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See the end of the work for notes

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


A myriad of feelings and emotions flooded Daenerys upon hearing such a revelation coming from Jon.  First, she felt happiness, to find out that she was not alone in this cold world, that she was not the only one of her kind, she was not the last Targaryen. Her house and name would not have to perish with her. She felt feelings of marvel that despite all they had to go through, despite being on opposite ends of the world. He doomed to a life of service in a frozen hell, and she forced to live in exile in a brutal Essos wasteland.

But none of that could stop them, the last two dragons had managed to rise above all their enemies, overcome their obstacles and finally find each other. And as if she needed any more reason to believe in fate, they couldn't help but fall in love with each other. After all, it was natural for them.

Who could ever dare to love a dragon?

Only another dragon.

With her past husband or lover, she hadn't felt anything remotely like what she had felt when she was with Jon. She had only been a frightened child when she had been with Drogo. Forced to marry him and have to endure him taking her as if she were a mere slave, at least until she learned to control him so that he wouldn't hurt her. With Daario it had been the opposite. By then she had been a Queen, she commanded in or out of the bed, never wanting to experience again what she felt with Drogo, but with Jon it was something else entirely. She was not a Queen or a prisoner, she was Daenerys. In bed, she felt confident enough to willingly submit to him.

Deep down she knew that Jon would never take advantage of this, she fully trusted that he would not hurt her. She gave her whole being to him, letting him take her in every way a man could take a woman. And she enjoyed every second of it. She had never experienced pleasure like when Jon fucked her or made love to her. And when she was on top of him and rode him, it felt so natural, so perfect. And now she understood why. As much as she had taken the title of Khaleesi, she had not been born to ride on the back of a horse, she had been born to ride a dragon.

And finally, she had found him, she had found the last Targaryen male. She had found her family and with him, her home. They belonged together, if not for the actions of other people, they would have grown up together in the Red Keep or Dragonstone. One way or another, they could have been together from the beginning.

But, forcing herself to shake off those thoughts, Daenerys reminded herself.

If I look back, I am lost.

As beautiful as those thoughts were, to be able to have grown up alongside Jon. To have grown up in the Red Keep with him, to have fallen in love with him, that he could have been the only man in her life. It wasn't their destiny, but they ended up together anyway. And now they would not be separated again, they would face any obstacle that lay ahead together, as family, as lovers and as King and Queen.

But that thought also brought to the surface other emotions, this time negative ones. Like the fear and worry of being an infertile Queen. Jon would be the perfect King, both for her and for the Kingdom. And she could not be the perfect Queen. Jon would present himself to the world as a legitimate Targaryen, the children he would have would carry the name of his house, children she could not give him.

If they carried out her plans and married, it would be the end of House Targaryen, the end of their bloodline. She did not want that and could not allow it, but she knew that now was not the time to discuss it either, first she had to help Jon accept his true identity and take his rightful place beside her.

Surely finding out after all these years that his father was not his real father, that his name was not even his real name, that he had been living all these years as something he really was not. It was too much for him, but fortunately, she was here for him. She would show him the way, she would teach him how to be a Targaryen, she would assure him that she would stand by him.

The first thing she did was to stand up from his side, startling him a little on the spot. Causing him to look at her with slight fear, surely thinking that she would turn away from him. Daenerys made sure to quickly calm his worries as she stood in front of him and bending over him, bending her head down and resting her forehead on his and staring into his eyes, she would with much feeling and emotion.

"Blood of my Blood." Holding his face and flashing him a blissful smile, she continued. "I always knew there was something special about you Jon Snow. From the first time I saw you, I couldn't help but be captivated by you. I couldn't help but be drawn to you and that feeling only grew stronger and deeper from the first time we lay together. Only when you are inside me do I feel truly complete. Only when I hold you can I feel safe and that I belong. And I never feel warmer than when I kiss you, Jon. You are like me, you are my family, you are a Targaryen. Our enemies may have separated us, but fate brought us back together. And I couldn't be happier for it."

