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I know I'm late, but this is a big and I really mean a big chapter. It was definitely worth stretching the chapter and add all the last minute changes, I think there is no better way to end a chapter. This story certainly has all the potential to be a much more complete and longer story. I hope you agree with me and enjoy the chapter.

I also plan to change Jon's name which I initially named him 'Jaehaerys' in this fic, but being a darker Jon, I want to give him another name more in line with the character. I have in mind Aenar or Daemon as a more suitable name, or if you have a better idea, suggest it. Maybe I'll make a poll to decide.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


As soon as they walked through the door, Ros looked up at him with a hungry smile before approaching him and leaning in as she wrapped her arms around him. Jon stiffened, his eyes widening so wide they almost drew a laugh from her as she pressed her lips to his. For the first few seconds, he didn't react and remained completely motionless. But gradually as she continued to kiss him, he relaxed and began to kiss her back. He was clearly not lying when he told her he was inexperienced, but as with most things in his life, Jon learned quickly.

As his lips melded with the beautiful redhead's, Jon regretted not having done this sooner. Ros had a sweet, almost addictive taste and that coupled with the wonderful sensation of having her curvaceous body pressed against his, it felt wonderful. Despite his slight nervousness and growing excitement, Jon couldn't keep his hands to himself any longer and reaching out a hand, he awkwardly untied her silk robe.

Ros stifled a moan in his mouth at the sensation of his rough, calloused hands running over her skin. Jon slid his hands down her sides, his fingers tickling her ribs before moving gingerly to the front of her breast. His hand wrapped around her breasts, cradling them gently. Ros parted her lips from his and arched her back, pressing her breasts firmly into his hands. Biting her lip, a moan escaped her throat as her hard nipples rubbed against his palm. Jon took the opportunity to kiss and suck on her exposed neck. With a sensual moan, Ros ran her fingers through his long curly hair and held it in place, her eyes closed as she felt his tongue run along her skin.

"Fuck, you're so fucking delicious, Ros." Jon whispered in her ear.

Smiling, Ros tightened her fingers in his hair and pulled his head down to kiss him. When she parted from his breathless lips a few seconds later, she grabbed his linen shirt and helped him remove it before she began to slide down with a smile. She left a trail of kisses, hard sucks and light, provocative bites down his chest and abs before finally reaching her target. Reaching for the drawstrings of his pants, Ros undoes them and pulls them down.

Jon's cock jumped eagerly to greet her, causing her to let out a slight giggle when it gave her a meaty slap as it slapped against her cheek. While it wasn't monstrous, it was certainly much bigger than any man she had ever been with before. Smiling excitedly at being able to be the first to taste and play with this magnificent cock, Ros placed a teasing kiss on the underside of his swollen head, feeling it pulse beneath her lips. 

"Ready to have your cock sucked, Jon Snow?" Ros asked him with an amused smile on her face as she had one hand wrapped around his member and rubbed it teasingly. She had what could only be described as a hungry look on her face, Jon gasped, and his cock throbbed with excitement as she began to stroke him more eagerly. Suddenly, she leaned forward, and her soft, wet tongue slid along his shaft.

"Oh, fuck." Jon gasped.

With a smile in her eyes, Ros slid her plump red lips over his tip. Closing his eyes with a loud moan, Jon clenched his fists. It was a struggle not to reach his climax instantly from the sensation of her warm, wet mouth wrapping around his sensitive head. He had to bite his lip to keep from moaning as she swirled her tongue around him.

Ros went down until his tip hit the back of her throat, but she didn't pull back, on the contrary, she kept it there for several seconds. The vibrations in her throat made him experience sensations like he could never have imagined before. Sealing her lips around him, Ros sucked hard before slowly pulling back.

"Ros!" Jon gasped in warning.

He relaxed a little and gasped when she finally pulled away from him, though that didn't mean he left his cock unattended. For she still had one hand sliding lightly up and down his throbbing, saliva-covered shaft.

""Come for me, Jon."" Ros said with a husky voice, using another hand to stimulate his heavy balls. "We still have plenty of time. Right now, I want to taste you, release all that delicious seed in my mouth, I'll make sure to swallow every single drop."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ros opened her mouth wide again and took him as deep as she could and wrapped her lips around his shaft. Sucking hard, she drew back to the tip. Pausing with his head still trapped in her mouth, she twirled and angled her tongue as she moved back down. 

"Ros." Jon managed to mumble before running out of breath.

It wasn't more than a second before he exploded into her hungry mouth, cumming harder than ever before. Ros worked her way back up to the tip, sucking hard as her hand stroked the rest of his length. Jon came so hard and for so long that his balls ached when he was done. He marvelled at the fact that she was able to keep it all in her mouth.

Ros lifted her gaze to his and kept her lips sealed tightly as she pulled away from him. Throwing her head back, she opened her mouth and showed him the large, thick puddle that bathed her tongue. When she closed her mouth, she looked up at him and swallowed hard.

" Bloody hell." Jon breathed, his flaccid erection coming back to life.

"Hmm." Ros moaned, licking her lips as she rubbed his renewed length, "I knew you wouldn't disappoint me."

"Like a man couldn't get hard after seeing that." Jon told her.

