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All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Back in their chambers, Daenerys rested her tired and satisfied body placidly on top of Jon's. It had taken three more rounds of passionate, steamy sex for the dragons to finally satisfy their hunger for each other. Even though they were about to face possibly one of the greatest threats Westeros had seen in hundreds if not thousands of years in its history. Daenerys was feeling in a state of perpetual happiness and joy, she felt no sense of fear or the cold of the dark winter that loomed over them. And it was all thanks to the warmth and hope that the man who lay beside her gave her.

She had lived so many years thinking she was doomed to be the last of her kind. That her house and name would die with her, the last of the Targaryen, doomed to be alone in this cruel and horrible world. That is why one of her greatest desires, even greater than the Iron Throne was to be able to form a family, to have a child, of her flesh and blood. Though she knew that wish would never come true, because she was cursed, her womb would never grow with a child again. No matter how many times Jon emptied his seed inside her, it would never grow inside her.

She loved Jon, she loved him like she never thought she could ever love anyone. She felt like the luckiest woman in the world to have him, he would be her husband and King, she would not accept anyone else to warm her bed or rule by her side. That was exactly why the very thought of being unable to give him an heir tormented her, now more than ever. For with the new information that had come to light, Daenerys had learned that Jon was not simply Ned Stark's bastard. He was actually the true son of her brother Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, he was a true Targaryen and a possible heir to the Iron Throne.

Which implied that she was not actually the last Targaryen alive, her house and name did not have to die with her. Though it would if she married Jon. Leaving her with the terrible and unfair decision of choosing between marrying and ruling with the man she loved or having to give him up in favor of saving her House from dying out. If she truly decided to let him go, Jon could marry another young and fertile lady of Westeros, and she could give him as many heirs as he wanted, all trueborn who could carry on their family name.

But the mere thought of giving up Jon sent a horrible, chilling shudder through her, making her instinctively clutch him even tighter. Embracing him and burying her face in the hollow of his neck, inhaling his masculine, pleasing smell as she kissed him lovingly and possessively. Jon was her man, he was hers in the same way she was his, there was no way she was going to give him up and give him to another woman. Her ancestors might curse her for throwing away the future of her House in favor of a lover, but she couldn't care less, she just needed Jon and she was sure he would do the same for her.

Though by the same token, she was a proud Targaryen, always proudly expressing her heritage and name.  So, she had no desire to let her House die with her either. So, the answer was simple, she needed to think of another option.

It couldn't be that hard, could it? She simply needed a way for Jon to produce heirs with another woman, but still be able to remain her husband. Simple, right?

Daenerys couldn't help but let out a defeated sigh at the thought, things were not going to be easy at all. Although there was one detail in her favor, she didn't really mind the idea of Jon having to sleep with other women, she just hated the idea of having to give him up. She wouldn't have a problem if she had to share him. In fact, she was almost certain that sooner or later they would end up inviting another woman into their bed, just for the fun of it. Or at least if Jon proposed, she would more than gladly accept, after all, she wasn't against having female company.

In fact, one could say it was quite the opposite. After all, she had suffered from many a lonely night in her life, where she had decided why not invite a pretty maid to keep her company. Her favorite being her good friend Missandei, as her faithful servant had plenty of previous experience 'playing' with other women.

Daenerys couldn't help but let out an amused and piquant laugh as she recalled the nights she had shared with her friend. Before Jon, no one had ever eaten her pussy like Missandei. Recalling those vivid images, Daenerys couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if she decided to use her best friend to produce the future heirs of House Targaryen. Instinctively biting her lips and feeling her pussy throb with need, Daenerys imagined her and her friend on their knees in front of their King, worshipping and getting his cock ready together so he could give them his Royal seed. Jon would fuck her from behind while she licked and prepared Missandei's pussy so she could take Jon's huge cock, Missandei on top of Jon riding his cock while at the same time Jon devoured her pussy, Daenerys would demand that Jon fill her with his dragon seed, breed her so she could give them strong, healthy Targaryen children.

