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I know I said, that I was going to publish this chapter before the new year, but I hope that a chapter of 8.4k words can make up for it and it's not to exaggerate, but I think it's one of the best chapters I've written, so far. Definitely top 3, I hope you enjoy.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


It had been a little over two years since she was practically forced to travel north because of her brother and sister-in-law, back then she could not have known how those two weeks that she would spend in the northern country would change her life forever. It was in those two weeks that she spent in the Stark residence where she would meet and fall in love with the man who would change her life completely. Although the beginning of their relationship had been of an improper nature, given that she was already in a relationship with another man, Daenerys would not change him for anything, no matter how deep she searched within herself, she could not find any regrets or feel bad for having slept with Jon, she never felt bad for having had an affair with Jon.

She loved him from the beginning and they both couldn't help but show that love for each other in the most explicit and carnal ways possible, she didn't know what it was like to be in love until she met Jon, the things she let him do to her, the way he made her feel, how they fit so well together. Nothing could compare to the feeling of having him inside her, like she could only feel complete every time she was with him. Whatever feelings she had for anyone in her past, it completely paled in comparison to what she felt for Jon, and that feeling was only reinforced by Jon as time went on.

After she decided to stay with him in the north, and stopped hiding their relationship, Jon only made her wait one year before he surprised her by asking her to marry him. Making her the happiest woman in the world, and the happiest day of her life was the day she married Jon, their wedding day was a dream. All her friends and loved ones were there, she was wearing a beautiful and divine white dress that made her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world and the cherry on the cake was the handsome and elegant man who was waiting for her at the altar, she remembers very well the charming and excited smile that Jon gave her when he saw her walking towards him. They both held each other's hands as they said their vows and sealed their union with a loving and heartfelt kiss, though neither could not resist deepening it only parting when they heard the priest clear his throat, but still they did so with a hungry smile and Daenerys provoked him to a more by wiping away the traces of the reddish lipstick she had left on his lips.

They both could not have been more desirous of each other and the demonstration of that strong and passionate desire they had for each other was on their wedding night, every time she remembered their wedding night. Daenerys was unable to stop herself from curling her toes and rubbing her thighs together as she bit her lips and tilted her head back, just probing those memories. It was definitely a night that would be imprinted in her memory until the day she died, at this point Daenerys was sure that Jon had ruined her for any other man, the things he did to her and how she enjoyed every second of it, that night Jon had taken her in every possible way a man could take a woman, he had used and marked every part of her, every part.

She had lost count of how many times Jon had made her orgasm, or how many times Jon had emptied large amounts of his virile seed inside her, in her mouth, in her pussy and in her arse. She had ended up in a catatonic state from the countless number of orgasms Jon had made her experience and she was sure that at some point she had ended up passing out from the excess of sensations. But she wouldn't change anything about it, it was the perfect way to end a perfect day. Besides that Jon could be a very dominant man and a complete animal in bed, but what she loved about him was that after sex he became one of the most loving and caring men possible, always holding her trembling body after each of the orgasms he made her experience, showering her with kisses and whispering the most loving and romantic things she could imagine in her ear, with his deep, accented voice, she could only melt against him, sometimes she couldn't believe how lucky she was to have found a man like Jon, always flooding her with affection and love, and that was what brought her to the decision she had just made now.

Jon's birthday was coming, and she wanted to give her man something memorable, she wanted to show him how much she loves him and how much she trusts him, she wanted to surprise him by inviting someone else into their bed, a woman of course. Daenerys had no interest in any man other than her husband, but a woman was something that even both of them could enjoy, it was an idea that had been circulating her mind for some time now, but now she finally decided to do it. Although the goal was obviously her husband's enjoyment and pleasure, she could also get to enjoy the experience, since, if she had to admit it she always had a slight curiosity about being with another woman and every time she thought about it she couldn't help but get excited and throwing Jon into the equation only made it even better, and she already had the perfect candidate in mind, her best friend Missandei.

The first one she informed about everything that had happened on her trip to the north and her final decision to stay at Winterfell, was Missandei. Her best friend had been excited and happy for her, but being Missandei she couldn't help but mention that it had been a bit wrong that they had started their relationship that way, only to confess seconds later that it was one of the craziest and most romantic stories she had ever heard and then confess that she never really liked Daario. Also, Missandei was the first of her friends to come to visit her in the north, something that made Daenerys quite happy, it was also the first time she met Jon, she still remembers with amusement the expression Missandei put the first time she saw Jon and also remembers the words she said to him afterwards.

"Now I understand why you decided to stay in the north, Dany" her friend told her amusedly with a knowing smile. To which Daenerys playfully pats her friend, but can't help but add, "It's an ice-cold country, but I assure you I've never experienced cold nights" to which they both share an amused chuckle.

