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Well this is the first of the Exclusives I have planned for the ' Knight' Tier for all those who give a little bit more. My plan from now on is to update five times a month and two of those updates will be exclusive for this Tier. Feel free to let me know if you like these One-shots and want to see more with different women or would prefer a longer story like The Targaryen Restoration. Without anything else to say, I hope you enjoy the story.

Jon Snow's name is Daeron.

A special shout out to my Patreon 'KynigostheKing' who was the one who suggested the idea for this story.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


"House Tyrell would be very proud to cover all the expenses necessary to fund the royal wedding. It is the least we could do to show our gratitude to His Grace, King Aegon for accepting this union with my lovely daughter, Margeary. Of course, I am aware that a wedding of this magnitude should not skimp on luxury and lavishness, and I assure you that the Highgarden coffers will be up to the task."

Lord Mace Tyrell declared proudly and pompously as he stood and addressed the entire small council, more specifically to his brother.

He and Aegon shared a not at all impressed look at the ridiculously pretentious and pompous request from the Lord of Highgarden. Settling back in his chair, Aegon replied as he stared at Lord Mace Tyrell.

"That is very generous of you my Lord, but as much as House Tyrell would be 'proud' to take on this responsibility, the crown cannot allow it. This is an alliance, and I cannot let my 'good father' bear all the expenses of my wedding. The crown will do its part and we will make sure to cover half of the expenses. Something we can afford, can't we Lord Baelish?" Aegon finished by saying, addressing the Master of Coin.

Daeron never liked Littlefinger, he could be as witty and clever as many say. Surely, he must have been, for somehow coming from a small House in one of the least interesting places in Westeros. Baelish managed to amass a remarkable fortune in a short period of time and to occupy an important place in the King's small council. But despite that, no one seemed to pay much attention to him or give him a second glance, most likely due to his frail countenance and that he came from a small and unknown house.

But Daeron had a sharper eye than most, behind that frail countenance and helpful, casual attitude. Daeron could see the true ambition behind those grey-green eyes, especially whenever his gaze strayed to the iron throne. Although it could be said that almost every man in Kings landing desired the iron throne, there was a slight difference. Not everyone was willing to do or sacrifice whatever it took to actually even attempt to sit on it, but he was certain that Baelish was willing to do such things in favour of getting what he wanted.

As his brother's Hand of the King, Daeron had a list of men who might pose a possible threat to his family and the Kingdom at large. And unlike anyone would think, Littlefinger was at the top of that list.

"Of course, Your Grace." Lord Baelish declared, with his distinctive kind and helpful smile. Though Daeron had long ago noticed that this 'smile' never seemed to reach his eyes. "His Grace has managed the gold very well in his rule and the crown's coffers are replenished and ready for use." Baelish finished by saying flatteringly.

Aegon merely nodded and said, "Well, the crown will take care of half of the royal wedding expenses." When Lord Mace seemed to want to say something else again, his brother beat him to it and hastened to say firmly. "That is my final decision and there will be no more discussion on the subject."

Lord Tyrell nodded to his brother and resumed his seat in his chair. Aegon now turning to address to the small council at large, said.

"Any other business that requires my attention?"

When the room fell into a deep silence, implying that there was nothing more important to discuss. Aegon finally called the meeting to a close.

"All right then, aside from the Royal wedding I plan to organize a tourney to celebrate Lady Margaery's arrival at Kings Landing. We will discuss the details tomorrow, until then. Dismissed."

Without needing to hear anything else, all the members of the small council rose hastily except for him. And they bowed to Aegon before finally leaving, as the last of them exited the room and one of the guards closed the door behind them. Aegon was finally able to lean back and rub his face tiredly with a groan, before saying.

"I can never understand how father did this for fifteen years, with a mortal wound that was slowly killing him."

Daeron let out a snort as he heard his brother's words and also wondering the same thing.

How on earth had their father endured these meetings, accompanied by the crippling pain he felt from the wound Robert Baratheon had left him.

Everyone said that Rhaegar Targaryen had defeated Robert Baratheon at the trident. And they were right, but you could also say that Robert was the one who ended up killing Rhaegar and you would also be right.

When both men and their armies met at the trident, they both knew that this would be the battle that would decide the course of the war and the man who won would most likely rule Westeros. And they were right, it was a fight that would be sung about for years to come.