The idea was no doubt very tempting and Daenerys would love it if she could make it happen. But as much as she wished, she doubted she could use Missandei as the one to produce the future heirs of her House. For as much as she hated to admit it or accept it, Daenerys knew that the nobles and even the small folk themselves might come to accept that the future heir to the throne would come from a former slave from Essos. Some time ago, Daenerys would have simply pushed for the idea until it was finally accepted, but she had learned that doing so would produce far more problems than necessary. And as much as she had armies and dragons, going against the nobles and the people was not a very good idea.

So, it would be best if Jon's heir came from another woman, more specifically a noblewoman from Westeros. Fortunately, there were many to choose from. Although that in itself presented a new problem, if they chose a noble Lady to be the mother of his heir, Jon would have to marry this woman so that the child could be a legitimate Targaryen. A second wife, in the same way that the conqueror and his father had done. But there was another drawback, Daenerys did not trust any Lady of Westeros enough to be a sister-wife for her and a second wife for Jon.

Thinking more deeply about it, the first candidate that came to mind was Arianne Martell, and as much as she had come to have many warm conversations with her and found her unbridled attitude quite amusing and refreshing, she still couldn't say she trusted the Princess of Dorne with such a task. The other option that came to mind and her personal favorite was, Arya Stark. She had shared considerable time together with the youngest Stark and had definitely bonded with her, having gotten to know each other quite well and liked each other quite a bit as well. Plus, with the revelation that Jon was not her brother, but actually her cousin. It would be easier for both of them to engage in a romantic and sexual relationship, which could lead to the creation of the future heir to House Targaryen.

Everything seemed perfect, except for one small detail. She knew Arya very well, and Daenerys was almost certain that she would not like the idea of becoming Queen and her only duty being to spread her legs and produce baby after baby. No doubt the very proposition of that could lead to earning the anger of Jon's younger sister and that was the last thing Daenerys wanted. The other option could be her older sister, Sansa Stark. But unlike Arya, Daenerys had failed to form a bond with the eldest of the Stark sisters, she might even go so far as to say that she felt some animosity and even hostility from Sansa towards her. If it weren't for that, Daenerys might have thought that like her sister, she would be a perfect candidate. After all, she was beautiful, she was intelligent, she was someone they were close to and unlike Arya, she was not averse to the traditional duties involved with being a Lady or Queen.

Daenerys was sure there were many more Ladies in Westeros, but ruling out those three candidates, only the names of Margaery Tyrell and even Myrcella Lannister came to Daenerys' mind. But, again, they didn't seem very good options in her eyes, and every time she thought about it more, the idea of a second wife didn't quite convince her.

Since she had fought practically all her life against obstacles and scorn, but she had done it to get the position she was entitled to, until she finally achieved it and became Queen in her own right and by conquest. It might not have bothered her to give up being an absolute monarch in favor of ruling as equals alongside Jon, but that was different. He was her equal, her family, a Targaryen just like her and he was already a King before he met her. But the idea of allowing another woman to hold the title of Queen. Plus, the fact that said woman could have Jon's babies. No doubt she could easily see how that could come to upset her quite easily over time. Especially, if such a woman was not someone she trusted or someone close to her.

Maybe the idea of having a second wife wasn't the most convenient.

If she thought about it more crudely and honestly, she wanted to be Jon's only wife and Queen. She just really needed a woman who could be used as a brood mare who could give him a couple of children and bring House Targaryen back to its former glory. Thinking of it that way, a concubine would be most suitable. That would certainly make things easier, he didn't necessarily need to have trust with such a woman, although it was still advisable. But even if he didn't, it wouldn't affect much. Since a concubine, even if she was the King's concubine, would not represent any threat to her or her position.

And any child she had with Jon would be a legitimate Targaryen and would be the perfect heir for both of them. Undoubtedly that seemed to be the best option and honestly the one that Daenerys liked the most. She could remain Jon's wife and the sole and undisputed Queen, plus she would save her House from extension.

