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See the end of the work for notes

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


The day finally arrived, Daenerys was in front of the gates of Kings Landing, she could see the city standing on the small hill she was on, her armies were behind her, ready and formed to take the city and overthrow Cersei. As much as she wished things had been different, she often imagined if there was even a tiny chance that the sweet, fanciful tales Illyrio told Viserys could come true. That the people would have heard stories of her, of her accomplishments, of how she would come to free them from the subjugation they had suffered under the last monarchs, that the people would revolt against Cersei and open the gates to her, receiving her eagerly as they waved the Dragon banner.

But that was pure fantasy that only a fool like her brother could believe would come true, no, the reality was very different and very disappointing. She was received with locked and reinforced gates, soldiers dressed in gold and red armour, guarded those gates above the walls, they had their bows pointed at their armies and at her, she also saw that they had more of those weapons that Cersei had had built to bring down her Dragons.

Daenerys knew that the confrontation was inevitable, people would die, innocent people, surely most were fearful of her, with the rumours and lies that Cersei had spread all over Kings Landing about her. But despite that, Daenerys had already acted on that, she wanted the number of casualties to be kept to a minimum and not to be associated with any of the lies Cersei had spread about her. She had given direct and explicit orders that there would be no pillaging of any kind in the city, they were not allowed to attack civilians or unarmoured men as she explained to her Dothraki and above all she would not tolerate any kind of assault or rape towards women, anyone committing this crime would be sentenced to death.

Of course, this was something her Dothraki were not used to and did not like very much, but they would not go against the orders of their Khaleesi, and she assured them that in the end, they would be properly rewarded, either with gold from their enemies or some kind of loot. Another measure she took, recommended by her hand Lord Tyrion, was to send the Unsullied first, though clearly a frontal cavalry assault by her Dothraki would be best if it were based on military alone, however the Unsullied unlike the Dothraki would never disobey a direct order from her, even if they were in the midst of the heat of battle.

She listened to the wise counsel of her hand and decided to go with her idea, ordering that the Unsullied would take the vanguard and be the first to enter the city. But apart from the inevitable confrontation that was coming, another shadow that loomed over her and the city was the possibility that Cersei might decide to give the order to her pyromancers and set fire to the city, it was a latent fear in her and the only thing she could do, was to wait and trust that Jon had succeeded in his task.

Although fortunately not all was bad news, before they began to march towards the city, Lord Varys shared with her some favourable news. He had already mentioned to her Cersei's intentions about hiring the golden company, probably the most famous and powerful mercenary company in the world, due to its numerous members and that they had proper armour and training, even having elephants in their lines. But apparently, they had finally sent their reply to Cersei, which favourably for them had been a rejection of her hiring, since surely like everyone else they could see that this was an unwinnable war. Although if they had accepted, the conflict would undoubtedly have escalated to a more, and the battle could have been much bloodier, than it is now. Daenerys returned her gaze to the gold cloaks and the Lannister soldiers standing on the city walls, she could easily see the fear in their eyes when they saw their armies, along with the Tyrell and Martell soldiers, none of those men standing behind the walls believed in victory, and that was something she planned to use to her advantage.

When noon came, Lord Tyrion approached her, signalling that it was time, "I pray you be careful, your Grace. We have come so far, by the end of the day the city will still need its Queen" his hand told her.

Daenerys focused and called Drogon, it only took a few seconds before she could see her son's shadow in the skies growing larger and larger as he descended upon them, falling a few feet behind where she and Tyrion were standing. Daenerys walked towards her son, with Tyrion following close behind, but keeping a safe distance, Drogon crouched down and let her climb over him, until she was settled on his back, before taking off into the skies she looked up at Lord Tyrion and said, "Pray there is a city at the end of the day, my Lord Hand."

Daenerys mentally ordered her son to soar above the clouds so they could not be seen, as Jon had suggested she had only brought Drogon. It was never easy to leave her other children aside, but on this occasion, it was necessary, she did not have as much control over Rhaegal and Viserion as she had over Drogon, and if they saw their older brother attack the city, they would not hesitate to follow him and there was not much she could do to stop them.