The second time Missy was in the north was for her wedding, of course being her maid of honor, where she even ended up sharing a little dance with Jon, at her request. Since she had unfortunately attended without a date, due to the fact that her long-time boyfriend had broken up with her shortly before her wedding, inciting Jon to dance with her friend was the first time that the idea of inviting someone to her bed entered her mind, that moment of seeing her husband dance with her best friend, seeing Missandei smiling so quickly while she was surrounded by Jon's arms, obviously unable to resist the natural charm of her husband.

Watching the scene, Daenerys felt no jealousy or anger, quite the contrary, she found herself enjoying watching the moment, how her husband could make her friend so happy, if only for a few moments. She couldn't stop the idea from forming in her head and from there, it only grew little by little, until she finally decided to do it.

When she made the decision the first thing, she did was to contact Missandei with the excuse of catching up, they talked about vague things and some news for several minutes until finally she decided to start asking about more interesting questions.

"So, met any cute boys lately?" Daenerys asked her, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"I've been on a couple of dates, but they didn't go as I'd expected. So, at the moment I'm just focusing on my career" her friend replied sounding a little disappointed.

Daenerys felt a little bad as a small smile formed on her face at hearing her friend's misfortune, but she assured herself that she would make it up to her.

Or, rather, Jon would make it up to her. She thought amused.

She also knew her best friend very well, and she knew that Missandei wasn't the type of girl to have one-night stands, which meant she hadn't had a good shagging in a long time, and she planned to use that to her advantage.

"You shouldn't worry too much about that, Missy. The perfect man will show up when you least expect him, but that shouldn't stop you from having some fun in the meantime" Daenerys told her, drawing a small hum of contemplation from her friend, but wanting in talking about more important things she decided to change the conversation back, "Among other things, Jon's birthday is coming up, you're still up for coming right?"

"Yeah, sure, I'll be there. And you're right I need to let loose a little, take a break, have some fun" Missandei told her.

"That's the attitude, Missy. You work too hard and I'm not there anymore to force you to go out to some party" Daenerys told her amused.

"You mean those times where you made us dress extremely hot so that all the guys would drool over us and in the end never take any of them back home?" Missandei said, she could feel her smile through the phone.

"Where we'd get a little drunk and end up dancing all sensually around each other, until we had the attention of all the guys at the party, we had quite a bit of fun, didn't we?" Daenerys told her cheerfully to finish, hearing Missy's laughter on the other end.

"Yes, it was a lot of fun," she finished, Missandei.

"Maybe now you can take a boy back home and get rid of all that stress you have built up, from trying to learn a new language in record time" Daenerys suggested with a smile.

"You know I don't like one-night stands" Missy reminded her.

"They're not really bad, if you find the right boy. If I remember right, you liked serious boys, the ones that make you feel special and loved, didn't you? Oh, and they had to be tall and with rough hands too, is that right?" Daenerys said with a smile.

"I am praised that you remember in great detail my tastes in men, Dany," Missandei told her, before adding, "And if you meet someone like that feel free to send him my way."

"Hmm, I may know just the man" Daenerys told her tentatively.

"Dany... I know Robb is cute and all, but I told you he's not my type" Missandei said, trying to sound kind as she dismissed, what she thought was the man Daenerys was talking about.

"I wasn't talking about Robb, Missy" she told her, "Only the most handsome Stark would be suitable for my best friend."

"What, Jon has a twin brother that you never introduced me to?" Missandei asked her amused, before the tone in her voice shifted to a more alert one before she asked, "Oh, you're not talking about his Uncle Benjen, are you? Because if you are-"

"No no, Missy. Of course, I wasn't going to suggest a man in his forties to you, Gods" Daenerys quickly assured her friend, not being able to believe that she thought she would do something like that, but quickly dismissed it when she told her exactly who she was talking about, "I was talking about Jon."

After she said those words, there was a deep silence from the other end of the phone, so much so that for a moment Daenerys thought the call had been cut off, "Missy? Are you still there?"

"Ahh, can you repeat that again, I think the signal cut out for a moment there. For a second there I thought you said, Jon" Missandei told him, her voice stumbling a little.

"That's what I said" Daenerys told her clearly.

"You mean Jon, Jon Snow? Your husband, Jon?" Missandei told her sounding very incredulous and Daenerys couldn't help but laugh at her friend's flusteredness.

"Yes, Missy. My husband, Jon" Daenerys told her again.

"Is this a joke? Because if it is, it's not funny at all, Dany" Missandei warned her.

"It's not a joke, Missy. I swear."

"Why?" was all Missandei could think to ask, "Why would you want me to have sex with your husband?"

"Well, to be more specific, it would be the two of us having sex with my husband. I'm not giving you, my husband; I'm just offering to share him with you. For this special occasion, or maybe a few more times in the future, depending on how well this goes" Daenerys explained.

"Why did you choose me?" her friend asked.