"A lot more than you might think, but lucky for me. I have you now." Ros told him smilingly as she stood up and kissed him.

Sliding her hands over his shoulders and down his solid chest to his toned abs. Ros wrapped her thin, slender fingers around his huge, raging cock, stroking him gently. Causing Jon to pull away from her lips and let out a deep moan at the feel of her skilled hands on his renewed erection. Gripping his length more firmly, Ros gave him an amused smile before she used his cock as a leash to pull him towards the bed in the middle of the room before roughly pushing him onto it.

Ros climbed onto the bed, straddling his waist, she leaned forward again capturing his lips, her breasts crushed against his chest. Jon groaned as she bucked her hips, rubbing her hot, dripping folds against his length. Running his hands down her back, he grabbed her ass and pulled her firmly to him and kneaded her thick cheeks.

"Ready to become a man, Jon Snow?" Ros asked him with the same amused, predatory smile on her face.

But this time Jon was not silent and attacking her neck with his lips, biting the delicate porcelain skin he whispered in her ear.

"Are you ready to take this cock?"

Ros moaned and tilted her head back as she squirmed in his lap. A moment later, she grabbed the hair on the back of his head and pulled him away. Kissing him hard, she put her hands on his shoulders and then pinned them to the mattress. The lush redhead leaned forward before reaching underneath her and lining him up with her entrance. Slowly, she lowered, enveloping him in her tight, suffocating depths.

A shuddering sigh escaped her lips as she came to rest on his thighs, Jon's entire length buried in her depths. Eyes closed; Ros moaned as she wiggled in his lap.

"Ohhh, that's so big." Ros gasped languidly.

Biting his lips, he opened his eyes and gazed lustfully as she ran her nails down his chest. Jon groaned, his hands gripping her hips tightly as he lifted her.

"Yeah, just like that." Ros hissed.

Slowly, she began to move her hips, gradually lifting herself up and then down again. Jon couldn't help but pull her down faster as she moaned. The sensation of her tight, slippery walls sliding along his length was the most incredible thing that he had ever felt. He didn't know if he had done it on purpose or not, but he was glad Ros had made him come before letting him fuck her. Because he was sure that, if he hadn't, he wouldn't have lasted more than two seconds inside her.

Ros quickly began to build up speed, her hands gripping his shoulder for leverage. Sliding his hands around her ass, Jon took two handfuls of her cheeks and used his grip to help her move.

Soon, a series of sensual moans left her lips as her ass slapped his thighs. Ros stared up at him as she rode him, her pretty greenish eyes darkened with lust.

"Harder." Ros gasped. "Come on, fuck me harder. Fuck, you're going to make me cum."

Planting his feet on the bed, Jon clenched her hips tighter and pushed his length into her throbbing depths. Panting, he thrust fast and hard. Ros gasped and moaned loud and long, her hands resting on his chest as her breasts bounced wildly. Biting her lip, her face crumpled into a rictus of pleasure a moment before she cried out.

"Yes yes yes!" Ros chanted wildly.

Lowering her hips, she collapsed on top of Jon and let out a shuddering moan. He wrapped his arms around her, caressing her back as she rolled her hips frantically. His spasming core eventually pushed him over the edge toward his own climax, his cock swelling as it throbbed, flooding her depths with powerful streams of thick, hot semen.

"Jon." Ros gasped sultry in his ear as she felt the warm sensation of his seed filling her up.

Her whole body stiffened and throbbed for a long moment before going completely limp. As she gasped, Jon smiled brightly and kissed her temple.

"Mmh." Ros moaned, nuzzling his neck as he slowly rubbed her spine. "That was amazing, I hope you're ready for the next round."

With a confident smile Jon replied.

"I'm sure I can do all day long."


Jon Snow might be many things, but he wasn't a liar. It didn't take him more than a minute to get hard again and now the tables had turned. Ros was pinned to the bed trapped under Jon's weight towering over her as he fucked her harder and faster, his hips slapping against her thick thighs. She ran her nails down his back and pushed her heels against his wonderful ass, urging him not to stop. More loud, erotic moans and gasps escaped her mouth, making his cock throb inside her. And much faster than she expected, Ros let out a loud cry and her walls clenched around him, hugging him tightly as Jon brought her to a powerful new climax.

But he was nowhere near finished with her.

Now positioned behind her, Jon had a tight grip on her hips as he rammed hard into her. Making her cheeks jiggle as a loud slapping sound erupted between their bodies. Ros let out a shuddering, lewd moan while at the same time thrusting her ass towards him in time with his thrusts. Jon moved one of his hands up and grabbed a handful of her reddish hair, pulling her head back hard, arching her neck and eliciting a loud moan from her.

"Oh, fuck, Jon. You're going to make me fucking come. Oh gods I'm going to come all over your cock!" Ros screamed at the top of her lungs.

Her warm soft walls shuddered around him as she cried out in pleasure, his hand holding her by her hair the only thing keeping her from collapsing on his face. With her legs shaking uncontrollably, he felt her arousal soaking his cock again. As soon as she finished her climax, he let go of her hair, allowing her to fall face first onto the mattress.