Daenerys flew over the great city and surveyed it as she went over her plan, she only had one task and that was to destroy the scorpions and break down the gates, let her army be able to enter the city and allow the people to escape from it, so they could take shelter away from the battle or the possibility of the worst happening. On the chance that Cersei really did blow up the wildfire, either way, she would do her part and not fail, the rest would be up to Jon and her army.


All the men on the walls watched the skies with great fear, every second the Dragon Queen might descend upon them on her great beast, anxiety and dread coursed through the bodies of all the men, their duty and bravery hung by a thread. None of them wished to die by the flames of a dragon, much less die for Cersei Lannister, but they had no other choice. Even though they were all aware that there was no way they could defeat the combined armies of the Dragon Queen and her allies. Everyone could see it, except the Mad Queen, it was a name that many had begun to refer to Cersei and it only increased when rumours began to circulate that she had hidden wildfire under her own city, but Cersei was quick to silence those rumours as well as anyone who referred to her as the 'Mad Queen' so now no one dared to call her that, at least not out loud.

The city reeked, though now the predominant scent was not the filth, piss or shit that had always characterized the city, not now the city reeked of fear. He could smell it on every man around him, the one holding the bow at his side, the one guarding the gates, the man operating the Scorpion, they all reeked of fear, including him. But they were soldiers, they could not escape and even if they tried Cersei had no mercy for deserters, so the only option left to them was to remain at their post and die for their Queen. To die killed by savages, eunuchs or by the flames of a damned dragon. Besides, it didn't help that those eunuchs hadn't made any move to try to besiege the city, they had been in formation for hours, but without any intention of advancing, it was as if they were waiting for something and their suspicions were confirmed, when they saw the great black dragon appear from the clouds and the Targaryen girl climb on it and then disappear again in the sky.

Everyone had been on alert since then, but several minutes had passed and there was no sign that anything was going to happen, they were surrounded by an eerie calm, he wondered how it was possible that a city with almost a million people could remain in such silence, the air felt unusually warm and calm for a winter day. The soldier couldn't help but close his eyes, if only for a few moments, he knew it was one of the stupidest things you could do in the middle of a battlefield, but what else could he do, the enemy seemed to have no intention of marching towards them, and he couldn't stop an adult dragon, just like the others he could do nothing but wait. Suddenly a shadow passed quickly over him covering the reflection of the sun for just a second.

It could have been a bird. He said to himself.

But the others did not seem to have the same thought as him, as they all began to move and the generals began to roar orders, but he remained still in his place, a few seconds later a loud rumbling came from the skies, like lightning in a raging storm. The pandemonium around him began to grow larger and larger, the movements were clumsier, and the orders sounded more and more desperate, the calm that once surrounded them, had been completely extinguished, the men tried to aim their arrows, and the scorpions their big bolts towards the growing shadow that was gradually descending on them, but they all failed, the beast was too fast. In the end, the chaos was silenced by the loud roar of the beast that was so powerful it shook the whole city, and enough to force him to open his eyes again. The last thing he saw was the dragon's great maw before it unleashed hell upon them, they never stood a chance, it was all over in seconds.


Daenerys looked satisfied when she was able to perform her task to perfection, she had used the thick clouds to hide and when they least expected it, she swooped down on them, they did not even see her coming, the first thing she attacked were the men on the walls who were handling the scorpions, she had also taken several soldiers with them, but Daenerys told herself that it was inevitable, those same men would not have hesitated to use those weapons against her or her son, so they left her no choice. Her next target was the gates of Kings Landing, using Drogon's breath fire she melted five of the seven gates that protected the city, leaving free passage for her army and for the evacuation of civilians.