"You know the answer to that, Missy. You are my best friend, the one I trust the most, I can't think of anyone better to do something like this with" Daenerys told her, but when there was no response from Missandei she was quick to say, "Perhaps I addressed this too abruptly, I didn't want to put you in a situation that you would feel pressured or uncomfortable, Missy. It's just an offer, if you choose to accept it, I'll be delighted, but if not, I won't be upset or disappointed. You're my best friend, Missy, I just thought this might be something we could both come to enjoy, I'm just asking you to think about it, okay?"

"No, it's fine. It's just, I do think it was a bit abrupt of a proposition" Missandei breathed with a slight smile, "But I know you didn't mean it, and I'll think about it" she finished tentatively.

Daenerys smiled as she heard that, "You do that, I hope to see you soon Missy. Oh, I almost forgot one last thing."

"What is it?" Missandei asked her.

"I'm sure you haven't forgotten how it feels to be wrapped in Jon's arms, or the feel of his hands on you, now imagine that man on top of you as he fucks you into oblivion while the only thing holding you are those big calloused hands of his" Daenerys said deeply and seductively before she let out a laugh and said farewell, "Bye bestie, sweet dreams."

Daenerys had already hung up before Missandei could even think of how to respond to that, alone in her room, she let out an amused snort at her best friend's teasing.

Only a girl with Valyrian blood could provoke her best friend with the desire to get her best friend to fuck her husband. Though to be fair, perhaps a Dornish girl would do the same, they were too liberal.

Although her friend was right about something, she hadn't forgotten that dance she had shared with Jon, despite putting on her best face for her best friend's wedding. She couldn't help but feel down during the whole celebration, it was only when she shared that little dance together with Jon that her night got better, definitely no woman could judge Dany for having had an affair with Jon, that man certainly had something magnetic about him. Even though he hadn't even been trying to flirt with her, she couldn't help but fall for his charm, the way he smiled at her, the feel of his warm, strong body against her soft, lithe one, the ease with which he lifted her into his strong arms when he was spinning her around, no doubt that man could make any woman feel special.

But despite all that, she would never have desired her best friend's husband, but she also couldn't help but have certain dreams involving the man....

Missandei let out a frustrated growl as she remembered those fantasies, it had been too long since she had been with a man.

Dammit, Dany I hope you don't regret this, because I'm going to use your husband to release several months of sexual drought.

Daenerys right now was doing some housework, not even an hour had passed since she had the conversation with Missandei when she heard her phone notification beep. Unlocking the screen, she saw that it was a message from Missandei and before she even read it, she knew what her best friend's reply would be. A smile formed on her face and excitement filled her, now she had everything ready, she had planned an amazing party for Jon, she had invited all his family and friends, and now she had the perfect gift to close the night, she couldn't wait to see Jon's expression when he saw the surprise, she had planned for him.


After marrying Daenerys, they both started looking for a house, where they would both raise a family and spend the rest of their lives, and it didn't take them long to find the perfect house. It was in one of the most exclusive areas of Wintertown, it was a house built with a mix of classic northern architecture but modernized. Daenerys had loved it since she saw it and Jon did not hesitate to buy it, for both of them. Now that house was full of people, from family and friends, undoubtedly one of the best birthday parties he had ever had, all thanks to his beautiful wife who had planned all this for him.

But what undoubtedly stood out the most in the whole party was his beautiful wife, she had put on a tight blue dress, which highlighted all her perfect curves, and the neckline was low enough to show a hint of cleavage. Jon had one arm wrapped around her most of the time, sometimes he would lower his hand just enough to give that delicious ass of hers a little squeeze, Daenerys' only response was to give him an amused smile and remind him with a little kiss that he should be patient, she would have a surprise for him, when everyone left.

Jon had been anxious ever since, he loved the people who were here, and he appreciated that they had come to his party, but really all he wanted to do was put his wife over his shoulder and carry her into his bedroom where he would rip that dress off her with his teeth and ravish her all night, but sadly he would have to wait a couple more hours, before he could do that. Daenerys snapped him out of his thoughts when he heard her let out an excited squeal and pulled him by the hand, leading him to where he saw her best friend Missandei and her niece Rhaenys, if he remembered correctly. He had met her at her wedding, apparently Rhaegar had been married before he met his Aunt Lyanna and had a daughter in that marriage, which was Rhaenys and since she and Dany had been of similar ages despite being niece and aunt, they had become very close, even after Rhaenys' parents split up.

