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Thanks to those who subscribed, I hope you enjoy the chapter, the next update will be on the Restoration of House Targaryen, I will try to publish it as soon as possible. And for those who are in the correct tier, I will soon publish a post where you can leave your suggestion for a fic or your favorite character that you want to see.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


As they had previously arranged, Sansa and Daenerys invited their friends and neighbours, Margaery and Arianne over for tea and to talk about the latest event they had witnessed, Sansa was the last to join the table, bringing with her some cookies she had baked herself for the occasion.

"So, you two seem to have found an interesting hobbit lately." Daenerys said to them, before asking them as she raised an eyebrow, "Would you mind sharing some details with us?".

Margaery was the first to talk, apologizing quickly and a bit awkwardly for what happened, "I'm sorry you had to see that, it was my fault, I was the one who was supposed to close the curtains."

"It's alright sweetie," Arianne told her comfortingly, only for only moments later an amused smile to appear on her face and then added, "We all know you were too busy choking on Jon's cock."

Margaery let out a choked gasp and lightly smacked her girlfriend as she kept giggling, which made Daenerys and Sansa laugh in extension. When the amusing moment was over, it was Sansa who spoke next.

"So how long have you been inviting Jon into your bed?" she asked curiously.

"It's a fairly recent affair," Arianne replied, "Two or three months."

"How did you know him?" Sansa asked again.

"He was a 'friend' of Ari's" Margaery said.

"You don't have to sound so jealous, love. Remember you're fucking him now too" Arianne shot back, to which Margaery only responded by childishly sticking her tongue out at her.

Amused Arianne returned her gaze to her neighbours to explain the rest of the story, "I met him, when he visited Dorne for his summer vacation. We really clicked practically from the first moment we spoke, and things escalated quickly from there, plus I had never been with a Northerner before and I had always heard that they can get a bit 'wild'" she said amusedly, which caused her girlfriend to roll her eyes.

"We had a lot of fun, but we both knew that sooner or later he had to go back to the north. So, we were both very mature and agreed that nothing serious could happen between us, but we still kept in touch even after he left, he's one of the few men I can stand out of bed" Arianne finished.

"Why do all your stories have to involve sex?" Margaery asked her with mock annoyance.

"Because those are the best ones" was Arianne's clever reply.

"And how did you end up inviting him into your bed?" this time it was Daenerys who asked.

"I am a very adventurous person as you all know, I always like to try new things, especially in bed. And although she always tries to act like she doesn't, Margaery also quite enjoys my bright and exciting ideas" Arianne said cheerfully, while giving a pointed look to her girlfriend, who was trying to avoid her gaze.

"When I suggested the idea of inviting someone to join us in bed, Margaery was a bit hesitant at first, but once she met Jon, she wasn't so opposed to the idea. And that very night ended with Jon fucking my beautiful girlfriend's brains out," Arianne said.

Margaery blushed heavily and lightly smacked her girlfriend again, as she chided, "Why do you have to be so crude?"

Arianne laughed loudly again and replied, "Because I love to tease you, love. And you make it so easy," she said before leaning over and giving her a tender kiss, then saying, "I also love it when Jon turns you into a drooling mess." Which made Margeary groan in frustration, but also brought an amused smile to her face.

Ignoring her annoying girlfriend, Margaery said, "Since that day, we regularly invite Jon to join us, he has become a great friend of ours and an amazing lover."

"And inviting someone into your bed, hasn't that created some problem between you, don't you get to feel jealous or something like that?" Daenerys asked a bit worried.

Arianne and Margaery shared a look, as if they only needed their eyes to be able to speak to each other, until finally they smiled at each other and returned their gaze to Sansa and Daenerys, and with a more serious tone and intertwining their hands they said.

"I'm sure it's not something for everyone, but it works excellently for us" Margaery was the first to speak, followed by Arianne, " Definitely, I love watching Margaery get fucked by Jon and I love him fucking me afterwards, but I love being with Margaery even more and we trust each other a lot." Margaery nodded at this before adding, "We are only with Jon when we are both present, neither of us have been with him, without the other being in the room." And Arianne finally finished off by saying, "I love being with Jon, it's never a boring night when we're with him, but I love Margaery even more and if she decided she only wanted to be with me in the boring, traditional way, I would accept that."

