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I'm late again, aren't I? Well I like to believe that good things come to those who wait. But enough of that, fun chapter, hope you enjoy it, more notes at the end.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Margaery slowly woke up as the first rays of sunlight coming through the large windows of Jon's apartment hit her face. A smile formed on her face as she awoke to notice the firm, solid presence enveloping her from behind, a strong, muscular arm holding her from her slender waist. A quiet chuckle escaped her lips as memories of the night before flooded her mind, she felt her womanhood throb and a slight shudder run through her body as she remembered the scenes and sensations Jon had made her experience, her body craved to feel his touch again.

She knew that she had done it was wrong and it was very immoral of her to feel even more aroused and horny the day after, but she just couldn't help it. She didn't really care about the repercussions of her actions if they went public or if she earned a harsh reprimand from her grandmother or if she might be disappointed by her actions. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't feel the slightest bit sorry for what she had done, the night she had spent with Jon was without a doubt one of the best she had ever had in her life and if she was honest enough, a night she had deserved for a long time.

After all a girl has needs, and if her boyfriend was incapable of fulfilling those needs. Then no one could blame her for turning to another man to do the job, another stronger, more virile specimen of a man who could give her what she had so longed for. Following that thought, one could even argue that all of this had been Dickon's fault, that she had had to turn to another man to satisfy her desires. Since nothing could be blamed on her in that area.

From the beginning of their relationship, she had been a good and loving girlfriend, satisfying every need Dickon could possibly have, whether in or out of the bed. She always tried to make their relationship work, even though it had started out as a relationship of interest. She did everything she could to make sure Dickon was always happy and satisfied, and sure enough, she succeeded with flying colors. But the problem began when Dickon could not do the same for her, leaving her feeling unfulfilled and miserable.

She put up with this for months, being trapped in a routine relationship, with no passion, no love and leaving her feeling sexually frustrated. But, being her, Margaery had to do her part for her family. Always wearing her mask, showing a happy expression to her boyfriend and to the world, as if everything was perfection in her world and relationship. Although that couldn't be further from the truth, and she probably would have continued her fake relationship with Dickon if she had never met Jon Snow.

The man quickly and easily captured her attention from the first time she saw him, and as the days went by, she couldn't seem to stop thinking about him or watching his videos of him deeply and wildly fucking different women. And after going months without experiencing a true orgasm, Jon Snow became such a strong temptation that she couldn't refuse and now that she found herself in his bed, being cuddled by him, she was glad she hadn't done it. Especially when Jon pressed her against his chest, his morning erection pushing its way between her cheeks.

With a mischievous grin on her face, Margaery began to roll her hips, trapping his hard cock between her perky cheeks and began to rub herself against him. She was absolutely amazed that after an incredibly full night of sex and explosive orgasms that lasted well into the night, Jon seemed more than ready for more. She wished she could experience this every day, waking up next to a man who really had a lustful desire for her, with a hard cock poking her showing how truly eager he was to slip inside her and ravage her until he cummed deep inside her and marked her as his.

She wished she could stay here, next to Jon, be in the arms of a real man. But she knew that sooner rather than later she would have to return to her 'wonderful, prestigious' life with her 'perfect, dashing boyfriend'.

Well, if that was her duty. She would make sure to enjoy every minute she had left with Jon.

And fortunately for her, her teasing seemed to have an effect. For she felt his grip on her strengthen as Jon brought one of his hands up to squeeze her breast hard, making her gasp in anticipation and push her ass even harder against him. Jon sank his face into the crook of her neck, growling deeply against her ear before he began to kiss and bite the delicate skin of her neck. Margaery couldn't help but moan at his attentions, especially since Jon was hardly being gentle, his thick, rough beard creating slight burns on her sensitive skin and sucking hard enough to leave marks, something she shouldn't allow, but she couldn't find it in herself to pull away from his touch.

In fact, the only sound that escaped her lips was a shrill moan as Jon took her stiff, swollen nipples in his fingers and pulled them hard. Making his whole-body shudder, Margaery was surprised at how sensitive she was to him.