Jon watched as the girls greeted each other and quickly began to catch up, the last time he had seen both girls together was on his wedding day with Dany, though he had not spent as much time with Rhaenys as he had with Missandei. Since Daenerys had told him that the latter had ended a long term relationship shortly before attending their wedding, Daenerys also asked him to dance with her, to see if he could cheer her up and he tried his best, he chatted and danced with her, managing to make her smile a couple of times, she was a very sweet and lovely girl, also a very intelligent one as he remembered her mentioning to him that she could speak nineteen languages fluently, which was something extremely impressive. Jon enjoyed the rest of the dance they shared, and they ended up saying goodbye with a hug and a kiss, with Jon thanking her for attending, he knew how much his presence meant to her, Missandei responded with a sincere smile that she would not have missed her best friend's wedding for anything in the world.

He had also talked and spent some time with Rhaenys, but not so much compared to Missandei, besides she had brought a date to her wedding, but now Jon looking around, it seemed he was not present now.

"You shouldn't be brooding at your own party, birthday boy," Rhaenys' voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"I wasn't brooding, I was just thinking about things" Jon told her.

"Does he do that often?" an amused Rhaenys asked his wife.

"Yes, but fortunately he looks very handsome when he does" Daenerys replied with a smile.

"Hmm, yes. He does" Rhaenys said as she reached out a hand to squeeze one cheek. Jon couldn't help but ogle at her figure, she wore a tight little crimson dress, which left her shoulders bare and hugged her curvaceous hourglass body. It was hard to tell that she was related to Daenerys, as they didn't look much alike aside from those deep violet eyes, they both shared, but other than that they were very different. Rhaenys was a little taller than Daenerys, olive-skinned and much more voluptuous, with wide hips and an impressive bust, which Jon kind of enjoyed feeling, when she hugged him, congratulating him on his birthday, her breasts flattening against his strong chest.

Next to greet was Missandei, her dress covered much more skin than Rhaenys', but she looked no less beautiful for that, her dress was a pale ochre colour, the light, flowing fabric accentuated her figure to perfection. Missandei unlike the Targaryen was tall, dark skinned and slender, with a pretty heart shaped face and a warm smile, she just as Rhaenys did greet him with a hug and a kiss, her sweet voice bathed with a slight Essosi accent, which she never abandoned despite having spent most of her life in Westeros.

Most of the party Jon and Daenerys spent greeting and chatting with their guests, receiving congratulations and catching up with friends and family. The funniest moment of the party was when Robb and Theon tried to get his face muddy with the cake, but he reacted in time and the only one who got muddy was Theon. Another moment he quite enjoyed was dancing with Daenerys, his wife being a total minx rubbing her round shapely ass against his crotch while resting her head on his shoulder and giving him a flirtatious smile. Jon enjoyed his wife's teasing for long minutes, until she surprised him and switched partners and set him dancing along with Missandei and Rhaenys as well.

Although he had no problem dancing with Missandei, dancing with Rhaenys was certainly challenging. For due to his wife's teasing, his cock had been semi-hard all this time. And it didn't help that Rhaenys, like his wife, liked to dance very tightly and rub herself against him, Jon was sure that his wife's niece could feel his hard erection pressing against her shapely globes, but was surprised when Rhaenys' only response was to give him a flirtatious smile, a smile that looked a little too much like his wife's.

When the dance was over, Jon tried to quickly move away from Rhaenys and adjust his pants, it was then that he saw his wife in front of him again. Jon was worried that she had seen the scene and might have been angry, but that didn't seem to be the case, quite the contrary, she seemed very amused by the whole situation.

"Rhaenys tortured you too much?" she asked him with a slight smile.

"Eh, she's very friendly" Jon said, finding no better words.

"Well, she has Valyrian and Dornish blood, it can be a very dangerous or beneficial mix, depending on the situation" his wife told him.

At the time I didn't understand what he was referring to, but I would find out sooner rather than later.


Jon and Daenerys made sure to see everyone off at the door, he shared a hug and a thank you for coming, he shook hands and hugged his father and brother, a loving kiss and warm hug with his sisters and Catelyn, and a friendly farewell with Tormund, Green and his other friends. One of the last to leave was Rhaenys, she first said goodbye to Daenerys and then approached him to do the same, she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him down into a deep embrace as he heard her let out a slight moan before releasing him, but she did not separate her hands away from him when she turned to Daenerys to say.

"You have a good man, Daenerys. Be sure to take good care of him," Rhaenys told her, her voice coming out with a slight purr.

"I will make sure of that, sweet niece."

With a smile, Rhaenys finally said goodbye, "Goodbye guys, if you have another fun activity in mind feel free to invite you, I'm up for anything" she said with a flirtatious wink to both of them.

Jon raised his eyebrows at the woman's sass and turned to his wife to see her reaction, but just like before, she just seemed amused by the whole situation.

"I think my niece likes you," she told him, without a hint of anger in her voice.

"You think?" Jon said sarcastically, to which Daenerys wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss, before saying with an exaggerated pout, "Oh, my poor husband. All the girls want to get into his pants."

