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This is the continuation of the Jon/Lyanna story from The White Wolf and his Queens series. Technically it would be chapter 4, but I'm putting it as the first chapter. So if you haven't done it I suggest you read the first three chapters of the series so you can understand the story. Nothing more to say, enjoy.

A special thanks to my Patreon 'TheDragonBornFromBlood' this update is thanks to him. 

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Jon didn't exactly know what to think about Lyanna's words or her latest actions. While it was true that he had fantasized about his 'mother' since he was practically a young boy just beginning to take an interest in women, he hadn't expected or even dared to fantasize that this erotic fantasy of his would ever come true. But it had happened, Lyanna Stark, the woman he considered as if she were his own mother, had knelt before him and sucked his cock as if her life had depended on it.

It was without a doubt the best blowjob he'd ever received in his life; Lyanna had sucked his cock as if it were her favourite piece of candy, leaving him practically weak-legged. Though the most impressive thing was watching her devour his cock in full with practically extreme ease, something even Ros couldn't do easily. And when she finally made him cum, she didn't let him down, swallowing more than happily every last drop of his seed.

But surprisingly, the most shocking thing of the night was not Lyanna's blowjob, but the words that followed. Lyanna promised him that this very night she would reveal to him the whole 'truth' she had been keeping from him all these years and Jon was more than ready to listen to whatever she had to tell him. It was for that reason that he was now following her through the halls of Winterfell towards her room. Though during the whole walk, he almost completely forgot the reason he was following her in the first place, his mind more focused on the hypnotic swaying of Lyanna's marvellous ass as she walked in front of him.

Unlike the vast majority of the women of Winterfell, Lyanna only wore dresses on rare formal occasions. For during the vast majority of the time, she preferred to wear her leather riding breeches, which did wonders to emphasize her big, round ass. It was no exaggeration to say that Lyanna Stark's ass was one of the great sights of the North. It was not uncommon to hear lads and guards murmuring praise for Lyanna or gawking at her whenever she passed them by. Though these would later cower in fear if Jon caught them in the act.

Jon, though, couldn't blame them much. For he himself had his own fantasies involving Lyanna and couldn't wait to make them come true. There was nothing more he wanted right now than to be able to get his hands on that thick, firm ass, to be able to knead it, squeeze it, spank it, and even bite it, marking it as his property. As entranced as he was gawking at Lyanna's ass, he didn't notice that they had already reached their destination, causing him to crash into her when she stopped. Apologizing and stepping back, Lyanna gave him an amused glance over her shoulder before saying.

"You seem distracted, Jon. Did something catch your attention?" Lyanna asked him before pushing her ass against him and beginning to provocatively wiggle her hips.

Jon grunted deeply, quite enjoying the sensation of her thick smooth ass rubbing against him. Placing one hand on her hip, Jon lowered the other and gave her a hard spank that echoed through the hallway and elicited an amused squeal from Lyanna, leaning over her, he whispered huskily in her ear.

"Aye, something has definitely caught my attention and I can't wait to play with it." Jon finished by saying, biting her earlobe and giving her another playful spank.

Lyanna gave him a delighted giggle before reaching a hand back and holding him by the nape of his neck, she pulled him to her. Kissing him deeply and sensually, not caring about the possibility that someone might see them, but as soon as her sweet lips parted from his, Lyanna stood up straight again, pulling her bottom away from him and eliciting a gasp of disappointment from him.

"You can play with mommy's ass all you want, once you're done listening to everything I have to say, that's okay with you, sweetie?"

Jon nodded enthusiastically, not being able to wait so he could go all the way with Lyanna and that promise was all he needed to focus on whatever it was she had to say to him. Giving him a bright smile, Lyanna turned and opened the door, Jon quickly followed her inside.


It had been quite some time since Jon had been in Lyanna's chambers. Possibly the last time he had been here would have been when he was just a boy, possibly no more than eight name days of age, then seeking his mother's protection due to a bad dream or something like that. Despite the years the room had not changed much. Lyanna was still the same tidy and not too ostentatious woman she had always been, possibly the nicest thing about her room was the large bed and the beautiful view of the outskirts of Winterfell. For everything else, it was no big deal, a simple dressing table, a desk with a few letters and papers and two trunks probably bigger than usual with all her clothes for winter and summer.

