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See the end of the chapter for notes.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Jon was finishing dressing back on the couch he had been on in the beginning while he was waiting for Cersei to finish her shower, once they were done fucking, her demeanour took a complete turn, and she went back to being the same haughty Lannister woman.

She stated that she was going to take a shower and that he should get dressed again, when he offered that if he could join her in the shower so that he could help her soap up properly, she dismissed him sharply and quickly. Reiterating again, to get back into her clothes and wait for her and so she did, the lioness took her sweet time in the shower while Jon waited patiently for her, until after several minutes Cersei finally deigned to appear, her body still slightly damp and her skin still steaming from her recent and apparently very relaxing hot shower. She wore only a tiny bathrobe that exposed the vast majority of her long, toned legs along with her thick, creamy thighs.

This time she herself walked over towards the tray of drinks and helped herself, with cup in hand she began to approach towards him, also sitting back down on the same couch she had been on before, right in front of him, gracefully crossing her toned legs, Cersei took a sip of her wine before speaking.

"I want you to stay away from Myrcella" she declared, fully intending to sound like a command he could not refute.

But after all they had done, Jon was unable to shrink from the lioness's haughty attitude, so without fear of retaliation he casually asked her, "Why would I do that?"

Cersei scowled sharply as she glared at him and angrily spat, "You insolent bastard, are you implying that I will let you keep fucking my daughter while you also sleep with me!"

At his words a smile formed on his face as he asked her to sound exaggeratedly incredulous, "Oh, forgive me Madame Lannister, I did not know you wished to continue our activities." Cersei narrowed her eyes even more as her anger seemed to grow, and Jon decided to tease her some more, just to see what her reaction was, "And by 'activities' I mean when I fuck your brains out while you call me 'Master-"

"Cut the crap, bastard. I already warned you not to let it get to your head and definitely don't press your luck with me" she told him sounding very serious, so Jon threw his hands up in the air with a smile, but keeping his mouth shut. Cersei seemed content with that and took another sip of her wine before speaking again, "You belong to me now bastard, from now on only I can fuck you, no one else, especially not my daughter."

Jon let out a snort as he heard the woman's words and how truly haughty and delusional, she can be, "Look, first of all, I don't recall saying at any point that I belonged to you or anything remotely close to that. Second, I will continue to see and fuck any woman that I want. And third, your daughter seems to have developed some feelings towards me and I really don't like being the mean guy at all, so I'd hate to have to break her sweet, little heart."

"Don't think so much of yourself, bastard. Myrcella is an obsessive and spoiled girl, you are only her latest crush, once she finds something else that catches her attention, she will easily forget and get over you" she told him flatly.

"The same way you got over me?" Jon replied provocatively, but before Cersei could give a scathing reply, Jon spoke up again, "Besides this whole situation with Myrcella is practically your fault, you practically threw her at me. She even came to my house and now she's staying there, because you threatened to disinherit her, or so she believes. So, if you want to get her away from me, the first thing you have to do is give her back her life of luxury, the life you've accustomed her to."

Cersei seemed to back off a bit when she heard this, taking another sip of her wine she said, "Tell her she can go back to her apartment, that I won't take her car or credit cards."

"Well, that would be enough to get her out of my apartment, but I'm sure not enough to get her out of my life. Like you said yourself, she can be very obsessive."

With an angry growl Cersei insisted again, "You have to break up with her."

"How can I break up with her, when she's not even my girlfriend. Besides, I told you, I don't like to break the hearts of damsels who fall in love with me," Jon said, before adding with an amused smile and giving her a cheeky wink, "Only their tight pussies."

"You will not fuck my daughter again" Cersei told him sternly as she gritted her teeth in anger.

Jon rolled his eyes and felt that this conversation was going nowhere, so he stood up and began walking towards her. Resting an arm on the headrest of the couch she sat on, Jon leaned over her, snatching the cup of wine from her hands and downing the entire contents in one gulp before discarding the glass.

Jon held her sharp chin and made her look up at him, "You don't have to be jealous, love. I assure you, you will always be my favourite Lannister" Jon told her, as he gave her a charming smile, Cersei's only response was to give him an angry glare, but that only added to his delight and amusement, especially when he placed his thumb over her lips and she didn't hesitate to open her mouth for him and begin sucking him the same way she had done with his cock.