"Fortunately for you, you're the only one who can do it" Daenerys seemed amused by his response, but he didn't think much of it as she quickly took him by the hand and led him upstairs. Jon turned his brain completely off as he lost himself in the hypnotic sway of her hips. Had he been more observant, he would have noticed that at no point did he say goodbye to a certain dark-skinned, curly-haired woman.


As soon as they were through the door of their room, Jon drew Dany into a desperate, hungry kiss, his tongue caressing hers as he ran his hands down her back and cupped her full, round ass as he began to undress her.

"Jon, wait," Daenerys tried to say, only to be silenced again as he sealed his lips again.

"I can't wait any longer, Dany. You've been teasing me all night, I need to have you" he told her, but Daenerys stopped him as she held his face in her hands and said, "And you will love, you will have me as many times as you want, in as many ways as you want, but first let me show you your surprise" Jon didn't know what she meant and was even more confused when Daenerys suddenly shouted to no one specific, "You can come out now."

Jon heard the door open and turning the other way, his eyes widened in surprise and disbelief when he saw Missandei step out from the bathroom, wearing only a sexy white lingerie and a gift bow wrapped around her hip. Jon quickly turned to Daenerys and was sure he didn't need to speak, as his surprise was written all over his face.

"Happy birthday, love" Daenerys told him happily, as if there was no other half-naked woman in his room.

"What- Wait, what's going on?" Jon said totally confused.

Daenerys took his hand and pulled them both closer towards Missandei, and said happily, "This is your surprise, isn't she wonderful?" but apparently thinking better of it she let go of his hand and stood at her friend's side and hugging her again declared, "We are your surprise."

Not needing to be a genius to know what she meant, Jon asked his wife seriously, "Are you sure about this Dany?"

"I've given it a lot of thought Jon and yes I'm totally fine with this. I love you Jon, I'm sure we will spend the rest of our lives together, we will raise a family together, but that doesn't mean we could have fun with other people along the way" his wife told him.

"Ahhh, when you say other people, do you also mean another-" Jon was interrupted when Daenerys cut him off, "You're the only man I want, your cock is the only one I want. I have no interest in another man" she told him, calming him down and Jon was able to let out a relieved breath, before moving his attention to the other person in the room.

"And you are sure about this, Missandei?" Jon asked her.

The girl seemed a little nervous, but nowhere near scared or uncomfortable, she even seemed a little excited, "I've thought about it pretty hard too, and if you're okay with me, I'd like to give it a try."

Jon reached out his hands and cupped the face of each one with his palms, addressing Missandei first, "You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life, Missandei. I think any man who could reject you is a complete fool."

When she flashed him a beautiful smile, Jon couldn't help but lean in and capture her delicate lips, she froze for a moment before kissing him back. Before she realized what she was doing, Missandei wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him harder. When Jon pushed his tongue between her lips, his hand slid down her until it touched and squeezed her firm ass.

When he pulled away, he couldn't help but laugh at the disappointed expression on Missandei's face, he gave her one last peck on the lips, before turning to Daenerys, Jon grabbed his wife and pulled her up, making her squeal and laugh.

"You are the best wife ever" he said to her, as Missandei giggled and kissed Daenerys passionately.

"I know" Daenerys told him happily, as they broke apart.

Jon then looked at both girls expectantly before telling them with a smile, "I think it's your turn, ladies."

Both girls looked at each other with a mischievous smile and without much hesitation leaned towards each other and kissed, Jon watched the sexy show, their brushed lips moving in unison as Missandei began to undress Daenerys. She unzipped her dress as she slid her hands inside to roam the bare skin of her back, Jon slowly began to feel his pants tighten against his crotch. When Daenerys' dress finally fell down, leaving her in a lacy black lingerie set, both girls parted and turned to face him.

"That was fucking hot," Jon said, eliciting a giggle from both of them.

"We're just getting started, love" Dany told him while still hugging Missandei, and turning to her he spoke again, "Why don't you help me undress our man."

Smiling at each other, they turned as one and walked towards him. Jon gulped as they climbed onto the bed, Daenerys on his right and Missandei on his left. Missandei leaned over and kissed him as Daenerys began to unbutton his shirt.

Jon groaned as he felt Missandei slide a hand under his shirt and run her nails down his chest. Surrounding each girl with an arm, he slid one hand to caress Missandei's bottom while the other rested on Daenerys' bare back. The couple broke the kiss when they heard Daenerys begin to work on his belt, Missandei with one hand still caressing the muscles of his chest and abs, looked with anticipation at the huge bulge in his pants. Jon glanced at his wife to gauge her reaction, worried that she might have second thoughts, but was surprised to find her staring at him with a smouldering, lust-filled stare.

Smiling at him, Daenerys kissed the bulge in his pants before removing them, along with his boxers. His cock jumped as it was released, Missandei stared almost mesmerized at his hard shaft as Daenerys finished removing his pants and tossing them aside.

"It's so big and thick" Missandei said sounding surprised as she stared hungrily at his raging erection.