"Come here, sweetheart. Help me with this." Jon heard Lyanna say, snapping him out of his thoughts as he watched her walk to a practically empty and less brightly lit corner of the room. Jon continued to watch her as she moved some boxes and objects to finally reveal a hidden compartment that Jon had never seen before. Moving to Lyanna's side, he saw that inside the compartment was hidden a huge trunk.

"Be a good boy and get it out for me." Lyanna told him as she gave him room.

Holding the huge trunk, Jon lifted it, needing more effort than anticipated. Indicating that the trunk was packed full. Of what. Jon still didn't know. Placing it in the middle of the room where the light could reach it better, Jon was able to analyse it in more depth. The trunk was almost completely black, trimmed with gold and with some decorations, although these had an interesting design. For it seemed to have some dragon theme and most importantly, the lock was in the shape of the seal of House Targaryen, with the three-headed dragon.

Placing his hand on the trunk, Jon immediately felt something pulsing inside it, as if something was calling to him, something alive. Almost acting on pure instinct, Jon tried to open the trunk, wanting to release whatever was inside, but was stopped by Lyanna.

"Wait, you can't open it yet."

Snapping out of his trance, but still feeling an enormous urge to open the trunk, Jon asked Lyanna.

"What's inside?"

"You'll know soon enough, but first, I need you to listen to what I have to tell you." Lyanna said, before she began to approach him. Her face bathed in an expression of guilt and regret. "I've kept you in the dark for long enough, Jon. And that has to end, you need to know the truth."

Eager to hear whatever Lyanna had to tell him, Jon nodded firmly and told her.

"Whatever it is, I'm ready."

Placing her hands on his face, Lyanna looked at him lovingly and proudly before saying.

"I know you are and I couldn't be prouder for it. I couldn't have asked for a better son, that's why it killed me that I couldn't tell you the truth all these years. For making you live this life when you deserved so much more. And I hope that when I'm done telling you the whole truth, you can forgive me."

Jon was considerably surprised by the depth of Lyanna's words. He hadn't expected it to be anything so important, or at least enough to change his mind or his feelings for her. Jon loved Lyanna, she was probably the person he loved most in this world and he doubted there was anything that could change that.

Taking his hand, Lyanna led him to her bed, where she sat him beside her as she took a deep breath before finally beginning to speak.

"You know the story about what happened to me, don't you? About how Prince Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped me and held me captive until your father came to my rescue and brought me back home."

Jon gritted his teeth as he nodded sternly. He didn't like to talk about that or have Lyanna remember such an episode, but he always kept it very much in the back of his mind. Especially since that was something that made him and Lyanna closer. For after all, not all the whispers and murmurings that were directed towards her were praise of her skill as a rider, her skill with a bow, or her incredible beauty. For just as he suffered from it, the people and maidservants were also whispering foul things about her, about how she was now a 'tainted' Lady. This being the reason why she never married, even after all these years.

Although in his childhood Jon may have admired the Targaryen’s and even dreamed of becoming a dragon rider like them. It was also true that due to the disownment that Lyanna had suffered because of what Rhaegar Targaryen had done to her, Jon began to develop a strong resentment and even hatred towards them. Though more specifically towards Prince Rhaegar, making him always enjoy hearing the story of the rebellion. About how his father along with Robert Baratheon defeated them in every battle, only for the latter to end up slaying the last dragon.

Turning his attention back to Lyanna, he watched as her face tilted to the side and with a resigned expression, she finally confessed to him.

"Well, that's not exactly the truth."

Furrowing his brows deeply, Jon asked her.

"What do you mean by that?"

With a sigh, Lyanna continued.

"What I mean is. Rhaegar didn't kidnap me or take me against my will, I chose to willingly run away with him."

"What!?" Jon asked sharply, letting go of her hand and standing up. Incredulous at what Lyanna had just said.