 Jon looked at her slightly surprised and very touched by her beautiful words, and by the way she seemed to accept him as a Targaryen, without the need for any proof or evidence of his identity. Nor did she show any hint of fear that he would usurp her throne or that his identity would show any threat to her, forcing him to hide his identity from the Realm. Although something as stupid as that did not even cross Daenerys' mind.

But despite her comforting words, Jon still seemed to be at odds with himself. So, it was no surprise when he told her, with a tone of uncertainty and fear that.

"I don't know how to be a Targaryen Dany; I don't even know how to be a Stark. All my life I have been a Snow."

Daenerys would not give up so easily and with an encouraging and comforting smile told him.

"I will teach you how to be one, my love. I will teach you our tongue, I will teach you our ways and all the benefits that come with being a Targaryen, like riding a dragon." With a mischievous smile she added as she sat on his lap. "Though for me, you are already an expert in that matter."

With her light banter, Daenerys was finally able to manage to bring out the lightest of smiles in Jon. And wanting to further expand that slight hint of happiness in him, she didn't hesitate to lean over him and capture his lips, kissing him deeply. Jon was surprised for a second, but it didn't take long for him to loosen up and kiss her back. They kissed for several long seconds, Daenerys desperately trying to convey her love and affection to him as she ran her hands through the back of his hair to hold him in place. When she finally broke the kiss and pulled away, Daenerys smiled brightly at him before saying.

"If the gods had been kinder, we could have been together from the beginning. We would have grown up together in the Red Keep, as prince and princess. And I would have made sure to spend every second of my time trying to squeeze a smile out of that serious face of yours."

Jon finally rewarded her by flashing her a much more appropriate smile, the only smile of a man that could melt the Dragon Queen's heart. Unfortunately for her, it didn't last long as Jon seemed to return to his usual brooding self. But this time, without the expression of defeat and deceit on his face. His look seemed to reflect more a feeling of acceptance and slight weariness; Jon leaned his head against the wall before saying.

"Sounds beautiful, I wish things had been like that. But like you said that life was taken from us, without any of us having the chance to do anything about it." Returning his gaze to her and taking her face in his palm, causing her to instinctively lean into his touch, he continued. "But I'm not angry about it, at least not for me. After all, I still grew up in a castle, grew up surrounded by my brothers and servants. And above all, with no assassins lurking behind my back. You weren't so lucky."

Placing her palm over his hand, Daenerys told him with a forced, melancholy smile.

"It made me what I am now."

Perhaps she was right, but he hated it all the same. He should have been there for her; he should have cared for her. Raising his other hand and holding her beautiful porcelain face, Jon told her.

"I would have come to you. If Ned Stark had told me the truth, I would not have hesitated to take the first boat to Essos."

Daenerys' smile changed to a brighter, more soulful one at hearing his words and she asked him tentatively.

"Would you have rescued this Targaryen Princess from her terrible fate, Jon Snow?"

Wrapping his arms tightly around her and pressing her protectively against his chest Jon told her, with no hint of hesitation in his words.

"Damn right I would."

Chuckling Daenerys replied playfully.

"How sweet of my nephew to be concerned for his poor aunt's well-being."

As soon as she said those words, Jon froze for a second. Just realizing his true relation to Daenerys. The beautiful Valyrian woman looked at him with slight concern before asking.

"Does that bother you?"

Jon blinked a couple of times, searching for the answer deep inside himself. And it took him no more than a couple of seconds to come up with the answer and replying to her very surely of himself, he said.

"No, not even a little bit."

And as if wanting to prove his words, Jon leaned over and kissed her passionately. Daenerys let out a moan as she felt his tongue invade her mouth and as their tongues danced, Jon let one of his hands slide down her sides to caress her full heart-shaped bottom. Daenerys moaned into his mouth and kissed him harder. With one hand caressing her bottom, Jon's other hand slid up and slid under the hem of her shirt, but unexpectedly Daenerys stopped him. Causing him to pull away from her, breaking the kiss and look at her interrogatively.