"And it tastes even better" Daenerys told her, taking her hand and moving it so that she was kneeling next to her, his intimidating cock towering over their heads.

"Go ahead, touch it. I know you want to" Daenerys whispered lustfully to her.

Slowly Missandei reached out and ran her fingers lightly along the hard, hot shaft, Jon throbbed at her touch. Wrapping her hand around him, she realized how thick he was, her long slender fingers barely able to meet around his girth. Holding it more firmly, she could feel his heartbeat along its length as it pulsed against her skin. Stroking her hand slowly up and down his impressive length, Jon moaned pleasantly and thrust his hips, bringing the tip of his head just millimetres from her lips. Knowing what she wanted and unable to resist, Missandei stuck out her tongue and licked the underside of his head. Jon placed his hand on her head, holding it firmly, but without forcing it.

Beside her, Daenerys tilted her head close to her and with a smile, opened her mouth and easily took nearly half his length in her mouth, her full, red lips stretched to accommodate his size. Twitching a couple of times, she pulled away from him, leaving the head glistening with her saliva. Daenerys turned to look at her again, raising a defiant eyebrow as she gave her a playful smile. Missandei smiled back at her friend and being someone who doesn't back down from a challenge, she parted her lips and slid them over the head of his cock, her mouth open as she descended inch after inch. Finally, reaching the point where Daenerys had stopped and then forcing herself to go further.

The moan Jon let out spurred her on as she managed to take a little more than half of his length before it hit the back of her throat. Pulling back slightly, she bobbed up and down rapidly several times as she worshipped his shaft with her tongue, determined to impress. After pushing herself into him as far as she could one last time, she pulled away from him and then pointed his cock at Daenerys, giving him a playful, cocky grin.

Daenerys gave him a small smile and then turned back to Jon's cock, wrapping her lips around his head, she pushed down quickly, moving along his length until she had taken half his length, just as she had done. Daenerys paused for a moment, leaning down and pushing herself down, Missandei watched with surprised eyes as she watched Daenerys continue to take him deeper and deeper until her nose pressed against his groin. She was completely dumbfounded as she watched Daenerys take the entirety of this huge cock deep into her throat. Holding it at its base for several seconds, she finally pulled back, took a deep breath through her nose and then swallowed it deeply again, this time, she bobbed on it rapidly, causing Jon to grunt loudly as his wife took his entire length. Finally, Daenerys slowly pulled away from him, looking him in the eyes as she pulled away from his head with an audible 'pop'. With a smug grin etched on her face.

"Bloody Gods! Daenerys!" exclaimed Missandei, genuinely impressed.

Both girls burst out laughing for a few seconds before recovering.

"How do you do that?" Missandei asked her.

Daenerys gave Jon an amused sideways glance before saying, "The first time we were together, Jon fucked my mouth without mercy. And well we've been together for two years now, let's just say my throat is used to being fucked by his cock by now."

"Do you think I could ever do that?" Missandei asked him, her voice coming out barely loud enough for them both to hear.

"If you're willing to let Jon fuck your face on a regular basis, I don't see why you couldn't get to do that" Daenerys told her, "Would you like that, Missy? Would you like my husband to use your pretty little mouth for his own pleasure? Would you like to be my husband's little cock sucking slut?"

Missandei turned her face towards Jon as she nodded slightly at Daenerys' questions, "Then suck him off" Daenerys whispered seductively.

Missandei took his cock again and pushed her mouth towards him, she descended as far down his length as she could but ended up stopping and gagging in the same place as before. So, she tried to lean forward as Daenerys had done. Her eyes filled with tears as she choked and gagged on his shaft, pulling back for breath, and then forcing herself back down again.

"Maybe you need a hand" she heard Daenerys say next to her as she felt her grab a lock of her hair.

Daenerys pushed her head forward, forcing her to take the last bit of Jon's cock down her throat. Missandei gagged hard, her throat spasming around his head as her eyes closed tightly and her arms fluttered. Daenerys finally stopped pushing her down, giving her a chance to breathe, coughing and gasping for air, saliva running down her chin and tears streaming from her eyes down her cheeks. As soon as she caught her breath, Daenerys pushed her back down onto Jon's cock, all the way to the base.

Jon groaned as he watched his wife force her best friend to deep throat his cock, and as he felt her throat spasm around him. Instead of holding her down like before, he pulled Missandei to the middle of his shaft, then pushed her down again and again, fucking her face on his cock. Missandei's nose bounced on his pelvis as Daenerys moved her up and down, creating a loud gagging sound that echoed throughout the room as Missandei choked around him. Pulling her friend by her hair, Missandei gasped, her pretty and sweet face now a complete mess of tears and spit. As she caught her breath, Daenerys leaned down and took his cock, covered with her best friend's saliva in her mouth, she sucked the head and swirling her tongue over his head. Jon throbbed at the naughtiness of her actions. She didn't keep him in her mouth for long, as she pulled Missandei back and pushed her onto his cock.