When they both finished with their argument both women looked at each other in a very passionate way and not caring that they have company, they both leaned towards each other for what was supposed to be a nice and tender kiss, until Arianne decided to make it deeper, and Margaery got carried away. Daenerys and Sansa had to stand there and watch as their friends melted into a scorching tongue-filled kiss; they made out for a couple of seconds until they finally broke apart.

"Don't worry, there will never be room for boring, traditional sex in our relationship" Margaery assured her girlfriend.

"I love you so much" Arianne said earnestly to Margaery, leaning in for another kiss, fortunately this one was shorter in duration.

As Sansa leaned in to take a sip of her tea, while letting the situation in front of her continue to unfold, halfway through her drink was when she heard Arianne say, "I see you two very interested in Jon, are you planning on inviting him into your bed as well?"

Sansa almost choked on her drink as she listened to her friend, she felt Daenerys lightly pat her back as she coughed, her reaction was all Arianne needed. Clapping excitedly as she let out a shriek wolfishly and watched them both with a mischievous grin, at the same time turning to Margaery and saying a satisfying, "I told you so."

Margaery rolled her eyes again at her girlfriend's over exaggerated amusement.

"So, you really liked what you saw, didn't you? I can't blame you, just as anyone with two eyes in front of them will agree that we women are the most beautiful creatures on the planet, but that man," Arianne said as she bit her lips, "No doubt Jon Snow was blessed by the gods themselves."

"Yes, well he's quite attractive, but from what we're interested in is that he seems to have experience in doing this sort of thing?" Daenerys asked hesitantly.

"Which one do you mean, threesomes or sleeping with girls who are in a lesbian relationship?" Arianne asked very directly.

"Ahhh, the second one?" Daenerys said tentatively.

"I wouldn't know, but what I do know is that he has experience in threesomes, and I can assure you that he won't disappoint you, if you are truly interested" Arianne told them.

Daenerys turned to Sansa, and just as Margaery and Arianne had done before, they seemed to have a conversation between them without the need to use words, until finally Sansa turned her attention back to her friends and said, "Yes, we have talked about the possibility of inviting someone. And we think Jon might be the best person to do it with, he seems like a great and trustworthy guy" to then add with a blush, "And very experienced in this kind of thing."

Arianne clapped again excitedly as she said, "I knew you weren't such a prude as you appeared."

Sansa and Daenerys both frowned prettily at Arianne's words, it never having crossed their minds that people saw them as a pair of prudes.

"I'll talk to Jon, but I don't think there will be any problem, he seemed quite interested in you guys too" Arianne told them with a wink.

"Really?" asked Sansa, a little intrigued by that.

"Yes, when we were cuddling in bed, after countless orgasms, he asked us about you guys. Which if it had been anyone else, I would have kicked him out of our bed, for asking about other women when he had me and Margaery on each arm" Arianne said, sounding a bit annoyed at the end.

"And what did he say" Sansa asked intriguingly, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"He asked us quite a few things about you and when we finally asked him why he was so interested in our neighbours, his answer was. 'That the only thing that drives him as crazy as a blonde is a redhead'" Arianne said amusedly, as she made her voice deeper and did one of the worst imitations of a Northern accent, she had ever heard.

But despite her friend's amused attitude and the fact that the words may have been Arianne's own fabrication, neither Daenerys nor Sansa could fight the blush that appeared on their faces when they heard that Jon had been interested in them.

"I hope you are ready to experience the best orgasms of your life" Arianne said amusedly, as Margaery scolded her again, but Margaery just kept laughing before taking her cup of tea and raising it as if it were a goblet and making a toast while giving them a wink.

Daenerys turned her gaze to focus on Sansa and found her girlfriend doing the same, both interlocking their hands under the table as they looked at each other with a bit of nervousness, but also quite excited about how this could save their sex life.

Though neither of them was aware of how much it was about to change their relationship and their lives.


Daenerys and Sansa were in their living room as they anxiously awaited their guest, that same afternoon they had their conversation with Margaery and Arianne, the latter had confirmed to them that Jon was in and was simply waiting for them to give him a time and date, to which they foolishly and hastily replied that any day that works for him, which didn't go as they thought it would when his response was to see them the next day, meaning today. And Daenerys and Sansa, they couldn't say no to him now, so they ended up agreeing.