Someone woke up feeling naughty." whispered Jon in her ear, his voice hoarse from having just woken up and his accent much thicker than usual.

"It's your fault." Margaery sighed, before turning her face towards his and reaching an arm back and holding him by the nape of his neck, she drew his face towards hers. Pressing her lips against his, Margaery kissed him firmly, their lips parted so their tongues could meet, Margaery stifled a moan into her mouth when she felt his hands begin to descend on her and break the kiss. Margaery lifted her bottom so she could trap his stiff erection between her toned smooth thighs before she began to wiggle her hips back and forth, staring at him over her shoulder Margaery finish by saying with a shameless grin. "What do you intend to do about it, Jon Snow?" 

Letting out a deep growl, Jon ran a rough, calloused hand down her wonderful body as he watched almost mesmerized by the erotic, sensual swaying of her hips, his cock caught in the heavenly embrace of her thighs.


Jon brought his hand firmly down on her ass, making her let out a squeal and making her jump slightly at the spanking. Without removing his hand from her bottom, Jon couldn't help but squeeze the flesh, before wrapping his other hand around her delicate throat and putting some pressure on it, before telling her with a slight smile.

"Teasing woman."

Despite being spanked hard and being lightly choked, Margaery simply smiled back at him. Though hers seemed to be brighter, showing her happiness at being treated this way.

"I only want my prize, Sir. I deserve it." Margaery said pleadingly, as she continued to wiggle her hips. The lips of her pussy soaking his cock in her juices, it was such a tempting invitation to simply slide into her hugging warmth.

"Only good girls get their reward." Jon answered her, tightening his grip around her neck. At the same time, he stopped the movement of her hips by holding her still with a firm grip on her waist.

With a pitiful groan, Margaery said to him managing to sound a more desperate than before.

"But I am a good girl, Sir. My tight little pussy is wet and ready for you."

Jon grunted complacently, beginning to wiggle his hips, the tip of his cock teasing her clit provocatively, causing Margaery to let out a deep moan and try to wiggle her hips again. Desperate to find some sort of relief, but his tight grip prevented her from doing so.

"Beg." Jon whispered hoarsely in her ear, and she didn't hesitate to obey.

"Please, Sir. Give me that hard cock, please, I need it. Fuck this needy slut cunt, fuck me like you own me."

Unable to refuse in the face of such a desperate request, Jon moved his grip from her waist to her thigh, lifted her long slender leg making it point to the ceiling in an incredible display of her flexibility. Pushing his cock against her dripping entrance, but still not fully entering, Jon whispered in her ear again.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard your cuckolded boyfriend isn't going to be able to satisfy you ever again."

Using his grip on her neck, he drew her face back to his, and kissed her deeply as Margaery lowered one hand to hold his cock and line it up against her entrance. They both stifled their moans into each other's mouths as Jon slowly, inch by inch drove his cock into her suffocating depths. But before he could bottom out, they both heard Margaery's phone begin to ring.

Jon paused, but quickly Margaery broke away from the kiss, to tell him desperately while at the same time she herself wiggled her hips and moaned at the sensation of having his cock buried in her again.

"No, don't stop. Just focus on me, please. Just keep fucking me."

But ignoring her desperate pleas, Jon asked her with a slight smile.

"Do you think he's your boyfriend?"

"I don't know, probably. He always calls me in the mornings when we're not together." Margaery answered him, even though it seemed like talking was the last thing she wanted to do right now.

"Answer him." Jon ordered her with a dark grin.

Margaery looked at him incredulously, as if she couldn't believe he was actually asking her that, before asking.

"Are you serious?"

Jon's only response was to nod with a growing smile.

Margaery let out a disgruntled snort before getting out of bed and walking to her purse, Jon lay back down resting his head on his hands as he admired the sight of a naked Margaery walking quickly around his room. Pulling his phone out of his bag, Margaery pressed the green icon and answered, her voice coming out colder than she intended.