Fuck, she could be a pretentious bitch, but she could also be so fucking hot.

Jon began to descend his hand on her, an action that pitifully caused his thumb to stop experiencing the delicious sensation of her warm, wet mouth. Reaching down to the knot of her robe, Jon easily undid it, letting the robe fall open to the sides revealing her large and very shapely breasts, their areolas a dark pink, just a shade darker than her stiff nipples.

Jon reached out and grabbed her turgid breasts, enjoying the way her large breasts filled his hands, and began to play with them, fondling them, squeezing them, and shaking them between his hands. Jon couldn't resist leaning in even closer and capturing her stiff nipple in his mouth, sucking on it and smearing it with his tongue. When he removed it from his mouth, he blew cold air over the saliva-covered nub, hardening it as he watched Cersei bite her lips and moan slightly.

Jon rose back up to her eye level and captured her lips in a rough, dominant kiss. As they kissed, Jon reached out again and firmly pinched her hardened nipple. Cersei stifled several moans into his mouth as he continued to squeeze her sensitive nub between his thumb and forefinger.

Releasing her breasts, Jon moved his hand back down her body, but just as he was about to reach her wet, throbbing pussy, Cersei held him by the wrist firmly, preventing him from moving any further. And she pulled away from the kiss as well, but not before capturing his lower lip and biting down hard to the point of almost drawing blood.

"I warned you, bastard, not to let it go to your head. I'll be the one to decide when we fuck again" Cersei told him.

Jon stepped back and stood up straight again, keeping his gaze on the woman as he looked down at his bruised lip, which was only slightly reddened, Jon couldn't help but let out a slight smile.

Part of him wished he would never cross paths with Cersei Lannister again, but the other, he was eager to have another 'meeting' with her.

Cersei retied her robe and stood up as well, she walked to the door and opened it, indicating to him in the process, "Sandor will be the one to escort you back, he will also be the one to make sure Myrcella gets back to her apartment, and I'm warning you bastard, you better not try anything with my daughter" she warned him for the last time.

Jon straightened his shirt and began to walk towards her, stopping in front of her, he made an exaggerated bow before taking her hand and leaving a gentle kiss on the back of it before declaring, "As you command, Madame Lannister." But Jon didn't stop there, making sure none of his goons were around, Jon pulled her to him pressing her curvaceous soft body against his so he could whisper in her ear, "Don't make me wait too long to see you again, I really enjoyed it when you called me Master and begged me to fuck you even harder." Jon gave him one last goodbye kiss on the cheek and ran off.


Jon again made the return trip, this time alone in Sandor's company, he didn't know exactly how long he had stayed with Cersei, but it was already dark outside. When they finally arrived at his apartment, he was run over by a blond whirlwind, an eager Myrcella went to greet him happily as soon as he rang the doorbell. More the surprise of her excitement, was to see the outfit she was wearing, she was dressed like a French maid, but a sexy French maid. It was a black dress with the characteristic white trim, but instead of going past her knees, it barely covered half of her milky thighs and was adorned with a tiny white apron. It also showed a more than generous cleavage, letting the top of her perky medium-sized breasts show off.

"Welcome back, Master" Myrcella said to him, her voice coming out as a sultry purr as she smiled brightly at him.

"Myrcella" Jon said, sounding incredulous and dumbfounded by the sight in front of him, "Whe- where did you get that?"

"You like it?" Myrcella asked him with a flirtatious smile, as she circled around, allowing him to see the outfit from all angles. But he stopped abruptly, and her smile died, when she heard the other person still standing next to him, loudly clear his throat.

Myrcella let out a surprised and terrified feminine shriek as she hugged him so she could cover herself from whatever the other persons was, after a few seconds, Myrcella glanced over his shoulder to see who it was, only to let out an angry snort when she saw that it was Sandor.

"Sandor, what on earth are you doing here? This outfit is only for Jon's enjoyment, you pervert!" Myrcella shouted indignantly at him.

Jon beat her to explaining the situation to the upset blonde, "He's here to take you back home, Cella. I talked to your mother and we- we cleared things up and everything is fine now, you can go back to your apartment, she doesn't plan on disinheriting you or anything like that" Jon told her.

"But I want to stay here, with you" she said pouting at him, and giving him puppy dog eyes, which made his arms instinctively tighten around her, but Jon tried to calm down and cool his brain.

