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Author's Note: In accordance with the Kindle Unlimited release, this chapter has been removed. The post itself has been preserved for the sake of the comment section.



“They weren’t soldiers.” Ah, so it looks like someone is trying to frame their group into looking like sadistic killers to instigate the harpies into believing the kings lies. Or some other kind of conspiracy, idk. Could just be a rogue element of the coalition. Potato’s writing is way too fucking good for me to guess, as always. Still fun to speculate tho. Never stop writing boss hog!


I have never liked, nor will I ever like, the idea that death is natural. About 300 years ago children dying more often then not was natural. In 300 years, if we can survive that long as a race and stop letting the rich choke us, we'll probably be living another 50 years. With the unlocking of the genome and the ability to affect it comes agelessness. Perhaps in the setting where souls exist this is not so true, but death is only inevitable because we're too stupid as a race to do anything about it. It's natural, sure, but so is everything else we used to do right until we stopped doing it because it was silly. Anyone that says death is inevitable and important needs to read Sandman. There's irony in how one of it's short stories shows just how silly the concept of death being important to people and people not being able to handle another 50-1000 years of being in their 20s-40s (whatever prime they want) is. And considering one of the characters siblings is Death, it really is just funny too how meaningless death really is. Anyone that thinks 'man, I can't wait to die, I'm getting bored' is unimaginative and weirdly suicidal.


Amazing chapter

David Giles

Death by ennui is a classic and I do think would represent one of the aspects of the immortal experience, that and 'how many times can you watch everything you build turn to dust?' because it will. That's basically what time is, the slow process of the universe grinding itself to dust.


It'd be really awkward if Goroth asked Rob who died. There's a couple pretty obvious drawbacks to his new numbering system.