Dickon began to speak excitedly on the other end of the phone, Margaery simply rolled her eyes and her brain more focused on thinking of a way to cut the call than paying attention to the words her boyfriend was saying to her. She continued to listen to her boyfriend chatter for several seconds until she felt a huge presence behind her, raising her gaze she saw that Jon had moved behind her back and almost immediately had his hands all over her body. His warm strong hands slid down from her sides to wrap around her stomach, the warmth of his body enveloped her wonderfully making her lean into him.

"Keep talking." Jon commanded, breathing in her other ear, causing goose bumps to rise on her neck.

As she continued to listen to her boyfriend talk on her phone, she felt Jon's hand run down her stomach to gently touch the underside of her breasts. He paused there for a moment, as if waiting for her to react, letting out a moan or gasp that her boyfriend could hear. But when she didn't, he grasped her breasts fully more firmly, her soft, perky mounds filling his hands as he squeezed them.

"Margaery, everything okay?" Jon heard his boyfriend ask worriedly through the phone after he heard Margaery try to stifle a moan after he squeezed her breasts.

"Yes, it's just Elinor's dog. He's quite playful and apparently has developed a taste for licking me."  Margaery told him, as she looked accusingly at Jon, but equally amused by his cheek and boldness.

Jon returned her the smile as he began to rub her swollen nipples, making her breath hitch as he caressed the sensitive nubs. Causing Margaery to erotically bite her lips in a vain attempt to stifle her gasps. For the next thing Jon did was to release one of her breasts and run his free hand down her stomach to rest between her legs, instinctively Margaery spread her legs to give him more access, allowing him to slide his two middle fingers along her wet lips, eliciting a gasp from her gaping mouth.

"Sounds like a very hyper puppy." Margaery heard Dickon say, but not paying much attention to him. More focused on bucking her hips against Jon's hand as he rubbed her slit, desperately wanting him to apply more pressure against her aching clit, and letting out a louder moan when he finally did.

"Yes, he's a very bad boy. A very needy boy for attention." Margaery said with an amused smile on her face, before another gasp escaped her throat as Jon slipped a middle finger between her wet lips, teasing his entrance. Margaery wiggled her hips, pushing his finger deeper as his palm rubbed her clit.

Unable to keep her hands to herself any longer, Margaery stretched her free hand back and wrapped it around his hard, throbbing cock, beginning to stroke him eagerly. Jon let out a moan at her vigorous hand job, wrapping a hand around his brown hair. Driven by lust, Jon pulled her head back roughly, bending her neck so she could look up at him, lowered his face to hers, pressing her lips to his in a searing, demanding kiss. Margaery responded in the same way, kissing him back with the same passion. As they kissed, Jon continued to tease her needy pussy with his fingers and she continued to stroke his cock rapidly, paying special attention to his swollen head. The depraved scene of kissing another man while having a conversation with her boyfriend on the phone only made her hornier and soaking wetter than ever, she couldn't wait to have Jon's cock inside her again.

Fortunately, Jon seemed to be of the same mind as her. For as soon as his lips parted from hers, he used his strong grip on her waist before flipping her over and carrying her before tossing her back onto his bed, drawing a surprised squeal from her.

"'Everything all right, Margaery?" Dickon questioned her again, and she was already getting tired of having to answer him. The only man she cared about now, was Jon.

"Yes, I almost slipped, but I'm fine." Was her simple answer.

Having Margaery on all fours with her glistening pussy fully exposed for him, Jon placed his hands on her soft round buttocks before plunging into her with a hunger that would equal that of a dire wolf. Her body shuddered and writhed on the bed as pleasure overwhelmed her senses. Even as she writhed wildly, Jon continued his oral assault, alternating between sucking hard on her clit or licking it rapidly with his tongue.

Just as before, Margaery could not contain her moans and Dickon questioned her again.

"Margaery, are you sure everything is all right?"

"Yesss." She said though it came out more as a moan than an answer, "I'm sorry, Dickon. It's just that. Oh gods! He's licking me."

"Is it the dog again?" Dickon asked mildly amused, completely unaware of the true situation his girlfriend was in.

Jon watched the scene with extreme amusement, he had a squirming Margaery Tyrell on his bed on the verge of her orgasm and her twat of a boyfriend listening to her moan as Jon devoured her pussy. But he still wished he could hear her cumming for him. So, with that in mind, Jon began rubbing her G-spot as he plunged two fingers back into her depths. But he didn't stop there, Jon began to move his hand frantically back and forth, stimulating her most sensitive spot.