Rhaegar and Robert first met on horseback, crashing hard into each other. His father managed to fend off the mighty blows of Robert's hammer, but Robert ended up knocking him down, but even at a disadvantage Rhaegar managed to cut the legs off Robert's horse, causing him to fall as well and have to continue the fight on his feet. Father had been a skilled swordsman, trained since childhood by the finest knights in the realm, such as Ser Barristan Selmy or Ser Arthur Dayne, but Robert was not a force to be taken lightly. It was said that with his helmet on the usurper could reach up to seven feet tall, with an enormous strength, pushed to its limits by his desire for revenge. For a reason he was called 'the demon of the trident' despite his defeat.

After gruelling minutes, Father's skill and agility overcame Robert's brute strength and he ended up plunging his sword directly into Robert's chest, piercing through his thick armour. It was a deadly blow without a doubt, if Robert had been an ordinary man, he would have died on the spot, but Robert was not an ordinary man. He would not die without dealing one last blow to his greatest enemy, the man who in his eyes had taken something that belonged to him. Robert raised his war hammer one last time and with a last effort managed to give Rhaegar a clean blow to his chest, it is said that the blow was so violent that the rubies that adorned the breastplate of his armour were scattered over the river.

Miraculously the blow did not kill his father, but the wound was something that would stay with him for the rest of his life. It took several weeks for his father to recover from the blow and he had many consequences, one of which was that he could never lift a sword again. It is even said that he could not even sing again, he tired quickly, suffered constant pain and with each passing year the wound seemed to consume him more and more.

But despite the terrible pain he felt and how weakened his condition had become, Rhaegar managed to rule for fifteen years, bringing order and stability to Westeros after the war they had suffered. He managed to bring times of peace and prosperity to the entire continent, the likes of which had not been seen since the time of the Conciliator. But sadly, as Westeros progressed, the King's health deteriorated, and despite being seen by countless Maesters and healers, none could do much for the King, other than ease the pain.

Finally, after resisting as long as he could and falling to a terrible fever, Rhaegar Targaryen was too weak to fight it and finally succumbed to the disease. His family and the realm mourned the death of their King, but Daeron had no doubt that his father Rhaegar Targaryen I would be remembered as one of the greatest Kings Westeros had ever had.

Rising to his feet, Daeron took the decanter of wine and poured two goblets, one for himself and one for his brother. Handing him a goblet, he said to Aegon.

"Father was born to rule. As were you, brother. You were both blessed with a great sense of duty, wisdom, and patience. Most of all patience." He finished by saying amusedly, managing to draw a smile from his brother's stern face.

Despite his amused attitude, Daeron really meant those words. Aegon was the one who most resembled father, and not just in looks. His brother inherited most of his father's Valyrian features, from his tall frame and slender figure, with long, silvery hair. Although he had inherited his mother's dark brown eyes. And besides resembling Rhaegar physically, he also had his personality and shared the same tastes. Aegon was always the calmer and more serene of the two, preferring a book to a sword, enjoying spending his days meditating or playing his harp. But still, like his father, he never neglected his training lessons, he was not as skilled as he was, but he could certainly defend himself.

On the other hand, Daeron had inherited almost everything from his mother. From her appearance and temperament, he had the classic features of a northern man. With his dark, curly hair, a stockier and more muscular build, with a sharp jaw and a thick beard that covered it. But unlike his brother, he inherited his father's dark indigo eyes. Daeron was also much more temperamental than his father and brother were, everyone said he had inherited the wolf blood just like his mother. Daeron preferred more stimulating and physical activities, such as sword fighting, participating in jousting, traveling all over the continent and, above all, fucking.

  That was one of the reasons why Daeron thanked the gods that he was not the crown prince. He preferred much more to be the second son and let Aegon being the more responsible one take care of everything, while he enjoyed the privileges of being a prince. Well, lately he couldn't do it much, since Aegon made him his hand, but he owed his brother a lot and he couldn't refuse him. Though he certainly hated these damned boring meetings, but all for family.

"You'll be fine, brother. You're doing so well so far; I'm sure father would be proud." Daeron told him encouragingly, trying to lift his spirits.

"I appreciate your words brother and hope I can continue to count on your support. Things have certainly gotten easier since I dismissed Connington and made you, my Hand." Aegon told him, making him raise his glass to him as a toast, gods know that man served his father well, but since his death he never seemed to be the same. Last he heard from him he had been drinking himself to death.