"Oh, my sweet Cella, I'd love to have you here too," Jon told her, trying to sound as convincing as possible as he rubbed her back, "But I think it would be the best if you went back to your apartment, you know, so as not to create more trouble with your mother. She was kind enough to forgive us for the video we made."

"Can I at least stay the night, please please please" she begged him, giving cute little prances on her toes as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I told you, Cella. I'd be happy to, but it's not up to me" Jon reminded her.

Causing Myrcella to quickly shift her attention from him to Sandor telling him, in a more serious and calculating tone, "If you let me stay the night and don't tell Mother, I'll talk to her and tell her what a good job you're doing and convince her to raise your salary so you can earn more than Gregor."

Jon was not at all expecting the sudden change of attitude in the usually submissive and naive blonde and was even more surprised when he saw the man actually considering her offer.

"I'll come pick you up at six in the morning" was the stoic man's only reply.

"Six thirty" Myrcella pushed to which the man's response was to let out an annoyed grunt and ultimately walk away.

Jon looked with wide, impressed eyes towards the younger Lannister, and she gave him a satisfied smile as she wrapped her arms around him again, "I always get what I want" she told him smugly.

Like mother, like daughter. He thought, moments before Myrcella took his hand and led him inside.

"Hey, Myrcella. It's been a long and exhausting day, how about if I just-" Jon was interrupted by the excited blonde.

"Oh, but you have nothing to worry about, Master" Myrcella told him, again using her sweet, seductive voice, "Your caring and obedient servant is here for you, and it is my duty to satisfy any needs my Master might have" Myrcella began to slowly move closer to him, until she pressed her soft, delightful body to his, and began to leave soft, tender kisses down his neck until she whispered in his ear "You only have to tell me what you wish, Master. Would you like to have your dinner? Or perhaps you would like to take a soothing bath? I would make sure to wash every part of your body myself, or... perhaps you would like to have me?" Just as she finished her sentence, Jon felt Myrcella's small, nimble hand begin to rub his cock through his pants.

Jon reacted quickly and held her hand and pulled away from her, telling her hurriedly and evasively, "I'm hungry, in fact, I'm starving. Why don't we order something, mmh?" Jon started to pull out his phone, but Myrcella stopped him.

"Oh, but Master, you don't need to call any restaurant, like the good servant I am, I already have your dinner ready for you" she told him.

Jon stood completely still, with his phone still in hand, while he looked again with surprised eyes at the blonde in front of him, and not being able to help himself he asked her, "Do you know how to cook?"

He watched as this time, Myrcella struggled to give him a smile as she said, "I have my ways. Now, you just have to take a seat and I'll have everything ready in just a second."

Jon took a seat and only had to wait a few minutes to see Myrcella reappear, bringing with her a plate full of food and when she placed it in front of him, Jon quickly realized what her methods were.

She ordered food...

He could easily recognize the taste and appearance of the Dornish dish Myrcella had served him, it was definitely from the same restaurant he always orders from, but he decided not to comment on it. Since Myrcella after serving him the dish, had also sat down at the table right in front of him, and she was now looking at him with bright eyes while holding her head on both hands. Jon took a piece of the spiced meat with his fork and put it in his mouth, Myrcella looked at him with anticipation as he chewed and finally swallowed the food.

Jon made a sound of satisfaction and gave her a smile, "It's delicious, you're an amazing cook" he told her.

Myrcella smiled brightly at that, "Thank you, I am happy it is to your liking, Master."

Jon continued to enjoy his dinner, under Myrcella's gaze, which was a bit odd, but he tried to focus on the food and at times try to fill the festering silence, asking things like, "You're not going to eat?"

"I already ate" she answered him always with a smile.

"That's good" Jon said as he nodded slightly and took another bite from his plate. When he finally finished his meal, Myrcella quickly got up to pick up his plate and take it to the dishwasher.

"Come on, it's time for your bath, Master" Myrcella told him as soon as she returned. Taking him by the hand and leading him to his bathroom.