Jon pulled out of her and climbed on top of her. Gently stroking her back and kissing his way over her as he gave her a moment to catch her breath before lightly slapping her ass and whispering deeply in her ear.

"I hope you're ready for the next round. Because I'm not done with you yet."

"Uhhh?" was the only thing a tired and exhausted Ros managed to say before Jon entered her again.


Ros's mind went completely blank after that, though that didn't stop her from continuing to moan like the slut she was as Jon continued to pound her into the mattress. Grunting and begging for more as he spanked her ass during his thrusts, turning her pale globes a light pink colour. When he made her cum again in that position, Jon pulled out of her and rolled her over before lifting her limp body easily into his strong arms. Completely at the mercy of his will, Jon bounced her on his cock while whispering the most erotic and degrading things in her ear. Causing her walls to cling even tighter to his rock-hard shaft and more of her arousal to seep down his length.

"Fuck, I'm going to come. Ready to take my last load, slut?" Jon growled deeply into her ear.

Without the strength to even articulate words she just moaned dumbly into his ear as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

But Jon surprised her again by lifting her off his cock and making her stand on his legs. As weakened as she was, Ros fell almost immediately to her knees, but that seemed to be what Jon wanted. For he quickly began rubbing his cock as he pointed his swollen, raging head straight at her. Like the good whore she was, she moved her face right in front of his raging cock and tilted her head back while opening her mouth wide and sticking out her tongue at the same time.

It didn't take more than a couple of seconds for Jon to cum with a deep growl. Instinctively Ros closed her eyes, but still marvelled at the large amount of cum that Jon let out, shooting long streaks of hot semen that painted her face, some shots were so powerful that they went all the way to her hair. Completely used and with her face covered in his cum, Ros didn't hesitate to bend over and take his now spent cock in her lips, with every intention of getting him completely clean.

She had never had an interesting life, coming to have a slightly comfortable life being a whore, never thinking she could have a real reason to exist. But now she felt she had found a reason, this man was someone special, she was just a whore from the North, but she could still see him. And she planned to serve him, she would be his personal whore, if he so desired. After all, he had already marked her as his.


Visiting the Wintertown brothel had become one of Jon's favourite activities, after all how could he refuse the offer Ros had made him. The beautiful redhead promised him that he could come and visit her at any time, and she would serve and satisfy him in any way he wished. And on top of that, without charging him a single gold coin.

The downside was that his father and Lyanna eventually found out about his activities. Lord Stark did not like what he was doing, but apart from showing his discontent and disappointment towards him, he did nothing else. Unlike Lyanna who reproached him more harshly and even tried to forbid him to go to Wintertown again. But after he managed to escape, she lifted her 'punishment' since it did not seem to stop him in any way. But that didn't stop her from getting mad at him whenever she found out he was visiting the brothel and she made sure to always wait for him to scold him.

"Those women are beneath you Jon. Why do you demean yourself by sleeping with mere whores." Lyanna told him.

"Lowering myself?" Jon asked her sarcastically before replying, "In case you've forgotten 'mother', I am a bastard. The best I can aspire to is whores, because unlike the tales you used to tell me when I was a boy. No lady or princess has ever been interested in me and probably never will. So don't you dare reproach me about who I choose to fuck."

From that last time, Lyanna didn't bring up the subject much again, but at the same time Jon couldn't help but feel a little bad for speaking that way to Lyanna. Though fortunately for him, now whenever he felt upset or down, he had Ros to comfort him. He had become quite popular in the brothel, just as the men did, the women also liked to talk about their sexual experiences and Ros had apparently been talking quite a bit about his sexual prowess. And many of the other prostitutes also wanted to sleep with him and confirm for themselves if Ros wasn't lying or exaggerating.

Jon had no objection to more beautiful and sensual women joining him and Ros in bed. From then on, it became very recurrent for him to fuck several whores at the same time, of course making sure to leave them all completely satisfied, learning many things about how to satisfy women in the process. Although Ros was always present and there were even times when he enjoyed being alone with her. There was something special about her and it wasn't just because she had been the first woman he had ever slept with.

But it was more the way she looked at him and how she acted with him, only when he had Ros on her knees, looking up at him with adoring eyes and her lips stretched around his girth, worshipping his cock so obligingly. Only at that moment Jon was able to experience that feeling he was promised since he was a boy, Jon felt like a King. That was one of the reasons why he loved having Ros as his personal whore so much, she saw him and worshipped him as if he was truly a King, she was willing to do anything he asked her to do, to serve him in any way he demanded. When he was with her, he could forget he was a mere bastard, at least for a few hours. Though sooner or later he always had to return to his reality, to the reality of being a common bastard of the North.


"I hear you've been pretty busy lately, bastard." Jon heard Theon say as he moved to his side, both of them were watching Robb spar against another lad, under Ser Rodrik's supervision. As he did most of the time, Jon ignored the squid, but Theon seemed to be especially insistent this day, as he spoke to him again.

"Enjoying your time with Ros quite a bit, eh bastard? I hope you didn't fall in love with a whore just because she was the first to touch your little prick." Theon finished by saying with a smirk on his face.

Tired of having to put up with the constant whispers and taunts towards him, this time Jon decided to respond to Theon.