Both had been so nervous that they could not sleep and ended up talking almost all night, as if they could not believe they were really going to do this, they were going to have a threesome with a man, Daenerys confessed that it had never crossed her mind to have a threesome, she was not very fond of her boyfriend sleeping with another woman, although now the situation was completely different and even the idea of Jon sleeping with Sansa, seemed a little exciting to her.

But what surprised her more was the request Sansa made to her last night, in the middle of their conversation.

"Can I see you with him first?" Sansa had said to her, sounding very self-conscious.

"You want to see me and Jon having sex?" Daenerys asked her to seek confirmation, to which Sansa nodded with cheeks as red as her hair.

"Are you sure about this, Sans?" Daenerys asked her again.

Sansa nodded again and told her, "It was very exciting to see him with Arianne and Margaery, I've been imagining it quite a bit and I'd like to see you with him" she confessed to her, then fearfully asked, "Is that weird?"

"No, of course not Sans" Daenerys assured her quickly, "We all have preferences or inclinations towards something it's totally normal, just promise me you'll say something if you feel uncomfortable or want to stop it, okay?"

"I will" Sansa told her, as she took her hand, they fell into a comfortable silence and when Daenerys thought they would go to sleep, she heard Sansa's voice again, "And what are your preferences? You never told me."

A smile formed on Daenerys' face as she turned to her girlfriend and rested an elbow on the mattress and rested her head on her palm, "You never asked" she replied.

"I'm asking it now" Sansa told her.

Daenerys leaned over to her girlfriend and gave her a tender kiss before saying, "I guess you'll get to see them for yourself, tomorrow when our guest arrives."

"Hey, that's not fair I confessed mine to you" Sansa complained.

Daenerys hugged her girlfriend and bid her goodnight, "Sleep Sansa, I'm sure we have a long and demanding day ahead of us tomorrow."

Daenerys was pulled out of her memories when she heard the doorbell ring and shared a glance with Sansa before saying, "It looks like our guest is here, are you ready?" she asked her.

Sansa nodded in a determined manner and Daenerys stood up and began to walk towards the door, opening it she found Jon Snow on the other side, it was a bit odd to see him in clothes after the first time they met, he hadn't been wearing any.

"Hey, Daenerys, isn't it?" Jon greeted her happily. When she nodded, he extended a hand towards her and when she took it, he leaned over to give her a small kiss on the cheek as he said, "It's nice to finally meet you."

He was very tall, and his beard left a pleasant itch on her cheek.

"Hi Jon, it's nice to meet you too, a little more formally" she told him, with a smile.

Jon returned a charming smile as he scratched the back of his head and said amusedly, "Believe it or not, I have worse angles."

They both shared a laugh before Daenerys tells him, "Come on, we should go inside, Sansa is waiting for us."

"After you."

She led him into the living room, where Sansa was still seated, but stood up when she saw Jon and went over to greet him, they shared a kiss and a few words before the three of them take a seat, Daenerys and Sansa sat on the larger couch and Jon across from them on the single couch. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence and Jon could easily see the girls' nervousness.

"So, I guess this is the first-time you guys have done something like this?" Jon said, breaking the silence.

Both girls nodded with their faces slightly flushed and avoiding his gaze.

"Hey, it's okay. It's completely normal to feel nervous or even have some doubts, look you shouldn't feel pressured to do something, just because I'm here. If you don't think you're ready, you shouldn't force yourselves, we can talk or even watch a movie or something, you should feel comfortable in my presence, not pressured" he told them, calming their nerves with his words.

Both girls looked at each other and shared a much more relaxed smile, "Thank you, that's very sweet of you" Sansa told him.

Jon returned their smile and stood up to join them on the couch, the girls quickly made room for him. Jon took a seat in the middle of them, but since it wasn't a couch for more than two people, they ended up a little cramped, but none of the three thought that was a bad thing.

Jon put both hands in the air by way of invitation and the girls held it after only a few seconds. Jon wrapped their small, delicate hands, with his much larger, rougher ones as he lovingly rubbed the backs of their hands with his thumb, before bringing her hands to his lips and giving each of them a light kiss, while looking into their eyes.

Oh, my goodness, and I thought the guys I'd dated before were charming. Daenerys thought.

"You're both really beautiful, and what I want most is to show you both a good time, I want to treat you both so well and I know you both would be so good for me" Jon said, each time his voice getting deeper and huskier, causing the girls to unconsciously rub their thighs together.