Margaery's hips jerked wildly as she moved rapidly towards a violent climax. Biting down hard on the sheet in a desperate attempt to contain her moans, though it would be a vain attempt. For a moment later, her eyes rolled back in her head and Margaery let out a shrill scream as a stream of arousal drenched his face as her insides quivered with intense pleasure.

After experiencing what felt like the greatest orgasm of her life, Margaery went completely limp on the bed. Her brain went completely blank, she didn't know if Dickon had cut off the call before her explosive finale or if he got to hear her cumming as another man ate her pussy. But she couldn't care less if he had actually heard her or if he was still on the call, the only man occupying her mind right now was Jon. Especially when she felt him climb on top of her as he lovingly kissed her back, before he suddenly spanked her again.


Margaery let out a pitiful cry, looking up at him pleadingly after his hand came down to smack her perfect ass hard, leaving a faint pink imprint on her porcelain skin. Grabbing both cheeks, he pulled them apart as he fell to his knees. Gripping the base of his cock, he slammed the top of its length against her throbbing pussy a few times. Margaery moaned and wiggled her hips in desperate anticipation. With both hands on her hips, Jon pushed forward and finally sank fully back into her. His cock was once again surrounded by her tight, wet heat, which made him grunt at the exquisite sensation. Margaery shivered and moaned as she was stretched and filled, she had dropped her phone after her explosive orgasm, but since she didn't hear Dickon again, she assumed he had cut the call. Though a spiteful part of her wished he could hear her, could hear her as another man made her feel in ways he never could. 

"Is this what you wanted so badly, slut?" Jon asked demandingly, slapping her ass again.

"Yesss, your cock feels so fucking good." Margaery moaned.

Jon smiled, smacking her ass lightly before he started pounding her, the same way he ate her pussy, he set a brutal pace from the beginning. Enjoying the gasps and moans that came from her mouth as he fucked her roughly. His thighs bounced against her ass, making her round globes ripple with each impact.

"Are you going to be a good little whore for me, Margaery?" Jon asked, pulling her hips back roughly as he thrust forward.

"Oh, gods, yes," she hissed. "I'll be anything you want, but just don't stop."

Gripping her hips hard, he rammed her harder and faster, making her cheeks jiggle as a loud slapping sound erupted between their bodies. Margaery let out a shuddering, lewd moan, thrusting her bottom in time with his onslaught. Burying her face in the blankets, she muffled the sounds she made. Jon wanting to hear her, grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back hard, arching her neck and causing her loud moans to echo off the walls.

"I want to hear you scream, slut. Loud enough for your boyfriend to hear what you sound like when you squirt all around my cock." Jon hissed at her.

"Oh, fuck, Jon. I'm going to fucking come again; I'm going to come all over your cock!" Margaery screamed.

Her warm, smooth walls shuddered around him as she screamed in pleasure. With her legs shaking uncontrollably, her arousal drenching his shaft. With a loud cry, Margaery explosively cummed on his cock. Letting go of her hair, she buried her face in the mattress, muffling the sound as she showered him with her arousal.

Jon had been so turned on by her teasing that he finally let himself go and followed her soon after. With an animalistic grunt, he frantically thrust into her from behind, his hips slapping against her beautiful ass until he exploded. Collapsing onto her back as he made sure to leave every last drop, he had deep inside her.


Once they both recovered from their explosive orgasms, Jon help Margaery walk on her trembling legs to the shower. Where each took turns deep cleaning the other's body. This time, it was the complete opposite of the rough and nasty sex they shared before, they kissed slowly and lovingly as each other's hands roamed every nook and cranny of the other's body, the hot water pouring over them, cleansing them of sweat and fluids.

Margaery lathered from his strong arms to his broad shoulders, before moving down his muscular torso to his toned abs. Unable to resist the temptation, she ran her hand back down his worn length, wrapping her long, slender fingers around him.  Margaery used every trick she knew to make this hand job as pleasurable as possible, bringing her other hand down to cup his testicles while stroking his length at the same time. On the way up, she twisted her wrist, occasionally rubbing her palm over his swollen, purple tip.