Jon watched Myrcella turn on the hot water handle and test it with her hand before straightening up and turning to him. Keeping a smile all the while, she began to undress him. She began unbuttoning the buttons of his shirt until it was off his shoulders, then proceeded to kneel down to begin working on his belt, pulling down his pants and leaving him now only in his boxers. Myrcella looked up at him and gave him a seductive smile before grabbing the waistband of his boxers and pulling them down to his ankles and finishing by removing them, leaving his impressively sized cock dangling right in front of her, Myrcella leaned slightly towards him and placed a loving kiss on his cock, before rising again.

"You go first, Master. I'll be right behind you" she told him.

Jon obeyed her and going around her, got into the tub first, kneeling and finally lying down, laying his head back and resting his arms at the sides of the tub. Turning his head toward Myrcella, he caught her just in time to enjoy her impromptu strip tease show.

She began by removing her high heels and white pantyhose, leaving her smooth legs completely exposed. She then reached to the back of her dress and undid the zipper, removing the dress and letting it fall around her feet. Jon watched with growing excitement and despite his demanding afternoon with Cersei, he felt his cock begin to grow, as he watched Myrcella remain in only a sexy black bra and panties. Reaching behind her back again, she unclasped her bra and slid it down her arms, exposing her modestly sized breasts. While they were not as large and showy as her mother's, they were still of a decent size and very perky. Her nipples were a light pink the same colour as her lips and were already hard.

Myrcella bent down and bent over as she pulled down her panties, unlike her mother who had a small strip of short blonde hair above her lips, Myrcella was completely bald. Now completely naked in front of him, Myrcella circled again, allowing him to gaze at every part of her delectable body. Jon especially marvelled at her ass, it was round, muscular, and very perky, it stuck out easily from her slender body.

"Is my body to your liking, Master?" she asked as she approached him.

"You are so fucking beautiful, Cella," was Jon's reply.

Myrcella smiled as she blushed prettily, and finally joined him in the tub, she settled onto his lap and Jon quickly wrapped his arms around her luscious little body, listening to her moan pleasurably as the warm water covered them both.

"Doesn't this feel good, Master?" Myrcella asked him, as she lightly rubbed his erection against her tight ass.

"Aye, it feels very good," Jon told her with a grunt.

Slowly, his hands resting on her stomach began to caress her skin. Myrcella moaned in pleasure and spread her legs as he moved one of his hands down to caress her thighs, using the other hand that was on her stomach, he moved it up and placed it on her breast. A hiss escaped her lips as his palm rubbed her sensitive nipple while he gently touched her breast.

Her whole body was always so sensitive to his touch, no matter how soft or gentle it was, as soon as Jon placed his large, masculine hands on her, she couldn't help but melt under his touch. Slowly she felt his hand travel up her thigh to fondle her needy femininity, she bucked her hips, silently begging him to give her the relief she so desperately needed. Adding to his expert hands, she could also feel his hardening cock press against the underside of her lips, frustrated that Jon was moving too slowly and gently for her liking, surely enjoying teasing her. She placed her hand over his and pushed against her more firmly as she begged him desperately.

"Please Master, don't tease your kitty, I've been a good girl."

Fortunately, it seemed that her pleas had a result, as Jon began to touch her more firmly. And he began to massage her breast while his hand rubbed her pussy, Myrcella let out a gasp as Jon pushed his two middle fingers between her lips, and then moaned loudly as he plunged both fingers into her entrance. At the same time Jon exerted pressure on her throbbing clit, sending jolts of delicious pleasure down her spine.

Turning her head, Myrcella kissed his jaw desperately seeking his lips, until Jon turned his head towards her, and their lips met. She moaned into his mouth as he thrust both in and out of her depths, his rough, calloused skin rubbing her soft, wet walls. When he took her swollen nipple between his fingers and rolled it gently, she pulled her lips away from his with a gasp as she gasped for air. Pain and pleasure mingled, eliciting a moan from her lips and a wiggling, desperate thrust of her hips. Myrcella had never liked being treated rough or harsh, until she met Jon and now it seemed she couldn't live or be satisfied with anything less, only he could satisfy her now and that was only confirmed with the slight pain of her nipple pushed her arousal to greater heights.

Jon's long thick shaft was still throbbing beneath her, and she couldn't wait to have him buried deep inside her. Myrcella gasped with shuddering breaths as she felt his fingers moving in and out of her pussy at a furious pace. Reaching under her, she gripped his hot, hard length in her fist, lifting him up and pressing him against her pussy, moaning as her lips wrapped and embraced his girth, already eager to receive him.