With that settled, she only needed two more things to carry out her plan. First and most important, she had to convince her husband to agree to her plan. Although the first thought would be that no man would refuse such a request from his wife, to be able to fuck another woman, but Jon was no average man. And while he may not be a bastard now, he had lived the majority of his life as one and he himself had told her of the struggles and stigmas he had had to live with. One of the main ones was that he did not wish to bring any children into this world, as he did not want that life for an innocent child.

That was also one of the reasons why he joined the Night's Watch, though that had now changed. Daenerys felt that she had to soften the idea or make it as tempting as possible for him. But equally, Daenerys felt confident that she could do it, if there was anyone who could convince Jon Snow of anything, it was certainly her and perhaps Arya, but mostly her.

The other issue would be deciding who would be the 'lucky woman' she would choose to be Jon's official concubine. Now with this new approach, she had to go over her options again. Arianne Martell would undoubtedly be perfect, but Daenerys had doubts whether the voluptuous Dornish woman would give up her position as Princess to be a mere concubine. Perhaps the best options now would be, Margaery Tyrell and Myrcella Lannister, both were noble Ladies, but their status and positions had declined quite a bit.

It could be said that House Lannister was practically in disgrace, having been their main opponents and for the many crimes they committed against their families. On the other hand, Margaery had been the widow of three different Kings, two of them being Lannister men. She was sure that many might think of them as 'tarnished' Ladies, but just that would make them perfect concubines. Although, Daenerys still preferred to choose a woman she could trust and feel comfortable with, at least enough for her to join them.

After all, Jon wasn't the only one who could have fun with the beautiful Ladies of Westeros. It was there that Arianne Martell popped back into his mind, she could easily imagine how the lush and debauched Dornish princess would be more than happy to join the Royal couple in their bed. On the other hand, Daenerys would also love to see the proud Lady of Winterfell show her true colors and feelings. It would certainly be a great sight to be able to see Sansa Stark begging her to be able to fuck Jon. After all, that's how it should be, these women should be begging her for the chance to be able to be impregnated by the dragon's seed. For the chance to be the mothers of future princes and princesses, to be mothers of dragon riders. She was sure that if she made her plan public, dozens of 'fine and prissy' Westerosi ladies would come begging her to be Jon's concubine. Though before she went ahead with all that, she would first have to make sure her King was on board with her idea.

"Jon, are you awake?" Daenerys spoke softly, shaking his chest slightly. Jon murmured deeply, before slowly opening his eyes. "I'm sorry to wake you, love. But there's something I want to talk to you about."

"It's fine, I couldn't sleep well anyway. Not with the tempest raging above us." Jon said heavily.

Wanting to calm his worries that were tormenting him, Daenerys told him.

"We have the largest army Westeros has ever been able to muster. Besides three full-grown dragons, we will win this war, Jon. And together we will rule for many years to come, I'm sure of it."

"I hope you're right." Jon replied, forcing a slight smile to his lips before asking her. "What did you want to talk about?"

With a smile, Daenerys stated confidently.

"Being so sure of our victory in this war, I wanted us to talk about the future."

"The future? About what exactly?" Jon questioned.

"The future of our House." Daenerys said, before reminding him. "You know that I cannot bear children, therefore, I cannot give you an heir."

With a snort, Jon replied.

"If I remember correctly, I told you that you should not trust or believe in prophecies or curses. Besides, I'm not marrying you to give me an heir. Gods know that a son is the last thing I pray for."

"But things have changed, Jon. You're no longer the bastard of Winterfell, you're a Targaryen, a King. And the last male Targaryen, your son will be the Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the crown. The future of our house depends on you having a son."

"Dany, I have been a Targaryen for less than a day. The future of House Targaryen is the least of my worries." Jon said apathetically.