When she finished her task, she had Drogon land on the walls, while she ordered him to let out a loud roar again, loud enough to be heard throughout the city, she wanted to instil even more fear in the hearts of her enemies, her goal being to make them realize that they could not win, that there was no reason for a battle, if they threw down their weapons she would show them mercy. She saw the precise moment when her forces commanded by Grey Worm, met against the Lannister resistance. She saw her commander step forward and offer them surrender as she had instructed, she watched the scene expectantly as she waited for what the Lannister generals decision was, until finally she witnessed the moment when the Lannister General threw down his sword and shield, then his men followed, They had surrendered and Daenerys could breathe a sigh of relief and the confirmation of her victory came from the sound of the bells, she had done it, she had taken the city and the casualties had been minimal, the only thing left now was to take the castle, but when victory was just settling over her, that's when it happened.

Daenerys heard the deep, subterranean rumbling sound, moments before the first explosion occurred, Daenerys could do nothing but watch in horror as several more explosions followed, occurring throughout the city. Added to this were the sounds of people screaming, running in terror as they tried to escape the green flames that consumed everything in their path. Daenerys quickly ordered Drogon to take her towards Grey Worm, she needed to order her soldiers to help the wounded people and evacuate the rest, but she was sent backwards by the powerful blast wave that occurred in the same place where the Lannister men, her men, her commander, and friend were standing. Daenerys loudly shouted the name of her friend, but there was nothing left there, only a huge crater from which emanated more of those sickly green flames.

Daenerys observed the scene around her and could only find desolation, she could hear several explosions still occurring, people covered in soot ran desperate, she saw children crying for not being able to find their mothers, she even saw the charred bodies of the Lannister men, it was madness. The war was over, they had surrendered, there was no reason or justification behind these actions.

Daenerys turned her gaze towards the red fortress and found it intact, Cersei sat atop her castle and contemplated the destruction completely unpunished, she had killed innocent men, women, children. She had burned her own men, men she had forced to fight and die for her, she would not stand for it, she would put an end to her tyranny. She would rid the world of tyrants, she would unleash hell on those who use their power to crush and subjugate the weak, she would rid the world of Cersei Lannister's madness and evil for good. Drogon sensed her burning and rising anger and without the need to command her to do anything, he shot off towards the Red Keep, Daenerys flew over to the city now consumed in flames, until she soared over the castle and did not hesitate to roar the command.


Drogon unleashed his blazing flames upon the castle, the stone darkened and finally began to melt under the incandescent fire of her dragon. Daenerys screamed along with Drogon, as if it was, she herself who released the flames, the only thing on her mind was to destroy, to burn to the ground everything that Cersei represented. She did not care that she could destroy the throne or the emblematic castle where her ancestors had lived and ruled for generations, she only wanted revenge and to release her anger in something, because more deep inside than anger and rage, there was disappointment and impotence, in the end Cersei had won, in the end she got what she wanted, she had turned her into the Queen of the ashes.


Daenerys had completely lost track of time, but she felt exhausted as well as Drogon, both had unleashed their anger and rage against the castle, which was now in complete ruins. The sun had long since disappeared and it had even begun to snow or perhaps it was ashes, she could not tell.

The flames that had consumed the city had been extinguished as well as her wrath, Daenerys watched her city that now like the fortress was completely destroyed, she could still hear the wailing of the wounded, screams of people looking for a loved one, only for there to be no response. Daenerys could not go back, how could she face the people, she failed them, she did not save them from Cersei's, she could not save anyone.

She descended from Drogon in front of the gates of the great keep, leaving her son to guard the gate, not wanting anyone to approach her. She had imagined many times how this moment would be, how she would return triumphantly to the castle over which she would rule the seven kingdoms, but not even in her worst nightmares did she imagine it would be like this.

It was a desolate and gloomy environment, the walls and pillars were destroyed, letting the snow inside. Viserys had told her how the throne room, had been decorated by the skulls of the dragons their ancestors had ridden hundreds of years ago, how the walls were painted with Targaryen decorations and with red and black standards decorating every corner, now there was none of that. Only one thing remained, that was the iron throne, it seemed it was not even affected by the flames, Viserys had also told her stories about the Iron Throne, how the conqueror had forged it using the swords of his fallen enemies, a thousand swords formed the Iron Throne, he had said.