She heard Jon moan, and her hands began to move even faster, his fingers plunging deep and pressing more firmly against her inner walls. His palm brushing against the hood covering her clit, sending a shock of pleasure through her, and making her legs tremble. Her skin flushed and her insides throbbed, a climax quickly unfolding deep inside her core.

"Jon!" she moaned, completely forgetting her role as a servant.

Jon's cock throbbed in her hand as she spoke his name, and his lips kissed and sucked the side of her neck. Swivelling her hips rhythmically, her movements became restless as she approached her peak. A ball of heat and pleasure bubbled inside her, the intensity growing with each touch. Myrcella teetered on the edge for an endless moment, needing only the slightest push to bring her down. And a pinch to her nipple and a quick rub to her clitoris were all it finally took to achieve her release.

Her body tensed and her breath caught in her chest as a wave of ecstasy washed over her, a shudder ran through her as her mouth opened in a silent scream. For an interminable second, she remained locked in place before shuddering with a loud, deep moan. Jon continued to move his hands, extending her climax as she jerked uncontrollably against him. After several long moments that seemed to last an eternity, her peak began to subside.

Myrcella slumped limply against him, a euphoric haze clouding her mind and numbing her senses. Unable to prepare her when Jon lifted her with ease and grasping his cock, he lined it up with her dripping, still sensitive entrance as he let her fall on top of him. Myrcella let out a shrill moan as she felt him bottom out in her, keeping a tight grip on her slender waist, he began to bounce her on his cock, an exhausted moan escaped her lips, but Jon had no mercy on her.

And she loved him for it.

And her feelings for him only seemed to grow as Jon circled her waist and drew her to rest on his muscular chest while, grabbing her legs, he spread them apart and lifted them until they were sticking out of the tub. Myrcella moaned again and closed her eyes as Jon bounced her over his lap, using her for his own pleasure, her perky breasts bouncing from his rough treatment, and she couldn't resist squeezing them in his hands again.

As Jon fondled her breasts and fiddled with her nipples, Myrcella surprised him again as he felt her pressing back against him and shuddering as she again reached a sudden new orgasm.

Gripping Myrcella hard enough to leave marks, Jon began to pound her furiously as he chased his own climax. Loud applause filled the room each time her thighs collided with his tight ass, causing the water to overflow from the tub. Until, finally letting out a deep grunt, Jon buried his length inside her as he reached his climax. His cock throbbed as he filled her to overflowing.

They both gasped heavily as they recovered, Myrcella slumped against his chest as Jon wrapped his arms around her and held her tight against his chest.

"I hope, the bath was to your liking, Master" Myrcella said wearily, but with a smile imprinted on her face.

Jon chuckled lightly at her words and instead of answering her, he turned his head and kissed her lovingly, Myrcella returned the kiss and snuggled against him to relax. They stayed in the tub for a couple more minutes before finally getting up. Myrcella quickly grabbed a towel and began to dry him carefully, even though he could see the exhaustion on her face, Jon returned the favour and took it upon himself to dry her off, despite her complaints that she was supposed to be the one to take care of him.

She quieted down, though, when Jon lifted her up easily nuptial style and carried her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed. Climbing into bed behind her, still both naked, Myrcella quickly moved closer so she could snuggle up against him, hugging him tightly. He smiled at her and couldn't help but return the embrace, it only took a few minutes for them both to fall completely asleep.


Jon was having one of his favourite dreams, they always seemed so real as if they were memories and not dreams. In his dreams, he was the 'White Wolf', his favourite hero and historical character, a man who lived in the old ages. Born as a simple bastard until he grew up to become the most famous King and Hero of Westeros, his stories were so fanciful that there was always an eternal debate whether the man really existed or was simply a legend. But one of the many things that stood out the most about the man was his wife, 'The Mother of Dragons' a character who like her husband, was very famous and beloved, and whose existence was also doubted.

But the important thing was that, in his dreams, Jon was the White Wolf and most importantly he was always in the company of his wife, just like now, who was apparently in the ancient Red Keep, sitting in the conqueror's chair while the ethereal platinum-haired beauty was kneeling before him, choking on his cock as she stared at him with those vibrant purple eyes that conveyed absolute adoration. Her succulent, thick reddish lips stretched erotically around his girth.