"But again, you guys have all the power, you decide what happens next and whatever it is, I'll be fine with it, I promise" Jon reassured them again.

Both girls didn't have to see each other or talk to know what the other wanted, neither girl was one to back down or back out. They had both agreed on this, and they knew what they wanted, they knew the reason why they had invited Jon, they needed this. So, it was no surprise when they both said at the same time.

"We should go to the room."

"We should go to the room."

Jon smiled hugely at hearing this and kissing their hands once again and said to them. "Such simple words, they can make a man so happy."

The girls again shared a giggle that lightened their nerves, when they were ready Jon stood up and help them both up, " Led the way" he told them both and the girls still with their hands intertwined with his, led him towards their room.


When they reached their bedrooms the first thing Daenerys made sure to check was that their curtains were drawn, although she had enjoyed seeing her friends with Jon, she had no desire to return the favour.

At least not on this occasion...

But right now, she wanted her only spectator and company to be Sansa and of course Jon's, suddenly Daenerys was torn from her thoughts when she felt Jon wrap his arms around her waist and pull her to him, along with Sansa. Pressing their soft bodies against his hard one, they both rested a hand on his chest as they lifted their gaze to him.

"You two are really beautiful" Jon told them, staring back at them.

"You already told us that" Sansa answered him, but still feeling very flattered and flushed by his words like the first time.

"Well, you are that beautiful, and that I don't think I'll ever get tired of saying it, so you'd better get used to it" Jon said, making them both smile slightly.

It was then that Jon began to lean towards Sansa, resting his forehead on hers, staring at her before slowly working his way closer to her lips. Daenerys felt her heartbeat frantically and her excitement begin to rise, she had never imagined it would be so exciting to see her girlfriend kiss someone else, but before Jon could reach Sansa's soft pink lips, Sansa stopped him, using her hand on his chest to push him back away just a little.

Jon frowned slightly, puzzled by her rejection, and asked her with a hint of concern, "Is something wrong?"

"No, no" Sansa replied quickly, "It's just, Daenerys and I spoke earlier and, I'd like to just look at first, see the two of you" she explained sounding a little shy and ducking her gaze.

Jon put a hand under her chin and made her look up at him again, "Is that really what you want?" he asked her.

Sansa nodded quickly and Jon smiled at her, as he leaned back over to her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, which brought a slight smile to her face.

Then he turned his gaze to Daenerys, who had been watching the scene with excited eyes, now focusing on her, Jon smiled warmly at her, his hand came up to cup her cheek and tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear as he leaned forward. With his other hand still on her hip, he pulled her body even closer to his keeping her pressed against him, she was a small thing unlike Sansa, but she was incredibly beautiful just like her.

She felt the speed of her breathing increase with her excitement as Jon finally leaned into her and captured her full lips in a searing kiss. Her fingers gripped the hair at the back of his head as she pressed her body firmly against his and kissed him back greedily, her tongue slipping between his lips. It was a slow, languid kiss, his tongue caressing hers as his hands ran up and down her back.

It was quite some time before they finally parted and Jon rested his forehead on hers, Daenerys kept her eyes closed and her mouth partially open as she breathed deeply, her whole-body radiating contentment. Jon could not resist giving her one last, brief kiss on her plump, red lips.

Still with their foreheads touching they both turned their gaze to see Sansa who seemed to see them in a trance-like state, only to shake it off and tell them, "That was really hot." Which made him and Daenerys laugh, but what they didn't expect was for Sansa to abruptly move in and capture her lips as well.

Jon watched as Daenerys stiffened for a moment in surprise before relaxing and kissing her back. He enjoyed the sight of seeing the beautiful women kissing, but sadly the kiss did not last as long as he would have liked.

Sansa pulled away from Daenerys and said, "I love you." Which Daenerys said it back, satisfied with that, Sansa returned her gaze to him and gave him a bright smile, before pulling back and starting to walk away until she sat in a small chair at the side of the room as she looked at them expectantly.

Jon and Daenerys refocused their gaze on each other, Jon rubbed his thumbs gently on her waist back and forth as Daenerys bit her lips erotically and stretched her arms so that she could wrap her arms around his neck, slowly bringing his face back up to hers, drawing him in for a hungry kiss. As they kissed, she began to undo the buttons of his shirt, reluctantly, he pulled away from her sinful lips to finish removing his shirt and tossing it aside. As he sealed his lips with hers again, Daenerys continued to undress him, reaching for his belt. When she finally opened them, she pulled back and smiled at him before slowly dropping to her knees. Jon's breath caught in his throat from the excitement of watching this beautiful woman begin to kneel before him.