Now that she had it in front of her, it didn't really seem to be a thousand swords, once again the reality seemed to be much more disappointing. But that didn't take away from the fact that this was the conqueror's throne, a hundred or a thousand swords didn't really matter, it only mattered who sat upon it. And now there was no one else besides her, everything she had fought for since she brought the dragons back into the world, she just needed to climb the steps and sit down, there was no one around who could stop her.

That was what she always wanted, wasn't it? What she crossed the narrow sea for, what she fought for, she was the last Targaryen alive, it was her destiny to sit on the iron throne, that was what she always told herself.

Daenerys reached out her hand to touch it, everything she had ever fought for was right in front of her, all she had to do was take it. But in the end, she could not, what good was a throne, without a castle to rule over, without people to lead, Cersei had taken everything from her and left her with only an empty throne. When Daenerys was slowly falling into dark thoughts, was when she heard the footsteps of someone approaching, something that caught her attention since no one should be able to pass Drogon. She turned her gaze to see who it was, finding that it was the King of the North, who surely like many, was covered in soot, blood and bruised, but still alive.

"What are you doing here?" he asked her loud voice echoing throughout the great hall, "They need you outside."

But she just shook her head, as she weakly told him, "They don't need me, I failed them. I let Cersei win."

Jon abruptly appeared in front of her, "Yes, we failed, I failed. Cersei sent out far more wildfire than we could have foreseen and hid it everywhere, we didn't have enough men or resources to cover the entire city, we did everything we could, but it still wasn't enough" Jon breathed, sounding very disappointed and angry with himself, but at the same time he gave her an intense and meaningful look, as he raised his hands to hold her face, "But that doesn't mean she won, she may have destroyed the city, but not their people. They are still outside, and they need your help, the people are scared, and they are suffering. They need you to lead them, they need their Queen."

But Daenerys shook her head again, as small tears escaped her eyes, "They all saw me burn the castle, they must be terrified of me, they must think I am the same as Cersei was" she said very weakly.

Jon held her face so tenderly that she couldn't help but lean over him more, looking for something to hold her up, or else she would fall and not have the strength to get back up, Jon wiped her tears and lifted her gaze back up to his as he said, "You are nothing like Cersei, you care Dany, you care about the people. You may be the only one to sit in that fucking chair in the last hundred years who has cared about anything other than power and profit for himself, you are not a monster like Cersei or Joffrey, you are not a drunken hedonist like Robert, you are not a madman like Aerys, you are different from everyone else Dany. And people will come to see that, everyone will come to see you for what you really are Dany. I believe in you, I believe in the world you are trying to build, but you can't do it if you give up now. You have to stand up Dany and be, who you are meant to be."

Daenerys placed her hands on his as she listened to his words, the way he looked at her, how he held her face so lovingly, little by little they brought her back, Jon Snow brought her back from the dark void she had been sinking into, she had almost forgotten herself, but he made her remember who she was. She was Daenerys Targaryen the blood of old Valyria, the mother of dragons, she could not stay isolated here feeling sorry for herself while her people suffered.

She could also realize how close they really were, she could feel Jon's warm comforting breath on her face, she couldn't help but lean into him, wanting to show him how much she had valued his words and support in her weakest moment, but before she could reach his lips, they both heard a faint, female voice speak.


The moment was interrupted, and both monarchs turned to where they heard the faint voice. There Daenerys saw a girl, dressed in black and brown furs, covered in ashes and with a still bleeding wound on her forehead.

"Arya?" she heard Jon say, sounding incredulous and emotional. Also turning away from her and concentrating more on the girl who had appeared, something Daenerys didn't like very much, but she dismissed it quickly when she remembered Jon telling her about his family and mentioning with special affection her little sister called Arya.