Separating herself from his cock with a loud, wet 'pop', the Valyrian beauty sensuously asked him, "My mouth pleases you, my King?"

Not bothering to give an answer, Jon grabbed her platinum-golden hair and pushed it down his cock, forcing its considerable length down her throat. He thrust his hips upward as she bottomed out, pressing her nose against his pelvis as she let out a long, loud moan.

Pitifully little by little the dream began to fade, but strangely this time, the warm, wet sensation enveloping his cock did not. Jon opened his eyes slowly, and instead of seeing a platinum mane he found a more golden one, instead of thick, reddish lips enveloping his cock there were thinner, pinker ones, likewise the vibrant violet eyes turned into a bright green, but the look of adoration still remained.

Myrcella sucked hard before withdrawing her length, "Good morning, Master. I hope you had a restful sleep," she told him with a smile as she continued to stroke his shaft.

As soon as she finished greeting him, Myrcella opened her mouth again, but this time to go back down his shaft, pushing the head of his cock into her throat without a single choke or gag until she reached the base.

"Fuck!" Jon exclaimed, looking surprised at the way she seemed casually able to swallow his considerable length.

Myrcella managed to be able to smile at him even with her lips sealed tightly around his shaft, she sucked hard and swirled her tongue around his length. She stopped rising when she had only the head of his cock in her mouth, taking a deep breath through her nose, she went back down his shaft. When he had his entire length buried in her throat again, she began bobbing her head up and down in short, quick movements, fucking her face with his cock.

After bobbing up and down for several long, pleasurable seconds, Myrcella separated her mouth from his cock so she could take a deep breath as she continued to stroke him rapidly.

"Do you like that, Master? I've been practicing just so I can please you" she told him, sounding very proud of herself.

Once she caught her breath, she wrapped her lips around the head of his cock again and pushed down on his shaft. As she fucked her own throat with his cock, Jon could feel her climax rapidly approaching.

"Fuck, Cella I'm close" he warned her.

Pulling away from his cock, Myrcella took a deep breath and rammed it deep down her throat again as she went back up and down on his cock, "Let it out, Master. Feed me, feed your kitten with your milk, please Master, cum for me."

Jon unable and unwilling to refuse her pleas began to thrust his hips upward, driving his cock as deep as he could down her throat.

Myrcella made no move to pull away from him, instead she pushed down on his cock and held him there. With a loud grunt, Jon's hand clutched at her hair and his hips flexed upward as his cock swelled and jerked, sending jets of hot cum straight down her throat. After receiving several spurts of cum directly into her stomach, Myrcella finally began to rise. Jon relaxed his arms and let her go, moaning as she sucked hard on his cock, receiving the last, weakest jets of cum directly onto her tongue. When he finally finished his climax, she pulled her lips away from him, keeping them sealed. To then show him the last puddles of cum bathing her tongue before closing her mouth again and swallowing loudly.

Jon dropped his head back on the pillow as he tried to catch his breath, grinning from ear to ear, Myrcella crawled over him on all fours. Kneeling over his waist, she leaned over him, her hard nipples brushing his chest as she kissed him on the lips. Jon kissed her back, his hands coming up to caress her soft, firm breasts, his thumbs rubbing back and forth over her stiff nipples. Moaning into his mouth, Myrcella kissed him deeply and slowly for a couple of minutes before pulling back and smiling at him.

"You taste delicious, Master. Thank you for feeding me" she told him happily.

"It was my pleasure" Jon replied with an amused smile.

Myrcella smiled at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck, Jon caressed the smooth skin of her bare back, he leaned in and they kissed again, this time much more gently. His fingers curled into her hair and brought his lips firmly to hers, their tongues dancing around each other. His hands slid down her back to caress her bottom, it was smaller than Cersei's, but much firmer, Jon squeezed her little ass, and felt her moan into his mouth and pressed her body against his.

Myrcella pulled away from him, as she felt his towering erection that had returned to full mast as it rested against her stomach, "You are always so hard for me, Master" she purred seductively as she wiggled her hips, pressing her warm wet folds against his hard length, "You can't get enough of my tight little pussy, can you?" he told her with an amused chuckle.

Jon let out a deep growl before leaning forward to suck her nipples between his lips. Arching her back, Myrcella moaned and wiggled her hips. When she did it again, he ended up pressed against her entrance, but stopped suddenly when Myrcella leaned over him and whispered lightly in his ear.