"Jon!" she said, sounding indignant at his words. "We have a duty to our house, we-"

"I believe I've been my duty as the last male Targaryen, if my memory serves me correctly, I've been fucking and emptying my balls inside the last female Targaryen. I'm sure you will eventually grow up with my son." Jon told her as he easily lifted her up and positioned her on top of him, before beginning to play with her ass. Stretching her cheeks and exposing her femininity, his cock immediately began to grow as he felt her welcoming warmth.

But unlike his enthusiasm, Daenerys answered him with a more dejected tone.

"It's been nearly two months since we embarked on that boat, Jon. And we've shared most, if not nearly every night together. And I'm still not with child."

Releasing her bottom at hearing her depressed tone, Jon moved his hands and ran them comfortingly down her back and tell her.

"Sometimes it takes time, Dany. Just because you're not pregnant now doesn't mean you can't be later. We'll keep trying and pray that the gods bless us with a child."

"That's what I fear, Jon. I'm afraid that no matter how hard we try, I won't be able to get pregnant. I fear the curse is true."

Kissing her lovingly on the forehead, Jon said.

"If it is, then so be it. We will be the last Targaryen; I am happy this way. You are more than enough for me, Dany."

Smiling warmly at his words, Daenerys leaned toward him and gave him a tender kiss, before replying.

"I am happy that you think so and I love you for it. But by the same way, you are the King, you need to have an heir."

"And how do you expect me to do that, Dany? Am I to choose some random Lady and bed her until I get her pregnant?" Jon asked sarcastically, but Daenerys' expression made his eyebrows raise in surprise, before he uttered in disbelief. "You can't be serious."

"It may be the only way to save our House from extinguishing, Jon." Daenerys said, defending her idea.

"Are you really asking me to fuck another woman and get her pregnant?" Jon muttered, still incredulous at the request.

"You can't really be that much against the idea." Daenerys told him amusedly, before adding. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to pick a Lady who is pretty enough for you to fulfill your 'duties'."

"It's not about that, Dany."

"Then what is it?" Daenerys questioned.

With a sigh, Jon told her. "What if it's me? You know what happened to me, when I came back there was still a pool of blood over where I was stabbed. How do we know if I still function like I did before? How do we know if I can still get a woman pregnant?"

With a soothing smile, Daenerys lovingly kissed his chest, especially the scar over his heart, before answering him. "You seem to be working perfectly for me, Jon."

"You know what I mean, Dany, what would we do if that were the case? Because there's no way I'd let you be with another man, I'd kill anyone who even dared touch you, you're mine." Jon said possessively, before wrapping his arms around her, emphasizing his words.

Daenerys leaned over him again and kissed him again, this time more deeply. Wanting to show him all her love and calming him in the process, before pulling back and telling him.

"And I do not wish another man to touch me, love. I am yours alone, only you are allowed to touch me, only you can fuck my tight little Valyrian pussy." Jon grunted complacently at hearing that.

With his King now in a better mood now, she told him. "But you made a good point, why not before involving an important Lady and all the politics involved in that. Why don't we check first that you are the stallion I think you are." Daenerys finished saying, a huge smile on her lips.

"And how exactly will we do that?" Jon asked, though he already had a good idea about what Daenerys would suggest. That's why he didn't get a surprise when she answered, saying happily.

"That's easy, you just have to get another woman pregnant."

Laying his head back on his pillow and letting out a defeated sigh, Jon asked her.

"You're not going to back out of this, are you?"

"No, I'm not. It's up to me to save House Targaryen and I plan to use my virile husband to do it." She declared proudly.

"I don't like the idea of fathering a bastard, Dany." Jon told her, still staring wildly at the ceiling of his room.

"He doesn't have to be a bastard; we can easily legitimize him. Even if he's not officially our heir, he can still live and grow up with us in the Red Keep or Dragonstone. Besides, the woman I have in mind to be the mother doesn't believe in political bullshit about true born and bastards. She would only care about her son growing up, healthy and strong."