Jon and the girl began to slowly approach each other, until Jon was finally able to confirm his suspicions and let out an excited, "Arya!" and ran out to her, lifting the girl into the air happily and giving her a tight hug, which she returned, locking her legs and arms around her brother. Daenerys watched the heartwarming reunion, until finally both siblings parted, and Jon gently set her back on her legs, and knelt in front of her leaving a tender kiss on her forehead before asking.

"Are you all, right? How... wait, what in seven hells were you doing here?"

"I came to kill Cersei," Arya said in a flat voice, before giving her a sharp look over Jon's shoulder before adding, "But someone was ahead of me."

Daenerys was horrified to learn that she may have almost killed Jon's favourite sister in her fit of rage against Cersei, no doubt he would never have forgiven her.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know you were here" was all she could think to say in her defence.

Fortunately, Arya seemed to shake it off as if she really didn't care and said, "I'm still alive, so it's fine, I guess. Besides, I get what you did, I saw the explosions too."

That made Daenerys remember again that the city was still a disaster and she needed to leave immediately, "I have to go" she said quickly, before turning to Arya once more and saying with all sincerity, "I am very happy that you are safe and your brother told me quite a bit about you, I hope we can get to know each other better, when the situation gets better" Arya nodded at that and Daenerys gave Jon one last meaningful look before leaving the great hall towards Drogon, she needed to meet with her advisors and generals and start helping the people.


They ended up staying a little over two weeks at Kings Landing, cleared debris, helped the wounded, distributed supplies, reestablished order and counted the total loss in lives they had suffered. Due to the explosions caused by the wildfire, a little more than ten thousand people had died and almost forty thousand were wounded, with various degrees of burns, unfortunately they did not have as many healers and ended up losing more people due to infections or fever.

Among the casualties of her forces, those who suffered the most losses were the Unsullied since they were the ones who led the charge and entered the city first, among them was confirmed the death of her friend, Grey Worm, Daenerys made sure to give him a proper burial. As for the group that came with Jon to Kings Landing, he had lost several men, the one that stood out the most was the hound, who apparently had moved away from the group and headed to the Red Keep when the chaos broke out, seeking a personal vendetta against his brother. It was there where he met Arya, according to her. She also mentioned that it was thanks to him that she was able to escape since while she was attacking the castle, they had been fighting against the mountain while she was trying to get to Cersei, but they could not get past the giant of a man, who even after multiple stabbings, sticking her sword through his eye, even cutting one of his arms he was still standing. Seeing that her brother had literally turned into a monster, Clegane stayed to die with him, allowing her to escape and shouting at her as she ran not to throw her life away just for revenge, despite that, she tried to follow Cersei, but when she was about to catch her the castle began to fall on her and she had to choose whether to follow her or escape, in the end she chose the latter and decided to let her go and get to safety.

When Daenerys learned of the possibility that Cersei might still be alive, she immediately sent a search for her all around Kings Landing, and also sent a raven to the Rock, which was now ruled by Tyrion's aunt, Genna Lannister. To hand over Cersei Lannister if she was found there and that if they hid her from her there would be severe consequences.

Moving on to the favourable side of things, the fact that she opened the gates was very beneficial for people to escape, thousands of lives were saved because of that. Also, that Ser Jorah and Ser Barristan managed to survive the explosions and were almost unharmed.

One of the last things she did before preparing for the northern expedition was to meet with the builders to find out how long it would take to repair the city and the castle. She was informed that rebuilding the castle, if they started from today, would take between four to five years, although it could take a little longer, as for the city it would take a little less, since only specific areas were ravaged by fire and fortunately it did not spread around the entire capital.

Daenerys ordered that all resources and efforts be focused on rebuilding the city, which her advisors did not seem to agree with, claiming that she was now the Queen, the people needed to see her as such, and a Queen needed a castle. But she quickly rejected their suggestions, stating that she could easily rule from Dragonstone and after that, she heard no more on the subject.