"You're not going to have to do this alone Aegon. Gods know our father couldn't have done all the things he did without the help of his wives and of his own mother." Both brothers took sips of their wine before Daeron continued, "Besides, I'm sure Lady Margaery will be up to the task as a wife and Queen, I've only heard good things about her."

"Me too, I suppose I'll find out in three days, when she arrives in the capital. I hope I can get to know her well enough before she officially becomes my wife and Queen." Aegon told him, before finishing by saying with a slight sneer. "Not all of us have your fortune to meet the perfect woman since we are children, do we brother?"

Daeron could not refute against that, his brother was right, he had been very blessed. Even as a green child, Daeron always knew who he would take as his wife, there would be no other woman in all the Seven Kingdoms that could even compare to the beauty of his Aunt Daenerys. She would be his and no one was going to stop him, not even his father. One of the many plans that Rhaegar wanted to implement for his own family was to end once and for all the inter-family relationships that the Targaryen’s had been practicing for generations. That is why one of the first marriages he arranged for his sons was to marry Rhaenys to Renly Baratheon, to definitively bury the hatchet with the Baratheon’s and unify their houses again. Daeron didn't like this idea at all, that his sister would be given to a House that had rebelled against them, but he couldn't do much about it.

But once he learned that his father planned to marry Daenerys to Willas Tyrell and him to Arianne Martell, this time he would not stand idly by. By now he and Daenerys had already confessed their love for each other and with neither of them willing to be given to others, they made the decision to run away. And to highlight their act of rebellion, Daeron took Daenerys to the same place where his father had escaped with his mother, to the tower of joy. Obviously, it would not be long before they were found, but by then Daeron and Daenerys had already been married in front of the old and new gods, and the marriage had been consummated. As many times as possible, after all they were two young lovers who had eloped and were deeply in love.

Seeing this, Rhaegar had no choice but to accept their union, surprisingly to Daeron, he didn't seem all that angry or disappointed with them for their actions. Although it could be said that Aegon had to pay for the consequences of their actions, since in exchange for not getting a Targaryen princess the Tyrells demanded a new marriage. Which would be that of Aegon with Lady Margaery, that was practically one of the last decrees Rhaegar made before he passed away and although Aegon was not very on board with the idea, he would not refuse a request from his father.

"I can't argue with that brother, I was truly blessed to have had Daenerys by my side from the beginning. But I'm sure you'll get along very well with your wife, after all there must be a reason they call her 'the most beautiful rose in Highgarden', mustn't there? At least you can count on her being beautiful enough for you to enjoy your marriage to her and hopefully, she'll be a more than suitable Queen." Daeron said hopefully to his brother.

 "I hope you are right, brother." Aegon told him taking another drink from his goblet.

"Hey, it's going to be alright." Daeron told him placing his hand on his shoulder and giving it a comforting squeeze, before adding more lightly. "And if it doesn't, if Margaery Tyrell turns out to be an unbearable bitch. Your only duty to her is to put a baby or two in her belly, and from there you can take as many mistresses as you like. Gods know you're going to need a stress reliever if you're going to have to endure meetings like this."

Letting out an amused snort Aegon told her, "Sometimes I wonder what Dany saw in you."

"I suppose the same thing all women see, dear brother. A handsome and charming Targaryen prince, blessed with incredible skill with sword and tongue. And an even better cock." Daeron declared casually and confidently.

Shaking his head amusedly, Aegon told him. "And after that, I can't help but wonder. How does she put up with you?"

To which he replied with a winning smile.

"Because she, being my wife, is the primary woman who enjoys all my great gifts."

Daeron didn't have to explain to his brother what he meant when he said ' primarily'. His brother was well aware of his aunt and brother's habits of inviting beautiful women into their bed. Raising his glass one last time and finishing his drink, Aegon muttered loud enough for him to hear.

"You lucky bastard."

Laughing loudly, Daeron also finished his drink in one gulp before finally standing up and patting him harder than he should have on his shoulder, Daeron said.

"Yes, I definitely am brother. But you're also lucky to have a brother like me. For, if your wife turns out to be a bitch, I'll do what any good brother would do and get her off your back." Daeron told him with a cheeky wink, returning the jest.

But Aegon would not be silenced and answered him, saying.

"Why don't you better get her grandmother off my back. I'm sure Olenna Tyrell hasn't seen some action in decades and hopefully she'll find you pretty enough."

"Seriously, you have to put that image in my mind, right before I go off to see my wife." Daeron grumbled, causing his brother to chuckle amusedly.