Hearing that detail, Jon quickly lifted his head so he could look Daenerys straight in the eye and ask.

"Wait, you're not talking about...?"

Daenerys only had to nod and flash him a satisfied smile to confirm his suspicions.

Incredulous about the whole situation and how things were shaping up, Jon couldn't help but ask her one more time.

"Are you sure you want to do all this? Are you okay with me fucking another woman?"

Shrugging her shoulders slightly, Daenerys clasped both hands together over his chest before resting her chin on them and lifting her feet into the air, she told him.

"I've given it quite a bit of thought and while I didn't necessarily think about sharing you with other women. I was sure that we would eventually end up inviting other women into our bed. Just so you know, I quite enjoy the female touch too."

"You do?" Jon asked, genuinely surprised.

With a big smile, and a nod, Daenerys answered him.

"I've had many lonely nights before I met you, Jon Snow. And most of the time I found female company more tempting over that of a man."

The image of a sweaty, naked Daenerys kissing and fondling with another woman was certainly more than arousing. Enough to make his cock once again grow in interest and bump against her round ass. Making her Queen look at him amused and stretching a hand behind her, Daenerys wrapped her slender, slick fingers around his shaft and began stroking it as she asked.

"Did you like that image, my King? How would you like to have two women worshipping this huge, thick cock? To have two pussies willing and eager to be fucked by you? To fill a noble Lady with your seed until she grows up with your son? You can have anyone you wish, my King. Any of those noble and refined Ladies will be more than willing to open their legs for you. Do you want the busty Dornish Princess? Or maybe you want the pretty lioness that hides in Casterly Rock? What better way to make the Lannister’s pay for their crimes than by using their last daughter as a brood mare to restore our House. Or you can have the prettiest rose in Highgarden, the poor woman has never been with a real man before. Why not give her this golden opportunity?" leaning further over him, until she could reach up to his ear, she whispered in a deep, sinful voice. "Or you can even have the most beautiful Lady of the North. Arya told me how Sansa's dream was always to be married to a handsome, strong King and to be able to give him many pretty princes and princesses. She may not be able to be Queen, but she can still give her brother many heirs."

Jon let out a deep gasp as his cock throbbed in Daenerys' hand. His mind completely flooded in lust, Jon said to her.

"And what if I say I want them all?"

A proud smile formed on Daenerys' face before she rose and positioned herself on his cock. Her pussy already wet from her own words facilitated his cock's access into her, slowly she began to descend upon it, extracting a moan from both of them at the placid sensation they experienced. Daenerys did not stop until her ass rested on his thighs, taking the full length of his cock inside her, his head hitting the entrance to her womb.

"Then you shall have them all, my King. We are Targaryen, we take what we want and make it ours." Daenerys stated firmly as she took his hands, interlacing her fingers with his, she used them as support to begin to slowly and sensually ride him.

Using her strong, toned thighs to slowly and provocatively lift herself up, before letting herself fall back down. Creating an erotic slap each time her round ass slapped against his thighs. Getting back up once more, Daenerys said to him with an amused smile.

"That reminds me, I have yet to teach you how to ride a dragon, well a real dragon."

"What?" Jon asked dumbly, his mind was completely focused on watching her pussy swallow his cock.

Giggling Daenerys lay on top of him, her stiff nipples rasping against his chest.

"Your lessons on how to be a dragon rider begin tomorrow, my King. In the meantime, you can enjoy the show on how a Khaleesi rides her stud."

With nothing more to say, Daenerys dropped back down. And began to ride her King until he again rewarded her with a huge load of his hot seed.


Jon walked beside Daenerys to where the dragons had made their nest, Daenerys was the first to step forward. And though these always seemed to greet her warmly, to Jon they seemed more agitated than usual.

"They don't like it here." Daenerys said as she began to comfortingly pet her dragons.

"The North is not for everyone." Jon answered her, but he completely understood why dragons wouldn't like it here. After all, dragons were said to be 'fire made flesh'.