Daenerys gave him a seductive smile as she finished pulling his pants down and his boxers went with them. Leaving Jon completely exposed, his erection leaping eagerly, nearly hitting Daenerys in the face as he swayed in front of her, the purple, swollen head pointing directly at her lips.

"Wow" she said in surprise, "It's even bigger up close."

Daenerys reached out and her small, delicate fingers wrapped around his thick shaft with a light grip. His cock twitched with excitement, and Daenerys smiled at this and began to stroke him slowly with hesitant movements. Jon ran a hand through her long silver hair that reached down to her waist, gripped him tightly, which caused her to close her eyes and moan as he roughly tilted her head back and kissed her possessively. Her hand held his cock tighter, moving faster and more confidently. Breaking the kiss, Jon told her as he stared into her eyes.

"I knew what you liked from the moment I saw you, no matter how much they insist on denying it Valyrian women love to be dominated" Jon said in a deep, dangerous voice, making her dripping wet.

Thrusting his hips forward, pushing her lips with the head of his cock. Daenerys didn't hesitate to part her lips, allowing him to push the first few inches of his length into her mouth. forcing her reddish lips to spread around the circumference of his shaft. She did nothing more than hold him in her mouth at first, while he used her hair to move his head back and forth.

"Suck it, use your tongue, Dany." He ordered her.

Daenerys obeyed and began using her mouth on him, a little uncoordinated at first, but quickly gained confidence. Soon, she was bobbing her head on her own, sucking on his sensitive spot as her tongue slid along his length. She looked up at him with wide, questioning eyes seeking for approval. Jon smiled at her and stroked her hair gently.

"You're doing great, Dany," Jon told her.

Her eyes sparkled as she began to bob her head harder. Drawing a deep, satisfying growl from Jon.

"I knew you'd make a great cocksucker," he told her, using his grip on her hair to push her further down on his shaft.

Daenerys moaned, making her mouth vibrate pleasurably around his cock.

"Fuck Dany, I never thought that behind that angelic little face was such a hot little slut" he told her, pulling her hair tightly and pulling her off his cock to let her take a breath.

"Just for you" she gasped, her chest rising and falling as she panted heavily.

Jon smiled at her and receiving a beautiful smile in return until he lifted her by her silver hair. And pulling her forward, he kissed her hard, his tongue invading her mouth.

In the midst of the kiss, Jon opened one eye to notice his pretty voyeur, who was rubbing a breast through her top as she watched them, pleased to see that, Jon returned his attention to Daenerys.

Still keeping his lips on hers, Jon helped her up, sliding his hands along the silk shirt she wore underneath. He rubbed her sides with his hands, moving closer and closer to her breasts with each movement. Brushing the bottom of her bra, he lifted his hands and enveloped her medium-sized breasts with his large hands. Daenerys moaned into his mouth as he cupped and squeezed her breasts.

With a light pinch to the hard nipple protruding from the thin material of her bra, Jon slid his hands down her slender body until he was cupping her round, perky ass. Daenerys felt incredibly light as Jon lifted her into the air and pulled his lips away from hers, their eyes meeting in a heated stare. Her thick, smooth legs wrapped around his waist as he turned and carried her towards the bed. Jon crossed the room with her in his arms until he laid her onto the bed, Daenerys moaned softly as she stared up at him, her striking purple eyes glowing with excitement.

Jon rose above her, leaning back as he unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down over her wide hips. Pulling her pants off, he did the same with her top lifting it over her head, leaving her now only in a pretty blue lingerie set.

Jon spun her around by the shoulders, placing a hand between her shoulder blades and pushed her forward so that she was bent over the bed and face to face with Sansa. Jon saw the precise moment the women locked eyes, as Daenerys was about to be fucked by another man, Sansa was rubbing herself through her clothes, Jon watched as she slowly pulled her skirt up as the scene in front of her unfolded.

Turning his attention back to Daenerys, more specifically to her ass, which was an incredibly fantastic one, full, round, and muscular, it jutted out at him, stretching her light blue panties over her smooth, pale skin. Jon grabbed her thick cheeks, touching them firmly and squeezing the delicious flesh in his hands. Daenerys growled as she bit her lower lip, grabbing the waistband of her panties, Jon pulled them down her legs.