"Send my regards to Dany and remind her that she has to help me find a gift for Margaery." Aegon shouted behind his back as he tried to contain his laughter.

Leaving the small council chamber, one of the Kings guard quickly moved to follow him, but Daeron quickly motioned for him to stay in his place. Confident that no one would be foolish enough to attack him inside the Red Keep and that if anyone would be foolish enough to try. The sword he carried at his waist would be more than enough protection.

Besides the only thing on his mind now was to meet Daenerys, his dear wife had sent him away this morning promising to have a surprise ready for him when he returned. Daeron moved swiftly through the passages of the castle, deliberately ignoring any possible distractions until he reached his chambers. And it was not at all a surprise when he heard female moans coming from inside, with a wide and excited smile, Daeron opened the door.


"Since when have you desired my husband, Myrcella?" Daenerys asked the sweet, innocent girl, they had been talking for several minutes now. But she knew her husband would be arriving soon, and she wanted to have her guest ready for him.

"Ehh... I don't..." The pretty blonde belatedly mumbled cutely, causing Daenerys to instinctively bite her lips. This was supposed to be a surprise for Daeron, but she too would enjoy devouring the little lioness.

"It's alright dear." Daenerys told her, trying to calm her nerves as she placed a hand over hers. "I'm not angry or anything, in fact, I think it's rather flattering. My husband is rather handsome, isn't he?"

A blushing Myrcella merely nodded, but Daenerys would decide to push her further and ask.

"What do you like most about him? Is it his pretty hair? His beautiful eyes? Or is it his impressive, robust figure?"

Myrcella seemed to debate with herself whether it was wise or not to answer her question, but Daenerys again pushed her to confess and tell her.

"Come on tell me, you can trust me Cella. This is just women's talk."

Finally making up her mind, but still unable to look her in the eye as she answered, Myrcella said.

"Everything, I like everything about him. I've never seen a man as handsome as Prince Daeron."

With a bright, satisfied smile, Daenerys demanded.

"Go on."

"I am always watching him, whenever I can I attend his training. I especially enjoy seeing him with his shirt off, covered in sweat as he holds his great sword over his shoulders and a confident smile on his face. I feel like he is able to melt me just with that smile, I always feel so warm after seeing him and..."

Myrcella stopped herself as she clasped both hands together over her crotch shyly and rubbed her thighs.

"Have you ever touched yourself fantasizing about Daeron?" Daenerys asked her. "Have you ever fantasized about him barging into your room in the middle of the night, covering your mouth with his big strong hand, pinning you to the bed and just having his way with your seductive little body?"

Myrcella hid her face in her hands because of the shame she felt at her obscene words but nodded her head just the same. Her ears and face too surely, as red as the crimson that adorned the background of her House banner.

"You need not feel ashamed, Cella. It is nothing strange or unusual for a woman to desire a man, I felt the same way about Daeron ever since I blossomed." Daenerys told her.

"Really?" Myrcella asked, looking at her with only one eye through the fingers of her hand that still covered her face.

"Of course, I always knew Daeron would be the only man for me. And fortunately for me, he felt the same way. You see the very day he found out my brother planned to give me to Willas Tyrell, Daeron snuck into my room in the middle of the night and declared his undying love for me, asking me to run away with him and be his wife."

"That sounds rather romantic." Myrcella said with a dreamy smile.

"It really was." Daenerys replied with a bright smile, "Of course I didn't hesitate to run away with him, that very night two shadows escaped from the red fortress onto a ship Daeron had prepared earlier. And as if escaping was not enough of a message for my brother, Daeron took me to the very place where Rhaegar had hidden with Lyanna, the tower of joy. And as promised he made me his wife and we spent the best weeks of our lives there, drinking, eating, playing, and fucking to our hearts' content. Though sadly we knew that sooner or later Rhaegar would find us, and he did. But by then it was too late, Daeron had already taken my virginity consummating the marriage, we were man and wife in the eyes of the gods and man, there was nothing he could do."

"From that day until now, I have been his." Daenerys added, leaning closer to her, and stroking the delicate skin of her cheek, before finishing by saying. "Wouldn't you like to experience the same?"

"But he is your husband." Myrcella pointed out shyly.