"Please, just hear me out." Lyanna asked him, Jon did not sit back down, but seemed to calm down, so that she could continue. "Before all the rebellion and my 'kidnapping' happened. I was betrothed to Robert Baratheon, it was a political betrothal, I didn't have a shred of love for the man or consider him at least decent enough for him to be my husband. As much as Ned promised me that he would change once we were married, I know the true nature of men, Robert would never change, not even for or by anyone for that matter. And time has only proved me right, if the rumours coming from the capital are to be believed."

"And what does that have to do with Rhaegar Targaryen or the fact that you have decided to run away with him, starting a war that would divide the realm?" Jon asked, sounding angrier than she would have wished.

"I assure you, Jon. The war for the throne and for the dethronement of the Mad King was brewing long before I eloped with Rhaegar, on many more sides than you can imagine." Lyanna said, before also adding with a sigh. "But I won't deny my part in it. In my younger days, I was far more rebellious and impulsive than you can imagine. And I was trapped in an engagement to a man I didn't love, and during the Tournament of Harrenhal, that's when I met Rhaegal. He was everything Robert was not, handsome, honourable and noble, but most importantly. He saw me for who I really was and did not wish to change me in favour of being a 'proper' Lady who's only duty would be to manage his castle and bear child after child."

"Is that why you decided to run off with a man who was already married with children of his own?" Jon asked her without a hint of amusement.

But just the same Lyanna sketched a light laugh before answering him.

"Elia was a wonderful woman and mother, as kind and sweet as she was beautiful. That is why I could not help but fall in love with her as well, just as I did with Rhaegar, and I will never regret doing so. For if our union had never happened, I would not have had you, and you are everything to me, my sweet boy."

Jon's face went completely blank, he didn't know what to say or how to react. So, he just kept listening.

"If the world had been fair, I wouldn't have had to lie to you or deny that I was your real mother. You would have grown up with your real brothers and sisters, we all would have lived in the Red Keep. You would have known from the beginning that you were not just a bastard from the north, but a Targaryen prince. But sadly, things turned out this way, after I heard the news of your father's defeat at the trident and what had happened to Elia and her children."

Lyanna covered her mouth and her body hunched forward as she let out a whimper. Jon's first instinct was to go to her and that was exactly what he did, Lyanna instinctively clung to him, comforting herself that he was still alive and that all the sacrifice they had made had not been in vain.

"You have to understand, my child. I couldn't let you suffer the same fate as your brothers, that's why I had to deny you all these years. No matter how much it hurt me to do it, I had to do it to protect you. You are the most important thing to me, you are the only thing I had left, your safety was the most important thing to me. You are the only one who can avenge our family, Jon. You are the only one who can restore House Targaryen and take back what rightfully belongs to you."

Jon had been completely silent, hadn't said a single word and had waited for her to finish speaking completely. And now that she had, Jon moved, escaping her embrace, before finally saying to her.

"So, what you're telling me is that I'm actually a Targaryen prince and that I've had to live my whole life as a bastard because we lost the war?" Jon said dryly, almost emotionless.

Lyanna hadn't expected him to see it that simply. So, standing up she approached him, wanting him to see the reason for her actions. But no words could leave her lips when unexpectedly, Jon put his huge strong hand around her slender neck and began to choke her.

"You lied to me; you made me live a lie when you could have told me the truth a long time ago." Jon told her darkly as he tightened his grip on her.

Lyanna reached out her hands towards him and grabbed his arm, but she didn't even try to break free from his grip, let alone fight him. Quite the contrary, she touched him lovingly, only as a mother could as she managed to say.

"I di- did it to pro- protect you. I did it because I-I love you."

Relaxing her grip around his neck, but bringing her face only an inch closer to his, so he could tell her as he stared into her eyes.

" Never lie to me again."

"Never." Lyanna whispered.

Hearing that Jon finally released her completely allowing her to breathe freely, Lyanna gasped loudly as she recovered. Jon continued to pace across the room, his mind consumed by a thousand thoughts or decisions on what to do.

"I could have used this information a long time ago. I could have prepared better and had more time to think." Jon said grumpily.

Lyanna quickly walked back over to him, not at all afraid that he was going to hurt her again more concerned with comforting her son and telling him.