"Don't get me wrong, I want this as much as you do, but the idea of doing it in some dark, dank catacombs, doesn't appeal to me as much." Daenerys told him as she eyed the surroundings suspiciously.

Jon laughed amusedly but understood her completely just the same. Standing up and helping her to do the same, before cleaning themselves, Jon started to lead the way out, but heard Daenerys speak again.

"Also, there's something strange about this place. I feel like the statues have their gazes on me and not in the flattering sense. Like they really don't like me being here."

"Only Starks are supposed to be allowed in the crypts of Winterfell, anyone who isn't part of the family shouldn't be here." Jon told her, before his own words made him think. And with a snort, he finally muttered to himself, though loud enough for Daenerys to hear.

"Now it all makes sense."

"What does?" Daenerys asked him curiously.

"I could hear them you know. At least in my dreams or nightmares better said. And the things they were telling me make more sense now."

"Why, what were they saying to you?" Daenerys asked him again.

"They were judging me, I could feel their looks of contempt and rejection reflected in their hard, cold stone eyes. At the same time, I could hear them saying to me. 'You don't belong here' 'You're not a Stark' 'You're not one of us.' I always thought they were referring to the fact that I was a Snow, but now it makes more sense."

For some reason Daenerys felt terribly outraged to hear that, not being able to believe that her own ancestors had rejected him in such a way, not caring that it was just a dream, wanting to express her anger she said to him. 

"But you are a Stark too, your mother was Lyanna Stark, you have her blood. You are as much Stark as Targaryen."

Shrugging, Jon answered her as he ran his gaze over the statues of the ancient Kings of Winter.

"Apparently not in their eyes."

Jon didn't seem to be angry at this, but she was. She had nothing against the North, in fact quite the opposite. She loved Jon's northern look and his accent, she also quite liked Arya who was a Stark and thought the North was a truly beautiful place. But she wasn't going to let this go, and she had the perfect way to return the insult to these loud-mouthed, bigoted Kings. They might have been able to conquer the North in their time, but she and Jon were the blood of the dragon, their ancestors conquered the world, and they would do the same. 

Without Jon expecting it, she lunged at him and pushed him roughly against the wall. He looked down at her and asked her strangely.

"Dany? What are you doing?"

She gave him a naughty, seductive look before telling him.

"Why don't we show these uptight Kings how two dragons consummate their love?"

Jon raised his eyebrows in surprise at her sudden enthusiasm before turning his gaze to the statues surrounding them, as if they were actually people and not stone. Turning his gaze back to Daenerys he said.

"I thought you didn't want to do it in this place."

"Well, after hearing your little story. I got in the mood to do it right here." Daenerys stood on tiptoe so she could give him a brief, but passionate kiss. Her warm lips melding with his. Parting from his lips, Daenerys trailed a trail of kisses down the side of his neck to finally whisper in the side of his ear. "Especially, I'm in the mood to suck my nephew's cock."

" Bloody hell." Jon muttered, his cock throbbing against his pants.

With a huge grin, Daenerys began to slide down. Her hands rubbing his body all the way down until she knelt in front of him and reaching for the laces of his pants, she began to work on them. Until finally untying them and pulling his pants down.

His cock jumped excitedly to greet her, barely brushing against her nose as it leapt free. She lifted her gaze to him and smiled prettily and excitedly at him as she grabbed his cock and began stroking it.

"Oh, you have such a big, beautiful cock, my love. So thick and hard, how could a woman not get down on her knees and worship this magnificent cock. A cock fit for a King." Daenerys told him, looking eagerly at his hardening erection.

Her violet eyes glowing, Daenerys lusted her way up and down his length. Jon ran a hand through her long, sleek silver hair as she kissed the base of his shaft. He could run his fingers along her scalp, as it was free of its distinctive braids, but Jon preferred it this way. Daenerys stuck out her wet tongue and ran it from the base to the tip. Opening her mouth and wrapping her thick, pink lips around his head, her tongue swirling around his head. Jon hissed in pleasure as he watched her eyes sparkle, his hands gathering her hair and pushing it out of the way so it wouldn't bother her.