To which she responded by saying. "Yes, he is. And I loved watching him devour and fuck other women, especially if they are as pretty and sweet as you, Cella. Besides, he's not going to be the only one who's going to enjoy you." Daenerys said before continuing giving the blonde a hungry smile. "I enjoy sleeping with my husband quite a bit, Myrcella. But there is something especially delicious about laying with another woman. And you Cella, you look especially appetizing."

 Unable to resist the temptation any longer, Daenerys moved her face closer toward Myrcella's, close enough for her medium-sized, perky breasts to flatten slightly against Myrcella's smaller mons. As she slowly brought her face closer to Myrcella's, she could feel the rhythm of the younger woman's breathing increase, her chest rising and falling rapidly. As their lips gently brushed, she watched as Myrcella closed her eyes, her lips slightly parted in anticipation. Smiling, Daenerys pressed her full, fleshy lips against Myrcella's slightly thinner ones, moving them languidly.

Resting one hand on her face, she lifted the other and gently brushed a straight strand of hair behind her ear, her fingers gently caressing her soft cheek. Holding Myrcella more firmly against her chair, she made her moan into her mouth. Daenerys slid her tongue into her mouth as the hand on her cheek ran down her neck and shoulder to caress the side of her perky breast.

Feeling she could be more daring, she leaned even closer over her, practically towering over her as their tongues danced slowly. She lifted her long, thin skirt with her leg until her thigh pressed against Myrcella's crotch. The pretty blonde inhaled deeply through her nose and jerked her hips, the scent of her arousal began to waft through the room. A moan escaped Myrcella's throat as Daenerys pressed her thigh firmly against her mons, feeling the wet heat of her arousal against her leg. Myrcella gasped as they kissed, her hips moving back and forth in small rhythmic motions.

Sliding a hand between them, Daenerys moved down her skirt exposing one of Myrcella's breasts and did not hesitate to squeeze it gently, using her thumb and forefinger to pinch the swollen nipple. A shiver ran through Myrcella's body at the sensation, her breath came in deep gasps and panting’s. Daenerys kissed her jaw to her ear, Myrcella's floral scent filling her nose as she gently brushed her teeth over her delicate ear lobe.

"I bet you taste so sweet." Daenerys whispered seductively in her ear, "I can't wait to taste you on Daeron's cock or lick his seed from your sweet little pussy."

Myrcella wrapped her arms around her neck, burying her face in the curve of her shoulder and bit her lip as her hips jerked. Daenerys felt a warm wetness soak her thigh through her skimpy clothing as a series of muffled squeals escaped Myrcella's lips as she climaxed, her little body shuddering violently at the orgasm. Daenerys kissed and sucked on Myrcella's neck, her hands gently caressing her sides and back. Shuddering, Myrcella let out a long, low moan, followed by a sigh as she collapsed bonelessly against Daenerys. Smiling, Daenerys stroked her straight, golden hair and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, before pulling her away and saying with an eager smile.

"Why don't we wait for Daeron in bed?"


Daeron didn't hesitate to open the door and enter their chambers, only to freeze at the sight before him. Daenerys and the one who appeared to be Myrcella Lannister were in their bed, stark naked as his wife sucked on the blonde's beautiful pink nipple.

Both were so engrossed in each other, they didn't even seem to notice he was there, watching them with mild amazement and growing excitement. He had always thought of Myrcella as a pretty girl, but seeing her now, he could behold her in her fullest glory. From her pretty breasts to her toned legs, to her perky little bottom. Watching as Daenerys dragged her medium-sized breasts over Myrcella's smaller ones to kiss her on the lips, Daeron felt uncomfortable in his pants as his eager cock poked out, stretching the leather of his pants.

Finally, Daeron decided to announce his presence, clearing his throat. Pulling away from each other, Myrcella blushed deeply and looked up at him with wide eyes, her gaze moving on him until it rested on the tent that formed his breeches, as Daenerys turned to him with a smile.

"It's about time you showed up, dear husband." Daenerys greeted him.

"My apologies, but it seems you have not been in bad company." Daeron told her, turning his gaze to Myrcella.

"Hmm, I was only preparing little Cella for you. She's been waiting so long for this moment, you don't plan on making her wait any longer, do you?" Daenerys told him as she moved to the side, leaving Myrcella on full display while at the same time, holding her legs open using her hands. Myrcella's glistening, pristine pussy completely on display for him.