"Did you get so wet just by sucking my cock?" Jon asked her, as he saw the small puddle of wetness in the gusset of her panties.

Daenerys didn't answer him, so Jon decided to get her attention in the nicest way.


Daenerys shouted, turning her head towards him and looking over her shoulder at him with wide eyes after his hand came down to smack her perfect ass hard, leaving a faint pink imprint on her porcelain skin.

"You have to answer me when I talk to you, Dany" he told her.

"I'm sorry" she said weakly.

Jon let out a satisfied grunt, as he settled behind her and grabbed both cheeks, pulling them apart as he fell to his knees, revealing his tight, moist lips. Leaning forward, he kissed her glistening slit and made her gasp in a combination of pleasure and surprise. Sticking out his tongue, he slipped it between her tight lips, sliding it up and down her slit. Daenerys moaned again, clutching at the bedclothes as she sank her face into the blankets, but still trying to keep her gaze on Sansa.

Normally he would be more than happy to drive a girl crazy with his tongue, but right now, this woman had him too excited to wait. He spent only a few more moments on his knees, making sure she was ready to take him in, before finally getting up.

Jon grabbed the base of his cock and slammed the top of his length against her pussy a few more times. Grabbing her hip with one hand, he pressed his head against her entrance. But before he entered her, a loud feminine moan that did not belong to Daenerys, caught his attention, he looked up to see Sansa with her dress tucked up over her hips and one of her hands working hard between her legs. She stopped abruptly when she noticed he had seen her, but Jon reassured her by giving her a mischievous smile before finally sinking into Dany. His cock was quickly surrounded by her tight, wet heat, causing him to close his eyes and grunt at the exquisite sensation. Daenerys' moans added to the cacophony, and he felt her shudder as he stretched and filled her.

"Is this what you needed Targaryen? Did you need a proper cock to fuck your brains out?" Jon asked her, smacking her ass playfully.

" Yesss, please fuck me" Daenerys moaned.

Jon smiled and slapped her ass lightly again before he began to thrust into her, slowly at first, but gradually gaining speed. He loved the little gasps, grunts and moans that came from both women, each time he fucked Daenerys' tight core and Sansa buried her fingers in herself. The sight was as erotic as when he saw his thighs bounce against Dany's ass, making her round globes ripple with each impact.

"Are you going to be a good little slut for me, Dany?" Jon asked again, pulling her hips back roughly as he pushed forward.

"Oh, Gods, Yesss" she hissed, "I'll be whatever you want me to be, but don't stop."

Gripping her hips hard, he rammed her harder and faster making her cheeks jiggle as a loud slapping sound erupted between their bodies. Daenerys let out a shuddering, lewd moan, throwing her ass at him in time with his onslaught, burying her face in the blankets, escaping the embarrassment of looking her girlfriend in the eyes as she reached a powerful orgasm. But Jon wasn't going to have any of that, so he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back hard, arching her neck and causing loud moans to echo off the walls.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming, Sansa, he's making me cum!" Daenerys screamed.

Sansa's fingers moved even more frantically as she watched Jon make Daenerys reach the most powerful orgasm she had ever seen, "Dany" Sansa moaned, as she bit her lips.

Lifting her eyes she met Jon's face, as her bright blue eyes met Jon's deep grey eyes, a tingle ran through her core and up and down her spine. Her hands tightened on her pussy, and she closed her eyes, peaking at the same time Daenerys did. Her body shuddered; a moan escaped her lips as the heat from her loins exploded to the rest of her body.

Jon watched Sansa's powerful orgasm as he felt Daenerys', her warm soft walls shuddering around him as she cried out in pleasure, his hand still holding her by her hair was the only thing keeping her from collapsing onto her face. With her legs shaking uncontrollably, her arousal drenched his cock. As soon as she finished her climax, he released her hair, allowing her to fall face first onto the mattress.

Jon placed tender, loving kisses on her shoulders and back until he finally pulled out of her, slapping her ass lightly. Still erect, he climbed off the bed and rounded it to walk until he was in front of Sansa, who was still in the mist of her orgasm until she noticed his presence and looked up at him and his cock that seemed to angrily point at her.

"So, do you want to keep watching or are you going to join us?" Jon asked her tantalizingly.


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