Moving her head up and down, Daenerys took him deeper and deeper until he hit the back of her throat. Gagging slightly, she pulled back, adjusted her angle and then thrust forward. Jon grunted as she forced his length into her spasming throat, saliva dripping from her lips and tears pooling in her eyes. But deciding to ignore her own discomfort in favour of bringing him pleasure, Daenerys pushed forward until her nose pressed against his groin. Gripping his thighs, she held herself in place for several seconds as her throat twitched around him.

Finally, she pulled back from him with a gasp, breathing deeply around his shaft. Jon shuddered as the lower half of his saliva-soaked length was chilled by the cold air passing through the dark passageway of the crypts. Fortunately, Daenerys did not keep him out in the open for long. Diving back down on him and cradling his length in her warm mouth, her throat splashing loudly as she swallowed him whole.

Making Jon moan again and tighten his grip on her hair. Somehow Daenerys seemed to smile even with his girth stretching her lips as she saw the effect she had on him.

Parting her length, but not leaving her unguarded as she kissed the sides of his head while saying amusedly.

"I wonder if they're jealous, I bet none of those Kings ever had a Valyrian woman kneeling before them making them choke on their cocks. But you've got it Jon, you've got your obliging little Queen who takes it upon herself to worship and suck your cock day and night, whenever and wherever you wish."

As soon as she finished her speech her eyes looked at him intensely as she climbed back up his length before slamming her face down. Creating another loud squeal from her throat as she gagged around his girth. Rising again, she repeated the motion over and over, brutalizing her own throat with his hard cock. Jon leaned his head back against the wall and groaned before forcing her down and holding her in place.

Releasing her head and moving a hand to caress her cheek lovingly.

"My sweet aunt." He said softly. Before holding her hair and pulling her away from his cock. Daenerys took a deep breath then let out a moan in disappointment, but this quickly turned to a gasp as Jon suddenly lifted her up and spoke. "I want to fuck you Dany, I need to be inside you."

"Take me, my King. I am yours."

Shifting positions, Jon turned her around and pushed her against the wall. Leaning over her, he kissed and bit her delicate neck as he reached down and quickly untied the laces of her pants, pushing them down her toned, muscular legs. Placing her hands on the wall, Daenerys peeked her round, bubbly ass out and shook it enticingly. Jon stumbled a bit as he tried to walk with his pants still down but managed to position himself behind her. Running his hand over the smooth skin of her plump ass as he lined up his stiff cock with her entrance.

Grasping her cheeks, Jon pulled them apart, watching in rapt attention as the swollen head of his cock parted her bright pink lips as he plunged his thick cock into her exceedingly warm, tight depths.

"Fuck! That feels so fucking good!" Daenerys exclaimed, pushing her ass back with a groan. "Hmm, the gods made you for me."

Placing a hand on her neck and sinking his head into the crook of her neck, Jon whispered to her.

"The gods made us for each other."

With his other hand firmly grabbing her wide hips, Jon began to thrust his hips forward. Sliding his cock in and out of her smooth, slippery pussy. Daenerys moaned senselessly, thrusting her ass back onto his cock euphorically.

"Ohhh, gods. Hard, I need it hard, love." Daenerys pleaded desperately with him. "I need you to take me, my love. Show them all, as you claim your dragon."

 He tightened his grip on her hips and neck, enough to leave marks on her skin and to make it difficult for her to breathe, but not to the point of causing suffocation. Jon began slamming his hips forward, fucking her at a hard, steady pace. Daenerys let out long moans that changed pitch each time his hips slapped against her ass. Causing her cheeks to ripple hypnotically and her small body to lurch forward from the force of his thrusts, the only thing keeping her from hitting the wall was his tight grip on her. Jon grunted from the effort and the sensation of her tight, hot walls hugging the length of his cock.