"I know, my sweet, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have waited too long to tell you the truth, but not only am I telling you the truth now because I think it's what you deserved to know. But I am also doing so because I believe you are more ready than any man could ever be to take the position as the head of House Targaryen. To be Daemon Targaryen, the Prince of Dragonstone and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne."

It was a great surprise for Jon to finally get to hear his true name, though his mother still didn't seem to be finished with her speech.

"I believe in you, my son. I know you will do perfectly, as a general, as a conqueror, and as a King." Resting her hands on his strong chest, Lyanna said, this time using a sensual tone and a suggestive smile. "Besides, you are the last Targaryen male, one of your many duties is to repopulate your father's great House. And as I promised you, you will have many ladies and princesses to choose from, each and every one of them more than willing and eager to spread their beautiful legs for you and give you strong and healthy children. And I am one of them, you don't know how lonely mommy has felt all these years. After all, my pussy only belongs to the head of House Targaryen. I am all yours, my beloved. Yours to love, yours to cherish, yours to command, yours to breed."

Making that promise, Lyanna wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him to her lips and kissed him passionately. Jon kissed her back and let their lips and tongues dance around each other, but before he let himself sink completely into Lyanna's sweet taste. There was still something that had been calling to him since this whole conversation began, like a heartbeat coming from the depths of his mind. Which was turning his attention to the trunk that had been sitting in the middle of the room. Unable to ignore the feeling for a second longer, Jon pulled away from Lyanna. Which provoked a plaintive groan from her and caused her to look at him questioningly before he asked her.

"What's inside the trunk?"

Lyanna finally seemed to react to his words and remember the trunk he'd pulled out in the first place before telling him.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that." She confessed with an innocent smile. "It's some of your father's things and some things he left for you. You can take a look at it now if you want."

Not needing to hear any more, Jon walked over to the trunk and this time he wasn't interrupted as he tried to open it and finally got to see its contents. There were numerous things of value that deserved his own attention, the one that stood out the most was some pieces of jewellery, a harp with silver strings, multitudes of letters and documents. But there was only one object on which his eyes were fixed from the moment he opened the trunk and unable to wait any longer, Jon took it in his hands.

He could not believe that he was actually holding a dragon's egg, as he had always dreamed of since he was a child. This egg was white, as white as snow, but it had some shades of deep ocean blue. But what amazed him most was that Jon could feel the warmth emanating from the egg, he could almost feel the heartbeat of the creature that hibernated inside.

It was alive. And anxious to get out of the shell.

He felt Lyanna's arms wrap around him from behind as she kissed his shoulder and spoke.

"Your father said that was the only egg that survived the tragedy of Summer Hall. He tried for years to get it to hatch, but it never did. But still, he believed the dragon would hatch for the right rider and he firmly believed it would be you."

Jon freed himself from Lyanna's embrace and walked straight to the fireplace. He had never read any book on how to care for a dragon egg or make them hatch or the connections dragons could have with their riders. But he could swear by the gods that he felt the creature inside the egg speak to him and tell him exactly what he needed.


Jon felt no fear or preservation towards the fire, resting his hands on the flames and set the egg comfortably on the logs of firewood, only releasing it once he knew it was completely safe and comfortable. Getting back to his feet, Jon looked at his hands and could see that they were completely intact, no trace of burns or wounds from the fire, just warmer than normal.

Lyanna quickly approached him and took his hands, checking for herself that he was perfectly fine before telling him.

"I always knew you would be special, my love. You will do wonderful things and my only wish is to be able to be by your side, in any way that you desire."

"Of course you will be by my side, Mother. And just as you said, I plan to use you in the ways that best please me, as Queen, as counsellor, and as lover." Jon said, making a radiant smile grow on her face. "And don't you think it would be best from now on if you addressed me accordingly?"

"Of course, my King. Your wishes are my command and I plan to show you my full devotion." Lyanna said as she began to kneel before him with a sultry look on her face. But before she could do so, Jon stopped her by holding her firmly by her hair.

"Oh, I'm sure I would quite enjoy that, but now you King wants something different. I want to taste you."