"I've grown quite fond of Ros, but nothing remotely close to love, Greyjoy. I can assure you of that, though I can't say the same for you. Since you sound rather jealous that I've hoarded her all to myself. Tell me what bothers you the most? The fact that she or any of the other whores are so eager for my cock that they won't charge me a dime to fuck them or that Ros confessed to me that I gave her more orgasms in one night than you could ever give her in all your visits." Jon finished by looking down at him with an arrogant, challenging grin.

"You really think you're special, don't you bastard? You can fuck as many whores as you want, but that doesn't change the fact that you're destined to live and die with nothing to your name. Unlike me or Robb, we are true born sons, we will rule the castles of our fathers and fuck the sweet virginal cunt of a noblewoman and the children they give us will bear our name. Something you will never experience, bastard. So, I suggest you enjoy your whores, for that is the best you will ever get." Theon told him, proud of his words, thinking he had humiliated him. But as always, Jon showed no reaction, holding back any reaction he might have. Because he knew that if he didn't, it would end very badly for the little squid, and he would be in a lot of trouble.

But Theon didn't seem to like that and wanting to get a reaction out of him, he said the most stupid and reckless thing he could think of, without stopping to think about the consequences of his words.

"And come to think of it, there's always been a lady I've been interested in. I doubt very much if she could be my wife since she's a used product. But I'm sure she could serve very well as my salt wife. After all, Lyanna Stark has maintained herself very well-".

Theon could not finish the sentence as he felt a huge pressure close around his throat and then felt himself being lifted off the ground. Theon twisted and kicked desperately at the air as he tried to free himself from Jon's tight grip, but the pressure he felt around his neck was so strong he felt it would break his neck and with each passing second, he felt closer to suffocation. Theon thought he was really going to kill him, but he also saw the commotion around him. And with more people surrounding Jon, forcing him to let go, Theon fell roughly to the ground as he began to breathe desperately.

Finally, recovering and raising his gaze to Jon, he saw that he was being held by Ser Rodrik, Robb and several others. Furious, Theon stood up and shouted angrily at him.

"You damned bastard, you almost killed me."

Robb stopped his advance, putting an arm over his chest and preventing the situation from escalating further.

"Talk about her again and I really will." Jon told him menacingly.

Ned was not present on this occasion, and it was up to Ser Rodrik to control the situation.

"Enough, I have no idea what you stupid boys have been fighting about. But you are here to train, and if you want to settle a disagreement do it in a proper duel, the old way."

"I don't think that would be wise, Ser Rodrik." Robb argued against the idea.

But Jon was quick to say provocatively.

"It's fine with me. If the Greyjoy doesn't fag." 

"You're a dead man Snow." Theon responded effusively, accepting the challenge. Being stupid enough to believe he actually stood a chance against him. Though maybe he had something to do with that.

For all these years, every time they faced each other, Jon just defended himself and acted as if he was really having a hard time to overcome him. Giving the illusion that they were 'evenly matched' in skill. Everyone was completely unaware that it was because Jon was holding back the whole time. Unfortunately for Theon it would not be the last time his recklessness and big mouth would get him into trouble.

Robb seeing that it had come to this gave in and let them sort out their problems in their own way. Everyone gave them room to grab their training swords and get ready, but Jon decided to surprise everyone and in an act of arrogance or extreme confidence in his victory, ditched his training armour. Many people gathered to witness the fight, Ser Rodrik stood in the middle of the two and gave each of them a stern look that none seemed to notice as their gazes were fixed on their opponent. But just the same the old knight made sure to remind them.

"The fight will be over as soon as one of your surrenders, be disarmed or knocked out. Or else I will be forced to intervene, understood?"

Both of them gave slight nods at the old man's words, though they hardly seemed to catch his words. But just the same, Ser Rodrik gave the order for them to begin.

For the first time in all these years, Jon did not wait for his opponent to attack him and limit himself to only defending or dodging. Pretending he was having a hard time keeping up with them, making it more believable every time he was defeated or making his victory look more challenging. He was tired of holding back, he was tired of hiding, he was tired of pretending to be weak when he was not. He would show Theon his true face and what he was capable of.

Moving towards him at an impressive speed, Jon raised his sword and swung it at him with tremendous force. Theon was barely able to block the attack, his whole body leaning back and his arms almost giving way under the blow. But Jon without leaving him time to breathe, using his superior strength managed to push him back by putting more pressure on his sword, knocking him even more off balance and making it almost impossible for him to protect himself from his next attack. Jon landed a hard blow to its side, probably breaking one of its ribs and making the little squid scream in pain.

But he had to give it to him, the little Greyjoy tried to stay on his feet. Though not with much excitement, as he was on his knees with one arm over the place where he had hit him and looking at him with a look full of hatred as he got closer to him. When he was close enough, he tried to swing his sword at him, but with no real force behind the attack it was easy for Jon to block it and disarm him before holding him tightly by his hair and making him look up at him.

Jon dropped his sword and leaning down so that his face was inches from his, he warned him.

"If her name ever comes out of your filthy mouth again or you even dare to set your gaze upon her, I will not stop hitting you."