Daeron wasted no time and began to undress quickly as he approached the bed, leaving a trail of clothing behind him. Until finally, completely naked, he lay down on the bed and settled between Myrcella's legs and sat on her knees, his attention completely absorbed in the tight lips of her glistening slit. Grasping his stiff cock by the base, he pushed the head of his cock between her lips and moved it up and down, teasing her entrance.

But before he lost any sense of coherence and let himself go; Daeron had to ask her.

"Are you really sure about this?"

To which Myrcella responded with a slight, but confident nod as she looked up at him with pleading, glassy eyes. Having confirmed that and unable to resist the temptation of her warm, suffocating depths any longer. Daeron sank into her centre, slowly and gently, being careful not to go too fast and hurt her. Inch by inch, his cock stretched her walls incredibly tight, her lips stretched around his girth.

Myrcella's breathing was rapid and deep as she lay back, her eyes closed against the overwhelming sensation flooding her body. Finally, Daeron managed to fit his entire length into her tight pussy, holding still to allow her to adjust to his size.

"Tell me how you feel." Daeron demanded to know.

"I feel so full." Myrcella didn't hesitate to answer him, opening her eyes to look down at where they were connected. "I can feel it stretching me. It hurt a little at first, but now it feels so good. I'm so happy you were my first."

Daeron wasn't surprised to learn that he had been the first man she had ever been with, but he still felt a surge of pride at claiming the first time from a lady as beautiful as Myrcella. He felt a little bad that he couldn't take the responsibility to her, but he still promised himself that he would make it up to her in another way, for now he would just make sure to give her the best first experience she could have.

Pulling his hips back slowly until he was halfway in, he then pushed in, eliciting a moan from her lips. Starting at a very slow pace, he steadily increased his rhythm over the next few minutes until he was fucking her at a more normal pace. Myrcella writhed beneath him in pleasure, gasping and moaning as his hard cock pumped in and out of her. She felt even tighter than Daenerys, her walls hugging his cock so tightly that he could feel them parting around his swollen head each time he thrust into her.

Daeron suddenly felt movement beside him and looking over his shoulder to see that Daenerys had moved behind him, her arms around his body as she caressed his chest. Her breasts pressed against his back as she kissed his neck, sucking and nibbling at the skin. Her hands roamed his stomach, his abs flexing under her gentle touch, until she reached his cock. His cock gave a throb of arousal as he watched it travel along the top of his shaft and between Myrcella's delicate lips to land on her clit. Myrcella moaned noisily, thrusting her hips forward as Daenerys fiddled with her sensitive pearl.

"Are you enjoying your gift, my love?" Daenerys asked as she ran her fingernails down his chest while, with her other hand she continued to rub Myrcella's clitoris.

"Yes, she feels so fucking good." Daeron replied, having trouble concentrating at the sensation of having his cock wrapped around Myrcella's sweltering heat.

"Then you don't mind if I join in?" She purred in his ear.

" Be my guest." Daeron answered her not at all caring that his beautiful wife was joining them.

With one last strong suck on his neck, leaving a mark on it, she approached Myrcella and knelt on top of her head. Daenerys smiled at him as she lowered her slit over his lips.

"Lick me." Daenerys commanded.

Quickly obeying, Myrcella stuck out her tongue and slipped it between Daenerys' lips and pushed it deep into her entrance. Daenerys moaned and ran her hands down her body, touching her own breasts and teasing her nipples.

Excited by the incredible sight, Daeron unconsciously began to thrust harder into Myrcella, causing her body to rock back and forth on the bed. Daenerys leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips as she moaned into his mouth. Daeron reached up and grabbed her breasts, kneading them in his hand. This continued for a couple of minutes before Daenerys pulled away and straightened up, looking at Myrcella.

"Do you enjoy it?" Daenerys asked as she ground her pussy against Myrcella's face, smearing her lips and chin with her dripping arousal. "Do you enjoy having my husband's cock buried deep inside you?"

Myrcella's only response was to moan against his slit as she continued to push her tongue deep between her lips. Daenerys reached down and began playing with Myrcella's clit again, rubbing it rapidly and aggressively, her eyes glazed with lust.

"Cum, cum for us, you little slut." Daenerys demanded, panting heavily from her own excitement.

Daenerys leaned down and wrapped her lips around Myrcella's clitoris, sucking it hard and flicking it rapidly with her tongue. Daeron slowed his thrusts, so as not to get in Daenerys' way, watching lustfully as the two women pleasured each other while he fucked Myrcella. Both women began to moan noisily, their hips jerking as they approached their climax. Myrcella came first, letting out a choked cry into Daenerys' pussy as her walls fluttered around his cock, becoming even tighter.