"Oh, my gods, yessssss." Daenerys cried out in pleasure. "Fuck me, Jon. Fuck your aunt's tight little pussy, fuck it hard."

Jon leaned further over her, moving one hand to support himself against the wall beside her head and using the other to grab a lock of her silver hair, pulling her head back roughly. Making her back arch impossibly, he continued to brutally slam his hips forward, fucking her harder than he had ever fucked anyone before. Pulling her hair roughly, Daenerys only moaned in bliss as he rammed his cock as deep and as hard as he could. The sound of their flesh slapping together echoed through the entire passageway, creating an erotic sound.

Jon could feel her pussy clench around him as he continued to pound her hard. It wasn't more than a minute before Daenerys reached her climax with a scream, her pussy walls gripping his cock tightly as she soaked his shaft and balls with her arousal. Letting go her hair, he wrapped a hand around her chest, keeping her from falling to the floor. Her legs very weak and wobbly from the intense climax she was experiencing. But Jon had not yet reached his climax, so with no such consideration for her, he turned her around so that she was facing him before taking her in his arms and lifting her easily. Daenerys simply wrapped her arms around his neck and happily let him use her to reach his own climax.

Completely pinned against the wall, Daenerys leaned her head back letting out a powerful moan as Jon re-entered her and began to really fuck her. Jon hammered her hard, his hips slamming her against the wall as he bottomed out inside her pussy over and over again. She stifled her moans and gasps as she hid her face in the crook of his neck, biting down hard on his shoulder each time his body impacted against hers. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and she dug her nails into his back, just taking him and longing for him to unload his hot seed and feel it flood inside of her.

Jon had incredible stamina, far above any man, but even he had his limits. She had worked him hard with her mouth and her pussy had brought him close to his peak several times, so he could only fuck her against the wall for a few minutes before he reached his peak.  

"I'm going to cum." Jon murmured to her.

Daenerys didn't hesitate for a second before hugging him tighter and telling him.


Not needing to hear any more, Jon gave a few more hard thrusts inside her. Bottoming out once more and he cummed with a deep grunt, filling her pussy with his hot, thick seed as her body clamped down on his. Daenerys let out a pleased moan as she felt his seed flood and fill her womb, it was a feeling as pleasurable as it was sad, as she knew his seed could not take root inside her.

After remaining in each other's embrace for several seconds, just enjoying the sensation of feeling each other's bodies. Jon finally pulled his cock out of her and pulled her back to her feet, some of his cum spilling out of her pussy and down her thighs. No longer carrying her, but still holding her in his arms, Jon said to her.


Daenerys didn't understand what he meant at first, her mind still clouded by post-orgasmic euphoria, but Jon whispered to her again. This time, explaining to her the meaning behind his words.

"Jaehaerys Targaryen, that is my true name. The one my mother gave me."

Daenerys looked at him with a smile before declaring.

"It fits you, a worthy name for a great King."

"I suppose it will take some time getting used to. I've been Jon for so long, it's hard for me to imagine being anyone else." Jon said with a slight shrug.

Placing her hand on his cheek, Daenerys said consolingly.

"You will be Jaehaerys in front of the Realm, in front of the Lords and Ladies, in front of our subjects and the small folk. But to me, you will always be Jon, my Jon."

Hugging her joyfully and cradling her against his chest, Jon replied.

"Only if you will always be my Dany."

"Only yours, always."

Sharing a look with so much love and feeling, both lovers could not turn to lean into each other again, sharing one last meaningful kiss. Sealing their new union, as monarchs, as dragons and as family.


"Don't you think it's funny?" Arya said, causing Sansa to raise her gaze to her when she heard her talk.

After Jon practically ran out of the room abruptly after hearing the shocking revelation Bran had for him. Something very understandable, after all discovering that you had been deceived all your life, and had been living a charade, can certainly be very difficult to process.