Without the need to say anything else, Jon remarked his warning by striking him violently, knocking him out instantly. Ser Rodrik appeared at his side a few seconds later and gave him an angry glare, indicating that he would be in trouble for this. But Jon couldn't care less. The old knight instructed a couple of lads to lift Theon up and take him to the Maester.

"You didn't have to go that far, Jon." Robb said as he caught up with him.

"Mind your own business, Stark." Jon replied, but that didn't seem to stop his brother.

"The way you fought Theon. I've never seen you fight like that, there was true determination in your eyes, I haven't seen you fight like that since the last time you defeated me."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jon told him quickly, trying to evade his suspicions.

"Do you take me for a fool? Do you seriously think I haven't noticed how all these years you've been holding back every time you fight me?" Jon ignored his brother making his anger grow even more, before he asked him demandingly. "Why?"

Stopping and turning to his brother, Jon said. "Why don't you ask her?" while at the same time pointing his gaze towards Lady Stark who had been watching the whole thing.

Gritting his teeth and surely annoyed at being underestimated and played for a fool, Robb said to her.

"Fight me, for real this time."

Jon considered his challenge, but before he could even think of responding, Lady Stark decided to interrupt by shouting.

"No, don't you even dare Robb Stark, I forbid it."

Jon let out a snort, amused at the way Lady Stark overprotected her sons, humiliating Robb before all the young soldiers in the process, by getting into a challenge he had proposed.

 Was she planning to go to war with Robb as well? Jon thought amusedly.

Taking pity on his brother, Jon said amusedly.

"You should listen to your mother, Stark." Without waiting for a reply, Jon turned and walked away. Leaving behind an annoyed and humiliated Robb. And his angry and indignant mother, but unlike her son Lady Stark decided to follow him and confront him. Although things would not turn out as she thought.


Catelyn walked swiftly through the halls of Winterfell, trying to catch up with the bastard. This time she would not let his actions go unpunished again, she had to convince Ned once and for all to cast him out of the castle. The bastard had just shown his true nature, even though she always knew it, everyone chose to ignore her. But she was always right about him, it was in his nature to be a spiteful, treacherous, and lustful creature. He spent most of his days visiting the brothels of Wintertown, he was a threat to her children and now, he had shown just how dangerous he could be.

But he had made a mistake, after the show he had put on today and the way he had brutally beaten the Greyjoy boy, she had a real reason to ask her husband to expel him from Winterfell. She was aware that she had humiliated her son by inferring in his fight against the bastard, but as a mother she could not let Robb fight that savage. The way he had beaten and humiliated the Greyjoy boy had reminded her quite a bit of when her Brandon had savagely beaten little Petyr.

Catelyn blushed slightly at the memory of her first love, especially at the way she felt when she saw him strike Petyr on her behalf. And the things she had let him do to her as a way of claiming his 'prize', even though they were not yet husband and wife. But after recalling those pleasant memories, anger came flooding back, she hated how much the bastard resembled her Brandon. And fortunately for her, the target of her anger and contempt appeared right in front of her.

The bastard as always tried to walk past her, but this time she blocked his path, stepping in front of him. And before he could even utter a word, Catelyn raised a hand and slammed it hard against his right cheek, causing his face to turn slightly to the side. But despite the force she put into her blow, the bastard didn't seem to look affected as he returned his gaze to her with a cheeky grin before saying.

"I'm usually the one doing the smacking."

Angered by his nerve and insolence Catelyn told him angrily.

"You insolent bastard, after all my husband has done for you, this is how you repay him? After all these years, you seem to have forgotten your place."

Catelyn tried to strike him again, but this time Jon stopped her blow. Outraged that the bastard dared to touch her, Catelyn tried to use her free hand, but Jon captured that hand with ease as well. But he didn't stop there, holding both hands above her head, Jon pushed her against the hallway wall as he towered over her. Catelyn held her breath as she looked completely helpless against the bastard, being in this very position brought back past memories.


 Catelyn tried to stifle the moan that escaped her lips with her hand as Brandon played and squeezed her breasts. Squeezing a handful of her left breast as he kissed, sucked, and nibbled on the right one.

"Fuck, you Tully women sure have nice tits. These will be perfect for feeding my children." Brandon told her with a hungry grin as he pinched her nipple.

"We shouldn't be doing this, Brandon. We're not married yet." Catelyn told him, but just the same without making a real attempt to stop him. For she was quite enjoying his rough treatment and was even more excited than usual, having seen him beat Petyr.

"We are engaged just the same, Catelyn. We will soon be married, and a wife's duty is to serve and please her Lord husband, isn't that right Catelyn? Don't you want to be a good wife to me?"

"Of course I want to be a good wife to you, Brandon." Catelyn hastened to say, "I want to know how to serve and please you."

"Then let me teach you how to be a good wife." Brandon told her with a pleased smile, before ordering her. "Get down on your knees."

 Being practically trained and taught since she was a child to be a willing and obedient wife, Catelyn obeyed. Gently running a hand through her long reddish hair, Brandon gave her another command.

"Take out my cock."