The beautiful brunette swallowed him again, choking around his shaft as Daenerys brutally forced her down. Holding her by the hair, she jerked Missandei's head up and down hard, making her choke and gag hard around his cock. Jon felt his climax rapidly approaching, aroused by the depravity of the situation.

"Fuck! I'm going to cum" he warned them.

Daenerys hearing that, let Missandei back up to the tip, where she sucked on it, running her tongue over its sensitive head. Leaning forward, Daenerys wrapped her plump lips around the side of his shaft, sucking and kissing him, using her tongue to wrap around his girth. The sight of the two beautiful girls worshipping his cock as they looked up at him finished him off by pushing him to his limit. He groaned loudly as he peaked, pulsing against Daenerys' mouth as he entered Missandei's. He thrust his hips back and forth, using Daenerys' mouth and tongue to masturbate himself as he spurted streams of hot cum into Missandei's mouth. Jon enjoyed the feel of both girls' mouths around him for a moment as he floated in bliss, with a sigh, he pulled back and his cock fell out of Missandei's mouth.

Fortunately, he decided not to close his eyes, for had he done so he would have missed the moment when Daenerys leaned over to her friend and kissed her on the lips. A stunned and aroused Jon watched the erotic scene, his cock quickly coming back to life as he watched them share an open-mouthed kiss, their tongues sliding together and exchanging their semen. Even after they had swallowed it all, they continued kissing, their tongues dancing and their hands touching each other over their tiny lingerie. After a couple of minutes, they finally broke apart, laughing when they saw how hard their little show had made him.

"Ready for round two, love?" Daenerys asked him with a smile.

Jon couldn't wait any longer and took them both by the hand and pulled them up towards the bed, the three of them began kissing as he finished undressing them, he and Daenerys shared a look before smiling and pushing Missandei onto the mattress. They each cupped one of her breasts, gently groping and sucking on her stiff brown nipples, Missandei moaned and arched her back.

As Jon kissed and sucked every inch of her firm orbs, Daenerys crawled up and kissed Missandei's lips. As Jon turned his head to nip at the inner curve of her breasts, he saw Daenerys' chest pressed against Missandei's and realized that their busts were of a similar size, with Missandei's breasts being slightly larger and softer, but his wife had a rounder, thicker bottom.

Breaking the kiss with Missandei, Daenerys smiled and running her fingers through his hair, pulled Jon to join them, their tongues dancing in a three-way duel. After a couple of minutes, Daenerys reached down and grabbing his erection, whispered something in Missandei's ear.

Missandei rolled over to find herself on all fours, while Daenerys lay on her back facing her, her pussy right under Missandei's face. Wasting no time her lips locked onto her wife's clit without any hesitation, eliciting a moan from the blonde's lips as she grabbed Missandei's curly hair and held her in place. Lifting her hips, she smeared her arousal over her best friend's lips and chin.

As Missandei licked and kissed Daenerys's slit, Jon settled behind her and grabbed her firm cheeks, holding his length, he slipped the head of his cock between her tight lips, coating her with his arousal. Missandei gasped and thrust her hips towards him, smiling, Jon pushed his head towards her entrance and grabbed her ass, spreading her open as he slowly sank into her depths. Letting out a long moan, Missandei attacked Daenerys' pussy, her tongue swirling around her clit as Jon began to slowly thrust into her from behind.

Daenerys trembled as she looked at Jon with lust, her breath coming in rapid gasps that caused her chest to rise and fall sharply and her breasts to jiggle. Jon stared into her eyes as he pulled back until only his head was trapped between Missandei's lips, so that he then slammed forward roughly, his hips slapping noisily against her best friend's upturned ass. Missandei cried out in a mixture of surprise and pleasure, her body trembling beneath him.

"Fuck her, Jon. Fuck her hard, ruin her for any other man" his wife prompted.

Jon raised a hand and slapped Missandei's ass hard enough to turn the soft brown skin to a light pink as he continued to penetrate her with strong, powerful thrusts. Missandei moaned and pushed her ass into him, her eyes closed in pleasure. Daenerys smiled and roughly grabbed a lock of her hair, pushing her head down as she pressed her wet slit against her lips. She tilted her head back and moaned as Missandei pleasured her again, trying to hold herself steady as Jon pounded her from behind.

Watching her firm cheeks ripple from the impact of his hips, Jon spread her cheeks, gripping them tightly. He saw her puckered hole wink at him and with a smile, rubbed it with his thumb. Missandei's hips jerked sharply, and she felt her walls contract around his length.

" Fucking hell, Missy. You take my cock so fucking good," Jon said with a gasp.