Until now Sansa could not believe that father of all people could have kept such an important secret. Practically committing treason against his King and the Kingdom, risking his own life and by extension all of theirs. But it all made more sense if she remembered who he did it for, her sister. Aunt Lyanna was family and Sansa knew Ned Stark was a man who would do anything for his family.

Even sully his own honour and lie to the King, it seemed.

After saying all that he had to say and only showing a slight concern for Jon, as if he somehow knew that everything would be all right, Bran left with Jon's friend. She did the same, returning to her chambers and the first thing she did was pour herself a glass of wine while trying to process everything she had learned. It wasn't more than a couple of minutes before she heard someone knocking at her door, slightly surprised when she found Arya, her sister casually asking if she could join her. Seeing no reason to refuse, she let her in.

Both sisters drank in silence, both trying to sort out their thoughts and deal with this in their own way. Until the silence was broken by Arya when she asked her such a question.

Looking down at her now empty wine glass, Sansa sighed wearily not quite remembering how many glasses she had had. But after tasting the northern ale her tolerance for wine seemed to have increased. So, she answered her sister, with a slightly drained tome.

"What is it?"

With an unexpected smile on her face, Arya told her.

"You know, on how your 'precious Joffrey'." Her sister spoke using a squeaky, childish voice, trying to imitate how she sounded a few years ago. Sansa couldn't help but snort in amusement at Arya's teasing. "'Turned out to be a bastard whereas our brother, the one everyone thought of as a bastard. In reality, was a prince, a Targaryen prince." Arya finished by saying raising her eyebrows amusedly at the irony.

With a groaning sigh Sansa said, "You're going to bring this up quite a bit, aren't you?"

A smiling and amused Arya said, "Yep, someone has to see the funny side to all this. Like, for example, imagining what mother's expression would be when she found out that Jon was always a prince."

Not being able to help but laugh at her sister's jokes, Sansa replied.

"She would probably have been very mortified and probably very angry with father for not telling her the truth."

"Do you think Robb would have been jealous?" Arya asked.

To which Sansa quickly responded by saying, "Definitely. He was always used to getting all the attention" Causing both sisters to share a laugh.

But when the laughter died down and they returned to a deep calm, Sansa asked her. This time with a more serious and concerned tone.

"You're not worried about Jon?"

Unexpectedly Arya just shrugged her shoulders and dismissed her question by telling her very confidently.

"Why would I be? I'm sure he'll get over it and embrace his new identity. Besides, he has Daenerys to support him. What better person to teach him how to be a Targaryen."

Sansa looked down and played with her cup a little nervously, before mustering enough courage to ask her sister.

"Do you think they'll still be together after this?"

Arya gave her a strange look, as if she didn't seem to understand her question and proved this when she asked.

"Why wouldn't they be?"

"Didn't you hear what Bran said? Jon is the rightful heir to the throne, if he wanted to, he wouldn't have to share power with her. Besides, Daenerys' entire claim is based on the fact that she is the only descendant of her house, and now there is someone else. Do you think the Dragon Queen would like the idea that she could lose everything that she has accomplished just because there is now a male descendant?"

"I've only known Daenerys for a short period of time, but it was enough to know the kind of person she is. And I'm also very good at knowing when someone is lying, and she hasn't lied about anything she's said. She didn't lie when she said she wants to rule in order to support the most disadvantaged, she didn't lie when she said that she loves Jon. And she was not lying when she expressed her desire to marry him and rule as equals. She wished to share her power with our brother when he was only a Snow. Don't you think she wouldn't do the same now that she knows Jon is her family?"

Sansa snorted dismissively before saying. "Family, isn't it? Jon may be a Targaryen, but he grew up a Stark. I wonder if he'll still feel comfortable with their relationship when he finds out she’s, his aunt."

Taking a last drink from her cup, Arya told him.

"I doubt very much he can see her as his aunt after all they did on the boat. Besides, they're Targaryen, I'm pretty sure being relatives only turns them on even more."