The next thing was to prepare everything for the expedition north, she had already sent a large amount of her army north, for the other war that awaited them. She would be leaving Olenna and Princess Arianne in charge of Kings Landing, obviously she also planned to leave Lord Tyrion as a mediator between the two women, but he insisted that for nothing in the world would he miss the battle against the dead. Fortunately, Willas decided to stay at Kings Landing claiming that unfortunately he would not be much of a use on the battlefield, and he would make sure not to leave the Princess and her grandmother alone in the same room.

Having left everything ready, in her last meeting with all her advisors present, she declared that she would travel by sea, along with her advisors, guard and her generals. Of course also the King of the North would travel with her, Ser Jorah suggested to her that perhaps she should fly north, as there might still be people who harbour resentment against her, for the war that her Father started, but she dismissed it saying that she needed to show that she was an ally of the North and that she would not come to conquer it and what better way to do that than to arrive with her King and not intimidatingly on the back of her dragon.

Ser Jorah could not refute that and with a nod he took a step back, Daenerys turned her gaze to Jon and declared.

"We sail together."


The next day, they set sail to the north, Jon was sitting next to Arya, even now he could not believe that she was alive, that he had really got his little sister back. Sometimes he was afraid that, if he closed his eyes, she might disappear, though she had assured him several times that she would not. She had told him everything she had been through, since father had been executed, since she had first travelled with the night watch recruits, but those plans had been thwarted by the crown, and that was when she met the hound for the first time. Who planned to take her to Robb, but unfortunately arrived the same day the Red Wedding occurred, she told him how she saw the Frey’s mockingly parade Robb's body, after they had decapitated him and sewed grey wind's head to his.

At that moment Jon wished he could kill all the fucking Frey’s all over again.

After that, she parted from Clegane and told him that she travelled to Braavos where she was trained by the Faceless Men, something that surprised him a lot since the Faceless Men were remarkable assassins, without a doubt of the most dangerous of all the world. Finally when they offered her to be one of them, Arya refused and decided to return to Westeros, she learned that he had defeated the Boltons and regained Winterfell and had also taken revenge for his brother, she thought about returning to Winterfell, but confessed that at that moment the only thing she was thinking about was revenge against Cersei, so instead of heading north, he decided to go to King's Landing and take advantage of the fact that everyone would be focused on him and the Dragon Queen to sneak into the fortress and kill Cersei, although she was not aware of the wildfire and did not expect Daenerys to attack the fortress with her dragon.

Jon again thanked the gods that his sister had come out of it unharmed.

After that the rest was already known history, no doubt it was an incredible and bloody affair that Arya had been through as well as everybody else. Though he was just glad that she was alive and back with him, and that only added to the letter Sansa sent him, mentioning that Bran had somehow made it safely back to Winterfell as well, they had lost several pack members along the way, but in the end the pack found their way back home and for that he couldn't be any happier. Sitting next to his sister as they both took a drink of ale, well he was drinking, Arya had seen him and had wanted to join him, saying she never really got to try the drink and wanted to give it a try, Jon warned her about its strong taste, but as usual she didn't flinch. So, Jon decided to let her try some. She barely took a light sip and made a cute expression of disgust and never touched her cup again.

Now they both simply enjoyed each other's company in comfortable silence, until Arya spoke again.

"So, you and the Dragon Queen seemed close," she said.

"What do you mean?" he asked her, taking another sip of his drink.

"That you two seemed close" she reiterated to him.

"We have a political-military alliance Arya, we are both monarchs of our respective kingdoms and spend a considerable amount of time in meetings involving matters of these kingdoms. That is all" Jon answered her bluntly.

Arya's only response was to let out a humming sound that indicated she was not at all convinced by his words. Jon tried to ignore her piercing stare as he turned his attention to his drink and took another sip, that's when he heard his little sister say.

"You're going to fuck her?"

Jon choked hard on his gulp, spilling the drink as he coughed loudly, when he pulled himself together, he turned to his sister and gave her a look in warning as he reprimanded her harshly, "Arya! Do not talk like that!"

