every delicious sound the Queen let out as he fucked her.

So, he leaned forward and entwined his fingers through her silky platinum-gold hair, before pulling hard. Causing her head to snap back as she let out a high-pitched moan. The room echoed with the loud moans of the Queen and the sound of their bodies meeting, each time Jon increased the pace, Daenerys screamed louder and louder, loud enough for every person on the ship could hear the King claiming his Queen.


I hope you enjoyed it, the next update will be the threesome with Val and Ros in OF, stay tuned. There are also many more interesting things coming, especially for my subscribers in the higher tiers. At the moment I have been making pools, where everyone can vote, but after these updates, those who will decide the new stories or the next updates will be my subscribers from the highest tiers. But all my subscribers will still be able to continue enjoying all my exclusive content, and a new exclusive story is coming, thank you for your support, see you soon.



Arya is going to be pissed but also “ I told you so “🤣