"I bet my tight young pussy feels so much better than my mother's, doesn't it?"

Jon's eyes snapped open, and he looked at her with disbelieving eyes, and Myrcella just laughed at his reaction, "You shouldn't look so surprised, Master. After all you came reeking of sex and my mother's perfume."

Jon couldn't believe he had been so careless, but the most surprising thing was undoubtedly Myrcella's next words.

"You don't have to look so worried, Master. I don't care if you decide to fuck my mother or even any of your cheap, ordinary sluts, which for some reason you seem to enjoy, do you know why?" she asked him, to which he just shook his head.

"Because at the end of the day, you'll end up being mine, Jon. You will marry me, we will be the most beautiful and envied couple in Westeros, our children will be beautiful, don't you think so Jon?"

Jon was as terrified as he was excited, what the fuck was wrong with Lannister women?"

Jon was snatched from his thoughts when he felt Myrcella's small, soft hand, wrap around his erection, and place it under her entrance. Myrcella let out an amused giggle as the swollen tip slipped into his tight embrace, lifting her head to see him with a look darkened by the lust clouding her eyes she told him, "Because after all, I always get what I want." The moment she finished her sentence, she practically slammed down on his cock, making him let out a gasp at the sudden tension and heat that surrounded him as Myrcella arched her back and moaned senselessly.

With only a brief pause, she rose and fell again.

"Ohhh, I missed this so much, you don't know how much I missed your huge cock, Master" she gasped, "I feel so full, with you inside me."

Myrcella jumped onto his lap, her gaze narrowed and her mouth open, she rode him hard and fast, her tight folds swallowed him with surprising ease. Long unrestrained moans and cries of pleasure came from her mouth in an almost constant stream. Jon grunted as her ass slapped against his thighs, his hands holding her hips to help her move, his eyes moving from her face to her chest, where her turgid breasts bounced wildly from her aggressive movements.

At such a brisk pace it wasn't long before she reached her climax, her already tight depths clenching around his cock, writhing, and fluttering as she shuddered in his lap. The sensation was enough to drive him over the edge along with her.

"Cum in me Jon, please I want to feel you inside."

Jon fell over the edge, held her by her hips as he thrust his hips upward in rhythm with the pulsing of his cock. Myrcella moaned and bit his shoulder as he released inside her, his hot seed filling her depths. They held each other tightly as they climaxed, when the pleasure subsided, Myrcella leaned over him to kiss him on the lips. Unlike the warm and passionate kisses, they had shared before, this was a tender and loving one, as if she was pouring all her feelings for him into this one act.

It was a while before they finally parted and Myrcella looked at him with glazed eyes before telling him, "I love you, Jon. I really do, I know that maybe you can't feel the same for me now. But I know that, with time, you will see that I am the perfect woman for you."

Before he could answer, he was saved by the sound of the doorbell ringing, "I think that's for you" he told her.

Myrcella nodded looking sad that her time was up but did not part from him without giving him one last kiss, this time only parting when they heard the doorbell ring again, this time much more demanding.

Myrcella let out an angry snort before saying, "I'm going to get him fired."

Jon laughed at her anger and they both began to dress, Jon walked Myrcella to the door, where they said goodbye with a hug and another deep kiss, when Myrcella sent Sandor to wait for her in the car.

"I will see you soon, Master," was the last thing she said to him before leaving.

With a weary sigh, Jon returned to his apartment and back to his bed where he lay down again, reviewing the last few weeks he had lived, undoubtedly the most memorable of his life, but also the most demanding.

He needed a break, from women, from sex, at least for a little while.

Maybe he could hide from the world for a week, turn off his phone, play some video games, maybe even take a trip, but as he thought about the possible activities he could do on his own, he heard the notification sound on his phone.

The wisest thing he could do was to throw it out the window, but stubbornly and foolishly he decided to unlock the screen and see who it was from, it was a message from Val, reminding him and demanding a promise he had made to her some time ago.

It looked like he wasn't going to be able to catch a break.


Here is the penultimate chapter of the year, I hope you enjoyed it and as you yourselves decided in the poll, the last chapter will be the first exclusive for my patreon, the Jon/Dany/Missandei threesome, I'll start working on it right now, see you soon until the next one.


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