"What? It's just a question" she told him, looking a little amused and annoyed at the same time.

"That's an inappropriate question, and I have no doubt you would have asked it the same way if the Queen were here" he told her.

"You're right, but you still haven't answered me" she reminded him.

Jon rubbed his face with both hands, sometimes his little sister could be a bit much even for him.

"Whatever you do, don't make the same mistakes Robb did" she told him.

" Why does everyone keep telling me that" he grumbled tiredly.

"Because men have a long history of losing their heads over a pretty face, like betraying a promise they made or giving up their crown."

"I'm not giving up my crown to anyone Arya, I'm not kneeling to anyone, but if you want to talk about it. We both know that in the condition the north is in, it won't be able to withstand the winter, without the help of the southern kingdoms" Jon told his sister.

"That's what you'll tell yourself when you're buried balls deep in the Dragon Queen?" Arya said sharply.

"All right, that's enough, Arya. You will not speak like that again," Jon told her, raising his voice towards his sister.

"Why, because it's unladylike?" she questioned him mockingly.

"Because I'm your big brother and I said so!" Jon yelled as he slammed the table, causing her to back up a bit, making him quickly regret his outburst. Taking a calming and much needed breath Jon spoke again this time more calmly, "You should go to your chambers, we have a long journey ahead of us, you need to rest."

It was more of an order than a request, but fortunately Arya said no more about it, as she stood and walked towards the door, as she opened the door to leave, she stopped to look at him over her shoulder, she looked a little regretful and that she was going to say something important, but in the end she just said goodbye and left.

Jon stood there alone drinking for a while longer, after a while, he lost count of how many drinks he had had, but it wasn't enough to make him drunk. And when he stumbled as he stood up, he said to himself.

Well, maybe a little.

He may need to take a break too; they still had another war to fight, and Jon was sure this one would be even worse than the war against Cersei. He didn't know the ship very well since it was one of Daenerys', so his feet moved on their own, hopefully they would lead him towards his chambers, but he ended up coming to a door that Jon was sure weren't his.

His doors were not marked with the Sigel of House Targaryen and there were definitely no Unsullied standing guard outside. If he hadn't been drunk, he would have wondered why they had let him through....

It took a few moments for his brain to realize which room it really was, these were Daenerys' chambers.

He should go, you're drunk and this was a bad idea.

But apparently his body acted on its own and without him realizing it, he raised a hand and knocked on the door three times, he only had to wait a few seconds for it to open. Revealing a Daenerys who looked like she was about to go to sleep too, as her long silver hair was let loose.

I had never seen her with her hair down, Fuck she was even more gorgeous that way.

She wore only a thin silk robe, which when she opened the door letting the cold wind in, made her hard nipples push against the soft fabric. If his mind was already numb from the beer the sight of Daenerys ended up melting it and did so even more when she stepped back and stepped aside leaving him room for him to pass, and Jon didn't turn her away. He stepped into the room, never able to tear his eyes from hers, grey and violet they found themselves both looking at each other so intensely and lustfully, when Daenerys pushed the door shut and they both heard the distinctive 'click' that indicated the door had closed, they both jumped towards each other, crashing his lips against hers, kissing her in the most forceful way he knew, Jon lifted her with ease and she wrapped her limbs around him, that night no one could fall asleep easily, as the Queen's moans would echo throughout the ship.


Sorry to leave you with the smut cliffhanger, but if I had added it this chapter would end up being 10-11k words long and it would have taken me two more days to finish it, but I promise to make it up to you. The next chapter will be full of smut, fluff, romance and flashbacks. I know it seems like I haven't developed almost anything about the relationship between Jon and Daenerys, but remember I'm rushing these chapters if I were to write them, with all the POV and scenes explaining everything it would take like 10 chapters, so I'll add more flashbacks throughout the story, explaining various things and you're free to go by the TV Show, for some scenes that I missed to add. 

Next update will be, OF with the smut involving Jon/Myrcella, see you soon, feel free to leave me your thoughts.


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