Excitedly and nervously, Catelyn undid the laces of his pants and let them drop, freeing the eager cock of the man who would soon be her husband. Catelyn's eyes widened almost comically at the sight of its size and shape, she had only ever seen one other cock in her life, and they couldn't have been more different. Even though they were no longer really children, Lysa kept inviting Petyr to swim with them in the river, obviously being naked was where she could see his manhood, if you could call it that. Petyr's cock in her sister's own words was ' pretty and of a decent size'. Though to Catelyn it seemed much smaller than she thought it would be and almost seemed harmless. And that Petyr was always erect at the sight of the Tully sisters completely naked, even if it seemed his gaze was only fixed on her, something his sister noted with annoyance.

On the other side, Brandon's cock now towering intimidatingly above her, it was thick and veiny, the head was a furious red. She only snapped out of her trance when Brandon tightened his grip on her hair and rubbed the head of his cock against her lips before he gave her his final command.

"Come on dear wife, serve your husband."

Needing no further inducement, Catelyn did as she was commanded. Her mouth stretched around his thick shaft as she descended his length, fighting the nauseating feeling of having something so large shoved into her mouth and began bobbing her head up and down.

"Fuck, you're better than I expected, Catelyn. Have you done this before? Maybe with the skinny boy I fought with? Is that why he challenged me?" Brandon asked teasingly.

Pulling away from his cock, Catelyn hastened to tell him.

"No, I have never done this with anyone. Petyr just my friend, he's completely harmless, he never touched me."

" Good, that means you're a natural cock sucking slut." Brandon told her as he laughed and pushed his cock back into her mouth.

Catelyn knew this was no way to treat a Lady, especially not the daughter of a great Lord like her father was. She should not be sucking Brandon's cock as if she were a mere whore and above all she should not be completely wet from doing so and enjoying his humiliating words. But she was, she was enjoying every second of it and especially when Brandon promised her.

"I will make you the perfect wife Catelyn, you will be the envy of all the Ladies of the North. All my subordinates will desire you, but you will be mine alone. In public you will be the perfect wife and Lady, elegant and proud. But when it is just you and me, in the privacy of our rooms, you will be my red slut. Your sole purpose and duty will be to milk my cock in any way I desire."

Even as Brandon pushed his huge cock into her mouth, Catelyn let out a deep moan. She couldn't imagine anything better than that, she couldn't wait for Brandon to be her husband and to show her enthusiasm, she sucked him even harder.

But sadly for her, that promise was never fulfilled. Not long after, news came that Prince Rhaegar had kidnapped Lyanna Stark. Brandon did not hesitate to ride south and pursue Rhaegar, but no one could foresee what would happen next. Brandon was taken prisoner, only to be killed along with his father on the orders of the Mad King.

After that, war broke out. She did not even have time to mourn her true love when she was forced to marry Brandon's brother, Ned Stark. As a Tully she had to do her duty, a part of her wishing Ned could be like Brandon, but the two brothers could not have been more different. Perhaps Ned and Brandon shared the typical Stark features, but nothing more. Ned didn't have Brandon's tall, confident frame, he didn't have Brandon's charming smile. In fact, he didn't even seem capable of smiling. When Ned laid eyes on her, there seemed to be no lust in his eyes, unlike Brandon, who didn't seem to wait to undress and ravish her.

On the night they consummated their marriage, she did not feel the passion she had felt with Brandon. Ned climbed into her and simply did his duty, he was gentle and kind. But beyond that, she felt nothing. They lay a couple more times in the same way before Ned had to go to war.

The months passed and the pain of losing Brandon faded, though she could never really forget him or the way she felt when she was with him. When the war finally ended, she waited for Ned with their son in her arms, ready to start a new life with him. He may not have been Brandon, but at least she was sure he would be a good husband and a good father to her children. When Ned returned to her, though, he didn't do it alone. The woman who started this whole conflict and partly responsible for Brandon's death was by her side and as if that wasn't enough, he also brought a bastard with him.

Although Catelyn has learned to love Ned over the years, she has always held a grudge against him for betraying her and bringing a bastard with him. She remembered well what they said about bastards, 'they are born out of passion'. And Ned never felt passion for her. That's why she always dreamed of Brandon, imagining what her life would have been like if only he had lived.


But now she felt as if that same man she had fantasized so much about had returned. Holding her firmly against the wall, impatient to have his way with her. His eyes so full of lust that they turned completely dark. It was the same dominant attitude of being unafraid to take what was his. That confident smile and intimidating presence.

Catelyn was so consumed by the moment that when she felt his strong body press against hers, her large breasts sinking against his muscular torso and felt the shape of his impressive cock rub against her belly. Catelyn couldn't contain the moan she let out, surprising both her and Jon.

But that didn't seem to stop him, as he brought his face dangerously close to hers, his lips only an inch away from hers. Catelyn feared what might happen if he actually kissed her.

Would she be strong enough to fight the desire she had been repressing for so long within her? Would she show her true nature to the bastard? Would she give in to her lowest and darkest desires?

When Jon didn't seem to stop, Catelyn simply closed her eyes and braced herself for the moment, wanting to relive that feeling she felt so long ago. But as the seconds ticked by, Catelyn didn't feel his lips against hers. And finally reopening her eyes, she found Jon had pulled back and was looking at her with an arrogant, amused smile before telling her.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's been repressing his true nature. I'm glad we're getting to know each other better, Catelyn."