A few seconds later, rubbing her pussy against Myrcella's face, Daenerys cummed, lifting her head and moaning as her body trembled.  Myrcella continued to lick Daenerys through her orgasm, causing his wife to become overstimulated and roll to the side to get away from Myrcella's eager tongue. With her out of the way, Daeron leaned over Myrcella and fucked her harder and faster, slamming his hips against her in a desperate attempt to reach his climax.

Looking down at her, her face was glazed with Daenerys' arousal, her lips and chin glistening with a few drops rolling down her neck. Myrcella, who had barely come down from her orgasm before Daeron began thrusting into her again, moaned and writhed beneath him as he buried his thick cock in her tight pussy. Soon, Daeron felt his climax begin to build just as Myrcella did the same. With a few more hard thrusts, Myrcella tightened around him again, the tendons in her neck tightening as her head tilted back and she cried out in intense pleasure.

This pushed Daeron over the edge and he cummed in her clenching pussy, coating her walls with his hot seed as it shot out of his throbbing cock. Again and again, his cock swelled and jerked, flooding her with his cum until it dripped out of her and landed on the bed. Daeron gasped heavily as his climax subsided, resting his head against hers as he caught his breath. A minute later, he was up on his arms and looking down at Myrcella. And despite all they had done, she still had a slightly shy expression as she bit her lip nervously.

Amused, Daeron gave her a reassuring smile and leaned down, kissing her passionately on the lips. When he pulled away, Myrcella gave him a bright smile. Sitting up, Daeron pulled his cock out of her, allowing more cum to spurt out of her. Myrcella blushed and covered herself with her hand in embarrassment as she rolled to the side of the bed. Daenerys finally moved to sit beside him. When he turned his gaze to her, she leaned over and kissed him passionately on the lips.

Pulling away from her husband's lips, Daenerys gave him a sensual smile before she began to descend upon him, trailing kisses all over his body until she captured his spent length covered in semen and Myrcella's arousal in her warm mouth. Sticking out his tongue, he ran it slowly along his length from bottom to top, his cock throbbing eagerly as he reached the tip.

"Hmm, you and Myrcella taste so good together." Daenerys told him, before turning her gaze to the young Lannister who was now watching her curiously and asking. "Would you like to try it?"

Daeron palpitated at the thought, his length jumping and smacking his wife's lips, causing her to giggle and kiss the head.

"Come, you can help me clean up the mess you made." Daenerys told her teasingly as she moved to kiss and lick one side of his length, leaving the other completely free. Myrcella wasted no time and crawled over so she could do the same on the other side.

Despite his considerable girth, her lips still managed to occasionally meet around him. Slowly advancing towards the tip, Myrcella mimicked Daenerys' actions and began to use her tongue on him.

"Fuck, you girls are so fucking hot." Daeron said, watching as their tongues met around her head.

Smiling, Daenerys moved closer to Myrcella until they were kissing around the tip of his cock. Daeron gasped, his shaft jerking and swelling with excitement.

Daenerys gasped as she pulled back and licked her lips. Myrcella looked at her a little dazed, her cheeks flushed. Moving behind her, she pushed her head down on his cock as she ran her hands over her small, but perky breasts. Myrcella moaned as she felt Daenerys play with her sensitive nipples.

Daeron moaned and ran his hand through Myrcella's long blonde hair. Pushing lightly, he encouraged her to take him deeper, looking extremely cute with her small mouth stretched around his girth.

Rising, Daenerys moved to his side again, smiling as Daenerys' eyes remained on the little lioness. Watching closely as Myrcella moved her head aggressively over his cock, repeatedly gagging.

"You love my husband's cock, don't you?" Daenerys asked.

"Mhh Hmm." Myrcella managed to mumble, making Daeron groan.

Giggling amusedly, Daenerys sealed her lips with her husband again before he said with a bright, loving smile.

"You are the best thing that ever happened to me Dany."

"I'm glad you're aware of it."

Smiling, the lovers kissed again before turning their attention back to the beautiful blonde in their bed, the dragons certainly weren't done playing with her.


Did you like the story? Comment if you want more similar stories and suggest the next girl you would like to see Jon with. Or the other idea I have in mind is to make The Tales of the White Wolf story with Lyanna, exclusive for this Tier. See you in the next update.