It was no surprise that Jon formed an erection again, having a woman as beautiful as Margaery clean him and care for him so lovingly. To have her sweet lips melting against his, her hard nipples brushing against his chest, being able to feel every inch of her luscious body. With how attentive Margaery was being to him, he didn't even have to ask her, as she knelt before him herself and didn't hesitate to take his stiff cock between her sinful lips and swallowed his whole length.

"Fuck, Marg." Jon gasped.

Purring at the nickname, she shook her head quickly, knowing he wouldn't last long. She was already exhausted and sore all over, but she didn't want to take her hands off him. Jon was everything she had ever wanted in a lover, she wouldn't soon forget him and she wanted the same for him, she knew he had plenty of bitches eager to suck his cock, but she wanted to occupy his thoughts for a long time. She wanted him to remember her pretty brown eyes looking up at him lovingly as his thick cock stretched her lips, she wanted him to remember that she was better than any other slut he could have.

So, when Jon grabbed her head with his big powerful hands, guiding her up and down as he thrust his hips. She simply relaxed under his grip, allowing him to use her as he wished. Reaching down with one hand, she rubbed her clit furiously as he fucked her throat with long, deep lunges. Gagging on his thick length, she reached up with her free hand and caressed his abs, her nails lightly scratching his skin.

Holding her with her lips around the root of his shaft, Jon groaned as he came. The first shot went straight down her throat into her stomach. She tried to hold still, but at the second burst, her body forced her to pull back.

Gasping and coughing for breath, she grabbed his shaft and stroked it lovingly. Jon's impressive stamina kept him hard, allowing him to cover her face and breasts with a large amount of cum, even though he had already ejaculated a short time ago.

When he was done, Margaery opened her eyes cautiously and smiled at him.

"You're amazing." Jon gasped as he gently caressed the clean side of her cheek.

Smiling, Margaery took some of his cum into her mouth before the water washed it away completely. Chuckling, Jon leaned over and helped her up, giving her one last kiss as they embraced and let the water finish cleaning them.


Once they were out of the shower and the moment was over, Margaery was strangely distant and silent as she changed clothes. The fun was over and now she had to return to her usual life, where her actions were dictated by other people. As much as these people were her family, it didn't make her feel much better. Especially after she was able to experience true freedom and let loose like she had never been able to before, but she was still a Tyrell. She loved her family, she would put on her mask and do her part, she would play her part to perfection, just as she always had.

Just the way her grandmother had taught her.

No matter that her role was to be the 'happy girlfriend' of a boring man she didn't love, to pretend to be a prim and proper virginal woman, a perfect and loving girlfriend, pretending to live a 'perfect' life. Fortunately for her, before she could sink into those depressing thoughts, she felt Jon's hand on her shoulder, drawing her attention to him.

Receiving an encouraging smile from him, as if he knew that was what she needed right now, before asking her.


Resigned to her fate, she nodded curtly and followed him down the stairs.

Her heels clicked loudly against the stairs as they got closer and closer towards the door, her steps deliberately slower, showing her unconscious desire to not wanting to leave. But she knew it was inevitable, as much as she wanted to stay here with Jon and simply hide from the world, she could not.

Sooner rather than later, she arrived next to Jon in his living room, he turned around and looked at her with a clear expression of sadness at having to say goodbye to her. She found some comfort in knowing that he felt the same way.

She couldn't believe it; she had come all this way for a little romp and now she had no desire to leave.

Not able to help but feel a little foolish, Margaery rubbed her arm nervously not knowing what to say, but fortunately she didn't have to say anything. For Jon wrapped an arm around her waist again and pressed her against him before capturing her lips again in a languid, deep kiss. Margaery could feel all the affection and appreciation he had for her in this kiss, unlike the previous ones which had been purely filled with lust, this one felt much more meaningful and she found herself enjoying it much more than the previous ones.