Sansa laughed humourlessly at her sister's response, knowing that she was most likely right, and that she was also being hypocritical in saying such words. For after learning that Jon was not her brother, but her cousin. She was able to confirm the feelings she had been repressing all this time. Jon was right after all; she was jealous of the Dragon Queen. And how could she not be, she had everything she had once desired.

At such a young age, Daenerys became every noblewoman Westeros wishes they would become, considered the most beautiful woman on the continent, she was a Queen and most importantly, it was the man she had by her side. Sansa always fantasized about the perfect man, he had to be strong and brave, but also kind and knightly to her. Of course, he also had to be handsome and gallant, but without being arrogant or pompous. And as she grew older, both figuratively and physically, Sansa longed for a tall man. One who could cradle her and embrace her in his strong arms, she dreamed of giving him beautiful, healthy babies, while making sure she was the perfect wife for him.

Ironically for her, she ended up with the opposite of what she once dreamed of. But just the same, she decided to ignore everything she ever wanted in favour of visualizing Joffrey as the perfect man, just because he was the crown prince and marrying him would make her Queen. But deep down, she always knew the truth, Joffrey was weak, cowardly, and cruel. Compared to Jon he was not handsome at all, and she was taller than him, but still, she decided to ignore all that. Deceiving herself that he was a handsome and brave prince, the one who would make her the Queen she always wished to be.

And at the same time that she worshipped the ground Joffrey walked on, she belittled and dismissed Jon, just because he was a bastard. So much so that she couldn't see the wonderful man and brother underneath all that prejudice and stigma surrounding him, just because he was a Snow. In the end, she got what she so desired and got engaged to Joffrey, where she was the victim of his abuse and mistreatment after he executed her father.

But her torment did not end there, for after that she would meet a monster far worse than Joffrey. Sansa would experience the worst horrors a woman could suffer, and she would do it under the same roof where she had grown up. Fortunately, she was able to escape him with the help of someone she least expected, but she didn't really feel safe until she reached Castle Black, where she would finally be reunited with Jon.

It was only then that she was able to see him for what he really was, when Jon embraced her and wrapped his strong arms around her, covering her completely and cradling her against his warm, firm body.

Sansa could finally feel that she was in the arms of the man she had always dreamed of the feeling was so wonderful that she never wanted to let go of him and simply let him protect her from any danger. And Jon would do just that when he would retake Winterfell and kill Ramsay with his bare hands, seeing his brother covered in blood and dirt beating so violently the man who hurt him so badly. Looking more like an animal than a man, it stirred emotions within her that she never expected to feel again.

Since then, she had chided herself that she could not have seen him before. And now that she knew that he was not really her brother and that he had always been a prince. It was too late, he already belonged to another. And the worst thing was that Sansa was sure that if Daenerys had been in her place, she would have seen Jon for what he really was. She wouldn't have cared if he was a bastard or her brother for that matter.

And that was what hurt her the most, she could think many things of Daenerys, but she knew that the Dragon Queen had gone through similar or even worse things than her, and yet. She did not change the kind of person who she was, she did not feel envy or resentment towards anyone, she did not care what the world thought of her or if the world dictated certain things, she would fight against them if she thought they were unfair. Daenerys Targaryen was a woman who deserved Jon far more than she ever did.

With that last thought in mind, Sansa stood up and refilled her cup.


I know OF won the poll, but when I started writing the chapter Targaryen Restoration was winning. So, I'll leave OF as the next update, until then.



Man good old jonerys love scene beautiful as ever, i wonder why did you not choose Maisie as model for Arya for the moonboard not cute enough for you ? 🤔

Daeron Targaryen

Oh, Sansa maybe just ask Dany to share.


Great work at loved sansa thoughts


Maybe she won't have to. After all, the Dragon Queen has to find fertile noblewomen for her husband to breed and re-establish House Targaryen. 🤫


“Although something as stupid as that did not even cross Daenerys' mind.” Loved that callout. Great chapter, very sweet and smutty!


When next chap?