Catelyn was speechless and the only sound that escaped from her lips was a loud gasp as Jon squeezed her hard nipple that was showing despite the thick fabric of her dress. Covering her breasts protectively, she watched Jon walk away with a dark laugh, leaving her completely perplexed and fearful of the next time they would meet again, but equally excited and thrilled. 


I should have kissed her, ripped off that dress and squeezed and bit those breasts as I had so dreamed of. Turn her around and lean her against the wall and take her like a whore. Jon thought, mentally berating himself. Some time ago he had started fantasizing about Catelyn, when he fucked Ros, he imagined he was actually fucking the proud Lady Stark, making her moan like a slut and making her beg for his cock.

What he didn't expect, was that Lady Stark seemed to have fantasies of her own, hearing her let out a moan as he held her down and watching as she docilely prepared for him to kiss her, was a pleasant surprise. At that moment he could think of nothing else but taking what was probably the most beautiful woman in Winterfell, alongside Lyanna. But a voice inside him told him that it was not the moment, Jon thought about ignoring it at first. But it told him that women like Catelyn Stark had to come kneeling before him and beg for his touch. Jon liked the sound of that too and complied, only settling for giving her erect nipples a firm squeeze that teased him through the fabric of her dress. Although having done that now left him wanting more, much more. He would not be satiated until he had her completely.

Jon was pulled from his thoughts when he heard someone knocking effusively on his door. His first thought was that it was Lord Stark, Jon wondered if Catelyn had told him everything that had happened between the two of them, but not really caring if she had. Jon went to open his door, slightly surprised to see that it was not Lord Stark, but Lyanna.

She had a serious and angry expression on her face as she passed him, standing in the middle of his room with her arms folded. Jon let out a sigh and closed the door before turning to her.

"What you did was stupid and irrational." Lyanna told him.

Rather doubting that she was talking about his encounter with Catelyn, Jon assumed she was referring to Theon. And following that logic, he replied.

"He was asking for it a long time ago. Someone had to teach him that his actions or 'words' have consequences." Jon told her.

"Maester Luwin says he has two broken ribs and a broken nose." Lyanna mentioned to him.

"I think I went pretty easy on him."

"Is that what you really think?" Lyanna asked incredulously, before shaking her head and telling him. "That's not like you, Jon."

 "No! You see, that's where you're wrong. That was me 'mother'." Jon told her strongly as he walked over to her and confessed. "I always wanted to do that, I always wanted to break the fucking face of anyone who would whisper things behind our backs, about you or me, and I finally did. And you know what the best thing is? It felt good, it felt amazing." Jon finished by declaring, raising his voice again, but this time in jubilation.

"I'm done with not being able to do the things I want to do, I'm done holding back, I'm done hiding my true potential, I'm done pretending to be something I'm not. I don't plan on going back, I finally feel like myself. I don't care if father expels me from the castle. From now on, I plan on living my life the way I always wanted to, my way. Not your will, or fathers, or what the world dictates for me. I am Jon Snow and I promise you mother, the world will remember my name."

Lyanna raised her hands and cradled his face in her hands only as a mother could, looking proudly at him before she said.

"I never wished for you to live your life at my will, my son. Nor did I ever wish for you to feel that way for so many years, it's all my fault. I should never have let that happen."

Letting out a sigh and trying to calm himself, Jon took her hand and kissed it tenderly. He never wished to yell at Lyanna or wished for her to feel guilty for the things he had to go through. He loved her more than anyone and not wanting her to feel bad, he told her.

"It's not your fault."

But she quickly retorted by saying.

"Yes, it is. I made a lot of mistakes. I was too patient, too permissive. I should have told you the truth a long time ago, I should never have let it get to this point. But all that ends now, now you are ready to take your true place and know your true name. You're ready to know the whole truth, and I couldn't be happier and prouder for that."

Confused and curious, Jon couldn't help but ask her.

"What truth? What are you soft about?"

With a smile, Lyanna told him.

"You'll know soon enough, my sweet boy. But before you know something so important, you need to calm down and unburden all that you have pent up."

"I'm calm and I'm not pent up about anything." Jon argued, more interested in knowing what truth she was referring to.

"Shhh, don't argue with mom. Just let me take care of you." Lyanna said, speaking softly and soothingly as she moved her hands over his shoulders and began massaging his hard muscles. Making Jon let out a pleasant grunt at the pleasurable sensation.

"That feels good." Jon said.

"This is just the beginning." Lyanna replied with a smile. As she leaned down and leaned over him, kissing his chest and up his collarbone to his neck. "I promised you many things and I assure you they will all come true, but now. Let mama fulfill one of them, a Highborn Lady at your complete disposal. Ready for you to use and release all your frustrations on her."

"What?" Jon asked confused, not understanding what she meant. But he was even more confused when Lyanna took advantage of him lowering his gaze to her and wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him down so she could kiss him deeply.