As soon as he finished saying that, Jon was on top of her. Kissing her passionately and Lyanna kissed him back just as enthusiastically, her hands sliding under his shirt. She broke the kiss long enough to lift him up and run him over the top of his head before capturing his lips again. Jon did the same for her, his fingers nimbly and deftly unbuttoning her blouse, exposing her beautiful perky breasts, her nipples were large and pink with small areolas of a darker shade than her nipples.

With Lyanna's shirt falling to the floor. Jon focused his attention elsewhere, sliding his hands down her strong thighs, Jon cupped her thick, full cheeks. Lyanna moaned into his mouth as he lifted her up and carried her to the bed. Not for a moment did her lips leave his as he laid her on the mattress, his hands roaming her perfect curves.

Holding her now on the bed, Jon untied the strings of her breeches and with a single tug, her breeches came undone and he was able to slide them easily down her legs before Jon carelessly tossed the garment aside. Lyanna moaned unrestrainedly as the throbbing bulge in the front of his pants rubbed firmly against her mound. Finally breaking the kiss, she threw her head back and gasped, bucking her hips desperately trying to get some relief.

"My King, please. Don't make me wait." Lyanna begged him, almost breathless.

Jon could barely contain his smile, no doubt he was going to enjoy this more than he planned. Caressing her cheek, Jon slid his hand down her neck, pausing to roughly touch her perfect breast before moving over her surprisingly toned abs to finally rest on her hips.

The heat and scent of her arousal radiated from his core in waves, causing his hard cock to throb needily in his pants. With how uncomfortable his pants were becoming, Jon decided to finally take them off, freeing his stiff cock which shot forward, earning a hungry, steaming stare from Lyanna. Jon gave her a cheeky wink and now that he was completely naked as was, she, he returned to kneel before her and spread her legs to give himself room.

Lyanna let out a slight gasp and jerked her hips as Jon slipped a finger between her wet, hot lips, teasing her tight slit. Sliding his finger up and down a couple of times, his palm brushing over her sensitive clit until he finally slid his two middle fingers inside her. Pushing them deep, Lyanna moaned loud and long, her limbs trembling and her hips jerking into his hand.

Curving his fingers upward, he moved them back and forth along her walls until he encountered a slightly rougher patch of skin. Lyanna gasped loudly, her whole body swaying as she looked up at him with wide eyes. Smiling smugly at her, he pressed his fingers firmly against that spot and moved his arm back and forth in rapid, short movements. She let out a brief cry and writhed wildly on the bed as he touched her most sensitive spot roughly. Clutching the bedclothes tightly, she writhed wildly at the overstimulation, her breasts quivering and jiggling on her chest with her movements. In less than a minute, she let out a loud, resounding scream, that if it weren't for the thick walls of the castle, all of Winterfell would have heard her scream.

Finally, her body tensed as Jon felt her inner muscles tighten and her arousal burst out of her in short bursts, soaking his hand and the sheets. After a few seconds, Jon finally took pity on her and stopped, giving her a break. Lyanna sank, collapsing limply onto the bed as she gasped heavily for breath. Jon only gave her a few seconds to rest before deciding it was time for the fun to continue.

While Lyanna was still trembling from her powerful climax, Jon began kissing her, starting at her knee, moving down her thighs to her aroused core. Lyanna instinctively tried to protect her overstimulated womanhood, but Jon wouldn't let her, using his hands to hold her legs open so he could feast on her.

Jon placed a kiss just above her clit, right above her tight lips. Lyanna ran her fingers through his hair and clung hard to it as the wetness of her arousal pooled on his lips. Jon stuck out his tongue and ran it between her lips from bottom to top, her pleasant taste coated his tongue. His mother gasped and moaned as he continued to tease her with his lips and tongue, jerking her hips as he approached her clit. Suddenly, Jon wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked on it while furiously flicking his tongue back and forth rapidly.

Lyanna arched her back, thrusting her turgid tits into the air, a long, shuddering moan escaping her lips. Lifting a hand, he squeezed her breast, pinching her nipple firmly and rolling it between his fingers. Lyanna screamed his name as she climaxed again, this time covering his chin with her arousal as it flowed freely out of her.

Pulling away from her, Jon let go of her legs and wiped his mouth with the back of his arm with a smile. Lyanna closed her legs and groaned, looking up at him with a narrowed gaze.