Jon continued to watch the scene and couldn't help but agree with the people who called Daenerys 'Mother of Dragons'. It was indeed an impressive scene to watch as these beasts of enormous proportions piled up to greet her. Daenerys showered them with caresses as she spoke lovingly to them in Valyrian. Though the scene also produced some sadness in him.

She truly believes that they are the only children she will ever have.

Jon was pulled from his thoughts when he felt a huge presence push him back. Moving his gaze, he saw that the green and cream dragon had left Dany to approach him, both creatures stretched their snouts towards him, surely expecting the same treatment they had received from their mother. Not wanting to anger them, Jon reached out his hand and began to scratch their strong, thick scales, chuckling a little when they almost seemed to purr at his touch.

Unexpectedly, however, the moment was broken when the big green one abruptly stood up and roared intimidatingly at the other dragon, making him retreat. Although Viserion tried to stand his ground, when the green one stretched his wings and stood at full height, towering over his brother he had no choice but to retreat. Feeling victorious Rhaegal returned to Jon and again demanded his petting.

"Ahm, what just happened?" Jon asked as he continued to pet Rhaegal.

"A Targaryen can only have one dragon. You can't ride another dragon and another Targaryen can't ride your dragon. It is an unbreakable bond that only ends with the death of either the rider or the dragon." Daenerys explained softly, before finishing with an amused chuckle. "And it seems Rhaegal has already claimed you, love."

Moving to the side of her dragon, Daenerys mounted him easily and expertly, sitting more comfortably than she should on his back and said to him.

"Come on, hop on him. I'm sure he'll let you ride him now."

"And what if he doesn't want me to ride him?" Jon asked with slight concern.

Giving him a beautiful, calming smile, Daenerys told him.

"I promise you'll be fine, Jon Snow. I would never let anything happen to my stud. You still have much work to do to repopulate our House."

Jon gave him a not at all amused look, before letting out a defeated sigh and moving to Rhaegal's side. Thinking about the irony of being about to ride a dragon that carried his father's name. Fortunately, Rhaegal made it easier for him by lowering his wing and allowing him to lean on it. Climbing onto it, looking a bit awkward and uncomfortable, much different than Daenerys had made it look. But finally mounting the dragon's back, Jon asked Daenerys who had an amused expression on her face.

"What am I supposed to hold on to?"

"Anything you can." Was her simple answer.

 Not finding that very helpful, he asked her one last thing.

"And how do I tell him to fly."

"Dragons only understand one language, the language of our ancestors, Valyrian. So you simply need to say one single word, 'Sōvegon'.

Jon nodded and gripping the dragon's scales tightly, he cleared his throat and said firmly and clearly.


No sooner had he uttered the word than Rhaegal shot forward, propelling himself on his powerful hind legs before stretching his wings and soaring above the ground. Jon held his breath and clung to him as if his life depended on it, even though his life really did depend on it. He even closed his eyes during the first few seconds of takeoff, only to open them a few seconds later and marvel at the sight in front of him. He was in the clouds, literally. If he raised his hands, he could actually touch the clouds, he was so high up that he couldn't distinguish anything below him, even the towering castles of Westeros looked tiny and insignificant from up here. It wasn't hard to imagine why the Targaryen’s thought of themselves more as gods than men. Though he could also imagine that it could get lonely up here.

Though that feeling quickly disappeared when he heard another dragon roar behind him and looking behind him, he could see Daenerys flying on her dragon and joining him in the skies. Jon smiled back at her before turning his gaze forward.

As soon as he got off the ground on top of Rhaegal, he felt a new connection create in his mind, it wasn't one as deep as the one he had with Ghost, perhaps because it had only just been created, but it was there nonetheless. He felt he could understand his dragon, he could communicate and give him orders by thought alone. So, wanting to test their connection, Jon asked him to speed up. Rhaegal roared at his command and roared loudly and happily before swooping down. This time, Jon did not close his eyes or feel fear, he even felt that if he let go, he could not fall, he was one with his dragon, his cry of bliss was lost in the strong northern winds.