Jon was more surprised than when he was kissed for the first time, he couldn't believe that Lyanna was kissing him. But as the seconds ticked by, Jon forgot all about it and just let himself go. He tilted his head slightly to one side and leaned forward slowly. His eyes closed as he kissed her soft, full lips. He felt Lyanna inhale deeply through her nose and ran her fingers through his hair, pushing his head forward more firmly as her lips moved against his. Jon stroked her lower back with his fingertip with a feather light touch, making her moan against his lips. When he parted from her lips only because of the compelling need to breathe, Lyanna didn't let two seconds pass before she slid her tongue back into his mouth as her hands tugged lightly on his hair.

As her tongue slid along his, tasting him deeply. Jon didn't let Lyanna have all the initiative and sliding his hands down her back to her wide, perky ass, as he always wished to do. Jon rested his palms on her round, muscular cheeks, giving them a firm squeeze over her leather riding breeches. She closed her lips around his lower lip and sucked lightly on it as she pulled back. Lyanna looked at him amused to see the wide, goofy grin that formed on his flushed face.

"Does your mommy kiss better than your whores?" Lyanna asked him with a confident smile.

"Much better." Jon replied quickly.

With a broad smile, Lyanna said.

"I'm not done kissing you yet, my sweet boy."

Lyanna gave him a sensual smile before slowly dropping to her knees. Quickly untying the laces of his trousers and letting them fall, Lyanna wrapped her long, slender fingers around his growing erection. As she held his stiff cock, a large, predatory smile tugged at her lips.

"Oh, my sweet boy is a big boy now. I'm happy to see you growing so big and strong." Lyanna told him with a wink.

Staring hungrily at his member, Lyanna gently ran her hand up and down, exploring every inch of his shaft. Jon swallowed heavily and gasped with excitement as he watched her lean forward and kiss his swollen tip with her soft, full lips. Once she moistened with her saliva, Lyanna firmly grasped the lower half of his length before opening her lips wide and swallowing almost half of his cock.

Moaning, Jon ran a hand through her long dark hair as she rocked back and forth with slow, sensual movements over the tip. Lyanna focused almost exclusively on his head, sucking hard and swirling her tongue around his swollen, sensitive glans. Finally, she pulled away completely and gave him a gentle kiss on the tip.

"You have such a wonderful cock." Lyanna said softly, almost purring the words. Her breath bathed his wet head as she traced her fingers lightly along his shaft. "I love how big and hard it feels in my mouth."

After lovingly kissing the head of his cock, she swallowed him again, her lips stretched around his girth. With a sensual moan, Lyanna began to bob her head, this time taking him deeper with each new descent. Pulling back to the tip, lifting her gaze to him she gazed lovingly at him with her beautiful grey eyes before moving forward. Jon gasped as she swallowed him whole without even breaking eye contact.

With her hands holding his hips and her nose pressed firmly against his groin, Lyanna moaned. Her exquisitely tight throat throbbing around his length.

"Fuck." Jon gasped, his shaft swelling with excitement.

Pulling back to half his length, her lips sealed tightly around his shaft. Lyanna paused before plunging him back into her ravenous mouth. She moved back and forth, ramming his thick, swollen head and his broad shaft into her throat again and again. Through it all, she managed to keep her eyes locked on his, the corners of her mouth creased in a smirk.

Jon curled his toes and closed his eyes, fighting his impending climax wanting this incredible pleasure to last as long as possible. Unfortunately, Lyanna was relentless, pulling back only for a moment to catch her breath before swallowing again.

"Fuck, mom." Jon gasped in warning.

But instead of slowing down or pulling back, Lyanna took a deep breath through her nose and buried it in her throat with a choked moan. As her tongue licked the underside of his throbbing shaft, she moved her head back and forth in short, quick movements.

Unconsciously, Jon's hand tightened around her hair and his hips began to move back and forth. A shudder ran through his body as he erupted deep in her throat, sending numerous streams of hot semen directly into her stomach. Feeling it pulsing and throbbing, Lyanna took him as deeply as she could and wrapped her arms around his waist to hold him in place. Moaning sensuously, she shook her head slightly from side to side as he emptied himself into her mouth.

When his peak finally subsided, Lyanna slowly pulled back, her lips sealed around him as she sucked hard. Jon shuddered and his hips jerked as her lips passed over his hypersensitive head, draining every last drop into her sucking mouth.

" Bloody fucking hell." Jon gasped, almost breathless. "That was..."

Lyanna giggled as she gave him a smug smile before asking.

"So, tell me Jon. Are those whores better than your mother?"

Jon didn't answer, as he was completely speechless.

Laughing, Lyanna gave his spent cock one last kiss before telling him.

"You don't need those whores, my love. Your mother promised you Highborn ladies, princesses, and you will have them all. But don't forget, your mother will be the one who loves you the most, my love. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, Jon."

Reaching out a hand and helping her to her feet. Once she was standing, this time he was the one who wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately. When they broke apart, Lyanna said to him.

"That was just the beginning, my boy. Mama is going to do many more things for you, to repay you for all those years I was so neglectful to you. But before you can have me completely. You have to know the whole truth and make your decision."

Jon had almost completely forgotten about that, but he asked her anyway.

"What decision?"

"The most important decision you'll ever make in your entire life, honey. Depending on what you choose, your life will change forever and quite possibly, it will also change the course of Westeros' history, forever.”


Don't forget to let me know your thoughts, I'll see you in the next and last update of the month. Which will be OF, which won the last poll.