"Glad to know all those visits to those brothels weren't in vain." Lyanna said amusedly between gasps.

Shaking his head in amusement, Jon crept forward, kissing her body on the way. Reaching her face, he gently caressed her cheek before asking with a similar smile.

"Are you jealous of some sluts?"

"Of course I am, you don't know how long I dreamed and waited so that I could be your first woman. For me to be the one to teach you how to touch and please a woman, for me to be the one to take care of satiating your needs and fulfilling your deepest desires." Lyanna whispered deeply as she wrapped her arms and legs around him.

"Well, now you can do it." Jon answered her, leaning over her and kissing her firmly. His rigid length rubbed between her folds, making Lyanna's hips rock as she inhaled sharply through her nose and stifled a long moan into his mouth.

Somehow, his cock sank unerringly between her folds unaided. Lyanna let out a needy moan as he slowly sank into her suffocating depths. Sliding a hand under her back, he lifted her slightly as he pushed himself deeper into her.

"Take me." Lyanna breathed, "Make me yours, my son. Fuck Mommy's needy, horny pussy."

Knowing how her son could not refuse his mother's pleas, Lyanna watched with a burning gaze as her son's length finally disappeared between her tight lips. Leaning over her, Jon took one of her pink nipples into his mouth, sucking it hard as his hips rocked back and forth. Grabbing two handfuls of his curly hair, she brought his mouth to hers for a demanding, tongue-filled kiss. When she pulled away to catch her breath a minute later, Lyanna looked up at him with a smouldering glare and asked, though her words came out more as a demand.

"Fuck me hard, my love. Show me the dragon, take out your frustrations on me. Punish mommy's slutty cunt, pound me, baby. I need it."

With a dark smile, Jon withdrew his cock until the head remained inside before pounding it hard and fast. Lyanna gasped and arched her back, raising her turgid tits up in the air. A long, drawn-out moan came from her throat as he set a hard, brutal pace, pulling out almost all the way before slamming into her again and again. Wrapping both arms around her legs, he pushed her forward so that her ass practically hung over the bed and then he leaned over her, bending her small body almost in half. Giving up depth for speed, Jon drilled his cock into her drooling, clutching pussy.

Lyanna screamed as she cummed again, her nails digging into the skin of his arms as her feet dangled uselessly in the air above him. Panting and sweating from the effort, Jon continued to thrust mercilessly into her as her face turned red, she gasped for air and her body contracted beneath him. As soon as one orgasm ended, another would begin, almost making her eyes roll back in her head. The spasms of his walls were rapidly bringing him to his own climax.

Slamming his throbbing cock as deeply as possible, he released it and sent numerous spurts of hot seed into her depths. When they both came down from their climax, Jon was holding onto her panting heavily while Lyanna was slumped in a heap with her eyes closed.

Once she caught her breath, Jon released her legs and rolled off of her, rolling onto the side. A small white rivulet escaped from his red, swollen lips to run down her toned legs until it spilled onto the bed. Lyanna practically purred like a kitten as she settled in beside him, laying her head on his chest and resting one leg on his.

Jon calmly rubbed her back, letting her relax for a few moments before revealing his next move.

"I want the Starks to know the truth about who I am." Jon said.

Lyanna lifted her head from his chest looking at him slightly surprised, before asking.

"Are you sure you want to do that? Don't you think it's too soon? Maybe we should talk to Ned first."

"Oh, we'll definitely talk to Ned Stark. He has some oaths to make before his new King." Jon said as he stood up, feeling his mother's gaze on his naked body all the way to the fire. Where he took the dragon egg in his hands again and thought.

It was the dragons that gave her greatness and even a crown to House Targaryen and history will repeat itself again. When the Maesters write the history of his conquest, they will say that the white dragon began his conquest from the north, more specifically with the Stark women.


I hope you enjoyed it, see you soon with a new update. 



Thank you so much i was expecting this i hope we don’t have to wait to long this was hot


Please update this story weekly 🔥


Please continue this story!! I love a Jon/Lyanna Story and haven’t found a good one until now


Please update this story