Margaery lost track of time when she was with Jon Snow, she didn't know how long they kissed, but they only broke apart when the need to breathe became too strong to ignore. Jon rested his forehead on hers, his lips swollen and bruised probably hers were the same. She needed to leave, for if he kissed her again or asked her to stay, she doubted she would be strong enough to refuse. But before any words could leave Jon's lips, the moment was broken when they both heard someone knock loudly on the door of his apartment and at the same time ring the doorbell effusively.

Margaery looked at the door with wide eyes and a worried expression, before asking Jon.

"Were you expecting someone?"

Unfortunately, his answer was not what she wished to hear.


Her concern only increased as she listened to the person continue to pound harshly on the wooden door.

"Why don't you hide in the back and I'll see who it is." Jon told her his serene and calm voice lightened her fears a bit.

Margaery simply nodded and went to the kitchen where her mind went over all the possibilities of who it could possibly be. The first and worst thing that came to her mind was Dickon, she wouldn't know how he could have found out she was here or what he would do once he encountered Jon. She wasn't worried about Jon's safety though, if there was one way to describe Dickon it was as someone harmless. What worried her more was the scandal that would ensue once her infidelity was revealed to the public. No doubt her image would be badly affected by it and she would be in a lot of trouble with her grandmother.

Although would it all be worth it to finally get rid of Dickon so she could be free?

That brought the other possibility to her mind of who it might be, her Nana. Margaery always knew her grandmother would find out about her actions, though she didn't expect she could do it so soon. And if she was here in person, that meant she not only wished to speak to her, but to Jon as well. Margaery dreaded the idea that he was going to threaten him if he dared approach her again.

She didn't have to wait long to find out who it was, though, as she heard Jon open the door. Although she couldn't see, she could still hear very well whatever conversation they were having, so her eyes widened in surprise when Jon mentioned the name, she least expected to hear and she let out a surprised gasp as she covered her mouth when she heard a loud thud echo through the apartment.


Jon approached the door with deliberate steps, like Margaery he had his suspicions of who it might be. Although no doubt by the anger and effusiveness that knocked on the door, Jon suspected that it could be her boyfriend, although without a doubt the most terrifying idea was that it was Olenna Tyrell. Since it wasn't the first time, he'd slept with someone's girlfriend or wife, he knew how to deal with enraged boyfriends or husbands, but the idea of having to deal with the Queen of Thorns was more terrifying. Especially after what he had experienced with Cersei, he was sure he couldn't come to a fun arrangement with her like he had with the Lioness. So, with a last gasp, Jon grabbed the knob and turned it, finally being able to see who it was.

His earlier worries flew away when he saw the golden hair, the slender, petite female figure and piercing green eyes that looked at him with anger and resentment. A strange look on the woman who, the last time he had seen him, had done so with such love and adoration.

Jon could never have expected that the person who was knocking so effusively was Myrcella. Though no doubt her appearance was also a surprise to him, the young Lannister had a hurt expression and the rims of her eyes were red, indicating that she had been crying, she also had her fists and teeth clenched indicating her clear anger.

"Myrcella-" Jon said, wanting to ask her why she was there, but he couldn't even finish his question before her hand impacted harshly against his cheek.

More disbelieving than hurt by the slap, Jon turned his face towards her. He could not believe what had just happened. Myrcella, the woman who worshipped the ground he walked on, had slapped him.


Honestly, this was a very difficult chapter. Not especially because it was a very complicated chapter, but rather because I didn't know exactly what to do with Margaery's character, which involved a lot of rewriting. At first I was thinking of her as just another secondary character, but now I think I'll add her to the plot. Especially with her good friend Myrcella, will there be a catfight over Jon? Probably...

Also while I was writing this chapter my mind was more on my other Fics, which the plot is arguably more interesting than this one, well at least as of today. Well at least that means it will take less time to get the next update out, which will be the exclusive One-Shot where the main female protagonist will be, Sansa. 



Oooo drama! So because of Cersei or pregnancy?

Daeron Targaryen

Hooray have the girls admit their love already


That’s the drama we’ve been waiting for. You love to see it. And there’s lots more of that to come, considering all the women he slept with and will still sleep with.