"I don't think I can go back to the horses after that." Jon said with amusement to Daenerys.

Laughing prettily, Daenerys moved in front of him and said with real pride and happiness.

"You are a natural dragon rider, Jon Snow. You cannot imagine how happy I am that you are a Targaryen, that you can fly by my side. That you can even save our family from becoming extinct, you are a blessing to me and to our house."

Letting out a slight snort, Jon told her.

" I won't go that far, I'm just a man, Dany."

"You're not just an ordinary man, my love. In the same way that I am no ordinary woman."

Knowing it was best not to argue with her and simply take the compliment, Jon raised his hands and wrapping them around her beautiful face, he asked her one last time.

"Are you really sure you're going through with this whole plan of yours about 'restoring' House Targaryen?"

"Our House, Jon. And of course, with you on board, I just need to convince the other women and I'm very confident it won't be a difficult thing to do. But first, I need to converse with Missandei to arrange the night where we can test how virile my stallion really is. Although I'm convinced, you'll do wonderfully. And in no time, Missandei will be pregnant and we can begin our plan." Daenerys declared happily and confidently before wrapping her arms around his shoulders and finishing by saying. "We will defeat this evil and save Westeros. And we will bring a new golden age back for our House and we will do it together."

Her words came out more like a promise and what better way to seal that promise than with a kiss. Jon did not hesitate to return it as he wrapped his arms around her, he would never tire of kissing his Queen and future wife and as he did so, only one thought crossed his mind.

Daenerys Targaryen was the true blessing.


Bran had numerous groups of ravens flying over the entire length of the wall and beyond the wall, with each passing day he had more control over his powers, allowing him to control several minds at the same time. Every day at almost every hour he scouted every area he could, he knew the Night King would find a way to get past the wall, he had no doubt of it. It was only a matter of time before he found a way and Bran had to be there to stop him or at least give the warning.

And it seemed that the time had come when he sensed the exact moment where one of the raven groups had finally found its target. Moving his consciousness to see through their eyes, Bran could see them. Tens of thousands of wights marching without mind or purpose, controlled under only one will. The Night King was leading his army to a specific point and Bran had to find out were.

He sent his ravens to fly over the vast army until he finally reached the head of it. Riding at the head of his army, surrounded by his white walkers, was the Night King and in front of him, his target. Bran quickly recognized the place, it was Eastwatch by the Sea, but something caught his attention above all else. The bay of seals was completely frozen, the ice had hardened enough to allow the armies of the dead to cross the wall, or more specifically, to go around it.

Bran planned to follow them, but unfortunately his presence did not go unnoticed for long, the Night King had noticed him and with a strength he could not yet rival, he was torn from the raven’s consciousness. Returning again to his crippled body, Bran was quickly approached by Samwell, who abandoned his books and rushed to him and asked.

"You came back. What happened? What did you see?"

In a weary, mournful tone, Bran told him.

"They're coming, Sam. We need to tell Jon; we need to tell everyone."

Sam swallowed heavily before getting up awkwardly and hurrying off, surely going to find Jon. Bran wished they had had more time, but now it would only be a matter of days. The Night's King and his army would be upon them in far less time than expected, the Battle for the Dawn would be fought in the next few days and the winner would decide the future of Westeros and quite possibly, the world.


Things are already shaping up to get to the main plot. The war is near and the plan is in action. Things will get a lot more interesting from here. See you soon with a new update, until then.




Great chapter, our two dragons will save the world!


Robert would be proud. They’d be making the eight, but instead of just doing it for fun and with just anyone from either kingdom, there’s a purpose behind it and they choose the highest females in the various pecking orders. Dany is generous in offering this to Jon (despite it being the sensible option for the survival of house Targaryen), and I’m sure that eventually, she’ll be gifted with a child of her own for it.