Slowing his lunges for a moment, he ran his thumb over his shaft and lips to moisten it. Placing the tip of his thumb on her back door, he pushed firmly until her tight ring gave way and the first few inches sank into her.

"Oh fuck" Missandei moaned, her voice muffled by Daenerys' pussy.

Jon smiled and gripped her hips tightly with his free hand as he began to fuck her hard again, his thumb rubbing lightly back and forth in rhythm with her thrusts. Her legs began to tremble uncontrollably as she approached her peak, moans and gasps escaping her lips in a steady stream. Missandei tried to continue licking Daenerys, but soon reached her climax and could only scream in pleasure as she spasmed around his shaft. Jon grunted but managed to fight his own orgasm as his walls clung to his buried length.

As her climax passed, Missandei collapsed limply on top of Daenerys, his cock sliding out of her. Daenerys laughed and stroked her hair gently as Missandei let out a tired moan against her stomach. Taking her hand, Daenerys pulled her up until they were face to face and kissed her, not caring for the taste of her own arousal on her lips.

Jon squatted down, his cock jutting into the air as it throbbed needily, when they parted, Jon leaned down and gave Missandei a passionate kiss as well before breaking off and doing the same to Daenerys. Grabbing his cock by the base, Jon lined up the head of his cock with her dripping entrance and gently pushed himself inside his wife. All three of them looked down to watch as inch after inch of his long, thick shaft sank into her drooling slit. Missandei ran her hands down the front of Daenerys' body, trailing her nails along her pale skin and caressing her perky tits.

Daenerys moaned noisily as his cock bottomed out and Missandei fiddled with her swollen nipples. Grabbing the back of Missandei's head, Jon kissed her deeply as he began to thrust his hips slowly, thrusting his ample cock in and out of his wife's tight, hot core. Reaching up with one hand, he grabbed one of her breasts and cupped it while his other hand grabbed Daenerys' hips for leverage as he increased his pace. Daenerys moaned noisily as his thick cock stretched her tight walls and Missandei toyed with her soft, pink nipples with her fingers. Pulling away from the kiss, Missandei smiled playfully at him and rose to her knees and straddled Daenerys' face. Jon leaned back and watched his wife stick out her tongue and stroke it along Missandei's slit, pushing the tip between her wet lips.

His cock swelling and flexing inside Daenerys during each thrust, Missandei leaned down and kissed Daenerys' stomach, slowly moving down to her clit, just above Jon's cock. Spreading her tongue, she licked all over her clit and the top of his shaft as he thrust in and out. Jon moaned and pushed a little faster and harder, moving as much as he could without dislodging Missandei. He could feel the tip of her tongue run along the top of his shaft as Daenerys' walls flexed around him while she fiddled with her clit. Both girls occasionally paused to gasp and moan as they pleasured each other.

Grabbing Missandei by her curly hair, he gently lifted her head, and pulling his cock out of Daenerys, placed his head between her lips and pushed it into her mouth. Missandei did not hesitate to wrap her lips around his shaft and sucked hard on his cock, swirling her tongue around his shaft as she did her best to move her head in the awkward position. Looking up at him, she let him push his cock all the way down and slide into her throat until her nose pressed against his stomach, Jon moaned loudly in pleasure as it stayed in her throat for a few seconds before slipping out of her mouth. Leaning his face up, he gave her a fierce, but brief kiss before lining his cock up with Daenerys' needy pussy and thrusting into her tight, hot core once more.

Daenerys moaned as he plunged his shaft inside her, which in turn made Missandei moan as well. Lowering her head, Missandei again licked and teased Daenerys' clit as Jon thrust his cock in and out of her tight grip. The sensation of Daenerys' pussy and Missandei's tongue were quickly pushing him towards his climax, he gasped as he thrust hard into Daenerys and his pleasure increased. Missandei seemed to notice that he was nearing his end and wrapped her lips around Daenerys' clit and sucked hard.

Daenerys jerked her hips, squealing into Missandei's pussy as she came from the sudden stimulation. As her walls contracted around his length, Jon felt her pleasure peak and he cum with a grunt, flooding her with a massive amount of semen.

His orgasm seemed to go on and on as spurt after spurt of hot cum shot out of the head of his cock to splatter against her walls. Jon fell back on his backside exhausted when he finally finished, pulling his cock out of his wife. A stream of white cum spurted out of Daenerys' overflowing pussy without his cock there to hold it back. Missandei descended upon her and despite how exhausted he was he felt his spent cock twitch as he watched her lick up the leaking cum from Daenerys. After cleaning her thoroughly, Missandei pulled away and turned around to face Daenerys again, just as they had done at the beginning. Their lips met in a hungry kiss; a combination of fluids spread across their lips. When they parted, they both looked up at Jon, who was stroking his cock getting it hard again.

It was going to be a long night and Daenerys was definitely right, she wouldn't be able to forget Jon after that.


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